Reports & Discoverer :: How To Execute Query 2 If 1 Doesn't Retrieve Anything

Dec 3, 2010

In oracle report how do we execute query2 if query1 doesn't retrieved any records.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Print Dialog Box Doesn't Appear?

Oct 20, 2010

I have designed a report (by oracle report 6) when i run it on the report preview when choosing print the print dialog box doesn't appear on other pc the dialog box appears.

I want the print dialog box to show.

I set the JOBPRINT parameter to yes which is the default value but didn't solve it.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Execute Oracle Reports On A Developer Machine

Mar 25, 2013

I migrated a Oracle 6i Report to Oracle Report 9i so I'm trying to execute a this report in the Run Web Layout, but this doesn't bring me any information, how can i run this reports in the Web layout?

When i run this report en the Paper Layout it's bring me data. When a run the report just bring me a blank web page.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-0002 Unable To Retrieve String From Report Builder

Nov 25, 2010

My own created software is running since last 4 years but now when I am trying to run a report then I got a message "REP-0002 unable to retrieve a string from the report builder" and as a result my report don't run. Please note that some other reports are working properly, this problem is happens only with some of them reports.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Execute RDF File Automatically

Jan 17, 2012

I have an rdf file of version 6i. I need to execute this rdf daily midnight , generate the output as a pdf and send as Mail attachment.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Building Reports In Dev - 10g With Ref Cursor Query?

Dec 27, 2011

i was searching for the example of subject mentioned and visited the following website


here is a tutorial to create such report, but i am confused as here in Report's Data Model they created 3 Ref Cursor Queries and did not Close the opened cursor, is there no need of this or any mistake or if it necessary, where have to Close the cursor?First, they have created following Packages

PACKAGE concl_cv IS
type conclass_rec is RECORD


then, created Functions which created in Ref Cursor Query in Data Model
function q_portdescRefCurDS return port_cv.portdesc_refcur is
temp_portdesc port_cv.portdesc_refcur;
open temp_portdesc for select department_id, department_name from departments;


nothing here any Close cursor statement.i am trying to explore this area of the development.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Excluding SQL Query Data When Linked With XML Query?

Apr 26, 2013

I have data in a table and another in XML file,I used SQL query to retrive the data placed on the table, and link this query with XML query that retrieves the data stored in the xml file. The data stored in the table and xml file sharing a key field, but the xml contents are less than what in the table.I want to show only the data shared between the two queries, how can I do that?


Table emp:

e_id | e_name | e_sal
023 | John | 6000
143 | Tom | 9000
876 | Chi | 4000
987 | Alen | 7800

XML File


So, I want the output to be:

e_id | e_name | e_sal | e_fee
143 | Tom | 9000 | 300
876 | Chi | 4000 | 100

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Execute Immediate Doesn't Like Dynamic String

Feb 29, 2012

why is this procedure with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE not working for me, when I pass a dynamic string to it.

this is the proc:

vResult Varchar(200);
vResult := null;

and when I invoke it like this it's fine:

select execute_sql ('select sysdate from dual') test from dual. However, when I try something like this, it won't work:

select execute_sql ('select max(al_code) from alert_log where al_user= '||user) test_sql from dual

the error message I get is:

ORA-00904: "MIGRATION": invalid identifier
ORA-06512: at "MIGRATION.EXECUTE_SQL", line 26

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Reports & Discoverer :: Getting Query Text From Reports?

Aug 4, 2010

Am looking for some stuff that allows me to get the query text of a query in Oracle Reports. Something like : get_query_text(query_name IN VARCHAR2);

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Reports & Discoverer :: Query For Report

Sep 9, 2013

i have a table named actual_qty,

in that table i have data store in the following columns:

MaterialCode Location Qty
------------ -------- ---
1111 vizag 2
2222 vizag 1
3333 vizag 4
1111 hyd 4
2222 hyd 6
3333 hyd 2
1111 sec 9
2222 sec 1
3333 sec 0

i want query to display data data in the following form

MaterialCode vizag hyd sec
------------ ----- --- ---
1111 2 4 9
2222 1 6 1
3333 4 2 0

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Add Union To Report Query

Feb 16, 2012

I am making a report in hrd regarding gross, deduction and there difference. I hv an attribute in the table as indicator whose value is addition and deduction. i want the sum of both in two diff column in a single rep. i want the report dept wise.

but i m getting fatal error at run time. which i don't understand.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Make A Query In Data Model

Jul 6, 2013

I have one report consist of two user parameters like FROMDATAE and TODATE and two queries in data model..

