I just want to list and group all my tables that are linked together by constraints. I just want my tables to be able to be listed together as one particular database. my tables are , CUSTOMER, ORDER_INFO, ORDER_LINE, PRODUCT. They're all linked together by way of constraint and I want to list and print them all together as one DB. HOW DO I put them all in one schema and then also list them all together and print/illustrate them as one. also, I tried to import them into their own scheme but i ran into a series of probs regaurding the .dmp file being read.
How do i list all tables from dba_tab_columns which contains both column name='id' and 'date'. I don't want to list the tables contains either 'id' or 'date'
The database system they have has around 5000 tables. The majority of these are not used (it is an off the shelf package). What I am trying to do is get a list of all tables in the database BUT only those that contain records (not the empty tables) and then copy this to an excel spreadsheet. We use a tool called aquadata to run sql enquiry statements on.
I am executing a script that is deleting some parent records and the corresponding child records as I have used the "on delete cascade" with the Foreign key Constraint.
My question is that can I list the records that are being delete from all the tables i.e. both parent and child tables. Is some thing like spooling can work in this or do I have some other option with which I can see(select) all the deleted records.
I am in the task of clean up of tables. I need to find the list unused tables and procedures. Is there any way where i can find when was the last time the table queried?
Give sql query to find the list of unused tables and procedures.
I have 2 tables Table a(girlscoutid, item, quarter)Table b(girlscoutid, fname, lname) I want to get the names of ppl who did not sell any item/s for the
I can do any sql commands against the schema I want (PSUSYS) with my username(SCHWAN) in the sql window, but when I want to export a table(created with a different schema) no tables are listed in the export window. This does work for my coworkers with the same access.
At one time this used to work so I'm wondering if it is a parameter that I inadvertently changed.
I am trying to pass a list of names from one table as a variable to another table and trying to find the Highest level they exist at in the hierarchy. I am having some troubles with the variable and need some guidence and also if this should be a procedure or not.
this is what i have now :
Variable man_name Varchar; exec :man_name = (Select full_name from direct_manager_report) UPDATE direct_manager_report Set Manager_level_number =
Let me know what modifications have to be done for this the variable to get the name from table 1 and find the manager level from table 2 and populate it back in table 1.
I have 3 tables in the Oracle database( emp, employee, emp1) which has following record values in it.
empidenamejob 7369, 'SMITH', 'CLERK'
I would like to list these 3 tables thru SQL/PLSQL, having the above record values combination. Also, the name of the columns could be different in all the tables i.e. name could be 'ename' in Emp table , and 'name' in Employee table. Is there way to do this in SQL or PLSQL ?
I am having one requirement that i have to restrict the access of oracle database from clients.
suppose i am having 10 users and they have all information related login like username, password, database servers details etc but then also they should not get login into my database, i have to restrict some of them like i have to provide access to 5 users only out of that 10 users.
Way to share or manage the TNSNAMES.ORA file for all oracle clients in same place?I already have a TNSNAMES.ORA configured and running in the machines (locally).The problem is that any change done( ip, port etc), imply in update all files in all the Oracle clients
I got a call today saying that some users were having a hard time logging on to Oracle using our in-house PowerBuilder-built application. I have Oracle 10.2.0 running on 32-bit Windows 2003. Poked around a little, looking in the dump directories, checking CPU utilization, checking OEM to see if there were any obvious performance issues or blocking issues or whatever - didn't see anything unusual. Logged in with SQL Plus with no problem. Then I checked the audit logs. All we audit is user logons and logoffs. What I was seeing is that a handful of users were showing a logon event with a logoff (action 101) 10 to 15 seconds later. One user in particular was showing this over and over again.
Is there any logs or query where I can monitor client's IP previously connected to the database? I have created 2 listener with 10.1.2.x and 10.1.100.x network. I would like to separate the oracle traffic to the 10.1.100.x alone. As of now both can connect to the database. I like to monitor if everybody is already transferred to the 10.1.100.x network before I will disable the 10.1.2.x.
I have an Oracle server with Oracle 11g R2 and need to install its clients over several desktops.I am using 2 separate installs, but I think that this might be redundant.The 2 setups I'm using are:
- ODAC 11.2 Release 3 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio ( - 64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) Downloads
- Is really necessary to install both of the 2 setup, or there is something I can use once instead of it?
have some problem between my database and the listener Sometimes I have connection errors: The error occurred intermittently
The listener starts and stops normally XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx >lsnrctl start LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 16-JUL-2012 17:51:09 Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
But there is an error when the database register into the listener (in listener.log): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx Started with pid=4029 Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=xxxxxx)(PORT=1521))) Listener completed notification to CRS on start
i have developed an oracle form application in oracle developer 10g, now i want to make it accessible based on a browser to the clients(make it a web aaplication form)
DECLARE CURSOR GRP IS SELECT RowNum rn, Letter_Group_ID||'-'||A_Desc AName,Letter_Group_ID FROM Hrs_Group; BEGIN Clear_list('Letter_Group_ID'); FOR I IN GRP LOOP Add_List_Element('Letter_Group_ID',I.rn,I.AName,I.Letter_Group_ID); end loop; END;
FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.