PL/SQL :: All Users To Be Able To View All Records From Table

Aug 1, 2013

I need all users to be able to view all records from table TABLE1. I would like to provide insert/ update/ delete privilege if the column "TABLE1"."UPD" = 'Y'. If TABLE1.UPD = 'N', then the users can only do select on the record. I don't know if the roles can handle based on row values.

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Fast Way Of Inserting 60 Millions Of Records From A View To A Table?

May 8, 2012

which is the fast way of inserting 60 millions of records from a view to a table.

method 1:

create table t_temp_table as select * from v_dump_data;

method 2:

through bulk collect

---Bulk_Collect With FORALL----------
TYPE srvc_tab IS TABLE OF t_temp_table%ROWTYPE;
l_srvc_tab srvc_tab := srvc_tab();
l_start_time NUMBER;
l_end_time NUMBER;
l_error_count NUMBER;


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SQL View Showing Non-related Records?

Jun 27, 2011

I'm trying to get a list of values from a table, and I am just not seeing the answer -I have a table with 4 records (say A, B, C, and D), each record has a GUID to uniquely identify it.I have a 2nd table that holds the relationships (parent-child).

At this point, I have 2 rows:

So, A is a parent to B, and A is a parent to C (D is not related to anything at this point)

I would like to be able to go into the D record and see that it is NOT related to A (A would be the parent in this instance) - the trick however is I only want 1 instance of A to show up.attempted to use some inner/outer join qualifications and I just cannot seem to get the data to display properly.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query From The View Returning Zero Records

Feb 27, 2012

Im running the following query in DB - Prod2

select *
from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay a
where reimbursed_amt < 0
and invoice_date = '01-JAN-1900'
and not exists ( select 'x' from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay b
and reimbursed_amt > 0 )

The above table t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay --> is from a view on the database Prod2 and this view is pulling the data from the database prod1 via dblink

When I run the same query on Prod1 it returns 3 rows. Is there any reason this is not fetching data on prod2 view? or whatz wrong with the above query

or for example if I run the above query as follows with the dblink "@prod1" it returns the data properly

select *
from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay@Prod1 a
where reimbursed_amt < 0
and invoice_date = '01-JAN-1900'
and not exists ( select 'x' from t_act_rwrd_reimb_stay@prod1 b
and reimbursed_amt > 0 )

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Set View To Show Records Equal To Date?

Sep 14, 2007

I have set up a view that pulls news & events records.

SELECTc.priority, c.startDate, p.headline, p.newsID, p.kicker, p.category, p.webPath, p.makePopup, p.thumbnail, p.shortDesc, p.storyType
FROM(so_news p LEFT OUTER JOIN so_news_deptLevel c ON p.newsID = c.newsID) LEFT OUTER JOIN so_departments d ON d.deptID = c.deptID


For events I want only the events that have a p.startDate equal to today. I have tried setting that line up a few different ways.

p.startDate = sysDate didn't provide any records for events
p.startDate = TO_CHAR(sysDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') freaked the system out and nothing appeared for either parts of the union

how to output only events that are for today?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 10g - Update Records In Target Table Based On Records Coming In From Source

Jun 1, 2010

I am trying to update records in the target table based on the records coming in from source. For instance, if the incoming record is present in the target table I would update them in the target else I would simply insert. I have over one million records in my source while my target has 46 million records. The target table is partitioned based on calendar key. I implement this whole logic using Informatica. Looking at the informatica session log I find that the informatica code is perfectly fine but its in the update part it takes long time (more than 5 days to update one million records). find the TARGET TABLE query and the UPDATE query as below.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Materialized View - Table Or View Does Not Exist

May 2, 2012

I have a materialized view "pro_mview",I am trying to refresh the MVIEW by using the following statement.


But I am getting the below error.

Error at line 1:
ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2256
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2462
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2431
ORA-06512: at line 1

I am able to fetch the data from that materialized view(pro_mview).

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Replication :: Oracle Materialized View / Deletion Of Records

Nov 13, 2009

One question reg Materialized views.

If as part of housekeeping of the Source database we delete some records (older records), will the materialized view also be updated with the deletion? I believe the answer is yes. In that case can we ensure that this delete does not happen?

