SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Taking 80000 Reads To Execute

Apr 23, 2012

Attached query taking 80000 reads to execute...

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Block Of Procedure Taking Time To Execute

Feb 9, 2011

I have connected to the database from two sessions

Box 1 : i have executed a procedure.it took few seconds to get executed

Box 2 : I have executed a block of procedure.It is taking 1 min 40 secs to get executed.

why it is taking much time from Box2(for executing a block from procedure) , as the same code executed successfully in a procedure from Box 1.

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Query On V$session_longops Taking Over 5 Minutes

Jan 18, 2013

I am working with a new client and am still waiting on access to systems so I'm a bit hampered in looking at details of the database and environment. The database is OLTP and typical response time for returning result sets is under 2 seconds, often less than 1 second.

A simple SELECT on a few columns of v$session_longops (no subqueries, group by, having, etc) ran for more than 5 minutes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Which Query Is Taking Time While Executing

Mar 2, 2013

How to find time log for query or any procedure like start time and end time and total time.

So that I can tune that queries properly.

Also how can we find estimated query running time.?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find The Query Which Is Taking Most Time

Jul 4, 2011

I want to know how I can find which query is taking more time , for example some query's are run from unix, java and from toad,sqlplus. and one query is taking much more time to execute, so how i can get that query and all the details.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Same Query Taking Different Time When Executed Through Different DBs?

Feb 19, 2013

I have a query which is executing fast in dev env,but very long time in qa env.What is the criteria when this behaviour occurs.Though qa is having more data than dev.But still it is taking long time for 1 rows also.When I am using the query rownum<=1.So What to check for this.

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Oracle - Select Query Taking Time

Jan 24, 2013

My oracle database version is where i am having one schema in that schema i am having 3 same tables with same structure same data but with different name.

but problem is in first table when i perform select query it takes 5 sec, in another table it is taking 0 sec and in third table it is taking 10 sec.

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Forms :: F11(Query Mode) And Execute Query In Oracle?

Jul 17, 2011

how to achieve F11(Query mode) and Execute Query in Oracle Forms?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Taking Latest Current Balance Using Analytical Query

Jan 22, 2013

I am having a table with 5 lakhs transactions. I want to fetch the last balance for a particular date. So i have have returned a query like below.

SELECT curr_balance
FROM transaction_details
WHERE acct_num = '10'


This has to be executed for incrementing of 12 months to find the last balance for each particular month. But this query is having more cpu cost, 12 times it is taking huge time. how to remodify athe above query to get the results in faster way using analytical query. Whether this can be broken into two part in PL/SQL to achive the performance. ?

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Performance Tuning :: Cost Of Query Is Brought Down But Taking Same Time

Sep 1, 2010

For an query, cost was 16Lakhs and was taking 30min, I brought down the cost to 1.5lakhs, but still it is taking 30min.

There were many outer joins and same table has been Used(FROM clause) 5 times in the query. I have introduced WITH clause, and brought down the cost.

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Performance Tuning :: Select Query Taking Time Even After Using Parallel Hint?

Sep 25, 2013

serialnumber from product where productid in
(select /*+ full parallel(producttask 16) */productid from producttask where
startedtimestamp > to_date('2013-07-04 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
and startedtimestamp < to_date('2013-07-05 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
and producttasktypeid in


Explain plan output:

Plan hash value: 2779236890
| Id | Operation | Name| Rows| Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time| Pstart| Pstop |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT || 1 | 29 | 9633M (8)|999:59:59 |||
|* 1 | FILTER |||| ||||
| 2 | PARTITION RANGE ALL || 738M| 19G| 6321K (1)| 21:04:17 | 1 | 6821 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter( EXISTS (<not feasible>)
4 - filter("PRODUCTID"=:B1)
5 - filter(ROWNUM<100)
12 - access("MODELID"=:B1)


Note: - SQL profile "SYS_SQLPROF_014153616b850002" used for this statement

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Performance Tuning :: Query Is Taking More Than 5 Minutes To Return Data For Any Criteria

Aug 17, 2011

The below query is taking more than 5minutes to return the data for any criteria.The big tables are


and the rest of those are small tables..All the indexes are in place and I have tried with few hints but this query is slow.


