I am writing following query SELECT DISTINCT a.list_type_code, a.list_type_name FROM jls_list_type a, jls_list_control b WHERE b.jalsa_srl = :jalsa_srl AND b.list_no != a.list_type_code ORDER BY list_type_code
I just want to display only those records from JLS_LIST_TYPE which is not present in other table JLS_LIST_CONTROL ... for this i wrote above query but it is not working.
My requirement is to to truncate the table and load it with the data present in file. In the control file, I used the "TRUNCATE" command as well.In case, if the file has some invalid data and sqlldr fails, my existing data will be lost. Is there any option in which the sqlldr does not TRUNCATE the table in case of a failure.
I am using Pro*C/C++ Release in HP-UX. But Pro*C/C++ application was written long back during oracle release 8. Now we are facing a problem like EXEC SELECT query is not fetching the records even though record is present in DATABASE.
This is not happening every time. This problem starts happening only after heavy use of the unix process.
For every request, unix process will fetch the record and updates the same at the end and process goes to wait mode to get the request again. Let say after 50 request, process is returned with no rows found error.
It started working fine only after restarting the process and problem starts again after 50th or 60th request. This problem we are facing only after upgrade to 10g.
I want to do an import of a table from my old dump file.The same table is already there in the development box but few more columns are added to that table while testing so in the dump those columns are not available.
TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=TRUNCATE The new table SQL> desc "TESTINVENTORY"."TTRANSACTION" Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTIONIDNOT NULL CHAR(26) BRANCHCODE NOT NULL CHAR(3) EXTERNALSYSTEM NOT NULL CHAR(3) EXTRACTSYSTEM NOT NULL CHAR(3) OWNERBRANCHCODE NOT NULL CHAR(3) TRADEREFERENCE NOT NULL CHAR(20) [code]...
I have table called test script for table is given below
create table TEST ( col1 Number );
For these values Query is not returning values(3 and 4). So i want generic query to get this result. I am working on it but not able to generate proper query.
how to count how many items present in a particular data block in oracle forms 10g.whether it is a text_item or display_item or list_item etc is there any method to do this.
i have written this when-button pressed but the problem is how to get the next item name in the block
select * from test_1 IDNameTotal ----------- 1A100 2B100 3C100 4D100
test_2 table contains the concatination of ID's with comma seperated. Actually in this table ID column is of datatype varchar2. select * from test_2 ID ---- 1,2,3
My requirement is to select the data from test_1 table where the id values in this table exists in test_2 table. I tried with the belowselect statement, but could not get any data.
SELECT * FROM test_1 WHERE to_char(id) IN (SELECT id FROM test_2)
create table test_1 (id number, name varchar2(100), total number) create table test_2(id varchar2(100)) insert into test_1 values (1,'A',100) insert into test_1 values (2,'B',100) insert into test_1 values (3,'C',100) insert into test_1 values (4,'D',100)
I have created a wallet (11g R2 OEL 5.5) using the OWM.Tried opening the wallet (encryption_wallet_location set in sqlnet.ora). then while creating a table it said the master encryption key is not present. Have created the master key using the following command.
alter system set encryption key identified by "Password";
Here the strange thing i observed is that when we create a wallet using the OWM, it asks for the password and when i open the same wallet the master key is not created and it allows the master key to be generated with the same password that i have created the wallet in the first place with the OWM, with any other passwords it says that the wallet is not open.
After creating the wallet and creating the master key... I have the following questions, and its becoming quite hard to find the solutions as well.
1. Can we have multiple encryption keys... say i want to encrypt a table or column with one key and other with an another key. 2. How many keys can we have for objects in the table? or can we have only one key and many certificates. 3. wallet created, and encrypted tables present, the wallet is not in auto open mode, but somehow the database open after it is shutdown, here no encrypted tablespaces are present. 4. while creating an encrypted tablespace the default storage (encrypt ) has to be added to the add tablespace clause.
We are using Oracle 10g and have 10 tablespaces defined for our Database which have 108 tables. Size of 108 tables is around 251 MB as seen during importing the dump. While creating these 10 tablespaces I used below parameters for allocation of space
which set the initial space for 10 tablespaces to around 1032Kb each. Now my Question is after importing the dump , how the disk space for 10 tablespaces increases to 398 MB in total ?
Is there any relation of Tablespace disk space and Actual Data present in the tables ?
I have a table with multiple column. A column named address have value of multiple lines. Now i want to select the address only of the first line. How does it possible.
I am new to oracle designer, forms. The requirement is to select a csv file in a form ,read the file and load selected columns from a csv file into a table.
I am using CLIENT_TEXT_IO. I want to know how to extract the data from selected columns from csv file and insert into a table if the lenth of the columns are of variable length.
Another condition is that if there are duplicate rows based on orderid then take the maximum order seq nbr.Do I need to use temp table for this logic?
I wanna have a form which has a list box which is including of all table names, by selecting the required table by user all column name and its related data should be retrieve.I have a cursor which give me all field names related to the table by I do not know how can I retrieve table data:
1. How to add item through block base on number of column which selected table has.
2. How to set value of table column in these mentioned column which added in the block.
Is it possible to hold the data from select statement without temp table or materialized view or view in oracle?
because my DBA does not give access to create temp table.but we are selecting the records from 3 different sql statement.