Is there anyway we can prevent MView refresh from deleting the records that is once inserted even if we delete the same records in source DB?

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Locking Users By A Table Field Value

Dec 27, 2006

We have a table with several columns (id, title, description, area).The data in the table looks like this

1 sometitle1 description1 USA
2 sometitle2 description2 Germany
3 sometitle3 description3 Japan
4 sometitle4 description4 Honduras

We have Oracle users with their usernames and password. We would like to lock every single user to a certain area.Example:

user 1 may see only records, where AREA=USA
user 2 may see only records, where AREA=Honduras

How can I do this in Oracle. I am using Oracle Enterprise 9.2

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List All Users That Have Privileges On A Table

Aug 6, 2011

Is possible to list all users that have any privilege on a specific table?

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Audit Dml On Few Table For Non Application Users

Oct 12, 2013

I want to audit  dml on few table for non application users.can I omit only application users from audit so that whenever new user is created we need not to add audit for i have to create audit logon trigger for this which check first the application user names from table and if logged user is not application user auditing will start for it.

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Table Locking When Many Users Retrieve Data

Sep 2, 2009

I have a "select ... into" in my PL/SQL and it doesn't retreive any data(I suppose just certain columns because if it doesn't retreive a row then the PL/SQL should throw an error) when there are many users accessing this table. It shouldn't be some table locking right? Because if it is, it should wait until the table is available then it will retreive data. Currently it just proceeds with the PL/SQL and selecting nothing in that query. what details should I look at to trace the cause of this problem.

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Server Administration :: System And Users Table Space

Oct 15, 2011

a newbie dba here..

sum(BYTES) Total_free_space,
max(BYTES) largest_free_extent
from dba_free_space

result output is attached .txt file.

the SYSTEM & USERS table space shows only <10 mb free space. Is it a bad sign? What I should do ?

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PL/SQL :: Create View Which Is Aggregate Count Of Member Records / Grouped By Business_unit / Gender / Age Per Year

Oct 13, 2012

Using Oracle 11g...We have a table in our database of data with the following information:

DOB (date),
age [at time of month_record],
MONTH_RECORD (date) [31-MON-YEAR for recorded active month]

The table has ~55 million records. Existing index is only on MASTER_RECORD.There is now a need to create a view which is an aggregate count of member records, grouped by business_unit,gender, age per year. eg:

business_unit, gender, age, month_record, num_of_members -> for every combination
unit5, F, 25, 31-JUN-2011, 622
unit3, M, 18, 31-MAY-2011, 573

The view can be created now, but, is not fast enough to be reasonably considered a view. This table is re-created every month from a procedure, so there is flexibility on how it is created. Use interval partitioning by year( something I have not experienced using), create an index on the month_record,then create view.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Regular Table Or Materialized View - Clone Table Data In Another Database

Jul 19, 2010

There is a requirement to make a table data in a database (eg: HR database) available in another database (eg: EMP database), instead of accessing it using database link. In EMP database(where data needs to be cloned), data will only be queried and no write operation will be done. Data in remote database (eg: HR DATABASE) will be occassionally fully truncated and reinserted. The plan is to do a similar truncate and reinsert of data (from HR database) into EMP database monthly once using dbms scheduler job. So basically data in just one table needs to be cloned in another database.

Question: For this situation, is a regular table or Materialized view the right choice to clone the table in EMP database and why? The table in HR database (remote database) is not very big.

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Application Express :: Insert Into History Table When Update Action Is Performed On Tabular Form View Or Table

Aug 24, 2013

My scenario is I need to insert into History table when a record is been updated into a tabular form(insert the updated record along with the additional columns Action_by,Action_type(Like Update or delete) and Action Date Into History table i.e History table contains all the records as the main table which is been visible in tabular form along with these additional columns ...Action_by,action_type and action_date.

So now i dont want to create a befor/after update trigger on base table rather i would like to create a generic procedure which will insert the updated record into history table taking the page alias and pade ID as the parameters(GENERIC procedure is nothing but whcih applies to all the tabular forms(Tables) contained int he application ).

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Server Administration :: Reorganize A Table And Index After The Deletion Of Records From Table?

Feb 7, 2012

We deleted millions of records from a table.

