I have a stored proc SP_INSERT_TRAINEES.Here sTraineeNo is provided as input which has count of trainee needs to be inserted in table aaa_foc.user_profile. The sequence is used to generate ids as :
I want the values for ids to be inserted as 001,002,003,.......010,011,................099,100,101,............999.So that the values in the table would be like TRAINEE001,002.......
I have tried to use LPAD to it but the values are getting insertes as TRAINEE1,2,3...........
The code is given below:
when trying to calculate the occupied space for a table, I'm using DBA_SEGMENTS, which works fine as long as the table does not have a BLOB column.
As far as I can tell, the size of the BLOB data is stored with the SEGMENT_TYPE = 'LOBSEGMENT', but I cannot find a view that tells me which DBA_SEGMENT row belongs to the BLOB column in the table I'm checking.
To give you an example:
select sum(BYTES) from DBA_SEGMENTS where owner = user and segment_name = 'MY_TABLE' group by SEGMENT_NAME
returns 262144
SELECT sum(length(blob_column)) FROM my_table
returns 821333
There are entries in DBA_SEGMENTS for my user with the type LOBSEGMENT, but I cannot find a way to map the correct DBA_SEGMENTS row to the table I am checking.
I have many different file names within my table and I want to remove the .TXT extension from each one. I want to try this SQL but being a newbie in Oracle, I don't know how to say "Left" characters. "Left" is an invalid identifier.
Update TableName Set File_Name = Left(File_Name, Len(File_Name)-4) Where File_Name LIKE '%.TXT'
I am creating a query where I am trying to take phone call lengths and put them into buckets of length ranges 0:00 - 0:59, 1:00 - 1:59 etc. Even if there are no calls in the call table I need to return the range with a zero (hence the left join and nvl). When I do this the left join acts like an equal join, I suspect there is some reason left joins only work if there is an equal condition in the join (instead of >= and < that I use, or similarly I could use BETWEEN). I also have a question about performance (below).
The create table script for the lookup is like this:
The query is: select r.range_text as duration_range, nvl(count(*),0) as calls, nvl(SUM(call_duration),0) as total_duration from
As I say, it is not returning all ranges in the duration_ranges table, so acting like an inner join. I realize one solution would be to populate duration ranges with every value possible (instead of ranges) so join is an equal join, but that would make the duration_range table larger.
My questions: 1. Is it possible to get the left join to work with the duration range values as they currently are? 2. Even if 1 is possible, would it be better performance to have exact values (but a larger lookup table) and do an equals join instead of >=, < or BETWEEN? Performance now is not bad.
What I mean is (with only one time value and not lbound and ubound:
Using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Here's a simplified version of the query I am having problems with:
SELECT assoc.association_id FROM mentor_initiative mi LEFT JOIN program assoc_prog ON assoc_prog.program_id = -1 LEFT JOIN mentor_association assoc ON assoc.mentor_initiative_id = mi.mentor_initiative_id AND NVL(assoc_prog.program_id, -1) = NVL(assoc.program_id, -1)
Note that there is no program with program id -1. So the assoc_prog left join will come up with nothing. I was thinking that since assoc_prog.program_id will be null, the second assoc left join would pick the row where assoc.program_id is null. However, the second left join doesn't join to any row.
In this query, it does join to an assoc row (I changed assoc_prog.program_id to NULL)
SELECT assoc.association_id FROM mentor_initiative mi LEFT JOIN program assoc_prog ON assoc_prog.program_id = -1 LEFT JOIN mentor_association assoc ON assoc.mentor_initiative_id = mi.mentor_initiative_id AND NVL(NULL, -1) = NVL(assoc.program_id, -1)
I was thinking it would join to an assoc row in the first query though. How can I change the first query to have the desired effect of left joining to a row where assoc.program_id is null if assoc_prog.program_id is null?
I am observing some skewed results for Left outer join where the main table has NULL in the field we are joining against with another table.
