SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Release Lock On Table

Apr 12, 2010

How to Release Lock on table ? ( without killing session )

create table x ( a number);
insert into x(a) values (1);

Lets lock table.

cursor c is select * from x for update;
open c ;

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How And When The Database Release A Row Lock

May 30, 2013

We are using the following statement to obtain a row lock in a table in the database(ORACLE 10G), SELECT * FROM {TABLE_NAME} WHERE ID = 1 for update and if we succeed grabbing the row lock we will continue to issue a update statement every 30 seconds to preserve the lock as far as possible. here is the update statement to preserve the lock,


As you see more longer we keep holding the row lock , more update statements are submitted in the pending transaction. In normal case our application can grab the exclusive row lock and works for a long time,however sometimes a connection reset exception is thrown and our application will close the connection(I assume the pending transaction will be rolled back by the database) and exit the JVM. Since other applications will keep trying to grab the same row lock to become the master role, we expect one of them can succeed but they are all failed because the database has not released the row lock as expected. how and when the row lock can get released in our use case?

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Server Administration :: Use Of LM ( Lock Mode) In V$lock?

Oct 4, 2012

we know we can see lock mode held in session can be analysed using LM column in v$lock.But i confused in seeing LM column it all shows in numbers from 0 to 6.


2,'Row Share(2)',
3,'Row Exclu(3)',
5,'Share Row Ex(5)',

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Lock Particular Row In A Table

Jul 19, 2012

how one can lock a particular row in a table.for example i have a employee table in which 50 records. now i want to lock only 10 records of the employee table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Lock Table Manually?

Jul 15, 2010

How can one lock a table manually?

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PL/SQL :: Lock Row In 1 Table While Update Other Tables

Oct 15, 2012

I want to read 1 table. If the date is less than today, I want to update 4 other tables. I only want to do this update once a day.

While the 4 other tables are being updated, I want the other web users to pause for the update while this procedure runs.

Is there a better way to do this?

Here is what I have:

-- to create the table
-- create table test_today(updated_date date);
-- insert into test_today(updated_date) values (sysdate-1);
-- select * from test_today;
    cursor daily_update_cur is
    select updated_date from test_today
      for update of updated_date;


Please use {noformat}{noformat} tags before and after your code as described in the FAQ: {message:id=9360002}.

I've corrected it this time for you.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Lock Data In Global Temporary Table

Nov 15, 2011

Can we lock data in global temporary table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Index To Minimize Lock On Parent Table?

Mar 27, 2013

I want to know that what oracle server do to minimize the lock on parent table, when we use Index on foreign key column ?

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Lock Child Table By FOR Update Clause?

May 7, 2013

I am using the Oracle 10g and I have question related to "for Update" clause.We have the data warehouse db, so no foreign key constraint between parent and child.We process the data files every hour, the condition is If we find the row in parent table then we go and look into child tables and perform insertion (if no corresponding record is present) or updation (if one corresponding record is present) in the child table.

The problem is If I run the two process simultaneously for the same kind of data, and if no record is present in the child table then it create the duplicate in child table.My question is if I use FOR Update clause while selecting the data in parent table will it lock the child table for any insertion or updation?

Ex- We have employee table for employee 1

In my data files I have the row for employee 1, so when I run the select query on employee table I found 1 row.The I look the child table "Salary" as there is no record for emp_id =1 in this table I insert the record for this

Emp_id Salary
1 500

The problem is if both the process run at same time then I get duplicate rows in child table

Emp_id Salary
1 500
1 500

we do not want the duplicate row insertion. Can I lock the child table during first process run

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Alter Index Shrink Space - Table Lock

Oct 18, 2012

alter index test_idx1 shrink space;

I've heard that this statement causes a table lock but cant find any information on this.if it is so, is it a write lock or also a read lock of the table?

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Updating Table In Session - Shared Versus Exclusive Lock

Jan 28, 2013

I have a question. If we have two scott sessions. I am updating a table EMP in session

1. It means it is exclusively locked.It cannot be used by session 2. Then can we use select command on table EMP in session

2.? This command should not work according to me. But it is working.

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PL/SQL :: Index-Organized Table Truncate Vs Lock / Stage / Drop / Recreate?

Apr 24, 2013

I ran into an issue in a project where a function is recreating an index-organized table by doing:Table Structure:

CREATE TABLE table_iot(

Recreate Steps:

1) Populate global temporary staging table (gtt) with data
-- where gtt is staging for target index-organized table (iot)
2) Lock the target index-organized table (iot)
3) Copy old iot data to gtt
-- gtt now contains old and new data
4) Create new index-organized table (iot2) from gtt
-- iot2 now contains old and new data


Because index-organized tables are primarily stored in a B-tree index, you can encounter fragmentation as a consequence of incremental updates. However, you can use the ALTER TABLE...MOVE statement to rebuild the index and reduce this fragmentation.The following statement rebuilds the index-organized table admin_docindex:

ALTER TABLE admin_docindex MOVE;

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Release Tablespace Unused Space

Nov 18, 2011

I have a problem...

