SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Query To A Rolling Average?

May 2, 2013

I have the following query that creates sums by week.

SELECT cidterr.rnam,


I want to convert this query to just return a single line for -cidterr.rnam, cidterr.rnum, cidterr.tnam, cidterr.tnum

With an average sum by week. Similar to how if I did a sum by week from the original query and placed the results into an excel pivot and said show total as average.

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PL/SQL :: Sql Query To Build Average Value

Jul 18, 2013

I'm trying to build a query capture the below information. Table looks something like below . 


How can i write a query so that i takes the average of students in each room and display the output? I need to write a query so that it also picks up any new rooms and students added.  Average is sum of total students in room by number of times each room is specified.  

eg: A1 is listed 3 times a the result would be 10+20+15 divided by 3.    

A1    B1    B2    C115    15    20    15 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Analytical Query Moving Average

Aug 10, 2013

I need to calcaulate the salary avarage for three days prior, leaving the current row. That should happen to every row moving back words.I have given all the details.

create table Employee(
name varchar(20),
Start_Date DATE,
Salary Number(8,2),
mv_avg number(8,2)

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Rolling Upgrade Of CRS / ASM / DBHomes And Database From To

Nov 5, 2012

I have an upgrade question. My customer wants to minimize downtime and so wants to do a rolling upgrade of crs, asm, dbhomes and databases from to

Customer wants to upgrade server1 during normal business hours- CRS/ASM/DBHOMES, then move databases from server2 to server1 and upgrade during planned downtime, then upgrade server2 during normal business hours -CRS/ASM/DBHOMES.

3 steps, taking 3 days to complete. Is this possible? I know CRS can be done in a rolling upgrade, but what about ASM?Is this doable?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loops - Find All IDs Who Take Tests Within Rolling Window Of 45 Days?

Mar 10, 2012

Main Aim : To find all those id's who have taken all the tests within a rolling window of 45 days.

I have a table "MBS_FIRST_DATE" with the following data :This table has the patients who have the test along with the first date..This table is derived such that it has only one record with the first date of the test irrespective of the test.

create table MBS_FIRST_DATE
medical_record_number VARCHAR2(600),
requested_test_name VARCHAR2(39),
result_date DATE


Process :will be explaining with a patient id :
1) Consider the patient 1001274 from mbs_first_date table.
2) This patient has an date of July 08th 2008 & test SBP from first table. (keep this test an an anchor).
3) For the patient above loop through the all_recs table with test & result date ordered for the patient. (excluding SBP)
4) The first record we have is CHL with 08/05/2009 (May 8th 2009)..
5) Since this record is not within 45 days from SBP date for the patient..we go to the next record of SBP for the patient.
6) The next record for SBP is 11/05/2009 (May 11th 2009) .
7) Consider the CHL date again which is with 08/05/2009 (May 8th 2009)..
Since both are within 45 days ..store both the values keeping SBP date as an anchor date as it's the test that's having minimum date from table 1. Even though there is one more CHL date which is within 45 days from SBP we don't care about it.
9) Go to the next test for the same patient which is DBP..
10) The DBP first date is July 08th 2008..
11) Since it's not within 45 days from previously stored SBP date (11/05/2009) ignore the record.
12) GO to the next record which is 10/05/2009..as this is within 45 days from SBP & already CHL (stored date) is within 45 days..Grab all the 3 dates as all are within 45 days from anchor date (SBP date).

SO the o/p will be
1001274 SBP 11/05/2009
1001274 CHL 08/05/2009
1001274 DBP 10/05/2009

Code which I wrote :I know some where I am missing the loop

V_ID1 VARCHAR2(200) := '';
V_TEST1 VARCHAR2(200) := '';


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Client Tools :: SQLPLUS For Oracle 11 Not Rolling Back

Sep 3, 2013

I have a shells script which invokes a SQL file. However even with AUTOCOMMIT OFF and on SQLERROR EXIT ROLLBACK. Sqlplus fails to rollback.

My sql file has 3 lines 3 are correct and 1 is incorrect. For example:

Lets say file is called 1.sql

My shell script invokes this SQL as follows: (Where $File1 = 1.sql)

$SQLPLUS_PATH/sqlplus -s /nolog <<-EOF>> ${LOGFILE}
connect $DB_USER/$Password1@$Database1

So tried SET AUTOCOMMIT, tried SQLERROR ROLLBACK and tried few variations.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Join Sub Query

Sep 10, 2012

I want to convert join to subquery. how cna i do this.

