SQL & PL/SQL :: Query From The View Returning Zero Records
Feb 27, 2012
Im running the following query in DB - Prod2
select *
from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay a
where reimbursed_amt < 0
and invoice_date = '01-JAN-1900'
and not exists ( select 'x' from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay b
and reimbursed_amt > 0 )
The above table t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay --> is from a view on the database Prod2 and this view is pulling the data from the database prod1 via dblink
When I run the same query on Prod1 it returns 3 rows. Is there any reason this is not fetching data on prod2 view? or whatz wrong with the above query
or for example if I run the above query as follows with the dblink "@prod1" it returns the data properly
select *
from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay@Prod1 a
where reimbursed_amt < 0
and invoice_date = '01-JAN-1900'
and not exists ( select 'x' from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay@prod1 b
and reimbursed_amt > 0 )
I have a dynamic query stored in a function that returns a customized SQL statement depending on the environment it is running in. I would like to create a Materialized View that uses this dynamic query.
I am running a query in our Clarity PPM database to return a list of all Support projects. This returns a simple list of project code and project name:
The query has the project resource tables associated with it, so I am able to list all resources allocated to the project. But for now i am only selecting a DISTINCT list of projects.
I have a separate query which returns a list of support resources.
select res.full_name, res.unique_name , dep.description from niku.srm_resources res, niku.pac_mnt_resources pac, niku.departments dep where res.unique_name = pac.resource_code and pac.departcode = dep.departcode and res.is_active = 1 and description like 'IMS%' and UPPER(dep.description) like '%SUP%'
What I need to be able to do in the first query, is return only projects that do NOT have a resource that appears in the resource list in the second query.
(the res.unique_name field in the second query can be linked to the same in the first query)
Logically, the process would be: 1. Identify Support Project 2. Identify Resources allocated to the project team 3. Compare with List of Support Resources 4. If any Resources in that list do NOT appear on the project, then return project.
Attached query is running fine if inline view B (Marked in Comments) returning value. If inline view B returns NULL then it fails to return result. I want if Inline view B is returning NULL then it should pass ZERO to main query.
and in that subquery i am returning two or more than records so it is giving me the error like ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
how do i solve this error and i must to fetch two or more records from the subquery if it possible in any other
I'm needing to return results per month counting records that meet a certain criteria. Some months there will be no results but I need to return a zero rather than having that month omitted from the result set.
This is the pre-existing query:
The results returned are accurate, but any month(s) with no records meeting the specified criteria are skipped in the result set.
want to update 230 records in ins_spr table but its returning error..
Sql statement in blue color returning 230 records.
------------------------------------------------ update ins_spr set SPR_EXCC = 'NORSk' where spr_code = (select distinct spr_code from ins_spr where spr_levc = 'N' and spr_facc = 'ROS' and (sts_code = 'AP' or sts_code = 'LS') and spr_stuc in (select distinct a.sqe_stuc from srs_sqe a where a.SQE_EQEC = 'NP3M' and a.SQE_SQSC = 'BE' and a.sqe_stuc in ( select distinct b.sqe_stuc from srs_sqe b where a.sqe_stuc=b.sqe_stuc and SQE_EQEC = 'NP3S' and SQE_SQSC = 'BE')))
update ins_spr set SPR_EXCC = 'NORSK' where spr_code = (select spr_code from ins_spr where spr_levc = 'N' and spr_facc = 'ROS' and (sts_code = 'AP' or sts_code = 'LS') and exists (select sqe_stuc from srs_sqe a where sqe_stuc = substr(spr_code,1,8) and SQE_EQEC = 'NP3M' and SQE_SQSC = 'BE' and exists ( select sqe_stuc from srs_sqe b where a.sqe_stuc=b.sqe_stuc and SQE_EQEC = 'NP3S' and SQE_SQSC = 'BE')))
I've just started with the Oracle SQL and come from a heavy MS SQL background and I understand that here are some natural differences in the syntax but I'm stumped as to why the following sql represents a problem:
update MASTERMICODES t1 set t1.TEMPTA = ( select t2.TAFCODE from TA_FEATURES t2 where t2.FCODE = t1.FCODE )
It returns Error report: SQL Error: ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row 01427. 00000 - "single-row subquery returns more than one row" *Cause: *Action:
I want it to return more than one row...in fact I want it to make on all rows that have the same fcode between tables.
