SQL & PL/SQL :: Execution Model For Triggers And Integrity Constraint Checking

Sep 7, 2010

URL....Topic: The Execution Model for Triggers and Integrity Constraint Checking

Oracle uses the following execution model to maintain the proper firing sequence of multiple triggers and constraint checking:

1.Run all BEFORE statement triggers that apply to the statement.
2.Loop for each row affected by the SQL statement.
a.Run all BEFORE row triggers that apply to the statement.
b.Lock and change row, and perform integrity constraint checking. (The lock is not released until the transaction is committed.)
c.Run all AFTER row triggers that apply to the statement.
3.Complete deferred integrity constraint checking.
4.Run all AFTER statement triggers that apply to the statement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Integrity Constraint Checking / Trigger Execution Sequence

Mar 25, 2010

i have an understanding about Integrity constraint checking and the trigger execution sequence, which i decsribe below.

Integrity constraint are restiction on DML operation performed by the user. When a user deletes or updates or inserts a rows in a table then oracle performs certain checking to see that the data which is effecting the row abide certain rules. There are certain per-defined set or rules that can be applied on a table such as PRIMARY KEY, FORIEGN KEY, UNIQUE, CHECK, NOT NULL etc, user-defined rules can be applied on tables by using Triggers.

In both the cases the Integrity Constraint Checking is deferred until the complete execution of the statement. All rows are inserted first, then all rows are checked for constraint violations.

So when i see the trigger execution model the following steps are performed by oracle, Oracle uses the following execution model to maintain the proper firing sequence of multiple triggers and constraint checking..This is what the Oracle Documentation Library says [extract from Oracle Database Concepts 10g Release 1 (10.1)].

1. Run all BEFORE statement triggers that apply to the statement.

2. Loop for each row affected by the SQL statement.
a.Run all BEFORE row triggers that apply to the statement.
b.Lock and change row, and perform integrity constraint checking. (The lock is not released until the transaction is committed.)
c.Run all AFTER row triggers that apply to the statement.

3.Complete deferred integrity constraint checking.

4.Run all AFTER statement triggers that apply to the statement.

As for step 3 here the checking of the constraints for the statement is performed which where defered till the complete execution of the statement, then what is done in step 2b? what constraints are checked there?

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Referential Integrity Constraint?

Mar 23, 2011

Can I apply Referential Integrity to only selected rows of a particular column? This is the reference key to the primary key to another table. But, the issue is, this reference column is not having mandatory data for all the rows. So, whenever this is null, I dont want it to be referred by parent table.

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Row Violations Due To Referential Integrity Constraint?

Feb 2, 2012

Referential Integrity is very important in Oracle database. Consider a scenario where constraints were applied to a database but never enforced on. Only application code was leveraged over the past 1 year to manage this logic.

Over the course of the year there might have been lot of Row Violations which might have led to Data Inconsistency Issues.Do we have a Script, Tools in Oracle which flag all row level violations with referential integrity now being turned on.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-02291 - Integrity Constraint Violated And Parent Key Not Found

May 31, 2013

i am running the query from which i am getting below mentioned error how can i find the record which is not there in parent table ora02291 integrety constrain violated and parent key not found.

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Server Administration :: ORA-02291 / Integrity Constraint Violated - Parent Key Not Found

Oct 13, 2010

I have Oracle 9i and yesterday I wanted to create new DB(datebase) but I couldn't did it.

In Database Configuration Assistant chose Create database then New database. Used configuration by default. On 92% I got this error

Quote:ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SH. COSTS_PRODUCT_FK) violated - parent key not found

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PL/SQL :: Model Clause Returning Phantom Value

Sep 25, 2012

I have created a amortization SELECT statement that amortizes loans based upon a table of loan information. The problem is this: when I run an ITERATION on numbers, the select statement returns a value but the ITERATION seems to be reading zero. This leads to a bunch of zeroes in the resultant table.


CREATE TABLE mortgage_facts (
C_B1 NUMBER(19,2),
C_B2 NUMBER(19,2),
C_USER12 NUMBER(19,2));

INSERT INTO mortgage_facts VALUES ('Jones', 131828.81, 3.348, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0)



The first two results look like this:

0 Jones 131828.81 3.348 72 0 0 131828.81 2023.55
0 Jones 131828.81 3.348 1 367.8 -367.8 132196.61 2023.55

As you can see, in column C-B2, despite referencing the column C_USER12 which should have 2023.55 as a value in it, it is returning the mirror opposite of C_B1 which leads me to believe that the system is reading a ZERO in the column despite displaying 2023.55.

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Turning Table Model Into DDL To Import Into APEX?

May 1, 2013

We use apex and my professor wants us to import a table model into apex. everytime i try and import my table it says "your export file is not supported". i asked my professor what to do and he said "You should gen a ddl file from designer. Then use that to upload into apex and then run.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Make A Query In Data Model

Jul 6, 2013

I have one report consist of two user parameters like FROMDATAE and TODATE and two queries in data model..

