SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check If Result Of Cursor Is Empty

May 20, 2010

How can i check if the result of a defined cursor is empty?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Checking If Cursor Is Returning Empty List?

Sep 24, 2010

I am select list of ids;

cursor c1 is
select c_id from ctab1 where login = l_id
select c_id from ctab2 where login = i_id;

now I need to return err_code and err_message if this combined list is empty ! Can not use exit%notfound.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Datatype Of Result From Select Query?

Jul 7, 2011

I have this query

SELECT wmsys.wm_concat (gp.prog_acronym)
FROM inf_program gp, ea_audit_program ap
WHERE ap.sys_prog_id = gp.sys_prog_id
AND ap.sys_audit_id =484

is there any way I can check the datatype of the result of the above query ? ,my dba added some patch to oracle , after the patch this query is returning a clob in java , it should return string and it used to return string before patch and in other databases it returns string, I can check the return type only from java side , is there any way oracle can say me the datatype ?

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How To Check Cursor Stats At Run Time

Sep 24, 2011

I have a stored procedure running in which there is a cursor which fetches around 1500000 records and then query another table using the fetched record values.

I cannot modify the procedure as its on production. I want to know which cursor record is currently being processed by the procedure, and how many are still remaining ? How to check the cursor stats at runtime. I want to check up to which record the cursor has been fetched and how many are still remaining. I have cursor name. Is there some dynamic view to check cursor stats at runtime ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Cursor Having Record Or Null

Jun 22, 2010

i want to check cursor having record or null/ if having records then count of records?

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Application Express :: How To Pass A Cursor Result To Javascript Code

Jun 15, 2012

what document I should look for to pass a cursor generated by PL/SQL to java script code in APEX?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check If Element Present In Defined Column Of Cursor?

Apr 29, 2010

i want to produce a function who return XmlType element if she checks that a parameter (that i passed to here is contained in a row in a defined table)

for example

create table sec_form(
form_code VARCHAR2(8)
, sec_code VARCHAR2(5)
) ;
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section1');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section2');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section3');

then i got my function

create or replace function checkIfSectionEnabled (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2)
return XmlType
is v XmlType;
CURSOR myCursor IS select * from sec_form where form_code = 'CSA';
open myCursor;


now i'm gonna call the function (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2) and pass here "section1" for example ; and she must return me my xmltype element if she find "section1" finds section1 present;

when i try t compile i got:

Error(18,13): PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Error(18,26): PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'MYCURSOR' reference is out of scope

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Forms :: Put One Check Box To Check All The Check Boxes?

Jul 30, 2011

I want to put one check box to check all the check boxes.how can i do this?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Pro*C - Cursor Leak With Cursor Array

Sep 7, 2007

I'm dealing with an ORA-1000 error in a Pro*C application where all the cursors are correctly closed (or so it seems to me).

Here is the code for a simple program which reproduces the problem:

Each cursor is opened in a PL/SQL package:

TYPE emp_cur_type IS REF CURSOR;
PROCEDURE open_cur(curs IN OUT emp_cur_type, dept_num IN NUMBER);
END emp_demo_pkg;


While testing the initialization parameter open_cursors is set to 50.

It's my understanding that Oracle doesn't close the cursors until it needs the space for another cursor, which in my test case seems to happen when I enter a value of 50 or bigger for "number of loops". To see how oracle is reusing the cursors, while the test program is running I run SQL*Plus and query v$sesstat for the session that's running the test with the following sentence:

select name, value
from v$sesstat s, v$statname n
where s.statistic# = n.statistic#
and sid = 7
and name like '%cursor%';

Even before I enter a value for number of loops I can see that the session opened 4 cursors and closed 2 of them:

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 4
opened cursors current 2

Entering a value of 5 for number of loops yields

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 11 <----- 7+
opened cursors current 8 <----- 6+

With a value of 30

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 36 <----- 25+ (apparently, Oracle reused at least 5 cursors)
opened cursors current 33 <----- 25+

With a value of 47

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 53 <----- 17+
opened cursors current 50 <----- 17+

Now I reached the upper limit set by the initialization parameter open_cursors.

Entering a value of 48, I get the ORA-1000 error.

ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

Since I open and close the cursor in the same loop iteration, I expect to find in every iterarion 1 explicit cursor and a number of implicit cursors (the PL/SQL call along with the so-called recursive cursors), but I don't expect the sum of all of them to be greater than 50. If my understanding is correct Oracle should be reusing the 50 cursors previously marked as "closeable", not raising the ORA-1000 error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor With Bind Variable And Cursor Record

Feb 25, 2011

Is it possible to:

-define a cursor with bind variables
-get a cursor record from these cursor
-and pass the bind variable in the OPEN clause

Did'nt succeed as shown in the example.

