SQL & PL/SQL :: Error ORA-00694 When Triggering DDL Operation

Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to use on trigger to get the code of an DDL operation, I use the code supplied on orafaq (orafaq.com/scripts/plsql/auditdll.txt) as base code and I added a collumn objcode and a call to DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL to save the object code, however I am receiving an Oracle error ORA-00604.See code below.

This error is raised when I try to create a new view on the schema, on objects that I already have and I changed something usually the error did not happens, how to get the object code of one object when it is created, or changed.

I am using Oracle 11g

SQL> select banner
2 from sys.v_$version;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

cl scr;
DROP TRIGGER audit_ddl_changes
DROP TABLE dll_audit_log


ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-31603: object "V3" of type VIEW not found in schema "XXISV_V11R01"
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 105
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 3912
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 5678
ORA-06512: at line 1
ORA-06512: at line 2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Catch The Triggering Statement In DMl Triggers

Dec 23, 2011

How to catch or store the sql statement that caused the trigger to fire in DMl Triggers.

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Networking And Gateways :: Getting Error TNS / Operation Timed Out

Jun 26, 2012

One of our production database we are getting error "TNS:operation timed out" from unknown port in alert logfile. Need to check why TNS error is occurring to these unknown port as our listener is running on default 1521 port. Also to inform that host= itself is the same database hosting server IP.

TNS-12535: TNS:operation timed out
TNS-12535: TNS:operation timed out
ns secondary err 12606
ns secondary err 12606
nt main err 0


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Perform Operation With Case Function - Getting Error?

Apr 3, 2012

I want to perform some operation with case statement. But I am confusing with ora 00932 error. My question is what data type should I use while performing case function?

SQL> select * from samp;

sony 10680 8200 sap
bala 10708 4300 .net
sam 10600 9000 oracle
chris 10655 5500 java
rose 10487 8700 oracle


My big question is

different datatypes, then use consistent datatypes. For example, convert the character field to a numeric field with the TO_NUMBER function before adding it to the date field. Functions may not be used with long fields.

// just I am trying to perform basic operation. why oracle didn't support?

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Server Administration :: ORA-29702 / Error Occurred In Cluster Group Service Operation

Aug 12, 2010

I have deinstalled Oracle database, ASM and oracle software. I installed the oracle software, ASM and database. I have seen the error in the ASM trace called

Errors in file /opt/oracle/admin/+ASM/bdump/+asm_gmon_10518.trc:

ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation

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Server Utilities :: UDI-22303 / Operation Generated ORACLE Error 22303

Jul 5, 2012

trying to do impdp but getting error

UDI-22303: operation generated ORACLE error 22303
ORA-22303: type "SYS"."DBMSOUTPUT_LINESARRAY" not found
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kokaocr], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT"
ORA-06512: at line

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Merge Operation By ROW-ID?

Sep 8, 2011

run down of the implications of MERGE by ROWID in such a fashion:

        USING  (

Can this lead to an "Unstable Set of Rows?". Is it possible for the ROWID's to change during the execution of this statement - meaning certain ROWIDs identified in the SELECT will not actually be updated when it comes to the MERGE operation?

Basically, is it sound practice to use ROWID to merge on - in cases where you dont have a WHEN NOT MATCHED condition?

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Distributed Operation Not Supported

Jun 12, 2013

I am using the dblink to merge the data. I am using the following merge statement.

Using (select 'test' GRANTEE,'TESTxxx'ROLE from dual ) s
on (t.GRANTEE = s.GRANTEE and t.ROLE = s.ROLE)
when not matched then
values ('','test','TESTxxx',null, null, null, null);

I know that I have to set a commit and it's working when I insert information's with a normal insert statement via database link, but it seems that merging doesn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: All DML Operation Can Be Done In DUAL Table?

Apr 29, 2010

What are all the DML operation can be done in DUAL table.?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Like Operation For Multiple Values

Jun 12, 2013

I have a source view where I have some invalid records and those should be found based on codes present in another table.

For eg. from source the records come like


and if my reference table has values


then these values are present as substring in the particular column in the source view. So I need to flag those records. For every record, I need to check whether all the values present in the reference table matches or not. If it matches then it should be flagged.

I can use in operator as we are not checking for the exact match and we are checking whether that value is present anywhere in that column record.