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Performance Tuning :: Query Taking High CPU And Execution Time In Oracle 11gR2

Dec 24, 2012

The below query is taking high CPU almost 98% and longer time to execute.

SELECT ancestor,
Max(D.alarmstate) ALARMSTATE,
Max(D.sialarmstate) SIALARMSTATE,
Max(D.uncralarmstate) UNCRALARMSTATE,
Max(M.commstate) COMMSTATE,
Max(M.nncommstate) NNCOMMSTATE,
Max(M.servicestate) SERVICESTATE,
Max(M.abnormal) ABNORMAL,

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Buffer Gets And Logical Reads?

Jun 27, 2012

Does the counter of event buffer gets include the logical reads ? Does the mertic buffer gets include the event of reading from undo buffer ?

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AWR Report (SQL Ordered By Physical Reads)

Aug 30, 2013

AWR Report regarding ' SQL ordered by Physical Reads (UnOptimized))'. SQL ordered by Physical Reads (UnOptimized)UnOptimized Read Reqs =

Physical Read Reqts - Optimized Read Reqs %Opt - Optimized Reads as percentage of SQL Read Requests %Total - UnOptimized Read Reqs as a percentage of Total UnOptimized Read Reqs Total Physical Read Requests: 3,311,261 Captured SQL account for 13.5% of Total Total UnOptimized Read Requests: 3,311,261 Captured SQL account for 13.5% of Total Total Optimized Read Requests: 1 Captured SQL account for 0.0% of Total UnOptimized Read ReqsPhysical Read ReqsExecutionsUnOptimized Reqs per Exec%Opt%TotalSQL IdSQL ModuleSQL

I want to know what is the mean by 'UnOptimized Read Reqs' and 'Optimized Read Reqs 'Question 2) what is 'SQL ordered by Physical Reads tuning'.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Execute One Query Result In Another At Runtime

Dec 14, 2011

I have a query, when i run this this will give another sql statement. I want run this dynamically...

How to proceed?

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Forms :: Can't Execute Query Button

Jan 6, 2012

I currently have a form and when I am logged in as the owner the execute query button can be performed. But when I try and do this with another user the query cannot be executed. I have granted the users with the correct privileges. I am now trying to re-create the data block but with using the synonym but the synonyms cannot be found.

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Forms :: EXECUTE QUERY Using A Where Condition?

Jun 27, 2013

how can i execute query using a where condition?

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Forms :: Execute Query By Pressing A Button

Dec 22, 2011

I have two data block but i want to execute_query () ; by button when i press the button one data block record display

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Error In Execute Immediate Query Through Function?

Jun 25, 2012

I've used a date in execute immediate query in function, but at the time passing the date as input parameter and getting the result i'm getting following error.



SQL> select getstockqty(1,to_date('31/03/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual;
select getstockqty(1,to_date('31/03/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-06512: at "MIS.GETSTOCKQTY", line 11

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Execute Dynamic Query Stored In Table?

May 27, 2011

I want to execute a dynamic query which is stored in a Table.

Output of that query should be stored in database server.

Is there any way i can create a dynamic procedure? I have created a sample code but issue is i cannot make the below data type dynamic as per the query.

en com_fund_info_m%ROWTYPE;
c_emp r_cursor;
en com_fund_info_m%ROWTYPE;


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Forms :: Can Execute Query On Datablock On Same Time

Mar 16, 2011

I have designed a form in which there are two datablocks one contains the major details and the other contains details saved under that record. And it is working properly. If you are not getting then take an example of department and employee datablocks, first contains the info of department and second contains the employee info working in that department.

now what i want to do is to make the life of user easier, as the records are displaying properly so if user want to know that this record is present in the details of that header so while scrolling all records can he search by putting some info in the detail block to get that result while remaining on the same datablock?