--works fine
--doesn't work
crec c1%rowtype;
--works fine
OPEN c1;
--isn't possible ?
--OPEN c1 USING 3;


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10g - Some VARCHAR2 Fields Empty?

Jul 21, 2011

Once a year in the application we have a specific query that gets used a lot. It's an UPDATE that updates a single record in a single table with a few different datatypes, but the issue is happening with one of the VARCHAR2 fields. It updates one VARCHAR2(2000) and three VARCHAR2(4000) fields at the same time.

This year, 9 of the 95 times it was used resulted in one of the VARCHAR2(4000) fields as null in the database. The users would not want this field to be null and 5 of the 9 have told us they entered something (the form they're filling out is a research proposal and leaving this field empty would be pointless because it's part of the funding request, so they're not doing it). The application isn't doing it because it's not consistent. I've checked the application and these fields can't be nulled any other way.

We just found the issue so I looked back over the past years back to 2005. Last year it didn't happen at all. In 2010 it happened a handful of times. Some years there were even more times. It's not always the same field but it's always a VARCHAR2 of at least 2000 characters.

I have a lot more information but it's all just details (let me know if you need to know more). I'm wondering if there is a bug in 10g with these types of fields. I don't believe it's malicious behavior on an individual's part but I suppose that's always possible.

how to research something like this. I tried to get access to Oracle Support and the Knowledge Base I heard they have but it doesn't look like I can do that

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How To Use CASE When Set Query Empty

Mar 23, 2009

I have a query that will either return one record or zero records. When it returns zero records I want to replace my attributes with a sentinel, like 'N/A'. I tried the CASE statement but couldn't get anything to work

Sample (does not work):
(case when exists (select product from tbl_product where productid = '123') then product else 'N/A' end) product
from tbl_product
where productid= '123';
If one record exists it should produce: 'My Widget' (or whatever)
If zero records exist it should produce: 'N/A'

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Temporary Tablespace Is Empty

May 10, 2011

While I was exporting ( schema level ) ,I am getting following errors :

vaughn$ exp parfile=qar808par.txt
Export: Release - Production on Tue May 10 10:52:34 2011
Copyright © 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Username: system
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Export done in WE8ISO8859P9 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)
About to export specified users .

. exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
. exporting foreign function library names for user TOXFIRE_TO_TSFDA
. exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
. exporting private type synonyms
. exporting object type definitions for user TOXFIRE_TO_TSFDA
About to export TOXFIRE_TO_TSFDA's objects ...
. exporting database links
. exporting sequence numbers
. exporting cluster definitions
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 25153 encountered
ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

'Parfile' contents :


What is the reason, and It is saying that temporary tablespace is empty ( temp tablespace have almost free space ) why it is saying like that? And users default temp tablespace is that tablespace only ( database have only on temp tablespace

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Empty Space Creation

May 29, 2013

While i am inserting data into a specific table that table assigns empty spaces.

For example:


But it is giving result as DS with 8 spaces. It assigns spaces in db automatically while fetching.

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Forms :: Empty Element In Item_list

Jan 13, 2013

I used a dynamic item_list. This list should contain only the result of the query but I found an empty element in the list. So, how to eliminate this element empty list?

see the picture:


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Forms :: Loop Insert Empty Row?

Jul 3, 2010

there this is my insert loop but the problem is there is row added more than the normal count ..

var_record_count NUMBER;
var_p_request NUMBER;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Load Data Into Empty Table?

Jul 25, 2011

There is one table with data in ORCL1 database.I have created the table using create table statement in ORCL2 database.Now i want to insert only the data into table.

I know one method ... drop the table i created using drop table statement and then create the table with data using export/import.

Is there any other way we can load data into empty table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Find Empty Column?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a table with thirty column for attendance like Day_A01,Day_A02......Day_A31.

I need a query that should return the column which is empty but its next and previous column is not empty.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Remaining Empty Columns

Dec 20, 2010

My requirement is that under table name like A I have to update remaining empty columns as A and under B remaining null columns as B and so on.

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PL/SQL :: External Table With Empty File

Oct 9, 2013

My db version: Oracle 11g I have an empty csv file.I created a external table for the empty csv file.When I run:select count(*) from externaltblname;It returns 1. It should return 0 right. In the definition, I specified "SKIP 1"But still it returns 1. When I use this external table to load into a target table. It loads a single row with null values.How to fix this.

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Empty Blocks In First Place On Loading A Table

Jan 4, 2011

what empty blocks are, and how to remove them.What I'd like to do is not have empty blocks in the first place on loading a table. I load a lot of "static" tables and would like to not have any wasted space at the end, with minimal shinanigans.

I've set pctfree 0
I"ve set initial to close to the end table size
I've set next to 1M
I've set pctincrease 0
blocksize is 8k

Yet I still need to at least do an alter table deallocate unused

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Query To Search Empty Room Between Date

Mar 13, 2009

i have project for hotel , i can't solve query to search empty room between date . i have table for room , when room record under reservation between date . then i want to found empty room between date, which is query to make do.

