SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Over Database Link Ambiguous Column Error Not Raised

Apr 1, 2011

why this query is not raising an error:

select memberid, mi.typeid, emailaddress
from memberdata@prod_db m
join memberitems@prod_db mi on m.memberid = mi.memberid;

These are the tables:

SQL> desc memberdata@prod_db
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

SQL> desc memberitems
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

Shouldn't we raise an 'ambiguous column' error on memberid?

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Application Express :: Column Link Where Column Number Changes With Query

Feb 11, 2013

We are using Oracle 11g with Apex 3.2 on AIX. We are reporting data from customer satisfaction surveys. I'm using the following sql to create my report

<code>select * from(
select month,'Overall Satisfaction' as q_group, 1 as srt,Overall Satisfaction,site,
case when count(*) < 31 then '*' else
round((sum(ttos)/count(*))*100,0)||'/'|round((sum(bfos)/count(*))*100,0)||'/'||count(*) end ospct
from v_XXX_report a,(select distinct month_dt month from v_XXX_report) b
where Overall_Satisfaction is not null and year_dt = 2012


The problem is that site is not allways present and sometimes I have other variables in addition to site. This creates a situation where the month columns will not allways appear at the same column number. For example, When I run this query as is then the "JAN" column is Col3 (first column is a break, col2 is not shown). When I run this query without site then "JAN" is the second column. I would like to create column links for the "JAN" - "DEC" columns but not for any other columns.

Another issue - in the column link creation screen I can create up to 3 variables that I can pass to the next page. Since my query is a pivot I'm uncertain how to pass the column heading or the row value (for col2)

Overall Satisfaction JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ...
Overall Satisfaction 12/12/200 12/12/210 12/12/220 12/12/230 12/12/240...
Recommend 12/12/200 12/12/210 12/12/220 12/12/230 12/12/240...

So if I clicked on the values at Recommend:FEB how can I get "Recommend" and "FEB" into variables that I can use on the next page? I've tried #column_name#, #month#, #q_name# and #APEX_APPLICATION.G_F10# but no luck.

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PL/SQL :: Incorrect Query Result Over Database Link

Jul 2, 2012

My problem is I have 3 tables (TEST_TBL1, TEST_TBL2, TEST_TBL3). TEST_TBL2 and TEST_TBL3 are in remote database and I use database link to join them. The following query returns incorrect result (I seems that it ignore the where clause)


I am on 11R1 (


Local database:


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Server Administration :: ORA-12514 Error On Database Link

Jan 27, 2011

One of colleague (who has left) created a database link using the statement:


When I try to use this link like:


I get the following error:

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

I can connect to the CIVCLMAN using the Oracle Enterprise Manager / SQL Plus, I can tnsping as well

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Heterogeneous Connectivity :: Error While Querying Database Link From Oracle 10g To Postgres 8.2

Mar 26, 2013

I have installed unixodbc 2.3.1, postgres odbc driver (psqlodbc-07.03) and dg4odbc 11.2..On querying : select sysdate from dual@dblink_postgresql, the following error occurs:

ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/oracle/psqlodbc/lib/libpsqlodbc.a' : file not found {01000}
ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from DBLINK_POSTGRES

Similar error appears in the trace file as well.

[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/oracle/psqlodbc/lib/libpsqlodbc.a'
$ isql -v postgresql postgres postgres@2012
[01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/oracle/psqlodbc/lib/libpsqlodbc.a' : file not found
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect

However the file is present in the location and has no permission related problems.

$ pwd
$ ls -lrt
total 2952
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 663 Mar 25 15:28 psqlodbc.la
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 731419 Mar 25 15:28 libpsqlodbc.a
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 12215 Mar 25 22:11 win_md5.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 18100 Mar 25 22:11 options.o

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Forms :: Error - Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception ORA-6508

Jul 8, 2011

I am trying to build one custom 10g form from TEMPLATE.fmb. when i try to compile my form in desktop it is giving error as Error FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-6508.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: FRM-40735 - On-error Trigger Raised Unhanded Exception Ora-06508?

Aug 7, 2012

when ever the developer connecting to database to generate froms or While trying to create inventory categories below error is appearing.

FRM-40735: On-error trigger raised unhandled exception ora-06508..

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Forms :: FRM-40735 / ON-ERROR Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception

Dec 21, 2010

I am using forms 10g developer suite, AIX in appl server.

When I run the form on my local drive through web I am getting error that,FRM-40735:ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508.

My fmbs & fmxs are in e:fmb, libraries are in d:applicationlib.

FORMS_PATH in Registry is C:DevSuiteHome_1cgenf61admin;C:DevSuiteHome_1forms;e:fmb;d:applicationlib

I have set the same path in default.env also.What should I update, to run the form successfully.

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Forms :: Post-INSERT TRIGGER Raised Unhandled Error

Feb 9, 2011

I am facing a post trigger problem.No error while compiling.



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Forms :: ON-ERROR Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception ORA-06508

Jan 18, 2007

I am in process of migrating Oracle 6i Forms to Oracle 10g Forms.

