SQL & PL/SQL :: Table With 1000 Columns

Jun 20, 2011

just wanted to know if i create a table with 1000 columns, and use only few of them and remaining are for future use, will it affect the performance and storage?

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Server Utilities :: Creating SQL Loader Ctl File With Over 1000 Columns?

Dec 3, 2010

Next week I will be getting an input file which will contain over 1000 data columns to be loaded into ORACLE. It's about 6,400 characters in length.

My question is...has ever created a huge ctl file like this to be used for SQLLoader, using so many columns? I will be sending certain columns(data) to certain tables, so it's not just going into 1. It will be about 6 tables.

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Oracle 10g - Delete 1000 Table?

Dec 21, 2007

I have 1000+ tables in a DISCOVER tablespace in 10g.

I need to drop ALL tables in this area and leave the tblsp intact so that I can IMP a data update from 9i (prod) into 10g (test).

Is there an easy cmd to drop all the tbls, or am I missing someway to do this in DB Console for 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data Into Another Table With FORALL Bulk Collect Limit 1000

Aug 21, 2011

Table contains 10k records,we are going to insert data into another table with FORALL bulk collect limit 1000. if i use 10000 ,it's completed fast compared to 1000 limit.Can u tell me which one is better Limit.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select All Columns From Table Except Those Columns Which Type In Query

Jan 21, 2011

I have a two question.

Question 1:How to select all columns from table except those columns which i type in query

Question 2:How to select all columns from table where all columns are not null without type each column name which is in empty data

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Program To Update 1000 Rows

Sep 16, 2010

May I have a PL/SQL program that can update 1000 rows.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can't Exceed 1000 Expressions In Query

Nov 18, 2011

I am trying to run the following query below in Oracle:

Select Acct_Num, Customer_Name
From Database
Where Acct_Num IN (

When I attempt to run the query, I get the error message: "ORA-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000"

Is there any way I can execute this query w/o having to break the 'IN' list up by 1,000 Acct_Num over numerous amount of times? I know the 50,000+ accounts I want the info on but they are not ordered and they mix ranges with accounts I don't want. Therefore I can't use a 'BETWEEN' clause. Also, I don't have the ability to create a temp table.

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Oct 19, 2011

I have an app that reads records from a driver table in order to update another (account) table. The idea is that it runs quickly but does not impact other processes on the system. In total I have around 1M records to update.

Originally I wanted to BULK COLLECT and employ a LIMIT of 1000 with a FORALL. The problem with this approach though is that I make two updates. One to the target table but I also need to update the driver table showing that I have processed the record. Therefore I cannot use this option to commit every time I reach the LIMIT by having a COMMIT inside the LOOP.

So instead I I have a FOR LOOP and test the count, if it is 1000 then I want to commit. I thought this syntax would be fine but I get the 'Fetch Out of Sequence' error. Below is a copy of the code.. Is this being caused by the double update... as the format of the code looks correct to me (though it is late!!)?

PROCEDURE update_set IS
CURSOR cur_get_recs IS
SELECT account_num,
rowid driver_rowid
FROM driver_table
FOR UPDATE OF processed;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Commit After 1000 Records In Simple Insert Statement

Oct 10, 2011

I am using Oracle 11g Release

OS: windows

I am taking an example of EMP table in a scott schema.

EMP_1 is also a same structure of EMP.

Here is the Insert statement used.(i might get where clauses etc in the real scenario i am taking a simple example here)


table EMP is having around 25 million records.

i would like to do a commit after every 1000 records. as my redo log is getting full if i use a single commit at the end.

Quote:pls note: Increasing of redo log is not possible as of now

is there anyway i can acheive this without cursor bulk collect.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updated Values For Column Starts With 1000 Onwards

Jun 9, 2010

I am having one table with 4 columns where some 1500 records are there. Now I created one new column with number data type and i want value to be updated for that column starts with 1000 onwards.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Builder Get Closed - Formatting Page 1000

Dec 23, 2011

I've created report to generate letters,my query contains records more than 1000 while generating report it shows report progress

"Formatting Page 1000" after that report builder gets closed without any error message,I've tried for 10 records it is working fine,

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PL/SQL :: Error ORA-01795 - Maximum Number Of Expression In A List Is 1000

Jan 30, 2013

we are using database 11g.

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

i am getting one error while selecting the data from table.