Table Room

Now i need to found empty room between date search room empty between

11/03/2009 - 13/03/2009

select Room_No from Room where From_Date Not between '11/03/2009' and '13/03/2009' i found hard to query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Empty Text File With Data In UNIX

Apr 14, 2010

I have text file with data in UNIX. I want to clear only records(make empty the file) using UTL_FILE..

I know we can remove the text file from UNIX and create file again with same name...

Is there any other way??

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Server Administration :: How To Get Number Of Empty Block

Mar 31, 2012


------------- --------
683 8




no data found


------- ----------
686 1
684 1
687 1
685 1
688 1
683 4


in the ⑧ step,why block#685,block#686,block#687,block#688 in the buffer cache after i query data from scott.T2012?

in the ⑨ step,what's the block number of the empty block?just like DBMS_ROWID.ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER(ROWID).

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Forms :: 10g Show Empty Screen In Browser?

Jun 29, 2012

When I try to run the form by clicking Program/Run form, it opens a webpage(explorer) and displays ?ORACLE FORMS? label, but does not show the form only blank screen appear. When I try to run the form by clicking Program/Run form, it opens a webpage(Firefox), but does not show the form only blank screen appear.

I have noticed that in Start OC4J Instance it has some thing like as below:

SYSDATE TIME FormsServlet init():
configFileName: E:DevSuiteHome_2/forms/server/formsweb.cfg
testMode: false

pop-ups is not blocked in my browser I have allow active content to run in files on your computer.directory name (where the form is stored) also doesn't contain any spaces.

Also I have change the

to this

I have done all the things mention in this forum to overcome this error.But, still the same problem is there.Also please take a note that I am using JRE not JINITIATOR. Beacuse when I am using the JINITIATOR it give me the problem of browser crash in both IE and firefox.Also I am using Windows XP and oracle form 10g.

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Forms :: Checking To See If A Text Item Is Empty

Aug 8, 2010

I was wondering can i check if a text item in another block is empty when a user try to create a record using a button in another block.

/*creating a program that will check to see if the customer id in the customer block is null it will then display the the stop alert and tell the user that he/she cant create a new order without having a selected a customer*/

--this is the block_item im checking to see if it null
IF (:customer.c_id) = NULL THEN

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Email With Attachment / How To Remove Empty Line

Jun 22, 2010

I need to send email notifications with attachments. Below is my testing codes.

text varchar2(32000);
crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
text := 'Test only'||crlf||'test 2'||crlf||'test 3';

I notice that, there is an empty line at the top of the content of this file. I don't want the empty line to be included in my file.

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Drop Index Tablespace - File Is Non-empty

Oct 15, 2012

AIX 5.2

I am trying to drop a index tablespace I moved all indexes to new tablespace there is no indexes in that tablespace even any objects but still it is not dropping.it is giving error as below.

SQL> drop tablespace ret_index including contents;
drop tablespace ret_index including contents
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-02429: cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique/primary key

SQL> alter tablespace ret_index drop datafile '/path/index3.dbf';
alter tablespace ret_index drop datafile '/path/ret_index3.dbf'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03262: the file is non-empty

try to resize

SQL> alter database datafile 4 resize 100m;
alter database datafile 4 resize 100m
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

Tablespace size is 280gb

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Client Tools :: How To Get Rid Of First EMPTY Line Of Spooled File

May 30, 2011

how to get rid of the first EMPTY line generated by SQL*Plus when spool'ing to a file.

I tried using set pagesize 0 and while that get rid of the empty blank line, it also disabled the heading ...

Currently using sed as a work around. But unfortunately, can't use sed on Windows?

set pagesize 200
set heading on
set trimspool on
set lines 200
set verify off
set echo off
set feedback off


As mentioned, using pagesize 0 remove the blank line but I also lost the heading.

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Replication :: Refresh_all_mviews Returning Failures But Deferror Is Empty

May 7, 2012

I have successfully cleaned up our test environment but am having problems with the development environment.

We have a master table, a single materialized view log on that table, and 85 materialized views based on them.

Following is the output from my 'refresh_all_mviews' and query on 'deferror':08:36:04 SQL> SET serverout ON
v_failures NUMBER(12) := 0;
dbms_mview.refresh_all_mviews(v_failures,'F','', refresh_after_errors => true, atomic_refresh => false);
08:36:33 SQL> 08:36:33 2 08:36:33 3 08:36:33 4 08:36:33 5 08:36:33 6 08:36:33 7 08
:36:33 8

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

08:36:47 SQL> 08:36:47 SQL> select * from deferror;

no rows selected

08:36:56 SQL>
why no rows are being selected? Do I have to 'set' something 'on'?

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