Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: EXEC SELECT Query Not Fetching Record Even Though It Is Present In Database

Jun 26, 2008

I am using Pro*C/C++ Release in HP-UX. But Pro*C/C++ application was written long back during oracle release 8. Now we are facing a problem like EXEC SELECT query is not fetching the records even though record is present in DATABASE.

This is not happening every time. This problem starts happening only after heavy use of the unix process.

For every request, unix process will fetch the record and updates the same at the end and process goes to wait mode to get the request again. Let say after 50 request, process is returned with no rows found error.

It started working fine only after restarting the process and problem starts again after 50th or 60th request. This problem we are facing only after upgrade to 10g.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Profortran EXEC SQL Coredump

May 14, 2010

I am using embedded sql in a Fortran program on IBM AIX. Whenever I execute a SQL statement other than connect I get a coredump. So I wrote a small test program, but same thing happens. This is the test program -


And then when I run test, I see the 'Connected' print & then coredump. Same thing happens for EXEC SQL Prepare statement. Am I not linking some library ?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Detect Offending Record For Update Statement

Jul 23, 2008

way to run an update statement through OCI and make it stop on the first offending record and then identify that record? Here is an example of what I need to do: I run an update with 5 records in the input buffer like this:

- the 1st record exists in the table
- the 2st record exists in the table
- the 3rd record does not exist in the table
- the 4rd records exists in the table but is violating some unique constraint
- the 5nd record exists in the table

I need to report that the 4th record from the input buffer has a problem, and then commit records 1, 2 and 3. Do not commit record 5. So far I have tried the following:

- OCIStmtExecute with OCI_DEFAULT. It stops on the first error, but I don't know how to identify the bad record. OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT returns the number of affected records in the target table. I didn't find any other attributes that would return 4, for the 4th bad record in the input buffer.

- OCIStmtExecute with OCI_BATCH_ERROR. I can identify the bad records in the input buffer by using OCI_ATTR_DML_ROW_OFFSET. However, OCIStmt Execute does NOT stop on the first violating record. It loads the whole input buffer and then reports which records were in error. I don't know how to commit only up to the first bad record -- the 4th in the example.

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Precompilers OCI & OCCI :: ORA-01002 By Select For Update In SQL Statement?

Jul 3, 2013

I'm having a strange case of ORA-01002 Fetch out of sequence when I perform a process in the application.

Application logs, trace files (produced with dbms_monitor),
A system trigger to capture the error - all proved that the culprit is a single SQL,
*Not a PL/SQL block* That caused the issue:

Select COL1, COL2, COL3, COL4, rowid
AND COL2 = :2
AND COL3 = :3

binds are: 'AAA' , 10000 , 0

Also, My trigger looks like this:

pragma autonomous_transaction;


I've read some about this error and everywhere it says that it has to do with fetching from an invalid cursor,And all the examples I've observed are of PL/SQL block - never seen any example/explanation of how it happens in a SQL query.

if the OCI maybe is somehow doing things different than the logs/triggers show?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Passing Parameters In A Dynamic Query

Jul 31, 2009

I have a Pro*C program, which uses a dynamic query. The dynamic query is opened using result of another static cursor( 5 fields say , :a, :b , :c, :c, :d).

I am modifying the dynamic query and adding UNION for some requirement , which makes this dynamic query exactly double in size. ( means 2 set of prev. queries are joined by UNION, with one extra condition though).

The question is , Do I need to pass 2 set of variable to open the dynamic query now?

Like earlier , program was passed with (:a, :b , :c, :c, :d)
so now i should pass (:a, :b , :c, :c, :d , :a, :b , :c, :c, :d)?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Running Query In PRO*C That Works In SQLPLUS

Sep 4, 2008

I have a query similar to the one below which is embedded in a PRO*C program. The query works fine when run in the PRO*C program against a 8i database but fails with an "ORA-02015: cannot select FOR UPDATE from remote table" error when run against a 10g database. The PRO*C program is executing the sql using "EXEC SQL".

QUERY: Select last_name, first_name from Member
where ....

