SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-04023 / Object (trigger Name) Could Not Be Validated Or Authorized

Jul 13, 2012

We are adding a column to a table using online redefintion,so its dependent triggers are getting Invalidated.

Table has 3 simple triggers on it

1)Delete trigger-AFTER EACH ROW-Its insert old deleted data in some other table

2)Insert trigger-AFTER EACH ROW-Its insert newly inserted data in some other table

3)Update trigger-AFTER EACH ROW-Its insert updated data in some other table

Modified table might be under some transcation

ISSUE: After recompiling 2 triggers(Insert and Updated) they are compiled successfully but Delete trigger is erroring out with ORA-04023:Object <trigger name > could not be validated or authorized

Q1) Why only delete trigger is errored out?

Q2) How can it be resolved?

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Security :: Fire Trigger If And Database Object Will Created?

Nov 7, 2013

How to write and fire trigger if any database object will created?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: After Update Statement Sql%NotFound Is Being Validated?

Jun 29, 2012

After an Update statement, Sql%NotFound is being validated. Sql%NotFound validates to true even though a record matching the update condition is found. Because of this, the procedure execution Exits. If the Sql%NotFound is commented, then the Record gets updated. which is validating Sql%NotFound condition to True.

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Installation :: Oracle Client Installs With Validated Rpms?

Nov 28, 2012

I'm needing to set up some Oracle clients (11.2) on middle tier/application servers Looking around for a simple/repeatable way of meeting the pre-install requirements and was considering using the "validated" rpms.

The oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall rpm i believe is really for a database server setup, so it's doing some group/kernel parameter/package setup that i suspect isn't really required for a client only setup.

Do people use those validated rpms for client only installs?Might there be a "Oracle Validated Client preinstall" rpm out there?Should I just script the package installs and user/group creation?

how to make the client requirements/install process quick and easy!

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN-06403 / Could Not Obtain A Fully Authorized Session

Jul 16, 2012

I need to configure rman backup via oracle enterprise manager.Database is not in archive mode, rman shutdown the database and made a "startup mount" for backup.

I set up a backup on disk and the test is successful When I plan the backup job, database shutdown but the backup is not working and after database is not started.

here is the log of the backup job :

shutdown immediate;
SP2-0640: Not connected
-> ->Connected
Database closed
Database dismounted.
ORACLE Instance shut down.
startup mount


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Application Express :: Navigate To Authorized User Page 5 - Keeps On Going To Page 1

Aug 17, 2012

I have different public page (page1) and different page for authorized user(page5).Upon successful login after process validation ,computation it should navigate to authorized user page 5 but the branching does work it keeps on going to page 1 .

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PL/SQL :: Error In Modifying Object Value In Triggers Defined On Object Tables

Sep 26, 2012

While practicing with Triggers, the following error was encountered. An Object Type and an object Table are created.

create or replace
type typPerson is object
(id number,
firstname varchar2(30),
lastname varchar2(30)

I executed the below insert statement, and I got the following error.

SQL> insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object1','From Trigger');
insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object1','From Trigger')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 4153
Session ID: 136 Serial number: 305

SQL> insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object','Original');

1 row created.Question:

1) Trigger of version 1 did not report any error during compilation, but during DML execution, hangs for sometime and gives the above error.
2) Whether direct assignment of Objects of greater size is possible inside triggers built on object Tables?
3) Suppose an object contain multiple attributes (say more than 20), then how to assign them inside a trigger?

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TimesTen In-Memory :: OracleDataReader - Object Reference Not Set To Instance Of Object

Jan 25, 2013

I have a problem with executing oracleCommand.ExecuteReader() method. Whatever I try it always returns null and it won't create OracleData reader object. I'm using ODAC 1120320_x64 for .net 4.0 and timesten112241.win64. Don't sure what to do. Debugger is showing strange thing in OracleConnection object : ConnectionState = Closed, but output of ttStatus shows connection to TimesTen data store and ExecuteNonQuery() command works just fine with or without (in or out) parameters. But when I try to execute some query with multile output such as select *, I can't get any result.

I also have a strange problem with connection.Open() When I execute Open() i throws AccessViolationException that can be handled with [Handle ProcessCorruptedStateExceptions] attribute, but connection is established after that and my application works fine until I try to instance OracleDataReader object.