SELECT interco_type, entity, chapter_entity, tran_currency, source_id_entity,
tran_id_entity, mirror_id, gaap_type, counterpart
FROM t_gri_reconid_dtl_agg_gcr;
select * from t_gri_reconid_dtl_agg_gcr where rownum = 1 ;

Error:- ORA-01795: maximum number of expression in a list is 1000 ( error is same in both the case )

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Complete Hierarchical Table From Table With Only Two Columns - Parent And Child

Aug 13, 2012

We have a table in the client database that has two columns - column parent and column child. The whole hierarchy of DB table dependencies is held in this table.If Report 1 is dependent on Table A and Table A in turn is dependent on two tables Table M and Table N. Table N is dependent on table Z it will appear in the db table as,

Hierarchy Table
Parent Child
Report1Table A
Table ATable M
Table ATable N
Table NTable Z

Requirement :

From the above structure, we need to build a table which will hold the complete hierarchy by breaking it into multiple columns.The o/p should look like this

-ParentChild 1Child 2 Child 3
-Report1Table ATable M
-Report1Table ATable N Table Z

Child 1, Child 2, Child 3 ....and so on are columns.The number of tables and the no of hierarchical relationships are dynamic.

SQL Statements to create hierarchy table:

create table hierarchy (parent varchar2(20), child varchar2(20));
insert into hierarchy values ('Report1','Table A');
insert into hierarchy values ('Report1','Table B');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table A','Table M');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table B','Table N');
insert into hierarchy values ('Report2','Table P');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table M','Table X');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table N','Table Y');
insert into hierarchy values ('Report X','Table Z');

Approached already tried :

1) Using indentation : select lpad(' ',20*(level-1)) || to_char(child) P from hierarchy connect_by start with parent='Report1' connect by prior child=parent;

2)Using connect by path function :
select *
from (select parent,child,level,connect_by_isleaf as leaf, sys_connect_by_path(child,'/') as path
from hierarchy start with parent='Report1'
connect by prior child =parent) a where Leaf not in (0);

Both the approaches give the information but the hierarchy data appears in a single column.Ideally we would like data at each level to appear in a different column.

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Server Utilities :: Import A Table With Table Already Present With New Columns

Mar 31, 2010

I want to do an import of a table from my old dump file.The same table is already there in the development box but few more columns are added to that table while testing so in the dump those columns are not available.

The new table
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------

It giving error while doing an import.

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Truncate / Drop Partitions In Table Having Nested Table Columns

Sep 7, 2012

I have a table that has 2 columns of type nested table. Now in the purge process, when I try to truncate or drop a partition from this table, I get error that I can't do this (because table has nested tables). how I will be able to truncate/drop partition from this table? IF I change column types from nested table to varray type, will it work?

Also, is there any short method of moving existing data from a nested table column to a varray column (having same fields as nested table)?

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All Columns Of A Table Are Part Of Primary Key Column Of That Table?

Feb 22, 2011

if a table contains two columns and both are part of the primary key of that table (Kind of obvoius).

should i opt for a index organized tbale in this case ?Or should i opt for another running sequential colum which would serve as a primary key of this table and define the actual two columns of the system as unique keys.

there is a drawback if a most of the tables of a database contain composite primary keys?

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Performance Tuning :: Update Columns Of One Table Using Another Table

Feb 6, 2011

I am trying to update columns of Table A with the columns of Table B. Both these tables have 60,000 rows each. I tried this operation using following 2 queries:

Query 1

Update TableA A
(A.col1,A.col2,A.col3)=(select B.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from TableB
where A.CODE=B.CODE)

Query 2
Update TableA A
(A.col1,A.col2,A.col3)=(select B.col1,B.col2,B.col3
from TableB
where A.CODE=B.CODE)
where exists
A.code = (select B.code
from TableB B
where A.code=B.code)

When i execute these two above queries, it keeps executing indefinitely.

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PL/SQL :: How To Transpose A Table From Rows To Columns Or Columns Into Rows

Aug 22, 2012

what are the collections available in Oracle Plsql, what are concepts of collection.

How to Transpose a Table from rows to columns or columns into rows.

DDL and DML concepts.

What is the concepts of statistics in Oracle Plsql.

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Append Columns From One Table To Another

Nov 14, 2011

Perhaps this is a common request : I have 2 tables:

Table A
ID Value
1 a
2 b
3 c

Table B
ID AnotherValue
1 x
2 y

I am hoping to append a column from Table B to Table A based on a simple sql join (e.g:

Table A

ID Value AnotherValue
1 a x
2 b y
3 c (null)


I would rather stay away from the standard update statement since it takes far to long and I'd prefer not to use create table as I don't want to duplicate any data...is this possible to do ? (e.g: just insert the columns into this table ?) - or if it's possible the performance overhead just wouldn't make it worth it ?