The other thing to note is this SQL query works fine via sqlplus in a 10g environment.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: The above query is selecting data from a base table via a user view
VIEW: select * from

This view was created in this manner to allow the user account access to the underlaying table without creating explicit permissions.

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Select Query Not Fetching Records In 11g?

May 10, 2013

I have a Select query which is not fetching records in 11g ( but working fine in 10g ( The query is as below.

--CREATE TABLE t1 (col1 NUMBER, col2 VARCHAR2 (15 CHAR), flag varchar2(1))

--insert into t1(col1, col2, flag) values(1, 'a', 'Y');
--insert into t1(col1, col2, flag) values(2, 'b', 'N');

FROM t1 x
WHERE col1 = 1 AND col2 = 'a' -------------- condition1
AND 0 = -------------- condition2
FROM t1 y
WHERE y.flag = 'N'
AND x.col1 = y.col1
AND x.col2 = y.col2),0)--=0

When remove NVL function or change the condition by having AND NVL(SELECT) =0 the query working fine.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Demo Directory To Connect Database

Nov 30, 2008

i used example in demo directory to connect Database.I used "ansidyn1" example. But i can connect to my DB.I have just modified oracle_connect in sample code(in ansidyn1.pc),follow it:

VARCHAR username[128];
VARCHAR password[32];
char DB_NAME[30] = "servertest";
char db_string[20]= "vitcendb";

i compiled in in VC6++(using ansidyn.dsp) but cant connect to DB.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Write A Program Using Oci To Login Into Oracle Database?

Mar 28, 2006

I want write a program using oci to login into oracle database.Advance security option for the oracle server is set to kerberos authentication. Is it possible to login to the oracle database through olog() function.

Initial ticket is required in kerberos authentication. So is it also needed durinfg the login from my programme.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Connecting To Oracle Database With Instant Client 11.01.06

Mar 19, 2009

connecting to an oracle db with the instant client 11.01.06. I can connect to the db via other tools like sqldbx or SqlTools 1.5 which are also using oci. So now I tried it with c++ using Visual Studio 2005 SP1.

First I tried this

Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;

and got following error: "the attribute OCI_ATTR_USERNAME is greater than the maximum allowable length of 255".

So I tried:

Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;

where tnsservice-name is the name I specified in the tnsnams.ora, and which I used with the other tools working fine -> same error.My username is only 4 long, so I thought it might have something to do with the string. So I tried:

Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;
string user="user";
string passwd="pwd";
string db="tnsservice-name";

now it returned the error "TNS:connect descriptor too long". Can't have anything to do with the .ora file, since it worked fine for the other tools. Plus it didn't matter if I renamed the .ora file or removed it from the TNS_ADMIN directory..So I searched a little more for a solution and so an example, where the the last argument is missing. So I tried

string user="user";
string pwd="pwd";
Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;

It returns: "TNS: protocol Adapter error" which I somehow can understand, since the adapter doesn't know to wich db to connect.I also tried to use some frameworks like soci or otl but was never able to compile them... (link errors, unknown data types etc...).

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: C++ Migrated From 32 Bit To 64 Bit / Getting Unrelated Sqlcode While Dealing With Oracle Database

Feb 22, 2013

Previously we had 32 bit C++. Now, we have migrated it to 64 bit. And our C++ programs interact with Oracle 10g DB.Our C++ program was working fine with 32 bit. But once after we migrate to 64 bit we are facing problem with one program which does FETCH(EXEC SQL FETCH SUBP1 INTO :new TabRec;) from Oracle DB. ie, We exit from a for loop in the C++ program when we get NOT FOUND(sqlca.sqlcode=1403) on executing the FETCH statement.

The sqlcode generated for NOT FOUND scenario is 1403. But, once after moving to 64 bit C++, we do not see the sqlcode 1403 instead we are seeing a different code 7124089117159473.

As the sqlcode is not 1403, our program does not exit from the for loop and goes on an infinite loop.Am I missing anything that makes me to not get the exact sqlcode?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Data Lost After Adding Null Terminator For VARCHAR Data Received From Database

Dec 13, 2010

We are migrating a proc application as described below.