Here is the code:
OracleCommand select = null;
OracleDataReader reader = null;

select = new OracleCommand(selectStmt, connection);
select.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
reader = select.ExecuteReader(); // this line throws NullReferenceException
if (reader.HasRows)

Just to mention, I tried it with different queries (pl/sql, plane sql, stored procedure) and all of them works fine in SQL Developer, but not in app.

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Find Dependent Object Details For Any Object

Dec 24, 2012

Is there any query to find the dependent object details for any object. Like if mview is built on a table, then i should be able to find the table name with out checking code of the mview. similar way for view and functions or procedures etc...

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PL/SQL :: How To Access Type Object Variable Declared Inside Another Type Object

Mar 29, 2013

I have an Type-object typeObj1 that consists another Type-object typeObj2. this def has another Type-object typeObj3. how to access variable declared inside typeObj3. I have syntax below for each Type.

      SYSTEM_IDENTIFER                    VARCHAR2(50),
      PROCESS_TYPE                          VARCHAR2(50),
      abc                                            typeObj2


/I have tried to access the type-object in where clause in following way

FROM TABLE(CAST(I_typeObj1 AS typeObj1)) ITTPRC,


In this way i am able to access the variable inside typeObj3. But problem is i am getting error "ORA-01427 single-row subquery returns more than one row" when i pass more that one typeObj2.

I passed the values like this in proc execution.

T_T_A_I_V  :=  typeObj3('asdasd',NULL,NULL),
T_T_A_I_I  :=  typeObj2('CampusCode',T_T_A_I_V),

What i have done is removed typeObj3 from typeObj2, variables defined in typeObj3 are added in typeObj2 then i got ride of above error. is it correct

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Forms :: Call One Trigger Of Item In Trigger Of Form?

Jul 1, 2011

How can "call one trigger of item in trigger of form"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out Object Name

Feb 16, 2010

I want to find out the name of objects like procedures,functions which are using a specific column of table.

for example i have a table 'Orafaq' which has column 'Iss_Ide', i want to know which objects like procedures,functions,views are using column "Iss_Ide" of table orafaq

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Same Object In Different Schema

Oct 11, 2011

I have 3 schemas (master, baby and web)- master has two pakages , PkgA which has user access and package PkgB with definer access. It also has a table called Tab1. Both pakages are inserting data into table Tab1. Baby schema also has table Tab1. When we call pakage PkgA where data will insert (mater or baby table) and when we call pakage PkgB where data will insert (mater or baby table). What will happen when we call pakages from web and how can we make sure data is inserting baby Tab1 table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Trigger In Another Trigger

Mar 10, 2010

Can we call trigger in another trigger,if it is possible any example.

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Two Object Tables - Row Will Not Insert

Jun 14, 2007

I have 2 object tables. Location and a department. Department references a location Object. But this wont insert. I get "0 rows created".

locationID NUMBER,
name VARCHAR2(48)
name VARCHAR2(48),
locationID_ref REF location_objtyp

This does not insert. I get no error. Only - "0 rows created".

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Oracle Sys Object Invalid

Jun 21, 2013

Oracle sys object are Invalid,But database working fine. How to fix these problem, I don't have oracle support,

Database Dba_registry contain are All Valid.But sys object getting Invalid.

Oracle 10g Standard

SYS 141



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Check All Object Privileges

Sep 6, 2011

How can i list all the object privileges from n user?

for example:

I granted to USER1:

GRANT ALL on my_table1 to USER1;
GRANT ALL on my_table2 to USER1;
GRANT ALL on my_tableN to USER1;

How can i list all privileges from this user over all tables?

I don't know if this is possible, but i wanna to list:


Is this possible?

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Associating XMLTYPE Object With A XSD?

Oct 11, 2012

How to create an AQ queue in with payload of type "sample_orc.xsd".

Right now I created an object of XMLTYPE. Below is the code

CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sample_payload_type AS OBJECT (
test_data SYS.XMLTYPE

Now How will I associate an XSD say "sample_orc.xsd" to this object?

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DB Object Validation Report?