Example: inserting in temp table
a) insert into temp select empno,ename,sal from emp where sal>4000 b) insert into temp select empno,ename,sal from emp where dept=40 c) insert into temp select empno,ename,sal from emp where comm is null
BANNER Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Solaris: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
I have loaded into an Oracle table defined as XMLTYPE. I'm okay with PL-SQL and stored procedures, where I will ultimately do this processing once I get a handle on XML DB querying from an XMLTYPE table.
Based on reading the oracle documentation about XML DB, and more importantly, reading dozens of posts to this forum,I have been successful in loading the XML files into a SQL XMLTYPE table and doing simple queries against that table to retrieve some of its data so that I can then insert that data into other target oracle relational tables.
how to select parent/child data from XMLTYPE tables. I am able to follow the forum examples and can replicate the methods shown on the many example XML contents shown on this forum, but not against the XML that I have to process. I am wondering if my struggle is caused by my lack of knowledge, or by ill-formed XML content supplied to me by the educational vendor.The XML content has structured the XML content nodes in such a way that I do not seem to be able to apply the parent/child sql methods.I have been able to use for other XML examples I have tested against.
My XML file shown below represents High School Transcript data, for which I need to be able to parse out into my own oracle relational tables for that student, his personal info, and his course info, etc. i.e., for our example, which courses he has taken for which High School grade levels. The vendor-supplied XML seems to put the Courses and the High School grade level in "parallel nodes," instead of parent/child nodes, so I am struggling to be able to use SQL to differentiate which course the student took in NinthGrade versus TenthGrade.
-- WHat I would like to determine from a select statement:
LASTNAME GradeLevel COURSETITLE ============================= Smith NinthGrade PHYS ED 101 Smith TenthGrade CALCULUS 201 Smith TenthGrade ZOOLOGY 202
(The data has been simpliied and masked, but is true to the content and is queryable).
select * from V$VERSION
BANNER Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Solaris: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production [code]....
I'm trying to select some data from table base on SYSDATE. The below query does not return any data.
My query is:
select count(TICKET_ID) "ECEMEA" from QTMT_TICKETS where STATUS_ID=1 and TEAM_ID=3 and RECEIVED_DATE=sysdate
why this does not work? Date format in my application is: DD-MMM-YY (16-AUG-12). In the database the dates are stored in this format: MM/DD/YYYY (08/25/2012). Does it mean, that I have to play with the format?
My directory has around 100 sql files to run via sqlplus. For test purpose, I took only 2.I tried following code in the batch file to process those 2 files:
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.sql') do ( sqlplus -S sys/ankit@orcl2 as sysdba @%%a )But as the following output shows, only 1 was processed :
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>cd C:\temp\Copy_WMGIS_DWH\6DBlinks\ C:\temp\Copy_WMGIS_DWH\6DBlinks>for /F %a IN ('dir /b *.sql') do (sqlplus -S sys/ankit@orcl2 as sysdba @%a ) C:\temp\Copy_WMGIS_DWH\6DBlinks>(sqlplus -S sys/ankit@orcl2 as sysdba @PUBLIC.MAXIMO.sql ) Database link dropped. Database link created.
It stops after this. But when I press ctrl+C , it asks me if to stop (Y/N). I choose 'N', it runs second file as shown below:
Terminate batch job (Y/N)? n C:\temp\Copy_WMGIS_DWH\6DBlinks>(sqlplus -S sys/ankit@orcl2 as sysdba @PUBLIC.VENTYX.sql ) Database link dropped. Database link created.
It should run second one itself, not via user interaction.
I am trying to get only those values which are not present in the column. I have tried but i think that i am wrong in logic.
SELECT dummy FROM DUAL WHERE dummy IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13') AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT pay_list_serial FROM per_requests_master WHERE request_status IN ('4', '5') AND pay_list_no = :list_no)
Insert into test values ('2/03/2011') Insert into test values ('02/03/2011') Insert into test values ('12/33/2011') Insert into test values ('xxx') Insert into test values ('33/33/2011') Insert into test values ('03/03/11')
How we can mask a column value present in the production which is very sesitive like bank a/c no,Credit card nos etc while replicating to the test/development envirnoments in PL/SQL.Things that need to be considered is referential integrity,data types,length of the column and performace while execuing the code.
i want to produce a function who return XmlType element if she checks that a parameter (that i passed to here is contained in a row in a defined table)
for example
create table sec_form( form_code VARCHAR2(8) , sec_code VARCHAR2(5) ) ; insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section1'); insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section2'); insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section3');
then i got my function
create or replace function checkIfSectionEnabled (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2) return XmlType is v XmlType; CURSOR myCursor IS select * from sec_form where form_code = 'CSA'; begin open myCursor; loop
now i'm gonna call the function (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2) and pass here "section1" for example ; and she must return me my xmltype element if she find "section1" finds section1 present;
when i try t compile i got:
Error(18,13): PL/SQL: Statement ignored Error(18,26): PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'MYCURSOR' reference is out of scope
I have a form reading record information from a flat file and inserting data into a number of varied tables. At the end of file (last line read) the form issues a commit to make all inserts/updates permanent.
There is a record that disappears in particular and this everytime I re-run the test. I mean than in Debug mode, I find it in the right table everytime I query that table until the moment the commit is issued in the code - which is definitely the opposite of what should happen. I understand that for some reason a rollback happens for that record (others are ok after the commit) but my point is that if for some constraint reasons, the record did not qualify, an error should have popped up right from the Insert that added that record, right? Then How comes I find it in the table up until the moment of the commit ?? ...is the deferrable constraint property a clue for digging further?