I'm trying to build a dynamic sql inside an Oracle procedure, and return it as a SYS_REFCURSOR to ADO.NET using ODP.NET in Oracle 11R2. Below is my table:
Below is the procedure I build to SELECT it:
create or replace procedure spfwdb_sl_entidade_1( p_cd_entidade in number, p_dc_entidade in varchar2, p_nm_entidade in varchar2, p_cd_tipo in number, p_id_status in char, [code]........
I'm calling this code from C#, and I get an empty Result Set. What am I doing wrong? Can I output the dynamic sys_refcursor that I created? Below is my C# code using ODP.NET:
below query is returning two rows.The thing now happening is the query is returning the output for both the case statements.But what is need only when the first case staement is NULL then it should go for second case.
SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN esc.x1 = Substr(inp.y, 0, 3) AND esc.x2 = Substr(inp.y, 4, 2)THEN esc.cc WHEN esc.mcc = Substr(inp.y, 0, 3) AND esc.mnc = Substr(inp.y, 4, 3)THEN esc.cc [code]....
I tried using rownum=1 but it filters out valid records.correcting the above query so that if the first case is null then only it should go for second case.
But it is not returning any results because of the "having" clause. I know it should return results because all I want it to do is in one column have the V_ATT for the current time period, and in the 2nd column, have the V_ATT 24 hours ago. I've checked the data and I should get results back but can't seem to figure out why this is not working...
I don't understand why the custid is the same for each customer, and why it's selecting every customer and not just those with more than 150 gallons ordered.
For this one use the oil tables that you set up and use a subquery. Select the minimum average fall use from the house table. Then show all customers whose number of gallons delivered times two is greater than the minimum.
to convert a postcode into lat/long values. I then need to add them to the returned SQL statement so I used the string concat operator || with to_char but it comes up with this error when I try to apply the changes: Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the ''generic column'' checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing.
ORA-00936: missing expressionh4.
h4. btw I'm using Oracle 11g release and Apex version
I'm trying to get a list of values from a table, and I am just not seeing the answer -I have a table with 4 records (say A, B, C, and D), each record has a GUID to uniquely identify it.I have a 2nd table that holds the relationships (parent-child).
At this point, I have 2 rows: A>B A>C
So, A is a parent to B, and A is a parent to C (D is not related to anything at this point)
I would like to be able to go into the D record and see that it is NOT related to A (A would be the parent in this instance) - the trick however is I only want 1 instance of A to show up.attempted to use some inner/outer join qualifications and I just cannot seem to get the data to display properly.
I need all users to be able to view all records from table TABLE1. I would like to provide insert/ update/ delete privilege if the column "TABLE1"."UPD" = 'Y'. If TABLE1.UPD = 'N', then the users can only do select on the record. I don't know if the roles can handle based on row values.
I have set up a view that pulls news & events records.
SELECTc.priority, c.startDate, p.headline, p.newsID, p.kicker, p.category, p.webPath, p.makePopup, p.thumbnail, p.shortDesc, p.storyType FROM(so_news p LEFT OUTER JOIN so_news_deptLevel c ON p.newsID = c.newsID) LEFT OUTER JOIN so_departments d ON d.deptID = c.deptID
For events I want only the events that have a p.startDate equal to today. I have tried setting that line up a few different ways.
p.startDate = sysDate didn't provide any records for events p.startDate = TO_CHAR(sysDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') freaked the system out and nothing appeared for either parts of the union
which is the fast way of inserting 60 millions of records from a view to a table.
method 1:
create table t_temp_table as select * from v_dump_data;
method 2:
through bulk collect
---Bulk_Collect With FORALL---------- DECLARE TYPE srvc_tab IS TABLE OF t_temp_table%ROWTYPE; l_srvc_tab srvc_tab := srvc_tab(); l_start_time NUMBER; l_end_time NUMBER; l_error_count NUMBER;
If as part of housekeeping of the Source database we delete some records (older records), will the materialized view also be updated with the deletion? I believe the answer is yes. In that case can we ensure that this delete does not happen?