Just wondering if there are some tricks to get over it. I am currently using NVL(tab1.col1,'X') = NVL(tab2.col3,'X') and am just wondering if there is a better way to handle this.
i have downloaded ireports latest version (3.6.0) for working with jasper reports (3.5.2) and creating reports;How can I change the orientation of a 4 columns report in order to generate the columns starting from the right side.I need to generate a multiple columns report in arabic and it should be done from right to left.
I am using forms 6i and oracle 10g. i want to display a char from database. that means a database string 'Bangladesh' is display from by one char to one char.
and display view right to left first display "B" then "BA" then 'BAN' etc.
The requirement is to show all the employees from employee_master and with total billable hours and non billable hours, if not exist, show zero.The output will be:
The question is to write a Left outer join query or to write a PL/SQL function which can return total rows if Employee_ID is supplied to it as a parameter
Query 1: Select Employee_ID, Employee_name, sum(Billable), sum(Non_Billable) From ( Select a.Employee_ID, a.employee_name, decode(b.project_type, 'Billable', hours, 0) as Billable, decode(b.project_type, 'Non Billable', Hours, 0) as Non_Billable from employee_master a left outer join employee_time b on a.Employee_ID=b.Employee_ID ) Group by Employee_ID, Employee_Name
Query 2: Select Employee_ID, Employee_Name, func_billable(Employee_ID) as Billable, func_non_billable(Employee_ID) as Non_Billable From Employee_Master
Which query is good from the performance perspective? In real situation the employee_time is a very huge table.
joining this query instead of using the left join. Reason is want to show the score column in a different place and also do not want to show the second IPS column that is used in the joined query.
I have the following query but it is taking too much time because of the LEFT OUTER JOIN on HST table which is a huge table , is there an alternative to LEFT OUTER JOIN that can be used to optimize the code:
Is there any possibility of creating a selection interface similar to our report or forms wizard where user can select single fields or multiple fields together and when he clicks on the arrow those fields data to be inserted into another table.Please refer attachment.
--this is the main table create table batch_item (batch_no varchar2(12),item_batch varchar2(12),total_batch_qty number);
insert into batch_item ('0001','a',300); insert into batch_item ('0002','b',200); insert into batch_item ('0003','a',102);
--after inserting the data i should be able to move this data to corresponding batches by manually selection and pushing them to a batch.create table ct_item (item varchar2(12),item_nm varchar2(20),item_qty number);
insert into om_item values ('a','alpha',2); insert into om_item values ('b','beta',3); insert into om_item values ('c','gama',4);
--left side is om_item and right will have batch items where batch qty will be accumulated upon choose arrows.
i am trying to left join a selection of two or more tables. what i have found, and solved part of my problem, is that oracle left joins only the last table in the select statement ...
i.e : select * from A, B left join C on C.id = A.id wouldn't work because left join applies to B and not A.
but as my queries grow i need to make something as follows :
select * from A, B left join C on (C.ID_A = A.ID and C.ID_B = B.ID) [... evantually more left joins as the preceding one may go here]
this query works for DB2 but Oracle claims that "A"."ID" is an invalid identifier, while the B.ID is recognized since it's the last table stated before the "LEFT JOIN" keyword.
I have the following 2 SQLs ; one return 1 row, another one is no row returned.
select v.value from v$parameter v where v.name = 'cpu_count';
return value "1"
select o.value from v$osstat o where o.stat_name = 'NUM_CPU_CORES';
No row returned.
combine the above two in to 1 SQL, and return 1 , null or 1, 1. I assume we can get it with left join for the condition "o.stat_name (+) = 'NUM_CPU_CORES'" , but no row returned for the following SQL. How could we get the result for 1, null for this case?
select v.value, o.value -- or NVL(o.value, 1) from v$parameter v, v$osstat o where v.name = 'cpu_count' and o.stat_name (+) = 'NUM_CPU_CORES';
I am trying to develop an application of cars. The car have marques example :
each mark have families example: TOYOTA have Hilux, yaris corola, CHEVROLET have opra,...etc. Each family have a lot of models example: hilux have h2kn-clim,.. etc. And finally there are some options witch are generally in all cars example Radio-k7,air-conditioner ... etc.
option 1..n-----------------1..n model the relation call(opt_mod)
i did develop the block of marques (master) and the block of families (detail) in a form 1. i did develop the bock of models(master) in form 2 and the is no problem. but i want to add to form 2 the block of (opt_mod) but the user did tell me that he want to to see all options with check boxes .
