How To Check Cursor Stats At Run Time

Sep 24, 2011

I have a stored procedure running in which there is a cursor which fetches around 1500000 records and then query another table using the fetched record values.

I cannot modify the procedure as its on production. I want to know which cursor record is currently being processed by the procedure, and how many are still remaining ? How to check the cursor stats at runtime. I want to check up to which record the cursor has been fetched and how many are still remaining. I have cursor name. Is there some dynamic view to check cursor stats at runtime ?

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Client Tools :: Spool Only Time And Stats?

May 9, 2010

m spooling the results of some performance tests to a text file, the test script im using calls various sql statements in other scripts and spools to the results, stats and time to the same file...Howver I dont want to spool all the results... i only want the stats and time.. how can i do this?

my script looks like:
SPOOL f:/testresults.txt


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PL/SQL :: How To Check If Time Is Closer To Start Or End Time

Jan 31, 2013

I have a table which stores apointment start times and appointment end times. For the sake of this thread I will call them appt.start_time and appt.end_time. I then have a check in time and a check out time for the customer. The only thing is they ONLY way to distinguish between a check in time and a check out time is which one has the earlier time and which one has the later time. Obviously the earlier time will be the check and the later time will be the check out.

This is fine, however sometimes they may forget to check a person in or out and I need to determine whether the time should be insert into the check_in column or the check_out column. To do this I was thinking of comparing the time with the appointment start and end time and if it was closer to the appointment start time put it into the check_in column and if its closer to the appointment end time put it into the check_out column. But I was wondering how I would go about doing this.

The time I will want to compare against the appointment start and end time I will store in a variable called v_time and have this as part of my query, im just unsure of what way to write the query so as to check if the time is closer to the start or end time.

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Performance Tuning :: Why Elapsed Time Changed While Execution Plan And Stats Remains The Same

Jun 4, 2010

attached query giving consistent execution plan but different timings across run

DISTINCT odr.dve_id
FROM company_requirements crt, orders odr, lelo_products la_pct
WHERE crt.qtn_cun_id = 10035637--10000021--10035667
AND crt.ID = odr.crt_id_quote_implemented
AND NVL (odr.cancellation_date, '31-Dec-9999') = '31-Dec-9999'


we have 4 databases, 2 on each servers, such that db1 and db2 on server1 and db3 and db4 on server2

refer count of the records for column of biggest table in the query, taken on all 4 databases (The column is nullable)

select count(*) from company_requirements crt WHERE crt.qtn_cun_id = 10035637
db1 = 73335
db2 = 89073
db3 = 81182
db4 = 82936

First I executed the query on db1 and db2 while there wasn't any user logged on to the system

call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.06 0.08 0 0 0 0
Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 1 17.47 473.39 85704 1508102 0 0


Elapsed times include waiting on following events:

Event waited on Times Max. Wait Total Waited
---------------------------------------- Waited ---------- ------------
SQL*Net message to client 1 0.00 0.00
db file sequential read 85704 0.31 460.55
latch free 1 0.00 0.00
SQL*Net message from client 1 14.98 14.98


Why the elasped time changed when data and plan hasn't changed at all? Also why the plan has different stats for round 1 and 2 on db1 and db2?

I ran it 2 times each round each database so hard parsing shall not be issue.Also why the number of rows accessed are different in db1,db2 and db3,db4 especially for step1 when count of crt.qtn_cun_id is similar?

In fact when the query was taking long I was the only user on the system Also I used hard coded value (no bind variables at all)

I checked num_rows, distinct keys as well which are quite similar across all 4 databases Also no stats where gather during the query execution

What I should have checked or monitored?

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Performance Tuning :: Using Stats Table Instead Of Regular Stats To Get Plan?

Jan 27, 2011


I have used the above to get a copy of schema stats and gather new stats for specific tables into a STATS TABLE in my personal schema. What I want to do now is use this stats table to generate plans for queries where I believe stats are off. Is it even possible? To be clear, I do not want to import stats because this replaces the stats currently there. I just want to point the CBO to my stats table for generating plans.

there was a session parameter I could set to tell oracle to use my stats table when generating plans, or an explain plan clause I could use or a DBMS_XPLAN paramter I could provide that would tell these tools to use my stats table when generating a plan, or even some way to tell autotrace. But I have found none of this.