Is there anyway we can prevent MView refresh from deleting the records that is once inserted even if we delete the same records in source DB?
Using Oracle 11g...We have a table in our database of data with the following information:
MASTER_RECORD, MEMBER_RECORD, BUSINESS_UNIT, GENDER, DOB (date), age [at time of month_record], MONTH_RECORD (date) [31-MON-YEAR for recorded active month]
The table has ~55 million records. Existing index is only on MASTER_RECORD.There is now a need to create a view which is an aggregate count of member records, grouped by business_unit,gender, age per year. eg:
business_unit, gender, age, month_record, num_of_members -> for every combination unit5, F, 25, 31-JUN-2011, 622 unit3, M, 18, 31-MAY-2011, 573
The view can be created now, but, is not fast enough to be reasonably considered a view. This table is re-created every month from a procedure, so there is flexibility on how it is created. Use interval partitioning by year( something I have not experienced using), create an index on the month_record,then create view.
I've generally operated under the assumption that if I have a query that executes properly, I should be able to create a view from that same logic. However, I've had more than one occasion where this seems to NOT be the case.
Today, I have a query using ListAgg that operates just fine when run interactively, but (in SQL Developer v 3.0.04) it gives ORA-24344 when I try to create a view using the exact same statement.
I am looking to build a query to update a current value in a DBA view to a new one.i.e. updating directories based on the current value:
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY 'DIRECTORY_NAME' AS 'DIRECTORY_PATH'(substr(directory_path, 1,5) + '/&dbname' {i.e. this is different for every database name }+ 'DIRECTORY_PATH'(string after /xyz/) WHERE DIRECTORY_NAME in ( select DIRECTORY_NAME from DBA_DIRECTORIES WHERE DIRECTORY_PATH like '/xyz/%' )
i.e. resulting output should be:
(when the directory previously was 'xyz/abc/def/') i.e. basically inserting the db name into the directory.where DBNAME is a variable more directories are added frequently so therefore this needs to be a dynamic procedure to change the directories in the db.
I have a view which is taking long time to get back results and this view is being used in various user queries. I noticed that the SQL of the view access some tables, data of them changes rarely. So it makes sense to retrieve that data in a materialized view and somehow re-use it.
My question is how can I use the materialized view and it's data from a query.
create table ACTIONARI_ARH ( actionar_id NUMBER(10) not null, id VARCHAR2(20) not null, id_2 VARCHAR2(20), tip VARCHAR2(1), nume VARCHAR2(100), prenume VARCHAR2(100), adresa VARCHAR2(200),
and this view
The table has about 30 milion records and holds persons names, addresses, personal id (id), and internal id(actionar_id) and date when a new adress has been added.
The view is about getting only the most recent info for one person (actionar_id).
if i run a
a) select * from actionari a where a.actionar_id = 'nnnnnnn', result is returned immediatly, oracle uses index and does not do a full table scan.
b) select * from actionari a where a.actionar_id in ('nnnnnnn','mmmmmm','ooooooo'), result is returned immediatly, oracle uses index and does not do a full table scan.
my problem when i use this view in a join.let's assume i have another table with no more than 500 records, something like
create table SMALL_TABLE ( actionar_id NUMBER(10) not null, ...... );
and if i run
select * from SMALL_TABLE s join actionari a on a.actionar_id = s.actionar_id;
it takes like forever to process, forever means 1~3 minutes.by looking at the execution plan, oracle does a full table scan, creates the view for all unique 7milion persons, and only then joins the result with the actionar_is's in the small table and returns the desired 500 record result.i am using oracle 10g.