Old Env: UNIX
Old DB: Oracle 8i

New Env: Linux
New DB: Oracle 11g

New modules are successfully compiled in Linux environment. But we are facing issues in writing the output of VARCHAR datatype to a file.

find below the extract of code.
varchar mcolmnvarchar[4];

SELECT NVL(colmn,' ') FROM table1

memset(mcolmnvarchar.arr,'�',4); //Was added for only Linux migration. Not present in unix env.

EXEC SQL FETCH c1 INTO :mcolmnvarchar;

cout << "Data at Stage one"<< mcolmnvarchar << endl;
cout << "Data at Stage two"<< mcolmnvarchar << endl;

Above code works absolutely fine in Unix env with Oracle 8i. But with Linux env & Oracle 11g it is not working. No compilation or run time errors. Data at Stage one prints the output of database properly. But after null terminator code, Data at Stage two statement prints without any value. Value is lost after null terminator code.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: PRO*C Compiler Version Versus Database Version

Oct 15, 2010

We are planning to upgrade a database from to have a lot a PRO*C programs pre compiled using (and most likely even compiler.

if we could upgrade the database without having to re-compile all the programs.We have tested this approach against some of our programs. Most of them executed fine - but in 2 cases we are getting "ORA-01001 invalid cursor". I suspect, that the case is that Pre compiler version 9 is not supported against 10g databases - but I am not sure.

Would it be a better option to upgrade Pre compiler/client as the first step and the db as the second step (and would that be supported) ? We definitely don't want to upgrade both Pre compiler/Client and the Database in one goal - that would be too risky.

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PL/SQL :: Select On View Takes Long On Definition Short - No Difference In Exec-plans?

Aug 20, 2012


I have a quite complex view that selects from approx 10 long tables (approx 4M records each) and build one "customer sentence" pre customer id. I will be always getting just one row from this view, eg. select * from my_view where party_id = XYZ. I'll NEVER EVER select the whole view.

The problem is that running a query:
select * from my_view where party_id = XYZ takes really long time, while putting the party_id = XYZ condition directly into the view executes in 0.0 seconds.

After putting a ORDERED FIRST_ROWS(1) hint into a view the execution plans seems to be the same (or very similar) for both queries. Unfortunately, I can not transfer anything but screenshot from the environmnet - therefore I paste the exec plans as screenshots only - pls follow the link: [URL]...

View DDL:
create or replace view my_view as
select /*+ ORDERED FIRST_ROWS(1) */  pt.party_id
           pt.party_id as id_klienta_mdm,
           pt.master_reference_no as id_klienta_ref_mdm,

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Connectivity Between C And Oracle?

Aug 12, 2008

Is it possible to connect with Oracle using C?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Keep Getting ORA-22275 From Extproc?

Sep 26, 2012

I am trying to give back data from a stored procedure written in C. I registered the functions as follows:create or replace procedure version(versioninfo OUT clob) as external name "version" library myLib language c with context parameters (context, versioninfo, versioninfo INDICATOR SB4); It compiles fine. The function being called look like this:

extern "C" DLLEXPORT
void version(OCIExtProcContext* context, OCILobLocator **out, sb4 *ind_out){
OCIEnv* envh;
OCISvcCtx* svch;
OCIError* errh;
OCIExtProcGetEnv (context, &envh, &svch, &errh);

std::string versioninfo = "104";
oraub8 maxChar = 10;


If I execute the procedure with SQLDeveloper by pressing "play" it is getting executed but there is no result. If I try to execute it from an anonymous block it results in ORA-22275 instead of doing anything.

res clob;
-- the following doesn't work much

Actually I have to questions:
1.) Why does Oracle give me the error? In my opinion all requirements mentioned by the error description are met.
2.) Why is there no output when executing the function via SQL Developer? Is the usage of OCILobWrite wrong?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Describe STP In Package

Nov 26, 2009

I am trying to describe an STP in a package, but it gives me an error.

e.g. In package ABC suppose there is an STP XYZ, I am trying to describe ABC.XYZ function but it gives me an error code 4043 and error message object XYZ.ABC does not exist.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: 11g Pro*C Application Crashes While 10g Is OK

Jan 24, 2009

My 10g pro*c application works perfectly, recently I upgraded it to 11g, but it keep crashing, why?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Proc Compilation?