As a solution of this problem i want to build a block on LEFT JOIN between table :option and table :opt_mod
We just upgraded to 11g and have run into incorrect results for some of our LEFT JOINs. If the table, view, subquery, or WITH clause that is being LEFT JOINed to contains any constants, the results are not correct.
For example, a test (nonsensical) view such as the following is created:
create or replace view fyvtst1 as select spriden_pidm as fyvtst1_pidm, 'Sch' as fyvtst1_test from spriden where spriden_last_name like 'Sch%' ;
When I run the following query, I get correct results; that is, only those with "Sch" starting their last name are listed.
select spriden_pidm, spriden_last_name, fyvtst1_pidm, fyvtst1_test from spriden join fyvtst1 on fyvtst1_pidm = spriden_pidm ;
However, when I change the JOIN to a LEFT JOIN, the last column contains "Sch" for all rows, instead of NULL:
select spriden_pidm, spriden_last_name, fyvtst1_pidm, fyvtst1_test from spriden left join fyvtst1 on fyvtst1_pidm = spriden_pidm ;
We've discovered other quirky things related to this. A WITH clause with similar logic as the above view, when LEFT JOINed to a table will also cause the constant to appear in each row, instead of NULL (and only the value where there is a join). But when additional columns are added to the WITH, it behaves correctly.
This is easy enough to rewrite - but we have WITHs and views containing constants in numerous places, and cannot hope to track down every single one successfully before the incorrect results are used.
Finally, the NO_QUERY_TRANSFORMATION hint will force the query to work correctly. Unfortunately, it has a huge negative performance impact (one query ran for an hour, vs. 1 second in 10g).
I am trying to understand "ordered" hint. I want to use it in my sql where I am using some left outer joins. I believe if I use this ordered hint it will be much faster.
But the problem is I am not able to understand the concept of this hint. As i did alot of search on this eveyone says it will be , even I got some similar references where it worked But I am getting contradicting explanation for on this.
I am using left outer join to fetch PRSN_KEY .I need to find null values in B.PRSN_KEY. I am using below query but its giving me 0 count.
I created Main Menu form and in this form I attached popup menu in picture's property problem is that when i right click on this picture then show the popup menu .I want when I click left click then it should show the popup menu.
I have already done auto increment by making sequence and trigger. but now the problem is when i am trying to retrieve data from that table it returns all data perfectly but the primary key that is my auto increment value shows blank.I am facing this problem with join query, there 4 table left joined in my query. But when I remove join from my query then it shows that value.
But i need that value in my join query.So, what is the problem and what can I do?And other thing is when I apply this query in Oracle SQL Developer, it works perfect.
I was keen on creating left side vertical menus instead of using a tab for every page to organize my application better. An example is
I tried creating a list and attaching it to a page. Did not work. Still investigating this. Specifically, what list option that person is using. Not sure, if its really a list or maybe the vertical navigation bar?
What I am trying to do is get my report to list every room in the table even if there is nothing scheduled in the room for the selected date. I add a command to the report to force the left outer join but I keep running into errors. This is how I have it worded:
Someone else suggested that I change the IN/TO wording in the last line to BETWEEN/AND. When I do that it gives me an error stating that the table or view does not exist.
I have some question about the parameter RESUMABLE 10G. My quesition is suppose if i am running a expdp process and if there is no space left on the file system the export fails. So in this case if we set the RESUMABLE parameter in the DB will it be useful to resume the expdp from where it fails or it will useful if we schedule a job for the export.