In 6i, the Form compiles and runs without any giving any error.

In 10g it does complie without any error but gives following Runtime Error Message -

FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508

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Forms :: FRM-40735 Or Error Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception ORA-03114

Jun 13, 2010

I am using database 10g and Form 6i. We are working under client server technology. Frequently we are receiving the following error to every user at randomly when they are idle few seconds/minutes.

FRM-40735 or error trigger raised unhandled exception ora-03114

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Forms :: Frm-40735 Pre-query Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception Ora-06502

Jun 17, 2013

When i select Filnumber(DEC99) and press QUERY button, i get error"frm-40735 pre-query trigger raised unhandled exception ora-06502".

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Application Express :: Hyperlink Column With Link Parameters As Region Column Values

Apr 10, 2013

On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.

I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.

So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:

a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?

The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.


"Application Express"

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Application Express :: Can Pass More Than 3 Column Values With A Column Link

Jun 19, 2012

I want to pass multiple column values of a row in an interactive report page to hidden items in another page through column link. And I did it successfully. However, I found I need to pass more than 3 columns of a row in this report, while a column link only permits me to pass 3 column value at most. Is there anyway that I can pass more column values to hidden items in another page?

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PL/SQL :: Query On Other_xml Column Error?

Jun 3, 2013

I am trying to run the below query to extract the outline data from v$sql_plan(querying other_xml column), but i get the below error...this works perfectly fine on + version...but on and and i get the below error... how to fix it ?

SQL> @sql_hint
Enter value for sql_id: d15cdr0zt3vtp
Enter value for child_no: 0
extractvalue(value(d), '/hint') as outline_hints
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00904: "D": invalid identifier

the query is taken from below...[URL]....

extractvalue(value(d), '/hint') as outline_hints
passing (


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Is Using More Cost When Executing Using DB Link?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to insert data from 9i to 11g using db link with the below query but while doing so the select statement is going for a full table scan even though rowid is used. But when we execute the same select statement without this insert command it is using proper index. Similar issues I am facing for updates.


INSERT INTO /*+ APPEND */ emp@db_link
select *
from emp where rowid ='AAC2SmAIIAAAHQgAAZ'

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Server Utilities :: Import Table From Another Database By Using Database Link?

Mar 17, 2010

i would like to import a table from another database by using database link.

impdp muba/muba tables=FUNCTION_NO directory=testdump NETWORK_LINK=DBLINK1

i created the public database link as system user

it gave error like

Import: Release - Production on Wednesday, 17 March, 2010 11:07:02
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
Starting "MUBA"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01": muba/******** tables=FUNCTION_NO directory=testdump NETWORK_LINK=DBLINK1
Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA


after that i try to import as system user like

impdp system/passwd tables=FUNCTION_NO schemas=muba directory=testdump NETWORK_LINK=DBLINK1

but error like

Import: Release - Production on Wednesday, 17 March, 2010 11:27:43
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
UDI-00010: multiple job modes requested, schema and tables.

when i use IMP utility

imp system/passwd file=dump.dmp fromuser=userA touser=userB log=dmplog.log but when i use IMPDP what is the parameter equal to fromuser & touser

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Error In Creating Materialized View With DB Link?

Aug 7, 2013

we have the following requirement for creating materialized view.

In database "DB1", a table "abc" is there in "user1" schema.
In database "DB2", in "user2", we are accessing the "abc" through DB link "DBL1" to DB1:
select * from user1.abc@DBL1;
we have created a public synonym for "user1.abc@DBL1" as "sabc".

In database "DB3", we need to create the materialized view to access "abc" in DB1 through DB2. we are not allowed to access "DB1" directly from "DB3". so we create a db link as "DBL2" in "DB3" to "DB2".

when i try to create a materialized view as below:
create materialized view abc_mv
select * from sabc@DBL2;

But got the error as "synonym translation invalid". When i access the SQL statement separately as below
select * from sabc@DBL2, its working but in Materialized view, it shown that error. Even i tried with schema name as well like "user2.sabc@DBL2" , but that also thrown same error.

Is there any option available for this type of creating materialized view?

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Application Express :: How To Hide Column Link URL On Status Bar

May 8, 2013

Apex 4.1

I have IR wit one column link target to URL, and it uses javascript:my_function(#COLUMN_VALUE#)as URL, that is, calls some function and passes the value of that column to the function; everything works fine; but when I place a cursor over the link, bottom line of IE9 browser (is it called a 'status bar'?) clearly shows:

'javascript:my_function(<actual value>)' Is there any way to prevent it from showing function name and parameter value? I tried onmouseover="window.status='';"but it does not work

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Application Express :: Download Link On Column From Another Table?

Apr 1, 2013

I'm a APEX newbie using APEX 4.1. I have a table with engineering drawing information (drawing number, title, revision, etc.) and another table with the corresponding drawing files (pdfs stored as blobs where the filename is the drawing number with a pdf extension). The user wants to search for a particular drawing by drawing number from the drawing info table and if the drawing number exists in the drawing files table the drawing number will also be a download link for the file, if the drawing number doesn't exist in the drawing files table than the drawing number will display as plain text (not as a download link).