ON ( A.COL_1 = B.COL_1)


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Real Application Clusters :: How To Apply Bundle Patch In Rolling Mode For 2 Node RAC

Oct 17, 2012

I have a 2 node RAC environment ( where each node has there own local Grid_home and RDBMS_home.

I am installing a Rolling Bundle Patch with OPatch in this environment. The installation document says that "The order of patching in RAC install is GRID_HOME, then RDBMS_HOME" so i did the following.

1. stopped all oracle related services on node1
2. set oracle_home=<Grid_home>
3. applied the opatch
4. opatch succeeded on node1 and it says "The node 'NODE2' will be patched next... Is the node ready for patching?

1. Should i shutdown the oracle services in Node2 and continue to patch the Grid_home ? If yes then the DB will be completely down for user access. This defeats the purpose of rolling mode which says there is no downtime.
2. Should i patch the RDBMS_home on node1 , start all the oracle services on node1 , stop the oracle services on node2 and then resume the opatch on node1 which is waiting to patch the Grid_home on node2 ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Convert Query Columns Into Rows

Jun 19, 2013

the query used is

WHERE LOC_CD IN (1,2,3,4)

This query result attached

The red coln is the total I want to place it in row-wise

Date loc_1 loc_2 loc_3 loc_4 Total
May 2012 4,554 6,644 11,198
June 2012 4,986 5,838 777 11,601

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Procedure To Single Query

Jul 26, 2012

I want to replace below multiple call to procedure with a Single query. Currently this proc is getting called multiple times from application.

FUNCTION f_get_shows_info(i_booking_wk_id IN NUMBER, i_screen_id IN NUMBER)
v_act_shows booking_wk_screen.act_shows%TYPE;
v_expected_shows booking_wk_screen.expected_shows%TYPE;
v_return VARCHAR2(50);
SELECT NVL(act_shows, 1), NVL(expected_shows, 1)
INTO v_act_shows, v_expected_shows
FROM booking_wk_screen
WHERE booking_wk_id = i_booking_wk_id

Is there anyway through which we can achieve this in Oracle 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Write Query To Convert XML To Table

Oct 15, 2012

I have table xx_xml_test m which have row single entry


i want convert the table like below

Revision author date kind action path
3 MA111300 2012-10-03 12:42:40 file A /root.txt
3 MA111300 2012-10-03 12:42:40 file A /sample2/test_2.txt

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Convert Rows Into Column

Dec 11, 2009

I need a single select query which converts all the rows into a single value . Below is my requirement :

Create table email_tbl(emailid varchar2(30));
insert into email_tbl('1@y.com');
insert into email_tbl('2@y.com');
insert into email_tbl('3@y.com');
insert into email_tbl('4@y.com');

Now , I need a single select query which gives me the below results.


I have done the above by using a cursors in the pl/sql objects.But want to achieve this with a single sql/query.

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PL/SQL :: Sql Query To Convert Rows To Columns

Feb 19, 2013

Im using oracle 11g.

I have data in a table as below: Column names are type,month,percentage


A1         JAN-2013     100
A2         JAN-2013     100
A3         JAN-2013     95
A4         JAN-2013     98


The desired output using a sql query is as below

TYPE     JAN-2013     FEB-2013
A1         100             100
A2         100             99
A3         95               88
A4         98               67
A5         99               98
A6         90               95
A7         92               84

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Column Value To Delimited String Using Query?

Jan 10, 2012

I want to convert a column value to a delimited string using a query.


Col1 Col2 Col3
1 x200 MIS-X
2 x200 BTS-X
3 x200 TYR-X
4 x100 YRY-X

Select Col3 From TableA where Col2 = 'x200'

Expected Output:


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Convert Data In Single Column?

Oct 11, 2012

I have a below requirement let me know the optimized query.

Create table test_123 ( sr varchar2(1000));

Insert into test_123 values ('1,2,3,4,5');
Insert into test_123 values ('6,7,9,10,11');
Insert into test_123 values ('9,2,3,8,5');

I need output as :



I need all the values in the column sr in a single column and mutiple rows.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Number To Specific Format Using Query

Apr 14, 2011

I want to convert a number to this format using below query but i'm getting error. how to correct the below query.