Looping results in performance issue. We can use PL/SQL for this. As the source view is put into a ETL internal file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invalid File Operation

May 5, 2010

i have created an file in my local system (sys name : System1). i have created a directory as below


I gave rights as


IF utl_file.is_open(fileHandler) THEN

but while executing the above procedure, Invalid File Operation error occurs.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Values Before / After The Operation Is Performed

Dec 2, 2011

I want to create one sql script with the followings-

1.Show the values before the operation is performed
2.Display the values after the operation is performed.

How it can be done in a proper sql script format.

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TNS-12535 - Operation Timed Out?

Apr 26, 2013

Frequently getting below error in alert log file. to sort out this issue.
Database: Active standby database
OS: Windows Server
Db Version:

Fatal NI connect error 12170.
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production


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PL/SQL :: Condition In Count Operation

Jul 25, 2012

I have a car table with the following attribute sale_code,model_car etc. the format of sale_code is year/number example when a client buy a car(model_car=mercedes) her code is 2012/0125.

I want to calculate the number of cars that were sold in the year of 2011 grouped by the model_car attribute.

select count (sale_code),model_car
from car
where sale_code like '2011%'

when I tested this query i received an error.

My question is :
how to resolve the issue when we use an attribute in where and we use the same attribute in count operation ?

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Insert Operation Very Slow While Import?

Feb 20, 2011

I am working on an SAP application migration project using Oracle database. We are migrating the application from Windows to Solaris.

During the process we are facing problem with very slow insert operation on a particular table.The server's capacity is very good and so no resource bottleneck.

The table contains around 2,70,000 rows and inserting at around 100 rows per 10 seconds.

The table contains following data types.

Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

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Forms :: Refresh Datablock After DML Operation

May 19, 2010

How do you refresh a datablock after DML operation(s) - INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE? I know "EXECUTE_QUERY" retrieves records, but what trigger do I use to automatically refresh the datablock after these operations - my form only has 1 datablock.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-02064 - Distributed Operation Not Supported?

Apr 20, 2011

When I try to call a database procedure written in Oracle with OUT parameter and COMMIT statement from my Oracle 10g environment, I am getting error like "ORA-02064: distributed operation not supported".

I cannot omit OUT/COMMIT statement from the procedure because it is also updating another table from called procedure. I have tried some solutions from my end, but it is not working and same error generating. Like:

1) Moved the update statement with COMMIT statement to another procedure and calling that procedure from main called procedure
2) Creating a job to run the newly created procedure and submit the job from called procedureetc.

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Server Administration :: ASM Rebalance Operation Never End

Sep 19, 2011

I had added a new disk into disk group DATA1 with rebalance power of 5, it ran as estimated for about 2 days long, I can see the estimated time down to zero but the process never end.

The command used:

SQL> alter diskgroup DATA1 add disk '<path>' rebalance power 5;

Below is the disk status:

SQL> select group_number, disk_number, total_mb, free_mb, mount_status, header_status, state
from v$asm_disk where group_number=1 order by disk_number;

------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------------ --------
1 0 1191626 314236 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 1 1191626 314230 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 2 1191626 314232 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 3 1191602 314229 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 4 1191626 314210 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 5 1191626 314218 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 6 1191626 314218 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 7 1191602 314223 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 8 1191626 314216 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 9 1191626 314202 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL
1 10 1191626 314230 CACHED MEMBER NORMAL

I've checked and follow the status for a few days more, it still running with EST_MINUTES=0. I think it was hang and never end.During the next few weeks, I've manually restarted the rebalance process by modifying its power to 6, 8, 10

SQL> alter diskgroup DATA1 rebalance power 10;

After every restart, the diskgroup rebalance again but has the same issue, never end.Here is the content in the alert log

NOTE: starting rebalance of group 1/0x9d2529a0 (DATA1) at power 5
Starting background process ARB0
Fri Sep 16 12:01:11 2011
ARB0 started with pid=15, OS id=21066
Starting background process ARB1
Starting background process ARB2
Fri Sep 16 12:01:11 2011

As you can see, the rebalance process started 3 days ago, hanging till now

SQL> select group_number, operation, state, power, est_minutes from v$asm_operation;