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Changing Link Column From ROWID To ID?

May 3, 2013

I have a report linked to a form. The link column is currently ROWID and I want to change it to the Primary Key of the DB table, which is called ID.

I have done this before on a previous report/form where that ID was a display column and it works fine. Now I'm trying to copy what I did, which is this:

On the report page, go to Interactive Report attributes, scroll down to Link Column, and for Item 1, change the Name and Value.

The problem is that Name does not list P52_ID. If I type it in, it throws an error when I run the page.

I think I added ID, which is also a Display column, later on, so I wonder whether Apex has a refresh issue and can't "see" P52_ID.

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Application Express :: Database Authentication Via Database Link?

Jun 26, 2013

Is it possible to use Database authentication in APEX through database link, and how?Also is it posible to read roles from users through database link?

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Application Express :: Creating Link In IR Report Passing Value From Different Column

Feb 19, 2013


I have an Interactive Report with a column that I need to create a link on but I need to pass the value of another column.

This report shows the Features of a particular Release. There is a select list for the Release that is selected and executes the report. There is a column that indicates whether the Feature has a Commitment attached to it. If there is have that a link to another report that shows all the Commitments for that Feature by passing the FEATURE_ID which is also a column on the Feature report.

,CASE WHEN ft.feature_id IN (SELECT cc.feature_id
FROM customer_commitments cc
WHERE ft.feature_id = cc.feature_id
) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No'
END "Commitment Exists"

FROM ....If "Commitment Exists" has a 'Yes', the 'Yes' is a link that will pass the FEATURE_ID to another report that will show the Commitments for that Feature. If the "Commitment Exists" has a 'No' then no link. I was also wondering if the Commitment report could open in a seperate window and make it modal?

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ORA-01747 - Oracle Reserved Words - Query Table Matching Database With NUMBER Column?

Oct 1, 2012

I am having issue with Oracle reserved words, one of the application is using table which has NUMBER as column. I am not able to query that table matching database with NUMBER column.


select a.*
from DOC a , FOLDER B
and b.open = 'Closed'; I tried double quotes (“”) and sigle quotes too, none of them worked.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Creating Data Link Using A Column Only Selected In One Group

Dec 14, 2010

I have a report with 2 groups Gheader and Glines.The report looks at PO headers and lines. I want to create a data link from the the 2 queries based on the line id in po_lines_all.However I only want to select this in the lines query so I do not get repeating records at the header query.

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Application Express :: Save Form Changes When Click Report Link Column

Jun 19, 2013

Apex I have a page with a Form region and a Classic Report region. How can I automatically save changes made in the Form when a user clicks the Edit link column in the Report? At the moment, when the user returns to the Form, any changes made there are lost. 

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Application Express :: How To Create A Dynamic Action From Link Column In Classic Report

Feb 23, 2013

I Have an apex page that display a modal window utilizing jquery. In the modal window I have a classic report with a link column that I want to capture its click event.

I was thinking I could create a dynamic action with selection type=jquery selector. Not for sure if I need to do anything on link column and do not know the syntax jquery selector.

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Application Express :: No Data Found When Adding Column Link To Classic Report

Jul 16, 2012

Oracle 11g r2, APEX

I have some classic reports.

I go to Report Attributes, then I click Add Column Link in the "Tasks" right menu, it adds me a column link, I just add some text for the link and a page to go to. Then I run the report and I get :

report error: ORA-01403: no data foundTested with several classic reports on multiple pages.

Debug mode shows me :

0.43816     0.00240     ...Execute Statement: select distinct [...] order by 3,11 ,4
0.44056     0.00162     print column headings
0.44218     0.04816     rows loop: 25 row(s)
0.49037     0.00141     report error: ORA-01403: aucune donnée trouvée
0.49175     0.00078     Computation point: After Box BodyWhen I run the query in my favorite tool, I get expected results.

Did I missed something ?

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Server Utilities :: Exclude View In IMPDP Using Network Link Giving Error

Jan 14, 2011

I am using below command to import a schema using network link. Command is :

impdp system directory = IMP_DIR schemas = XYZ network_link = PQR remap_schema = XYZ:XYZ exclude=view: "= 'XYZ.VW_ACCEPTDETAILS'"

This command is giving below error

LRM-00116: syntax error at 'view:' following '='

When I have tried Like in place of '=' sign i.e. EXCLUDE = VIEW:"LIKE '%VW_ACCEPTDETAILS%'" , it gives me below error:

UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, 'exclude'

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PL/SQL :: Database Link From 11g To 10g?

Jul 5, 2012

I am trying to create a database link from the 11g database to the 10g database using:
create database link ORCL10R2 connect to <username10g> identified by <password10g> using <db10g>;

It Returns
Database link created.

select sysdate from dual@ORCL10R2 returns error:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

what changes I need to make to tnsnames and listener at both servers.

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