SELECT TO_CHAR(12345678, '99G9999D99') FROM dual;


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Convert Some Of The Rows Into Columns Query

Oct 5, 2012

CREATE TABLE CFL (q_id Number(18),per_id number(18),PERIOD VARCHAR2(15 CHAR), AMOUNT NUMBER);

INSERT INTO CFL VALUES (11, 1, 'JAN-10', 10);
INSERT INTO CFL VALUES (21, 1, 'FEB-10', 20);
INSERT INTO CFL VALUES (31, 1, 'MAR-10', 10);
and so on (12 records for a year with same quota_id, e.g. here it is 1)

Also this column values period is dynamic.. it can be for any year.

The select will return values like

Select per_id, PERIOD, amount from cfl
where quota_id = 1

Basically 12 rows will be the output:
per_id period amount
1 JAN-10 10
1 FEB-10 20
1 MAR-10 10
..............and so on

1 DEC-10 10

The result output should be:

Per_id JAN-10 FEB-10 MAR-10.............DEC-10
1 10 20 10................10

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Update Query To Dynamic To Be Executed From Execute Immediate Statement

Oct 25, 2010

I want to convert the below SQL to a dynamic sql to be executed from execute immediate statement.

UPDATE transaction SET loannum = lpad(loannum,12,'0')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Average Over Time

Sep 27, 2011

I have a table with products (xPRODUCT), dates (xDATE) and parameters (xPARAMETER). Now I want to calculate the rolling 12 month average of the parameters over all products for all dates. I tried this:

select xDATE,
avg(xPARAMETER) over ( order by xDATE
range between numtodsinterval(365,'day')
preceding and current row )


... but this does not work. How can I do this?

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May 9, 2010

I wish to query the pro_vitual_bytes by hourly average by server name from 04/01/2010 to 04/02/2010. how i going to perform the query.


MLYORABA04/01/2010 00:00:402,238,312,448.00
MLYORABA04/01/2010 00:01:402,241,458,176.00
MLYORABA04/01/2010 00:02:402,238,312,448.00
MLYORABA04/01/2010 00:03:402,241,458,176.00


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Forms :: How To Calculate Average In 6i

Apr 5, 2011

How To Calculate Average in Forms 6i for example a summary column named (Amount = 5000) and i want to calculate 15% average of this amount i want to calculate it like summary column .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Average Of Time In HH:MM:SS Format

Jun 17, 2010

how to calculate the average of the time in th e HH:MM:SS format stored database table.. column contains hundreds of time values and need to table the avergae of it

my col look like,and column is declared as timestamp(6).



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PL/SQL :: Get Sum Average And Projected Totals In Same SQL

Nov 23, 2012

Version : 11g

I have a table with the following format and data

Serial no    exp_Date  exp_type   exp_amount
1              01-nov-2012   Rent       10000
2              02-nov-2012   gas          250
3              02-nov-2012   insurance   9500

I want to create a sql output for a yearly view in the format

   exp_type        JAN            FEB      MAR        APR ..... NOV  DEC          TOTAL     AVERAGE    PROJECTED
    Rent             10000        10000   10000     10000   10000  10000      120000     10000        120000
    gas                250             250     250        250      250      250          3000         250           3000

Now a couple of things in this

1. the average gives the average for the year, so lets say its start of 2013 and we are in feb, there will not be any values for the remaining months, so it should do the average for that exp_type for Jan and Feb based on the exp_amount entered against that type and show what is the expected average. Similary, projected will that average amount and mulitply it by 12 to show the exp amount expected based on current expenses

I was able to come up with the following sql to get the sum based on months, was not sure about average, total and projected

SELECT       exp_type
,        SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') =  'Jan' THEN exp_amt END)     AS Jan
,       SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') =  'Feb' THEN exp_amt END)     AS feb
,       SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') =  'Mar' THEN exp_amt END)     AS Mar
,       SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') =  'Apr' THEN exp_amt END)     AS Apr
,       SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') =  'May' THEN exp_amt END)     AS May


getting the correct avg, total and projected fields also in the same sql?

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Load Average In AWR Report?

Jul 26, 2013

,I've some database in 11.2 RAC on AIX.I was analyzing the root causes of eviction.Looking AWR Report before the reboot I see: 

DB1  Host CPU (CPUs:    6 Cores:    3 Sockets: )~~~~~~~~         Load Average               Begin       End     %User   %System      %WIO     %Idle           --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------                4.18     12.33     60.9      12.6       1.6      26.5  Instance CPU~~~~~~~~~~~~              % of total CPU for Instance:      27.4              % of busy  CPU for Instance:      37.3 %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr:      10.6  DB2   Host CPU (CPUs:    6 Cores:    3 Sockets: )~~~~~~~~         Load Average               Begin       End     %User   %System      %WIO     %Idle           --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------                3.77    13.93     60.7      12.5       1.6      26.7  Instance CPU~~~~~~~~~~~~              % of total CPU for Instance:       6.9              % of busy  CPU for Instance:       9.5  %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr:       0.0 