I created a tablespace called my_ts:

ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE  'C:\Oracle\oradata\db\my_ts.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON;

Its was sucessfully created and my_ts.dbf file has 5MB

charging with data...

CODEcreate table big_table tablespace my_ts as select * from dba_objects;
select * from big_table;
  for i in 1..10 loop
    insert into big_table select * from dba_objects;
  end loop;

Now the my_ts.dbf file has 90MB

Now I want drop this table:
CODEdrop table big_table purge;

And my tablespace file still has 90MB.

I already tried to restart the database but doesn't works...

how can I reduce the size to the original (5MB)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Release Storage When Truncating Partition

May 27, 2012

assuption is that when we truncate the partition it immediatly release the allocatd storage.i have just tested the scenario , but still i can see that table size is same even after truncating the partition( which have around 25% of the data)

alter table test truncate partition t1p3 update indexes ;


alter table test truncate partition t1p3 drop storage update indexes ; to see the table size:

SELECT owner, table_name, TRUNC(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024) Meg
FROM (SELECT segment_name table_name, owner, bytes
FROM dba_segments
WHERE segment_type = 'TABLE'

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Downgrade Oracle Database 10g Release To

Nov 29, 2011

am trying to downgrade my oracle database 10g release to reason for this is that i had to copy /oracle_home/bin utilities from to because of this most utilities like rman,dbca were not working.

i think i need to downgrade my oracle database 10g release to right?i read some oracle documentations of database downgrade instruciting me to

>take full backup of oracle DB
>ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop dbconsole
>SQL> SPOOL downgrade.log


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RAC & Failsafe :: 11G Release 2 Grid And RAC Installation On Solaris 10

Nov 24, 2010

Share 11g Release 2 Grid infrastructure and RAC installation experience on Sun SPARC. Any documentation which provide complete information from server setup to database setup.

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Cursor Pin S Wait For X In 11g Enterprise Edition Release

Sep 4, 2013

Ours is Oracle Db 4 instances RAC on Unix AIX OS.Since long we are facing problem that CPU utilization reached 100% and reboot is required alteast once or twice a month.On seeing the Events Logs we find that the Event "CURSOR PIN S WAIT FOR X" is consuming a lot of waits.

On analyzing i came to know that we are firing same query from Application 15 to 20 lack times for which a lot of Mutex keeps spining for getting Shared Mode and consumes a large amount of CPU.

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Server Administration :: How To Delete Flashback Log And Release Space

Feb 15, 2012

How to delete flashback log and to release the space?

I guess that it maybe like archive log ,it can release the space using RMAN.But when i try a test ,it fail.


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Windows :: Unable To Continue Oracle 11g Release 2 Installation

Jul 24, 2013

I was prompted by an error in the middle of Oracle 11g Release 2 installation and unable to continue further.

The error was file not found e:product11.2.0.dbhome_3oc4jj2eeoc4j_applicationsapplications em.ear.

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Forms :: Find Key Pressed And Release Action On Oracle 10g

Dec 14, 2012

we need to find the key pressed action and key release action on Oracle form 10g. On key pressed (i.e. key-up, key-down, key-page-up and key- page-down) the event will be fired and as soon as the user release the key, the event will be stop.

As current situation, we have one form which contains the database blocks. As per search condition, all the data populated in Database block, there are 1000 and more records. Now user going use any of key (i.e. key-up, key-down, key-page-up and key-page-down) as he pressed key ( say Key- down) it scrolled down but as soon as he release the key, the event is not stopped. its going on going down then stop.

Is it possible, as user release the key scrolling will stopped at same time ?

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Express Edition (XE) :: Install 11g Release 2 In Windows 7 64bit?

Oct 23, 2012

I am new to this forum. I want to install XE 11g Release 2 in windows 7 64 bit. Can I intall 'Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 for Windows x32' or is there is 64bit version?

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Installation :: Oracle Database 11g Release IBM AIX On POWER Systems (64-bit)

Mar 13, 2013

Is Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( available for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit), Or do we need to upgrade to

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Security :: How To Mask Data In Oracle 11g Database Release 1

Oct 16, 2012

how to mask data in oracle 11g database release 1

my environment is
Database: 11g release 1
os: AIX 6 (64 bit)
GC:10g release 1

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: 11g Release 2 Install Missing Packages?