------------ ----- ---- ---------- -----------

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Performing TYPE 2 Operation Using Merge In 10g

Mar 11, 2010

I have a type to table where only few columns are SCD 2. Like address, city, zip.I wrote a code using cursor. But now the requirement is to replace the cursor .how to perform type 2 using Merge in oracle 10g or any better way to perform it without using cursor. Look the code which i have attached with cursor.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Proc_cp_jci_contract_dim_hist
l_fun_ret_value NUMBER;
v_src_id NUMBER;
rec_jci_contract_dim jci_contract_dim%ROWTYPE;
rec_jci_contract_dim_hist jci_contract_dim_hist%ROWTYPE;
err_row VARCHAR2(4000);
ind NUMBER(1) := 1;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-29283 - Invalid File Operation?

Dec 29, 2012

We are using the below procedure to generate the files on the DB server.

SQL> create or replace procedure write_to_file(p_dir varchar2,
2 p_file varchar2,
3 p_mode varchar2,
4 p_clob clob) as
5 l_output utl_file.file_type;
6 l_amt number default 32767;
7 l_offset number default 1;
8 l_length number default dbms_lob.getlength(p_clob);
9 new_clob clob;
12 l_output := utl_file.fopen(p_dir, p_file, p_mode, 32767);
13 while (l_offset < l_length) loop
14 new_clob:= SUBSTR(p_clob,l_offset,l_amt);
15 utl_file.put_line(l_output, new_clob,true);
16 l_offset := l_offset + dbms_lob.getlength(new_clob);
17 end loop;
18 utl_file.new_line(l_output);
19 utl_file.fclose(l_output);
20 end write_to_file;
21 /

Procedure created


This works fine we call this from PL/SQL developer tool. However, when this procedure is called from Java JDBC, it is giving error

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-29283: invalid file operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.OBP_UPGRADE_UTIL", line 2816
ORA-06512: at "SYS.OBP_UPGRADE_UTIL", line 3029
ORA-06512: at line 1

DB schema used for both are same (SYS) Verified the directory on the DB server This Procedure called from package with AUTHID CURRENT_USER option.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Undo A Drop Table Operation

Feb 24, 2013

How do I perform Undo a drop table operation?

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Forms :: Refresh Tree After DML Operation

Jan 24, 2012

I have created the 5 Level Hierarchy Tree using the Tree example


how-to-s/ forms- how- to- create - a- hierarchical - tree-form".

My requirement are

1. I wish to refresh the Hierarchy Tree after DML Operation.
2. I wish to Query the Record when i will select the node.

I have 5 Master Detail Record as:

Master - Detail
Detail Master -- Detail
Detail Master -- Detail
Detail Master -- Detail
Detail Master -- Detail

3. Is there any way to find out which Hierarchy Level currently selected
4. Is there any way to find out which value is for what block.

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The Operation (getPrincipal) Failed Exception?

Aug 21, 2012

I am getting the below exception when i access the WebPage.This only happens sometimes, so if i try again to hit the URL, it works. Not getting why this is behaving unusual.

StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
(wt.fc.fcResource/0) wt.util.WTException: The operation: "getPrincipal" failed.
Nested exception is: wt.util.WTRemoteException: Unable to invoke remote method; nested exception is:

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SQL Query - Return Operation Over Multiple Dates

Feb 16, 2011

I am new to SQL and I am just wondering if there is a solution to a problem I am having.I am using the piece of code below.Essentially what I am doing is selecting a field from a table and ordering that field in descending order. Using the Row_Number feature I then specify which Row I want to return.

Every day the row I will want is the Count of field1 for that day divided by 100 minus 1. This returns a single value of field1 and a single value of R.

I perform this operation every day. The only fields I change every day are the dates and the value of R. I use a seperate piece of SQL code to calculate R each day.

My problem is I have to often populate historical tables with this data. I can only run the code once for each day and for each value of R. Is there anyway I can alter this code such that it can return multiple values of field1 over several dates?The only way I can think of is to repeat the code multiple times using UNION but I am hoping there is a more efficient way.

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY field1 desc ) R
FROM table
WHERE date >= TO_DATE ('20110215', 'YYYYMMDD')
AND date < TO_DATE ('20110216', 'YYYYMMDD')
WHERE R = 1227
--Note: 1227 = (count(field1)/100)-1

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Tuning Searching Into Clob In Batch Operation?