The 1st query is..


It created two user FROMDATE and TODATE.

And 2nd query like this


I dont know how to make 2nd query in data model. becoz the WONO will come from 1st query and LIKE command is there..But I tried in formula Column....but it returns more than one row...

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Reports & Discoverer :: Select Query With Minimum Values

May 30, 2013

The prob is i want to display minimum intime and max outtime in idate against employee,report keep displaying multi inout records of an employees!

SELECT div.division,
E.employeecode, empname,
To_char (Min(i.intime), 'HH:MI:SS AM'),
To_char (Max(I.outtime), 'HH:MI:SS AM'),
Round(i.btime / 60),

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Handle No Data Found In Rdf Query

Aug 15, 2012

Here is my req - There are 2 columns C1, C2 - both of which capture a different set of values in 2 seperate custom oracle apps forms.

I have a RDF query to get the result set of C1,C2.

When this query does not return any values I need to look in form 2 and handle each value of C1 separately. I do not know how to achieve this with formula column - since I can perform checks/validations on the data returned by the query using a formula column.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Case Statement Inside Oracle Query - Missing Right Parenthesis

Jun 13, 2013

Can I use CASE statement Inside a Oracle Report Query. I'm using Oracle Reports Builder 10g.

My Report Query looks like this,

select invh_code, invh_number, invh_date, invh_cm_code, im_description
from invoice_head, invoice_det, unit_of_measurement, item_master
where invd_invh_code = invh_code and im_code = invd_item_code
(case :p_flag when 1 then (substr(invd_item_number,0,(length(invd_item_number)-4)) BETWEEN :P_V_ITM_FRM AND :P_V_ITM_TO)
else 1
order by invh_number

:p_flag is a parameter that i pass from oracle form and based on that value (:p_flag=1) i need to include this specific condition
else omit that condition.

But the CASE statement is throwing Error

ORA-00907 :Missing Right Paranthesis
(case :p_flag when 1 then (substr(invd_item_number,0,(length(invd_item_number)-4))

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Reports & Discoverer :: SQL Union All - Query Block Has Incorrect Number Of Result Columns

Feb 1, 2012

I have the following Union All query. It throws the following error in SQL plus

ERROR at line 27: ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns

After doing some google for the above error it suggests there are incorrect number of columns in the Union All query.I could not figure out the exact location well SQl Plus says error is on line 27 at the first opening bracket like

(Select distinct c.contact_code

Following is the SQL query

||'.'||contact_name contact_name,
[Code] ......

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Run Discoverer Reports In A Forms Menu

Jul 5, 2010

how to Run a Discoverer Reports in a Forms Menu.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Query Doesn't Have Any Parallel Hints

Jul 10, 2013

Below query doesn't have any parallel hints. Though, it is without where clause, so full scan is must but why "PX Deq Credit: send blkd" occurred?


understand about "PX Deq Credit: send blkd"..

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PL/SQL :: Code_combination_id Doesn't Exist In Outer Query Table

Aug 20, 2013

I have query in which having some issues with outer join.When I run the inner query, I am getting 121 rows and when i put outer query and run it, I am getting 69 rows coz the code_combination_id does not exist in the outer query table.But even when I say ( + ) , its not giving 121 rows..  

SELECT  DISTINCT t1.* --hr3.NAME prj_org --, p.segment1 prj_no, p.org_id --pt.task_number, pt.task_name,  --paei.expenditure_type, pacdl. acct_ currency_code functional_curr from        (    SELECT DISTINCT gll.ledger_id, gljeh.period_name "Fiscal Period", gll.NAME "Company Name", gljeh.NAME "Journal Name ",  gljeh.je_source "Accounting Document Source",  gljeb.NAME "Journal batch name", gljel. accounted_ dr,glcc.code_ combination_ id,glcc.segment1,glcc.segment2,glcc.segment3,glcc.segment4,glcc.segment5,glcc.segment6,glcc.segment7,glcc.segment8,gljel. accounted_ cr  FROM gl_je_headers gljeh, gl_je_batches gljeb,  gl_je_lines gljel,gl_code_combinations glcc, gl_ledgers gll  WHERE gll.ledger_id =

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Forms :: F11(Query Mode) And Execute Query In Oracle?