Aug 8, 2012

I'm trying to install 11g Release 2 on a CentOS (4.9) box, but the pre-req check shows that I'm missing the following packages (I had 9 to begin):

gcc-3.4.6 (X86_64)

Tried to use the yum command "yum install gcc" but get the following error.
Error: cannot find a valid baseurl for repo:update

I think this is due to the "CentOS-Base.repo" file, which I've tried to update by changing the mirror URL's but no success.Then tried to find the rpms online ([URL]...

INFO: Start output from spawned process:
INFO: ----------------------------------
INFO: rm -f ntcontab.*


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Replication :: To Upgrade All Oracle 10g Master Sites / Databases To 11g Release

May 28, 2009

I want to upgrade all the Oracle 10g Release (10.2.0)master sites (bi-directional) databases to Oracle 11g Release (latest). In fact, we are using bi-directional oracle streams and snapshot replication, it means capture,propagate and apply process is running.

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Server Administration :: How Many Users Can Be Created In Oracle 11g Release 2 Database

Dec 27, 2012

how many users we can create in oracle 11g release 2 database. Is there any specific limit or parameter for that.

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Security :: Authentication For Connected User Database Links (release 11.x)

Jun 16, 2013

I know how to use database links in various forms, but I've been trying to think through how the authentication works for a connected user link in 11g. If I create the link like this,create public database link using 'orcl';then any user can use the link, provided they have an identical username/password in the two databases. With pre-11g passwords, it was understandable: the password was salted with the username, so the hash of the password would be the same in both databases, and I assumed that the logon through the link used some sort of IDENTIFIED BY VALUES mechanism. But in 11g, the salt will different in the two databases. So the hash will be different. And of course Oracle never stores the actual password. So I don't see how the authentication works.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Reporting Against Ap Invoice Hold Release Name In Oracle 11.5.10

May 9, 2012

why we seem to be unable to report against the ap invoice hold release date using Discoverer in Oracle 11.5.10? the person who wrote our current report used a decode statement to look at the last update date of the release lookup code to create a release date, but i am trying to recreate this in a different tool (Qlikview) and just wanted to understand why we seem to be unable to report on the field as is!

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Installation :: Install Latest Release Of Oracle Database On A Solaris 11 Zone

May 11, 2013

which is really a HA zone clustered in VCS(not important for installation of the database).

What parameters do I need to set or change in the Solaris zone, there seems to be no /etc/system file.

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TX Lock Without Corresponding TM Lock

Jul 23, 2012

I was pretty sure that every TX lock needs TM lock (at least one). But now on my I can see:

SQL> select * from v$lock where type <> 'MR';

ADDR             KADDR                   SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME      BLOCK
---------------- ---------------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
070000026525D648 070000026525D668          4 RT          1          0          6          0    6551105          0
070000026525D3E8 070000026525D408          5 XR          4          0          1          0    6551108          0
070000026525D6E0 070000026525D700          6 TS          2          1          3          0    6551103          0
0700000267173060 07000002671731D8         36 TX     524304    1532490          6          0       2952          0
0700000266EC07F0 0700000266EC0968         63 TX     655400    1550373          6          0       3750          0
0700000266EC0E78 0700000266EC0FF0         65 TX     720899    1461986          6          0       3711          0
0700000265FB6638 0700000265FB67B0         79 TX     327689    1556563          6          0       3825          0
0700000266EDEA08 0700000266EDEB80         85 TX     786469    1365502          6          0       3461          0
0700000266F52498 0700000266F52610        101 TX     196609    1556026          6          0       3850          0
0700000266EDDD10 0700000266EDDE88        126 TX    1114150    1344174          6          0       1474          0
0700000266F517A0 0700000266F51918        137 TX     589849    1605371          6          0       6345          0
07000002671554B8 0700000267155630        207 TX     262156    1529066          6          0       3826          0
07000002670E13B8 07000002670E1530        238 TX     917504    1391304          6          0         66          0
0700000266D094A8 0700000266D094D0        238 TM     194337          0          2          0         35          0
0700000266D093D8 0700000266D09400        238 TM      43802          0          2          0         35          0
0700000266D09308 0700000266D09330        238 TM       7387          0          2          0         35          0
0700000266D09238 0700000266D09260        238 TM       7374          0          2          0         35          0
0700000266D09168 0700000266D09190        238 TM       7380          0          3          0         35          0
0700000266D09098 0700000266D090C0        238 TM       7228          0          3          0         66          0
0700000266F51E28 0700000266F51FA0        261 TX     393224    1563714          6          0       4586          0

So whats can cause this, I can see that TX locks are mostly from JDBC connection from Application server .

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