Mar 31, 2010

i need to compile a proc program, say prog.pc.have oracle 10g in my system. Since i am new to proc programming, me on the steps to compile the proc program in oracle proc compiler.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Get Columns As NUMBER(30)

Aug 13, 2008

in my oci applications,if i get a column of number that is in the scope of int,i can use value = *(int *); get the value,but if the column size is larger than 10,the code can't be available,how can i get the value.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Calling Procedure From PRO C?

Nov 26, 2012

I am trying to call procedure from PRO C Procedure has many parameters and I do not need to put all of them when I call procedure. Is there way to make the same way as in PL/SQL

like this

my_procedure( q=>a1 , b=>'abc )

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Connect To Two Databases

Aug 25, 2009

My program needs to connect to two databases and make operations in both databases:

Quote:connect to db1;
connect to db2;

select from table in db1;
update table in db2;

i would like to know whether it's possible, and how to do it ? how to specify for each query the database connection to use?

note that I can't use dblinks as i don't have enough access rights and privileges on neither of the databases.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Report Oracle Bug

Jan 30, 2009

How to report an Oracle bug? Is there webpage or email?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Connect C++ And Oracle

Sep 17, 2008

My OS is Linux and I installed Oracle 10.2. Everything is fine.I can use sqlplus, exp, imp etc with no problem.Now I have created another linux user test in /home/test. I unzipped (/home/test/instantclient_10_2) and exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH.I guess I have installed instant client in this way.

My testOra.cpp:

#include <occi.h>
int main()
return 0;

This test.cpp would not compile. It cannot find occi.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Using Cursor In Pro Cobol

Oct 7, 2010

I declare a cursor for a table with 8000 records, when I fetch the cursor this message appear ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channels when the fetch reach the 6500 element, What is the problem here?. All data are ok, not null fields.

other problem

How I can reuse a cursor, I declare a cursor for a table where code_part = 300, then I fetch all elements until end cursor, then I close the cursor, Then I declare the same cursor again for the same table where code_part = 359, but it is not successful, when I tried to fetch the cursor again the cobol program show me the last record for the first code, How I can restart the cursor or delete it or freed the cursor position?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Print Run Time Value?

Apr 26, 2012

I am inserting empno in a table1 and updating another table2 using table1 empno and getting ora-01427 error. I want to print empno for whis this error is coming. How to print that value?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Convert C To PC File?

Dec 11, 2010

Can i convert a .c file to .pc file?The .c file is generated by compiling .pc file. I mistakenly deleted the .pc file. I need the original .pc file.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Integrate SQLnet

Apr 17, 2009

how to integrate SQLnet & c and I'm quite losted at the moment.

Searching with google gives some random stuff, which does seems to be irrelevant.some oracle db somewhere and need for good way to use that remote db (one solution seems to be using SQLnet).

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PL/SQL :: Fetching A Record From A Table?

Apr 11, 2013

I wanted to fetch a records from a table with no. of records and segment_name,owner,size of the table.So, i wrote a query like,

select owner,segment_name,bytes from dba_segments where segment_name='EMP';

then it is working but when i use count(*) for no.of records means how many records this table contains that time, it is showing an error.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Indicator Values For DATES

Jun 1, 2010

If doing an insert into DATE type fields like below... how do I employ null indicator values with the TO_DATE sql to cope with NULL values for the End Date? I can test the NULLness of the pServiceRecord->itemTo value and set the indicator ind_dbToDate to -1 but I don't know how to incorporate this with the to_date syntax (if I can)?

char dbFromDate[MAX_DATE_LEN];
char dbToDate[MAX_DATE_LEN];
short ind_dbToDate;

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