Jul 17, 2011

how to achieve F11(Query mode) and Execute Query in Oracle Forms?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Launching Discoverer Viewer From Forms Menu

Dec 6, 2011

Is it possible to link to Discoverer Viewer from Forms without requiring the user to log in again. If so, can I then link to a specific Workbook within Discoverer?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle Apps Data Does Not Show In Discoverer

Mar 19, 2012

When running my query in sql developer, I have to execute the command apps.fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id, resp_id, resp_appl_id) in order to show the result of my query. Without this, the query returns nothing. The problem is I am using this query as a custom query for my Discoverer report and my report does not show any record.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Discoverer Admin - How To Copy Folder From One Instance To Another

Nov 9, 2011

I need to copy my discoverer report from dev to prod. How should I do this? Are the items created using calculation in the report can also be copied? These items are not present in the folder in discoverer admin.

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Reports & Discoverer :: During Open Report The Discoverer Application Frozen?

Jun 23, 2010

When I try to manage the report the Discoverer application frozen.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Provide Download Link To Blob In Database On Oracle Reports?

Aug 8, 2013

My user would like to have a way to attach files to database records. For simplicity, we'll say that each employee in the database could have 0-many file attachments associated with them. I know how to make this part work using Oracle Forms.

So that's the easy part for me. The tough part is that they want to be able to run an Oracle Report on our application server (displays as a PDF, also downloadable as a PDF) and have links on this report to the attachments that they uploaded using the forms process above.

For the idea of storing the files on a folder somewhere, I simply created a text object on the report that had it's hyperlink property pointing to the file location. Done.. opens fine.

However, I want to be able to have the option of storing these files in the database instead, just in case we can't go with the shared folder idea. I'm not sure how to make this work. I can store a blob in the database.. but how do I link to that blob on the report for them to be able to download it? Is this even possible?

how to create a download link on the Oracle Report that let's them download a file out of the database.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Text Bold - Format Particular Word In Oracle Reports At Runtime?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a doubt; can we format a particular word in oracle reports at runtime..?


A text filed contains data Quote:We request #BANK# to finance the same Bill as per agreed interest rate and other terms and conditions agreed on the above addendum and immediately remit the proceeds to our account A/c no. #ACCOUNTNO#, held with your Bank.

We need to make #BANK#, #ACCOUNTNO# are bold at runtime, Is there any method to format characters at runtime..?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Call Oracle Reports Inside A Stored Procedure

Oct 14, 2010

Currently some jobs created in WBT scripting need to converted into oracle,plsql.There is one job in WBT scripting, which will invoke the oracle reports inside and generate the PDF files in the destination path as follows:

a = runhide("c:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe", "http://pscm9722:7778/reports/rwservlet?USERID=%LOGONINFO%+server=rep_pscm9722+destype=file+desname=D:ORACLE10G\%CCALLRptName%+desformat=PDF+PARAMFORM=no+report=PCCALL.RDF")
a = runhide("c:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe", "http://pscm9722:7778/reports/rwservlet?


Now, i want to convert this into oracle,plsql? Is it possible or not?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Retrieve Value In Specified Schema

Jan 6, 2011

I need a query to retrieve a particular string from all the columns and all tables in a specified schema.

For example:i had a value "Current" in a particular column in a particular table. i need to find this value if i don't know the table name and column name.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Aging Report In Discoverer

May 28, 2010

[Message #1] how to get a unapplied receipts for ageing report? and RMA(credit and debit note)columns ?

Which tables should be refered for Ageing reports.

[Message #2] How to create an ageing report in discoverer?

Which tables should be refered for a Ageing reports.

Ageing report colums customer name, customer id,location,segment, credit note and debit note in different column,unapplied amount and applied amount in a different colum.Already i got a due remaning date and total amount I want a linked table names.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle Reports Text Formatting As Runtime?

Aug 26, 2013

I need the below output in oracle reports 6i.

this is a testing string retrieved from database.

now what i need is that to make bold the specific words in a string came from database.

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