The 1st query is..


It created two user parameters.ie FROMDATE and TODATE.

And 2nd query like this


I dont know how to make 2nd query in data model. becoz the WONO will come from 1st query and LIKE command is there..But I tried in formula Column....but it returns more than one row...

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Get Table Name / Constraint Name / Constraint Type With Join Processes In String Type

Dec 25, 2007

i want to get table name, constraint name, constraint type with join processes in string type. this is what i want: alter table tablename add constraint constraintname constrainttype(columnname)

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Can Oracle Secure Backup Run Using SAS Interface On IBM Autoloader Model TS2900

Mar 23, 2012

We would like to used Oracle secure backup using SAS interface on an IBM Autoloader Model TS-2900. Would it be possible to configure oracle secure backup using SAS?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Model Clause To Get Comma Separate Single Row For Multiple Rows?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to use model clause to get comma separate single row for multiple rows. My scenario is like this:

SQL> desc test1
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------

SQL> select * from test1 order by id;

---------- ------
1 Value1
2 Value2
3 Value3
4 Value4
5 Value4
7 value5

The query that I have is:
SQL> with t as
2 ( select distinct substr(value,2) value
3 from test1
4 model
5 ignore nav
6 dimension by (id)
7 measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value)
8 rules
9 ( value[any] order by id = value[cv()-1] || ',' || value[cv()]
10 )
11 )
12 select max(value) oneline
13 from t;


what I want is : null value should not come and duplicate value should not come (Value4 in output above)

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Reports & Discoverer :: Unable To Print Report On Thermal Printer Model (PRP-085III)

Feb 3, 2013

I have developed a bitmap report on report 6i, But I am not able to print report on printer (Thermal Printer Model PRP-085III, A baylan POS printer).

I tried to convert the same report to Character mode and it print fine.

why it is not printing or what I need to set ?

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TimesTen In-Memory :: How Big Heap Size Of JVM To Be Set For Java Application When Enabling Direct Model

Nov 24, 2012

For applications and Timesten databases on the same server we can use direct model to gain the base performance. But I want to know that how big heap size of JVM to be set for my java application when enabling direct model?

Does my application need more head memory when direct model than other local communication protocols, such as Unix domain socket or IPC? Supposing my Timesten database takes 12GB memory from OS, does it mean I need specify the same size for JVM heap(-Xmx12G)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Naming Integrity Constants

Feb 24, 2013

How is naming Integrity Constants useful? See example below:-

create table incrr
(incrid number(4) constraint incrid_pk primary key,
incrdate date not null,
incramt number(8,2) not null

In the above if I don't use incrid_pk it also works.Then what is the use of incrid_pk ?

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OEM / Unknown Encryption / Data Integrity Algorithm?

Jul 2, 2010

We are attempting to configure/use OEM (Oracle on Solaris, and when logging in to OEM we are directed to the Database Down page, stating Enterprise Manager is unable to connect to the database instance, but showing all the components as up/open. After checking the log, I found the following error:

IO exception: Unknown Encryption or Data Integrity algorithm

I checked the settings in emoms.properties and compared the encryption parameters to those in our SQLNet file, and all match up. We are NOT using Grid Control, just db control connecting to 1 instance.

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RAC & Failsafe :: OCR Data Integrity Failed On Second Node?

Sep 28, 2011

What could be the reason for Such Errors.?OCR Integrity was Successful on one node and on the cloned node it was failed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Maintaining Aggregate Column Data Integrity?

Jun 8, 2012

What is the best practices to maintain aggregate columns? Suppose I have the following 2 tables:



I want the following test script to act int the way, described in comments. Basically this means that the sum of TEST.ORDERS_DET_T.ORDER_DET_SUMA must be equal to TEST.ORDERS_T.ORDER_SUMA after transaction commits.

COMMIT; --SHOULD BE OK, 40+60=100


P.S. Creating views based on ORDERS_T and ORDERS_DET_T are not an option, if the user would still be allowed to modify data in tables (as in test scenarios). This is because of current business situation, where the client has 2 teams (outsourcing for back-office solution and insourcing for web solution) that are accessing/modifying the data in the same tables.

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Apply Referential Integrity To Only Selected Rows Of Particular Column?

Mar 23, 2011

Can I apply Referential Integrity to only selected rows of a particular column? This is the reference key to the primary key to another table. But, the issue is, this reference column is not having mandatory data for all the rows. So, whenever this is null, I dont want it to be referred by parent table.

no, and it makes no sense to do so either

We have an appointment form in our HIS, where patients take telephonic appointment. That time they may not know their user id given by hospital. So, it remains blank & name is entered manually. But if the user-id is entered, it must fetch patient name from the master.

The candidate key must be unique within its domain.The candidate key can not hold NULL values.