1.Is it necessary to reorganize a table and index after the deletion of records from table ? Because i see some change in table size after table and index reorganization.

2.Will re org table and index improve the database performance ?

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Records From 125 Million Record Table To Insert Into Smaller Table?

Jul 17, 2013

Oracle 11gI have a large table of 125 million records - t3_universe.  This table never gets updated or altered once loaded,  but holds data that we receive from a lead company. I need to select records from this large table that fit certain demographic criteria and insert those into a smaller table - T3_Leads -  that will be updated with regard to when the lead is mailed and for other relevant information.  select records from this 125 million record table to insert into the smaller table. 

I have tried a variety of things - views, materialized views, direct insert into smaller table...I think I am probably missing other approaches. My current attempt has been to create a View using the query that selects the records as shown below.  Then use a second query that inserts into T3_Leads from this View V_Market.  This is very slow. Can I just use an Insert Into T3_Leads with this query - it did not seem to work with the WITH clause?    My Index on the large table is t3_universe_composite and includes zip_code, address_key, household_key.   

CREATE VIEW V_Market  asWITH got_pairs    AS     (         SELECT /*+ INDEX_FFS(t3_universe t3_universe_composite) */  l.zip_code, l.zip_plus_4, l.p1_givenname, l.surname, l.address,, l.state, l.household_key, l.hh_type as l_hh_type, l.address_key, l.narrowband_income, l.p1_ms, l.p1_gender, l.p1_exact_age, l.p1_personkey, e.hh_type as filler_data, 1.p1_seq_no, l.p2_seq_no       ,      ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  l.address_key                                    ORDER BY      l.hh_verification_date  DESC                    ) AS r_num         FROM   t3_universe  e         JOIN   t3_universe  l  ON                l.address_key  = e.address_key             AND l.zip_code = e.zip_code           AND   l.p1_gender != e.p1_gender      


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert All Records From External Table Into Export Table

Mar 25, 2013

following is the requirement

External Table
Export Table

Step 1.Insert all records from the external table into the export table. Truncate the export table first

Step 2.Read in a record from the export map table

Step 3.Search through export table records looking for the key words BRANCH =. Compare the branch code with the branch code form the map table

Step 4.If a match is found mark all records in the export table for the worksheet with the global ID from the export map table as follows..The first line of a worksheet is marked by the words WKSHTS..The last line of the work sheet is marked by the words COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL..We will need to capture the line break so also mark the next line after the COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL line

Step 5.Continue with Steps 2 - 4 until all records have been processed from the export map table.

first I have to create a procedure ti insert data from external table to export table.Global id will be will be updated by the mapping table's Global Id when The EB COLUMN's data(i.e 8p,2Betc ) will match with the BRANC=NA,2Betc of the datasheet loaded from the external table.. FOLLOWING IS THE SAMPLE DATASHEET


THERE ARE 2 pages..I have to split this LONG REPORT STORED IN WKSHT_LINE COLUMN OF EXPORT TABLE to 2 wise 500 pages are there means 500 records.. AND THEN FIND BRANCH= after that which two words will come i.e NA,2B etc if it will MATCH WITH MAPPING TABLE"S EB COLUMN"S DATA,THEN MAPPING TABLE's GLOBAL ID WILL BE UPDATED TO EXPORT TABLE's GLOBAL ID WHICH IS BLANK

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Insert Newest Records From One Table Into Another Table

Mar 9, 2004

Trying to auto insert the newest records from one table into another Table. I have a vendor provided table that is part of my database (running Oracle 9i) so I can't change the underlying structure to it or their process stops fluxing. However, I can add a trigger to it. What I want to do is this:

When the vendor's software inserts a new row (through their own automated process) I want to insert data from that same new record into another table of my own. (where of course I can re-format it, etc., and make the data my own)

The original vendor table does not have a insertion timestamp field to work off of.What is the best way to trigger an insert off the latest inserted record? It works to replace all the records in the entire vendor table but I only want to insert one record at a time.

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View And Table With Same Name

Dec 5, 2012

If you have one table called CUST_ACCOUNTS and a view called CUST_ACCOUNTS -- and then you want to select from the view and not the table.Is there a prefix for views or something that I can have in front of the name to specify it's the view I want data from?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join Between Table And View

Mar 18, 2011

I have create a select statment using more then 10 table which is returning only two columns as per my requirement.