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Joining Two Columns In Same Table?

Jan 30, 2007

We have a table for reports. If user A submits a report ...and say the sequence # is 242. When this report goes to Admin ...he submits this request then in same table we add another row with say sequence # 245. THEN we update column called 'Asctd ID' for 242 and add 245 in there. and then update Asctd ID for 245 and add 242 in there.

(This table has many fields, one of which is report Name field)

Now i am running a query like this...

a.FLG), ((TO_DATE(a.CREATE_DATE,'DD-MON-YY')) + 21) -
b.PRVDR_ID, a.asctd_id, d.NM
AND a.RPT_RQST_ACTIVE_IND = 'A' and a.asctd_id is not null and a.RPT_RQST_ID = b.RPT_RQST_ID
and b.JOB_ID = c.JOB_ID and b.PRVDR_ID = d.PRVDR_ID

Now this query is run by the admin (job 245) ...it returns a bunch of stuff and also the name of the report that the admin gave this. But when admin sees this we want to be able to displace the report name that user A gave it (asctd ID 242). so the row 245 HAS a asctd ID 242. and there is a row 242 from which we can get the name easily. But i dont know if this is possible in ONE QUERY??

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Search All Columns In A Table

Jan 15, 2009

I have an application which deploys the data to Oracle database. It has more than 25 tables and many columns. It does not have any document explaining the deployment, so I am kind of doing reverse engineering here.

I need a script which will fetch the column name or at least table names which will match with either some string or number? I found few examples on net to find out number. But I am struggling to make it work for string.

I can not work on stored proc, as I do not have access to create that on server. So, any script will work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Columns Of A Table

Jul 5, 2013

UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(JOBSFILE,'Action = insert');

is there anyway to print the values of full table .i have used all column names to print .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Values To Columns Of Another Table

Dec 20, 2012

I need to add values of one column values from a table to another table each value as a column. Below i am considering only for 3 values in real time i have more than 50 values



CREATE TABLE TEST_HOLD ( COL1 VARCHAR2(1),COL2 VARCHAR2(1),COL3 VARCHAR2(1)); -- in realtime i have 100 columns

Now i need the output as:

when i
select * from test_hold;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: IOT Table Can Have More Than One Non-PK Indexed Columns

Jul 27, 2011

IOT Table can have more than one non-PK indexed columns.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Columns Of Two Table?

Apr 5, 2013

I need to compare columns of two tables in oracle 10g. If columns of both tables match with each other, then i need to create new table dynamically with matched column name and datatype. For example, table1 contains name, ID, Phone_no and address table2 contains name, Id, address, area and pincode. now , i need to create table3 which will contains name, ID,address, Phone_no, area and pincode as columns( I mean matched columns should not be repeated in table3). how to do this..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Constraints On Columns Of A Table?

Jul 1, 2010

I would like to print all the constraints on all columns given a table name.


Enter Table Name: emp
empno ---- Primary key
deptno ---- foreign key references Dept(deptno)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Max Columns In Single Table

Jan 24, 2011

Is there any limitations for the number of column defined inside the table?

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Partition The Same Table Using Different Columns

Mar 5, 2013

I’m facing an issue in my current project where we have to run batch jobs and interfaces on the same master tables. These tables are huge (millions) and we get very poor response time.

We thought of partitioning the tables, but the problem is our batch jobs queries are based on dates (some run on monthly data, some runs on yearly data..) but interfaces uses primary keys.

I’m not sure on how to partition the tables in this situation, is there any way I can partition the tables in such a way that both batches and interfaces will get benefit out of it?

Our database infrastructure has a 3 Node RAC (each with 8 CPUs) and oracle 10g R2. We have almost 60gig of RAM allocated to oracle.

PS: We are not thinking about Mviews now because client wants to explore the partition option first.

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Convert Rows To Columns In A Table?

Apr 24, 2012

How do I convert rows in oracle table to columns by writing a query?

Here is my table.

101 1 B.Tech 2004
101 2 M.Tech 2006
102 1 B.Tech 2003
102 2 M.Tech 2005
102 3 MBA 2007

Now I want the above table in the following format......

EID Qual1 YOP1 Qual2 Yop2 Qual3 Yop3
101 B. Tech 2004 M.Tech 2006
102 B. Tech 2003 M.Tech 2005 MBA 2007

I have maximum of 8 Qualifications, how to achieve this in oracle.

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Query To Know Number Of Columns In A Table?

Apr 4, 2008

query to know number of columns in a table i.e.

if I want to know how many number of colums are present in a specific table then what would be the query.

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