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Server Administration :: Delete Stats Gather Stats

Sep 11, 2012

During STATS gather running for the table, unknowingly i deleted the old stats using EXEC DBMS_STATS.DELETE_TABLE_STATS. I would like to know will it affect the stats gather job currently running for the table and whether my stats will be gathered successfully.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check If Result Of Cursor Is Empty

May 20, 2010

How can i check if the result of a defined cursor is empty?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Cursor Having Record Or Null

Jun 22, 2010

i want to check cursor having record or null/ if having records then count of records?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check If Element Present In Defined Column Of Cursor?

Apr 29, 2010

i want to produce a function who return XmlType element if she checks that a parameter (that i passed to here is contained in a row in a defined table)

for example

create table sec_form(
form_code VARCHAR2(8)
, sec_code VARCHAR2(5)
) ;
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section1');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section2');
insert into sec_form values ('CSA','section3');

then i got my function

create or replace function checkIfSectionEnabled (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2)
return XmlType
is v XmlType;
CURSOR myCursor IS select * from sec_form where form_code = 'CSA';
open myCursor;


now i'm gonna call the function (elem XmlType,name_section varchar2) and pass here "section1" for example ; and she must return me my xmltype element if she find "section1" finds section1 present;

when i try t compile i got:

Error(18,13): PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Error(18,26): PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'MYCURSOR' reference is out of scope

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PL/SQL :: Check If Time Is In Between Two Timestamp

Jun 17, 2013

I have a simple query which will return either A or B depending on the projected oven out date and time. If the projected oven out date and time is between 6am and 6pm, A should be returned. Otherwise B if time is between 6pm and 6am of the next day. My problem is that I do not know how to display A or B depending on the projected oven out date and time. I am using the query below to get the projected oven out date and time.  

to_char((ti.txndate + pm.baketime/24),'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS PM') FCSTDOvenOut  


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Script To Check Response Time?

Nov 27, 2012

customer have a monitoring system that execute a script to check response time db (9i database).

The script do the following steps:

- Date
- select count(*) from all_tables
- select count(*) from v$lock
- Date

And then calculate the gap from end and start date, this is the response time.So, response time change from db to db depending on number of tables.

Is there any different method or different object to use?

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Check Elapse Time For Particular Query Ran From Last 24 Hours

Dec 26, 2012

Need to check the elapse time for particular query ran from last 24 hours , it was ran multiple times and need to know for each execution what is elapse time .

which view we can use ?

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Security :: Check Users / IPs Who Connect To Database In Specific Time

Jan 22, 2013

Is there a way where I can check users/IPs who connect to the database in a specific time 2 days ago?

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Time Drift Detected / Check VKTM Trace File For More Details

Apr 9, 2012

I have just migrated database to 11.2 ..Migration is successfull and now database is in open mode working fine.BUT i m getting following mesage in alert log file

"Time drift detected. Please check VKTM trace file for more details."I m using windows platform.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Listener Time Zone Settings / Values In Oracle 10g Database?

Nov 28, 2011

How to check the listener time zone settings/values in Oracle 10g database?

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Forms :: Put One Check Box To Check All The Check Boxes?

Jul 30, 2011

I want to put one check box to check all the check can i do this?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Pro*C - Cursor Leak With Cursor Array

Sep 7, 2007

I'm dealing with an ORA-1000 error in a Pro*C application where all the cursors are correctly closed (or so it seems to me).

Here is the code for a simple program which reproduces the problem:

Each cursor is opened in a PL/SQL package:

TYPE emp_cur_type IS REF CURSOR;
PROCEDURE open_cur(curs IN OUT emp_cur_type, dept_num IN NUMBER);
END emp_demo_pkg;


While testing the initialization parameter open_cursors is set to 50.