From this select statement I have create a View?

In order to proceed further first I would like to as If I can join a table and a view?

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Materialized View On Nested Table?

Dec 2, 2010

I try to do this:


where NESTED_TABLE_FIELD is a nested table stored as T_NESTED_TABLE

And I get the error: ORA-12014: table 'T_NESTED_TABLE' does not contain a primary key constraint

Why should it if I try to create a MV with "WITH ROWID" refresh option and not "WITH PRIMARY KEY" one?

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Materialized View Log On DBLink Table?

Aug 6, 2010

DB1: Sql Server
DB2: Oracle 11g

Is it possible to create a MV log against table@DB1? If not, then am I limited to refresh complete if I need to create MVs against @DB1?

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Table Or View Does Not Exist Error?

Apr 25, 2007

I created a table by doing so:

create table Playlist (Artist string, Album string, Track int, Song string, Genre string);

But I get the following error message when trying to perform a query:

SQL> select artist
2 from playlist;
from playlist
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

I entered data in for the artist, so why doesn't it work?

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Materialized View Cannot Use Prebuilt Table

Aug 18, 2010

We are in the process of migrating our databases to a hosting provider (10g Sun -> 11g LINUX.) A (former) data architect at our business had this (nightmare) situation implemented:

- have materialized views created
- after creation of mat views(and associated tables), add additional audit columns to the table that are populated by triggers, not by the MV. All data is important.

In order to get all of the data to the hosting provider, we data pump export the full schemas (which include the associated MV tables), have the provider DBA's import (all the materialized views failed on import, but the associated MV tables were created/populated), and I'm now attempting to fix the MV code to get them recreated. Over 100 MV's, most of which have these extra audit columns, and a number of the remote master/source tables do not have primary keys so using the by rowid option. An edited example (object names changed to protect the innocent) - using CAST to include the audit columns:

cast(null as date) CREATE_PROCESS_DATE,
cast(null as varchar2(20 CHAR)) CREATE_PROCESS_ID

ORA-12058: materialized view cannot use prebuilt table

IF remove "with rowid", get error that cannot create because no primary key on source table.

Online options seem to be (1) do not use prebuilt table (in which case we'd lose the additional audit data) or (2) add a primary key on the master table (we're not in a timeline to make & test changes to various production source tables.)

Other thoughts on how to get this data migrated/populated? This needs to be a lift and drop as much as possible - any type of rewrite/restructuring is out of the question.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Table Through Inline View?

Oct 1, 2010

there is a diff. problem for me.when i create table through inline view then it shows 2246 records but if i check these records only in select statement then it shows 124 records. i cant understand how table shows 2246 records even then atual records in inline view shows only 124 records.

following is a query

create table sam as
select * from
select distinct stck.item_code
from (
select item_code,bal


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ORA-00942 - Table Or View Does Not Exist

May 13, 2011

I am trying to run the following code. The issue i am having is when running it in a function or procedure. (the SELECT statement works on it's own - so why doesn't it would in a procedure?)

SELECT LAST_DDL_TIME from SYS.dba_objects
WHERE object_type='TABLE'

i get an error saying "PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist"..I a quite new to oracle / SQL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Table Statistics - View Not Appropriate

Oct 22, 2010

how many rows certain tables have.

updating the statistics for a table (with GATER_TABLE_STATS) and using NUM_ROWS then. This works fine for me as long as I am the owner of the table, but when someone else is, I always get this error: ORA-20000: Table does not exist or insufficient privileges.what privileges do I need to use GATHER_ TABLE_ STATS on all Tables, which were created by Users?

when I tried to use ANALYZE TABLE TEST_TABLE COMPUTE STATISTICS on a certain table I got the following error: a view is not appropriate here. The strange thing is, TEST_TABLE is not a view (at least it is not listed in ALL_VIEWS and is listed in ALL_TABLES, so it cant be a view right?).

Besides, is there another way to gather Table Statistics (not using Analyze Table or Gather_Table_Stats)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create View Without Base Table?

Jun 25, 2012

How to create a view without base table . some example?

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