Jul 21, 2010

In our company we have a requirement to export data out of a live dbs and import that into a test db for issue replication,debugging & fixing from time to time.

As a junior DBA am resposible to import a dump file provided to me into a test DB. The export is taken off by customer dbas or consultants for a specified list of tables/schemas etc.

I have readonly access to source database and the issue I am facing is after the import there are certain objects that get missed out or do not get imported properly.

I would like to know if there was a script I can use to generate a report on the source DB and then run the same on the target DB after the import and compare to find out if any objects got missed out.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Total Object Privileges

Jun 1, 2010

Is there any data dictionary table to get the object grants for total objects in the database?

Using DBA_TAB_PRIVS, i get object grants for tables only. But i'm looking for remaining objects also. The list of remaining objects is below.

view, or materialized view
Procedure, function, or package
User-defined type
Synonym for any of the preceding items
Directory, library, operator, or indextype
Java source, class, or resource

provide me the other data dictionary tables for querying.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Datatype From Object

Dec 8, 2010

I have created an Object Type and this Type is mapped to a column datatype in a table.This Table has values inserted.

create or replace
type column_type as object (
col_name varchar2(30),
col_comment varchar2(4000)

ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents...how to resolve this issue without having to delete any column from the table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Into Object Type?

Oct 2, 2011

what ios wrong in the following code

create or replace type testobj as object(col1 number);
create or replace type tabtest as table of testobj;
create or replace procedure proc(a out tabtest) is
cursor c is


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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00955 / Name Already Used By Existing Object

Mar 15, 2012

During import , tables were imported but index was not imported due to ORACLE home was full.after import i was trying to create the the same index as it was not imported i am getting below error.

The "error ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object"

My index name is GL01PK . I am trying to verify if the index with above name is present or not , using following query.

select OWNER,OBJECT_NAME,SUBOBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_ID ,OBJECT_TYPE from dba_objects where object_name like '%GL01%'

below is the output which shows that GL01PK index is not present.

GLOT1 GL01 150943 TABLE
FNSONLC3 GL01_13042011 148184 TABLE
FNSONLC3 GL01_07052011 148195 TABLE

how can i create the index here with the same name GL01PK

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invalid Object History?

Jun 10, 2010

I can get a list of invalid objects, know how to recompile them but I was wondering if there was a way to query the date/time of when an object went invalid.

I'm working on a (Enterprise Edition) database running on SLES10.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Recreate An Object?

Mar 15, 2010

I have the metadata of an object in one of my database table as xml. I failed to recreate the object in the other schema using metadata api. I developed a stored function to do the above job. My function doesn't throw any error as well as it doesn't create the object.

My code snippet is

table_name in VARCHAR2,
from_schema in VARCHAR2,
to_schema in VARCHAR2 )


The schema where i create and execute my function have dba privilege also.

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PL/SQL :: Displaying Value Of Object Type

Aug 30, 2012

I have created one type as Object and I am trying to display the values available in object type for debugging purpose. To display the contents of object type.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Varray Of Object Type

Jun 23, 2010

I want to pass varray of object as out parameter (more than 1 ), Tested the below code getting error.

Note : I want to get value from table and assign it to varray object and pass varray as out parameter.

Here below the code I tested.

create type emp_type as object (
emp_no number,
create type emp is varray(10) of emp_type;

Getting error while above code.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Are The Privileges The User Is Having On A Object

Oct 2, 2010

How can we find out what are the privileges the user is having on a object.

For example I want to find what are the privileges the "uesr1" is having on "stud_table".

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Deadlock Detected While Trying To Lock Object XDB

Jul 19, 2007

I keep getting an ora-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object XDB. SDNRB..The statement I'm trying to issue is:

REVOKE execute on abc."descript_T" FROM PUBLIC;

I am not able to find a solution for this besides the fact of trying the operation again at a later time.I did, but get the same error every single time.

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ORA-08103 - Object No Longer Exists?

Sep 10, 2011

I am facing a problem in my database that whenever I load any kind of database objects in a particular tablespace then it gives:-

ORA-08103: object no longer exists

If I load in any other tablespace, everything works fine. I am getting error while export/import, create a table etc. How can I resolve it. I was wondering that may be it is facing problem while writing to a particular datafile.

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