It's my understanding that Oracle doesn't close the cursors until it needs the space for another cursor, which in my test case seems to happen when I enter a value of 50 or bigger for "number of loops". To see how oracle is reusing the cursors, while the test program is running I run SQL*Plus and query v$sesstat for the session that's running the test with the following sentence:

select name, value
from v$sesstat s, v$statname n
where s.statistic# = n.statistic#
and sid = 7
and name like '%cursor%';

Even before I enter a value for number of loops I can see that the session opened 4 cursors and closed 2 of them:

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 4
opened cursors current 2

Entering a value of 5 for number of loops yields

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 11 <----- 7+
opened cursors current 8 <----- 6+

With a value of 30

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 36 <----- 25+ (apparently, Oracle reused at least 5 cursors)
opened cursors current 33 <----- 25+

With a value of 47

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 53 <----- 17+
opened cursors current 50 <----- 17+

Now I reached the upper limit set by the initialization parameter open_cursors.

Entering a value of 48, I get the ORA-1000 error.

ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

Since I open and close the cursor in the same loop iteration, I expect to find in every iterarion 1 explicit cursor and a number of implicit cursors (the PL/SQL call along with the so-called recursive cursors), but I don't expect the sum of all of them to be greater than 50. If my understanding is correct Oracle should be reusing the 50 cursors previously marked as "closeable", not raising the ORA-1000 error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Any Way To Get Stats Quickly

Dec 10, 2012

I have used the following statement to gather the stats of a table..

EXEC dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('APP','SALE_AMT',ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>100,CASCADE=>True);

To gather the stats it is taking one hour and the table SALE_AMT is having 237213998 there any way to get the stats quickly.

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Tkprof Stats For A Query?

Oct 21, 2011

understand this stats from the TKPROF. The below stats is for INSERT SELECT statment.

Here what does Disk and Current values refer ?
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 1 1141.84 1117.85 1829639 517129893 1749 109
Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 1 1141.84 1117.85 1829639 517129893 1749 109


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Security :: Privileges For Stats

Aug 31, 2012

My tables are in ers_stg schema and code which collects state on these table are in etls_ers schema, what permission i need in order to get the stats collected from etls_srs schema. i am getting in sufficient privilege error.

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Stats Collection In Oracle 11g

Nov 9, 2013

while doing stats collection weather system takes the backup of current statistics. i think we can specify stattab. but weather it takes stats backup before over writing? I got this requirement as a part of upgrade, i have already gone through export_schema_stats and import_schema stats already.  Just trying all other possible options only.

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Gather Stats On Table

May 26, 2011

I have doupts in gathering stats on table. I analyzed one table it took 2 hours first time.. the same table after one week later i analyzed, its got completed within 45 minutes.. I don't know exact reason why i got completed very soon. Is there any specific reason?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor With Bind Variable And Cursor Record

Feb 25, 2011

Is it possible to:

-define a cursor with bind variables
-get a cursor record from these cursor
-and pass the bind variable in the OPEN clause

Did'nt succeed as shown in the example.

--works fine
--doesn't work
crec c1%rowtype;
--works fine
OPEN c1;
--isn't possible ?
--OPEN c1 USING 3;


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Automated Gathering Of Optimizer Stats

Sep 10, 2013

I am quiet confused with the optimizer collection stats job on 11g. when run the following query i see the statistics enabled.

SQL> select client_name, status from dba_autotask_client;

---------------------------------------------------------------- --------
auto optimizer stats collection ENABLED
auto space advisor ENABLED
sql tuning advisor ENABLED

I can gather statistics manually using DBMS_STATS, but there is no automated gathering of optimizer stats. how can i have system run and collect statistics on a daily bases?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: 11g Oracle Upgrade Stats Table?

Jan 30, 2012

When we upgrade from 10g to 11g oracle upgrades the stats table by EXECUTE DBMS_STATS.UPGRADE_STAT_TABLE('OWNER','TABLE'); But When we import from 10g to 11g do we need to upgarde the stats table??

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PL/SQL :: Generate Stats For DBLink Table (SQL)

Sep 7, 2012

I am trying to generate some statistics on tables connected by a dblink. I know with oracle you have table_columns which you can reference and pull some stats from.