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Performance Tuning :: Definition Between 2 Metrics Physical Reads

Nov 21, 2011

On 10gR2, I cannot find the exact definition of the 2 following metrics :

"Physical Read Total Bytes Per Sec"
"Physical Read Bytes Per Sec"

I would want to know what is the difference between them.

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PL/SQL :: High Consistent Reads / Cannot Replicate In Test Environment

Feb 8, 2013

I am having performance issues on a query in a production environment that I cannot replicate in our test environment. Our test environment is an import of production. Version information is:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE     Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - ProductionWhen I run the query in test, I get the following results using TKPROF

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWSThis performance problem started a few weeks ago and the problem seems to be in the high number of consistent reads during fetch. The DBA tried restarting the instance and gathering fresh stats on the tables but that has not made a difference. Now he wants to export the tables, drop the schema and re-import.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Code Which Dynamically Reads The Table Name From User_tables?

Oct 7, 2013

Firstly the table structures :

Create table cd_patient (pat_mrn varchar2(100)) ;
Create table cd_encount (pat_mrn varchar2(100), encounter_id varchar2(1000));

I need to write a code which dynamically reads the table name from user_tables (starting with cd) & load the data from remote database which has the same table name & structure based on the load number..

Static PLSQL statement would be :



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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Execute Dynamic Query In Procedure With Special Characters

Dec 17, 2012

I have the following procedure body in a package.

PROCEDURE getrecordsForinspection(i_table_name in varchar2, i_thread_id in varchar2, i_max_count in number default null, o_results out sys_refcursor)
v_sql varchar2(1000):= null;

v_sql := 'update '||'i_table_name||' set status = '||'''IN_PROCESS-'||i_thread_id||''''||' Where final_status = '||''''STATUS_ACCEPTED'''||' and ('||i_max_count||' is null or rownum <= '||i_max_count||');';


when I execute the above procedure it gives the following error.

ORA-00911: invalid character
cause: Identifiers may not start with any ASCII characters other than letters and numbers.$#_ are also allowed after the first character. Identifiers enclosed by double quotes may contain any character other than a double quote. Alternative quotes(q'#....#') can not use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as delimiters. For all other contexts, consult the SQL language reference Manual.

I think dynamic sql is not executed because of the pipe character in the sql statement.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Execute Query 2 If 1 Doesn't Retrieve Anything

Dec 3, 2010

In oracle report how do we execute query2 if query1 doesn't retrieved any records.

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Forms :: Fields Disappear / Hide After Pressing Execute Query?

Feb 15, 2010

Something strange happens when i give execute query in a form (Oracle Forms 10g.). On executing query, one field disappeared but when i clicked on the location of the field it appeared again. I am not sure if this has something to do with visual attributes/display properties. This is happening only after migration to 10g.

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Forms :: Sort Data In Execute Query Mode During Runtime?

Nov 15, 2012

How can i sort data in the execute Query mode during runtime,i have a columns which has number, char and date field.

This below data is fetched in execute query from a table;
x1 x2 x3
1343 adfa 11/14/2012
1353 adfa 11/11/2012
1333 adfa 11/10/2012
1333 adfa 11/12/2012
1353 adfa 11/09/2012

now i like to sort like this below;

x1 x2 x3
1343 adfa 11/09/2012
1353 adfa 11/10/2012
1333 adfa 11/11/2012
1333 adfa 11/12/2012
1353 adfa 11/13/2012

how to do it?

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Forms :: How To Run Report When User Press Execute Query Button

Oct 10, 2010

Following is basic program that i create : When User Press Execute Query Button at Run time ,then Program shows him Detail Of employess from Employess Table In Form Style .For example If Present Record is Of Employee Number 7369 ,Then user can Have also the option or button that by which he can also view Report Of Employee Number 7369 .

I am unable to understand that i need to write a code [Report Buitins] for it or i need to do something from REPORTS option avalabe in Forms .

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