Do you think these value ar high? This is vmstats at the time of reboot:

  DATARUNBCKAVMFREPREPPIPPOPFRPSRPCYFINFSYFCSCUSCSYCIDCWA07/21/2013  00:08:173107.400.345579.92308100003.292187.01019.56084160007/21/2013  00:08:171717.390.187589.884017600003.681169.99421.48281190007/21/2013  00:08:172717.402.121577.816011500003.150157.21018.50384160007/21/2013 


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Calculate Number / Average / If

Dec 15, 2011

I have to procedure that computes number of project, and average working hours of employees where employee id is passed as a parameter to the procedure. If the average working hours is less than 10 then employee's salary remain the same, otherwise check if number of project is less than 4 then 5% of salary, else 10% of salary is added to the salary.

my tables are:

CREATE TABLE employee(
empid number(5),
empname varchar(20),
address varchar(20),
no_of_dependents number(5),
deptno number(5),

the problem is i have to use only 2 cursors - 1 for select and 1 for update.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditional Average Calculation Of Column?

Jul 22, 2012

I want to write a sql qeuery to get result similar to expected average column as shown in sheet.

Record can be uniquely identified by columns ID, PRODUCT and OFFICE. I want to calculate average for each date considering the same record does not exists earlier i.e. I want to consider the latest vote while calculating average. E.g.

Average till date 1/1/2011 is Avg (2, 4, 3) = 3 (as no repeating vote value exists)
Average till date 2/1/2011 is Avg (4, 3, 5, 3) = 3.75 (excluding vote value 2 as 122_UK_LONDON was provided his vote earlier, so considered latest vote value i.e. 5)
Average till date 3/1/2011 is Avg (3, 5, 3, 6, 5, 8 ) = 5 (excluding vote value 2 for 122_UK_LONDON and vote value 4 for 967_Europe_London)

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PL/SQL :: Average In Tree With Partial Results

Feb 27, 2013

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE     Production"
TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

I have a problem related with hierarchical queries, I have this tree.
-    a
   b   c
/ |
d  e  fI need to calculate an average per node but using always the child's results for example: Only leafs will have values:

d = 10
e = 20
f = 30
c = 40So the expected result is:
d = 10
e = 20
f = 30
c = 40
b = (10(d) + 20(e) + 30(f)) / 3 (number of child nodes) = 20
a = (20(b) + 40(c)) / 2 (number of child nodes) = 30.

I have tried with recursive queries, hierarchical queries, I guess it's possible with model too but I can't produce the exact results that I need. Maybe in fact there is a very simple solution but I cannot figure it.

Here is an auxiliary WITH that you can use to start your tests:
WITH tree AS
     SELECT 'd' child, 'b' parent FROM dual UNION ALL
     SELECT 'e' child, 'b' parent FROM dual UNION ALL
     SELECT 'f' child, 'b' parent FROM dual UNION ALL
     SELECT 'b' child, 'a' parent FROM dual UNION ALL
     SELECT 'c' child, 'a' parent FROM dual UNION ALL
     SELECT 'a' child, null parent FROM dual

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Average For Month (no Weekend Data In Table)

Jun 10, 2011

I've got values for each workday of month in table. Chief said we don't load values of weekend because of space and time economy. Weekend value is copy of last workday. How do I count average for month in this case? Technical task in Excel worksheet consist of each day of month, so average value is 14 689 262,86. I should get the same result in my query. My example below shows values, 0 is workday (present in table), 1 is weekend (absent in table)..

select 12230427, 0 from dual
union all
select 11960157, 0 from dual
union all
select 12965902, 0 from dual
union all
select 13939736, 0 from dual


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RAC & Failsafe :: Global Cache Average CR Get Time?

Mar 4, 2012

from last two weeks we are receiving rhe below database alert on our second NODE (RAC ENV).

Global cache Average CR get time " is at .61789
Threshold is set on >.5 (M.Second).

me to figure this out because i really dont know the nature of this alert. what value i can set for the warning threshold.

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PL/SQL :: Average / Standard Deviation Of Multi-Column Record

Jun 28, 2012

I want to read a record that has 6 columns

RECORD     |Col1     |Col2     |Col3      |Col4     |Average      |Standard Deviation     

With SQL I want to calculate Average and Standard Deviation.

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