I was wondering can i check if a text item in another block is empty when a user try to create a record using a button in another block.
/*creating a program that will check to see if the customer id in the customer block is null it will then display the the stop alert and tell the user that he/she cant create a new order without having a selected a customer*/
--this is the block_item im checking to see if it null IF (:customer.c_id) = NULL THEN DISPLAY_ORD_STOP_ALERT; GO_ITEM('CUSTOMER.C_ID'); [code]....
I have successfully cleaned up our test environment but am having problems with the development environment.
We have a master table, a single materialized view log on that table, and 85 materialized views based on them.
Following is the output from my 'refresh_all_mviews' and query on 'deferror':08:36:04 SQL> SET serverout ON DECLARE v_failures NUMBER(12) := 0; begin dbms_mview.refresh_all_mviews(v_failures,'F','', refresh_after_errors => true, atomic_refresh => false); dbms_output.put_line('Failures='||v_failures); END; / 08:36:33 SQL> 08:36:33 2 08:36:33 3 08:36:33 4 08:36:33 5 08:36:33 6 08:36:33 7 08 :36:33 8 Failures=5
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
08:36:47 SQL> 08:36:47 SQL> select * from deferror;
no rows selected
08:36:56 SQL> why no rows are being selected? Do I have to 'set' something 'on'?
The following code is indicative of what I'd like to do (as in not correct at all ). Would there be a more immediate way to accomplish this other than executing a SELECT statement after the UPDATE?
-- Incorrect indicative example 1.
DECLARE v_cur SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN UPDATE table1(f1, f2) SET ('v1', 'v2') WHERE f3 = 'v3' RETURNING <updated_rows> INTO v_cur END;
-- Incorrect indicative example 2.
DECLARE v_cur SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN v_cur FOR UPDATE table1(f1, f2) SET ('v1', 'v2') WHERE f3 = 'v3' END;
I am creating a db function to select * from table_name to be used by the application for retrieving lookup data. I found many examples for how to return cursor as a result of executing a dynamic sql but don't know the optimum way.
following is my current trial:
I've seen several code samples that show how to return a REFCURSOR from a Stored Function, but when I try it with C# it gives me allways WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS or somehing like that.
I presently don't have my code in here, but it is something like this:
we use oracle 11g. 11.2. I have a situation where in a pl-sql package, there is a modification needs to be done . Every User is associated with destination codes. For eg, user1==>0101,0104 There is a destination_number and country field in the table1.Each of the destination number is associated with a country code and this combination is unique. for eg:
dest_code country_code 0101 CHINA 0202 UK 0101 Mexico 0104 Mexico
For example, if user1 logs in to the system, then pl sql logic will look if that dest_code is in a table1,If the dest_code is present in the table1, then that dest_code number wont be added to the dest_code list formed for that user. For example,if user1 got dest_codes 0101,0104 associated with him.IF 0101 is in exception table then 0101 and 0104wont be used to form dest_code list. If NOT, a dest_code list will formed like 0101||0104. I am able to form the logic like I have a cursor that loops for each dest_code.For each dest_code , it will get that dest_code into v_dest_code_no number type variable. open cursor fetch dest_code no into v_dest_code v_dummy number:=0;v_dest_code_list number:=0; LOOP v_dest_code_list:=v_dest_code ||v_dest_code ; v_dest_code :=0; END LOOP: How to make sure that for each dest_code set, if one of them is in table1, then the next number also will not be added to the list.
I am running a query in our Clarity PPM database to return a list of all Support projects. This returns a simple list of project code and project name:
The query has the project resource tables associated with it, so I am able to list all resources allocated to the project. But for now i am only selecting a DISTINCT list of projects.
I have a separate query which returns a list of support resources.
select res.full_name, res.unique_name , dep.description from niku.srm_resources res, niku.pac_mnt_resources pac, niku.departments dep where res.unique_name = pac.resource_code and pac.departcode = dep.departcode and res.is_active = 1 and description like 'IMS%' and UPPER(dep.description) like '%SUP%'
What I need to be able to do in the first query, is return only projects that do NOT have a resource that appears in the resource list in the second query.
(the res.unique_name field in the second query can be linked to the same in the first query)
Logically, the process would be: 1. Identify Support Project 2. Identify Resources allocated to the project team 3. Compare with List of Support Resources 4. If any Resources in that list do NOT appear on the project, then return project.
In my environment found maximum open cursor exceeds error. So how can I found the open cursor list and how can I close that cursor without restarting. Any SQL commands to close the open cursor.
I am getting [Error] PLS-00402 (182: 1): PLS-00402: alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names error in my SP.I have created alias for each column and still i am getting the error.
We have a problem where a data load script has caused data in one of our tables to be incorrectly loaded. Instead of loading the parent row, it has loaded an offest that was assigned by the application.
Which is the best way to check whether a record exists.