MRREGISTRTNHD is a patient master & has a primary key named N_PATIENTMR_ID.
HLTHCHKAPPOINTHD is a appointment table & has a foreign key named N_PATIENTMR_ID which references N_PATIENTMR_ID of MRREGISTRTNHD.

Also, N_PATIENTMR_ID of HLTHCHKAPPOINTHD is not a unique key & it can contain null values also. I want to define constraint or any other method such that only the not null values are referenced to the master i.e. it should validate in the master. And null values should skip this reference.

Now, what happens is due to this constraint, when I'm trying to edit & update the rows having null value in N_PATIENTMR_ID, it gives the following error.

ORA-02291: Integrity constraint (SYS_C007145) violated - parent key not found

So, can I give some condition in the above constraint saying, apply this constraint to table HLTHCHKAPPOINTHD only having the not-null values in N_PATIENTMR_ID coulmn?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Maintaining Data Integrity When Single Table Split Into Two

Aug 7, 2013

I've an Oracle Table which has around 300 columns. I've a requirement to split this single table into two tables (150 columns each) by a foreign key.

Now I want to know how to maintain the data integrity while I insert the data into two tables. which means each table should have equal number of rows as we insert the 300 columns data into tables each at a time.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle CRS Failure / Rebooting For Cluster Integrity

Sep 7, 2013

I got following error on Oracle RAC on solaris 10

Oracle clsomon failed with fatal status 12.

Oracle CRS failure. Rebooting for cluster integrity.

I think this problem in 11g but I am using 10g.

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Installation :: 11g2 On CentOS - How To Fix Oracle Restart Integrity

Aug 3, 2012

I install oracle 11g2 on centos, in prerequisite checks step ,oracle database show this failed "Oracle Restart integrity Failed", I don't know what should i do ?

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Methods To Check Index - How To Control Internal Integrity

Jun 28, 2012

How to control internal integrity (lack of self-reference keys in an index) without using regular validation and rebuilding ?

I'm using

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ODP.NET :: Cannot Find Oracle Data Source In Entity Data Model Wizard

Dec 19, 2012

I'm trying to add edmx file in my project for first time. I want to choose the oracle provider ODP.net but cannot find Oracle in the data source list. I have oracle 11g installed , odp and odt installed and can access it from the solution as well. I saw the Oracle listed under data source when I tried to connect the solution to the database through server explorer. The solution is connected to Oracle database through ODP.

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Server Utilities :: Datapump Import And Referential Integrity Constraints

May 23, 2012

I am using Datapump import using database link to import an entire schema from another Server but it gives issues with constraints.I tried to first only import the metadata and then disable the constraints and import data and enable constraint but in this case the temp tablespace keeps filling up and i am out of space. Is there any method to do a full import including constraints and indexes.

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PL/SQL :: Foreign Key - Creating Table Based On Some Integrity Constraints - Not Working?

Dec 20, 2012

Am creating a table based on some integrity constraints, but it's not working.

member_id NUMBER(10),
last_name VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL,
first_name VARCHAR2(25),



Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list
02270. 00000 - "no matching unique or primary key for this column-list"
*Cause:    A REFERENCES clause in a CREATE/ALTER TABLE statement gives a column-list for which there is no matching unique or primary key constraint in the referenced table.
*Action:   Find the correct column names using the ALL_CONS_COLUMNScatalog view

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: OLR Integrity Error During Oracle Database Install

Sep 12, 2012

OS=Redhat 5

I am trying to install Oracle Database 11gR2 database on Oracle Grid 11gR2. I successfully installed Grid without errors. However, when installing the database, I got an OLR Integrity error during the prerequisit Check

OLR Integrity - This test checks the integrity of OLR on the local node.
Expected Value : n/a
Actual Value : n/a
List of errors:
- Permissons of file
"/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/cdata/localhost/localhost.olr" did not match the expected value. [Expected = "0600"; Found = "0660"]
- Cause: Cause of Problem Not Available
- Action: User Action Not Available.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Checking For Skipped IDs?

Jun 7, 2011

We have a problem where a data load script has caused data in one of our tables to be incorrectly loaded. Instead of loading the parent row, it has loaded an offest that was assigned by the application.

The problems is, we have the following table:

100 502 -1
101 502 0
102 502 1
103 502 2
104 502 3
105 503 -1
106 503 0
110 503 1
111 504 0

What's the best approach to use to transform the last column as follows:

100 502 99
101 502 100
102 502 101
103 502 102
104 502 103
105 503 104
106 503 105
110 503 106
111 504 110

Note: ID column may not always be ordered sequentially

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Checking Consecutive Numbers

May 11, 2012

I have a table with three columns: terminal, place and batch. How can I check for missing batches?

select * from transactions;

terminal place batch

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Checking Whether Record Exists

Jan 22, 2013

Which is the best way to check whether a record exists.

l_count NUMBER;
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM emp WHERE empno=7839;
IF l_count=1 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('not exists');


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