Trying to get the column count and record counts for each table connected by a dblink. I have tried these queries below to see if I could see any db properties: (some just to try something different)

select * from "table_owner".table_column@dblink ;
select * from "status"@dblink;
select /*DRIVING_SITE(a) */ count(*) from @dblink a;

What is the best method to finding this out without spending a lot of time? I have over 30 tables which are with large record sets and would love to learn a faster approach then pulling a sample table and doing a manual count and query for each table to count the rows.

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Stats-pack Not Working On RAC 2 Node?

Jun 15, 2013

We have 2 node oracle RAC database and we enabled stats-pack on the database(since its STD edition). However we found that stats pack report coming from 1st node properly but second node it show as below. 

Instance     DB Name        Snap Id   Snap Started    Level Comment------------ ------------ --------- ----------------- ----- --------------------INST2         PRDDB  2139 15 Jun 2013 04:00     5                               2140 15 Jun 2013 04:00     5                               2151 15 Jun 2013 04:00     5                               2152 15 Jun 2013 04:00     5                               2153 15 Jun 2013 04:00     5                               2154 15 Jun 2013 04:00     5                               2155 15 Jun 2013 04:00     5                               2156 15 Jun 2013 05:00     5                               2157 15 Jun 2013 05:00     5                               2158 15 Jun 2013 05:00    


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Does Old Plan Stay After Re-gathering Stats

Oct 1, 2012

I am on 11.2 on Linux.I am looking into a performance issue. The issue is around 1 particular SQL, involving about 5 tables.I re-gathered statistics on 2 main tables in the query (out of 5 tables).

When I say re-gathered, I first did DBMS_STATS.DELETE_TABLE_STATS and then did DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.

Earlier, we had histograms on these tables, which I removed and gathered stats without generating histograms.
SQL> select table_name, num_rows, sample_size, last_analyzed from user_tables where
  2  table_name in ( 'DETAIL_TABLE','MASTER_TABLE');

------------------------------ ---------- ----------- -------------------
MASTER_TABLE                     50615338    50615338 01/10/2012 11:09:27
DETAIL_TABLE                    353550440   353550440 01/10/2012 11:10:05

2 rows selected.Then ran the SQL again couple of times (actually, that SQL is in a stored procedure, which I ran couple of times).I found this wonderfull SQL on internet, which tells me when the SQL ran and which plan (identified by its hash value) it used. Using this SQL I tried to check if my SQL was run using any different plan, but it used exactly same plan it used before I re-gathered the stats. See the last analyzed time above and begin_interval_time below, same SQL has run before and after stats collection, with same plan_hash_value.

SQL> select ss.snap_id, ss.instance_number node, begin_interval_time, sql_id, plan_hash_value,
  2  nvl(executions_delta,0) execs,
  3  (elapsed_time_delta/decode(nvl(executions_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta))/1000000 avg_etime,
  4  (buffer_gets_delta/decode(nvl(buffer_gets_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta)) avg_lio


7 rows selected.

My question is, when I re-gathered stats on 2 tables out of 5 tables in a given SQL, are the plans not flushed out of SGA? I was expecting that, at least a new plan hash value would show up front of my SQL, before and after stats collection.

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Stats Gather Error On Production Database

Aug 27, 2012

I got following error when i am gathered stats on Schema level.

SQL> EXEC dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname=>'KDB', estimate_percent=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,cascade=>TRUE, force=>TRUE);
BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname=>'MFDB', estimate_percent=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,cascade=>TRUE, force=>TRUE); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20003: Specified bug number (9196440) does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15342
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15688
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15766
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15725
ORA-06512: at line 1

SQL> EXEC dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname=>'CDC_DATA', estimate_percent=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,cascade=>TRUE,DEGREE=>10);

BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname=>'CDOMIG_DATA', estimate_percent=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,cascade=>TRUE,DEGREE=>10); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20003: Specified bug number (9196440) does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15342
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15688
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15766
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 15725
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Performance Tuning :: Incremental Stats Not Happening

Oct 15, 2012

I have set the incremental stats for my partition table as it takes more than 20 min to gather , though the incremental is set to 'true' the table is getting analyzed completely.

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