I have a piece of code which imports data from EXCEL to ORACLE forms.But after this I am getting the exception
FRM 40735:WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger Raised unhandled Exception ORA - 305500
My Coding is below, PROCEDURE PROC_IMPORT_EXCEL IS --Cursor To Get The Number Of Columns Of the table CURSOR c_get_table_columns IS SELECT COUNT(ATC.TBLCLMNID) FROM APPLCTN_TABLE_COLUMN ATC
I am using database 10g and Form 6i. We are working under client server technology. Frequently we are receiving the following error to every user at randomly when they are idle few seconds/minutes.
FRM-40735 or error trigger raised unhandled exception ora-03114
I have a form which contains tabular layout which i can fill a text item with date format. I set the data type properties to "Date" with format mask "dd-mm-yyyy".When I click a "save" button, it will call a procedure to insert into table. But i'm getting this error message : "FRM-40735: WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502"
I did some search on google and error 06502 means numeric or value error. But I don't understand what caused my error. Is it at my text item's properties?
I have Forms 6i, installed in a system at remote location with OS Windows 7. Previously the same was installed in Windows XP it was working fine. Now in Windows 7 also its working fine for most of the things, for some data loading options its not working and showing below shown error.
I am trying to build one custom 10g form from TEMPLATE.fmb. when i try to compile my form in desktop it is giving error as Error FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-6508.
I have Written this code in WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM-TRIGGER on PO_DATE field
if not( :PO_HEADER.PO_DATE IS NOT NULL ) then :po_header.po_date := trunc(sysdate); end if; if trunc(:PO_HEADER.PO_DATE)>trunc(sysdate) then displayerror.errmsg('PO date cannot be future date!');
when i am navigating through po_DATE field in the form its showing the error that
I created my login as you have first to fill the form then login, unfortunately i am getting when i press the button as error frm-40735: when-button-pressed trigger raised unhandled exception ora-04063.
these are the code after fill the form
declare sex varchar2(10); emid varchar2(30); begin if :signup.gender = 1 then sex := 'Male'; elsif :signup.gender =2 then sex := 'Female'; [code]........
i put a new column which is the birth date and i made a new procedure with regards to the age level for the Plan. and when i run the program, theres an error..
After our client upgraded to 11g database and application server, they are getting this error while trying to access another form from the option menu (The option menu is generated with a library, the values are taken from a database table). This issue occurs only in one particular scenerio, and only in on form, other forms with similar functionality and same structure are working perfectly fine. The error is written below.
FRM-21011: PL/SQL unhandled exception ORA-06508
I tried in my environment (10G), no error exist there.In 11G environment, I tried re-attaching a library in the form and compiling again, the error does not come after recompiliation. But the client can still see the error even after recompiling the form (after reattaching that particular library).I could find the below info on google:
FRM-21011: PL/SQL unhandled exception %s. Cause: An unhandled exception occurred while executing a menu trigger. Action: Examine the text of the exception in this message. If this indicates a cause, correct it. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services. Level: 25 Trigger: None
I am using form builder 10G, will compiling the form using Form builder 11G?
I have to implement exception handling in the exception block of a trigger, Quote:exception
when ora_java.java_error then message( 'Unable to call out to java, ' || ora_java.last_error ); ORA_JAVA.CLEAR_EXCEPTION;
when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_JAVA.LAST_EXCEPTION; message( Exception_.toString(ex)); -- lv_exception := Exception_.getMessage(ex);
I get an error for the line: 'message( Exception_.toString(ex));'I have imported the java classes FException et IObject with their methods.
I have to create a Web Service Client, so I wonder if the paragraph Quote:when ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN then ex := ORA_ JAVA. LAST_ EXCEPTION; is mandatory.
When I run my package in TOAD and SQL plus I am not getting any errors. My package is being compiled well. When I integrate my Package through WED ADI .I am getting the above error. I am new to oracle apps WEDADI. can any give your valuable sugessions. I have even bounched the apache two times.
The schema for my package is APPS. Can you tell us how to go check the schema of WEB ADI. We see my integrator created in BNE_INTEGRATORS_TL. Since it is store in BNE table, the schema for BNE table is 'BNE'?
How to provide the access of package to the WEB ADI?
i have succusffly install webutil and also i did configuration also using this url
and i succussfuly upload and download .pdf using my form on my test database server my test database its a single database its version also .but when i upload and download my .pdf file on my live database server using this same form its give me error while upload
my live database server its a RAC Database server its version . i serach on google on this ora-06509 they told me
Cause: This indicates a version clash between some package distributed with an Oracle product and the product executable. Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
but my question its my test database server and live database both server version are same its just only its differece its test database its a single database server and live its a rac database server.
select memberid, mi.typeid, emailaddress from memberdata@prod_db m join memberitems@prod_db mi on m.memberid = mi.memberid;
These are the tables:
SQL> desc memberdata@prod_db Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- MEMBERID NUMBER EMAILADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) ADDRESS1 VARCHAR2(50)
SQL> desc memberitems Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- MEMBERID NUMBER ITEMID NUMBER
Shouldn't we raise an 'ambiguous column' error on memberid?
I am writing a trigger TR_EMP on a table EMP which has columns EMP_ID, EMP_NAME, ALT_EMP_ID.
Now I am updating ALT_EMP_ID for an EMP_ID(PK) which is unique.
If ALT_EMP_ID is null then :new.ALT_EMP_ID = l_alt_emp_id; end if;
As this ALT_EMP_ID is unique, same ID shouldn't be inserted again here. When data being inserted with 2 different sessions for 2 different EMP_ID there is a possible chance of inserting same ALT_EMP_ID for both which results in Unique error. I need to handle this exception. DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX or OTHERS Execption not able to handle this.
I am writing a after trigger for one of my tables on every insert update and delete for my dataware house staging area. The process here is when ever there is a change in the production database we need to capture this change in our changing area through triggers.
I am able to create the triggers but i am stuck with the exception handling portion of the trigger. I want to write an exception in the trigger where when the staging area is locked or for any other matter the data needs to be able to go to a error table when the staging area is not able to accept the data for some reason.
how i can write this excepyion in the trigger or anyother method i can follow to be able to handle this scenerio.
My requirement, if there is no record in emp table when validate the EMP_NO_CHK text field, i need to set the focus on that field (EMP_NO_CHK) itself. But while execute the following code, I got error.chieve the task.
--EMP_NO_CHK_WHEN_VALIDATE_ITEM Trigger ----------------------------------- Declare cursor c is Select * from emp where Emp_no = :header.empno; c1 emp%rowtype; n NUMBER;
I have a form (StaffDetail) with three different blcoks. One of them is an Application Assignment block which consists of nothing but Assignment Type, Staff (Name), Last Updated By and Last Updated Date.. The Assignment Type and Staff has LOVs assigned to them individually.. Assignment type lets me pick all different types except for Project Manager. As soon as I select this option, i get the following error :
This does not even let me select any other Assignment type, then i have to go close all sessions and come back into the same screen.
Also, this form was first created and tested on the development environment and later moved to QA environment. All selections work in the development environment.. I checked for the roles in QA for individual Users..
I'm inserting to a table through a procedure, I want to log the rejected records to a log table with the execption / reason.How can I get the exception name and error text in PL/SQL ?