DECLARE l_count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM emp WHERE empno=7839; IF l_count=1 THEN dbms_output.put_line('exists'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('not exists'); END IF; END;
I want to ask for a password from the user so they can access their account, however I want the password to have constraints on it. For example I want the user input to between 6 and 12 characters in length containing at least one number and one letter.
How can check that which query is taking how much load or time in execution on server in oracle.I want the soluation as like that, run the query and get the detail in desc order and identify that this query is required to tune or kill the session.
My goal is this:I have a table which is being updated/changed by lay people with certain types of values. Constraints are given to them, but they need not conform to them as they update the table in excel.Now, I want to validate this table every-time before I use it. i.e. implement a script which can be run to verify is all the values are in the right format for further usage.
I have a variable number of columns (i.e. users can add further columns as their requirements change).From columns 3 to 'n' (depending on table given) the values should be 'Yes' or 'No'. How do I check this for a variable number of columns in PL/SQL?
declare vnum number; vname varchar2(50):='t1'; begin begin select count(*) into vnum from dba_tables where table_name=vname; dbms_output.put_line('table count '||vnum); exception
when others then
vnum := 0; end; begin if vnum>0 then execute immediate 'drop table '||vname; dbms_output.put_line('table dropped'); end if; exception
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('table does not exists'); end; execute immediate 'create table '||vname ||' ( n number)'; dbms_output.put_line('table created'); end;
CREATE TABLE t2 ( id NUMBER, ename2 VARCHAR2(20), sal2 NUMBER, job2 VARCHAR2(20), conid NUMBER
My requirement is like when I am calling the procedure P1 with some values then it should check the table "t2".And table "t2" is linking with table "t3".
So what ever the column "verify" is there, it should check the incoming values against it. If matches success otherwise reject it.Later the incoming values is stored different tables.I am doing it in the above way by hard coding some value.
DECLARE CURSOR GRP IS SELECT RowNum rn, Letter_Group_ID||'-'||A_Desc AName,Letter_Group_ID FROM Hrs_Group; BEGIN Clear_list('Letter_Group_ID'); FOR I IN GRP LOOP Add_List_Element('Letter_Group_ID',I.rn,I.AName,I.Letter_Group_ID); end loop; END;
FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.
In my table ,data type of one among 10 columns is defined as varchar2(10).I need to check that column should accept only numeric value(0 to 99) or alphabetic value(a to z or A to Z) .It should not accept Alpha-numeric values.I tried like this
select c3 from demotab where to_number(c3) not between ascii('a') and ascii('z') ;
but I got error like 'Invalid Number'.how to implement this thro sql query.
select * from testing Quote: ID NAME REDATA -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 1 ABC,DEF,GHI,LKJ 000001 2 MNC,GHI,CTF 000002
2 rows selected
select * from testing where name like ('GHI,TCF');
now my output should be as above because GHI is common in both the names.if any of the where condition string matches the Name field then I need that record to be retrieved.
I have made a simple form in which user will be entering his username and relevant password to get authorised. My issue is , if the user is entering wrong password for 3 times then both fields should get disabled. I did the form until the point where it checks wether the user is authorised or not. But how to give count on failure of passwords.
My requirement is to load the data from feed file into two tables based on the value of a column in feed file.
say column in feed file is "Activity_Value" . If the Activity_value is 10, the data from feed file should be loaded into Table A and If the Activity Value is 20 the data from feed file should be loaded into Table B.
I want to delete the records which are less than or equal to this date
For that I have created the following procedure.
If declare as MIN_DATE Date;
it's not taking time. If declare as MIN_DATE Timestamp; It is taking milli seconds also. 18-OCT-13 PM SALE_DATE ,SALES_CREATION_DATE and SALES_UPDATE_DATE in this format 18-OCT-2013 11.59.59 AM. How to delete the records which are less than or equal to this date MIN(TRUNC(sale_week_date)-(1/(24*60*60))) ..
1) I got column date of joining which accepts date in below format DD-MON-YYYYDD-MON-YYMON-DD-YYYYMON-DD-YYMonth DD,YYYY Question:-
how do i check whether all dates in Date of joining column are in above format or not using sql query? 2) I got one more date column which accepts date in below formatMMDDYYYYYYYYMMDDMM/DD/YYYYMM/DD/YYYYYY/DD/MM Question:-
how do i check whether all dates in date column are in above format or not using sql query?
I have a table and data as below.I need to select all the records if value have both 'M' and 'D'.If there is only 'M' or 'D' then select should not pull any records.
WITH data as ( Select '1' id, 'M' value from dual union all Select '1' id, 'M' value from dual union all Select '1' id, 'D' value from dual union all Select '1' id, 'D' value from dual ) select value from data group by value
I tried below query but it is not working.
WITH data as ( Select '1' id, 'M' value from dual union all Select '1' id, 'M' value from dual union all Select '1' id, 'D' value from dual union all Select '1' id, 'D' value from dual ) select * from data group by value having sum(count(distinct(value))) > 1