Jul 3, 2012

My application runs a batch procedure weekly once for searching 'A_Text' from a column in Table1 in a clob column in Table2 and inserts accordingly into another Table3.

code snippet is like this -

CURSOR cr_sn
SELECT serial_number


TABLE1 will have at least 1.1 Million rows but not significantly more than this.

This procedure takes 24+ hours to complete. I tried -

1. putting parallel hint ( INSERT /*+ PARALLEL*/INTO Table3)

2. partitioning TABLE2 based on last_update_date and putting a where clause in the above query last_update_date ( last_update_date between date1 and date2)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-14551 - Cannot Perform DML Operation Inside Query

Dec 9, 2010

Attempted to execute the Procs below with

Select OTMP_TCIS_RS.Get_UserInfo('EN') from dual; but i get the following error:
ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query.

The intention of the code is to perform an insert into my table based on passing in values via an object into Stored Procedure Apply_Users_Update

Package Definition
create or replace
--1 PROCEDURE Get_UserInfo
o_OutCode OUT INT,
i_language IN VARCHAR2);
FUNCTION Get_UserInfo(
i_language IN VARCHAR2)

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Simulate Delete Operation Through Using Update On Trigger

Jul 27, 2008

I'm trying to simulate a delete operation through using an update on a trigger my tables are

salary FLOAT,
vst DATE,
vet DATE,

What I want to do is whenever there is an update on vet( valid end time) in employee, delete the values from the employee table and insert the old values from employee into the emp_history table along with the new value for vet. Here's my trigger

INSERT INTO EMP_HIST VALUES( : old.LNAME, : old.SSN, : old.salary, : old.dno, : old.vst, :new.vet);
END trig4;
//ignore the space between : and o as it makes a smily

The problem is I get an error for a mutating change, what I'd like to know is if the above trigger is possible, and if so how to implement it without giving me an error. I mean it makes sense syntactically and logically(at least to me).

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12535 - TNS / Operation Timed Out

Jan 13, 2013

I have two related questions:

Scenario 1:

1. I have two remote Windows machines with database on each. One is Win 2003 Server (machine A) and another one is Win XP (machine B)

2. I can ping from A to B.

3. I can ping from B to A.

4. I can tnsping from A to B.

5. I CAN'T tnsping from B to A.

6. Windows Firewall on both machines are off.

What could be possible reason for point# 5?

Scenario 2:Now, the second part:

1. I had an unwanted entry in tnsnames.ora on B which I removed.

2. Then I restarted the listener on B. Actually, I wanted to restart the one on A to check if that resolves issue mentioned in point# 5 above.

3. I tried tnsping from A to B but suprisingly it is also giving "operation timed out" error now. So now tnsping not working from either sides.

I didn't make any changes in listener.ora on B, just stopped it and started again. Only change made was removing unwanted entry in tnsnames.ora on B.

Why does that affected database connectivity from A to B which was working fine previously?

NOTE: The two machines are connected through VPN using LogMeIn Hamachi. Hamachi assigns it's own IP address to each machine. Machine A is Windows Server 2003 and B is Windows XP.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Errors During Insert Operation In Pro*C?

Apr 13, 2009

I am receiving the following error while inserting records.

"Oracle Error:ORA-12899: value too large for column "MFG_ADMIN"."GAGE_RESULTS"."COMP

whereas I am checking the length of all values before inserting and am sure that none of them are larger than column lengths.I did some research and found this error might be due to character set.

select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter like '%CHARACTERSET';


how can this be related to my problem or if something else is causing this error.

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Networking And Gateways :: TNS-12535 - Operation Timed Out

Jul 26, 2005

I have a windows XP server with Oracle 9i on it, when i tried to connect this server from another win XP machine after creating a service. I m getting an error

TNS-12535 TNS:operation timed out

But as i know this error is related to CONNECT_TIMEOUT and it is now obsolete in 9i( am i correct ). I tried it doing from 2 machines but got the same error from everywhere so it means that the problem is with the server.my files are :

# LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File: D:oracleora92NETWORKADMINlistener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Tarun)(PORT = 1521))

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