Select OTMP_TCIS_RS.Get_UserInfo('EN') from dual; but i get the following error:
ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query.
The intention of the code is to perform an insert into my table based on passing in values via an object into Stored Procedure Apply_Users_Update
Package Definition
create or replace
--1 PROCEDURE Get_UserInfo
o_OutCode OUT INT,
i_language IN VARCHAR2);
FUNCTION Get_UserInfo(
i_language IN VARCHAR2)
generates: ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query ORA-06512: at "SYSADM.NEW_QUANTUM_PACK", line 756 ORA-06512: at "SYSADM.NEW_QUANTUM_PACK", line 245
Unfortunately the Body is not accessible to see.The spec of the function is:
FUNCTION MAIN (mvar IN varchar2) RETURN varchar2; I read somewhere that I can call it like:
var myVar VARCHAR2; call PACK.MAIN('blah') into :myVar
But this generates: ORA-01008: not all variables bound
Am calling the Function Batch to insert an update statemtnt into Batch_statement table in the DOWNLOAD_FUNC .But its failing with the error
SQL Error : ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query
Below Is the
I want to perform some operation with case statement. But I am confusing with ora 00932 error. My question is what data type should I use while performing case function?
SQL> select * from samp;
NAME EMPID SALARY DEPT --- sony 10680 8200 sap bala 10708 4300 .net sam 10600 9000 oracle chris 10655 5500 java rose 10487 8700 oracle
My big question is
different datatypes, then use consistent datatypes. For example, convert the character field to a numeric field with the TO_NUMBER function before adding it to the date field. Functions may not be used with long fields.
// just I am trying to perform basic operation. why oracle didn't support?
Is it possible to perform any operation using oracle like addition and division in csv file before loading data in oracle. and after the operation changes must save.
I am getting the same error on a form I am setting up under version 10.1.2 Form Builder. But when I press Shift-F1 I get a Getting Started with Internet Explorer popup. I am running the form under OAS. I have a parent/child relationship between 2 tables that I query on the form.
I am new to SQL and I am just wondering if there is a solution to a problem I am having.I am using the piece of code below.Essentially what I am doing is selecting a field from a table and ordering that field in descending order. Using the Row_Number feature I then specify which Row I want to return.
Every day the row I will want is the Count of field1 for that day divided by 100 minus 1. This returns a single value of field1 and a single value of R.
I perform this operation every day. The only fields I change every day are the dates and the value of R. I use a seperate piece of SQL code to calculate R each day.
My problem is I have to often populate historical tables with this data. I can only run the code once for each day and for each value of R. Is there anyway I can alter this code such that it can return multiple values of field1 over several dates?The only way I can think of is to repeat the code multiple times using UNION but I am hoping there is a more efficient way.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT Field1, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY field1 desc ) R FROM table WHERE date >= TO_DATE ('20110215', 'YYYYMMDD') AND date < TO_DATE ('20110216', 'YYYYMMDD') ) WHERE R = 1227 --Note: 1227 = (count(field1)/100)-1
Below is the block which i am trying to test in scott schema. I dont want to substute IN clause values directly. So i have written cursor and have added in separate variable separeated by comma.But its not working.
declares varchar2(1000);s1 varchar2(1000);v number := 0;v1 varchar2(2000) := 'SCOTT';j number := 0;cursor hhis select ename from emp;beginselect count(*) into v from emp; for i in hh loops := s||''''||i.ename||''''; j := j+1;if j <> vthen s := s||',';end if;s1 := s1||s;s := null; end loop;dbms_output.put_line(S1); case when v1 in (s1) then dbms_output.put_line('Y'); else dbms_output.put_line('N'); end case;end;
To display highest marks,least marks,average marks,total marks of the student name entered.
desc stud; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- SID NUMBER NAME VARCHAR2(20) M1 NUMBER M2 NUMBER
select * from (select pa_request_id ,max(status) status ,max(approved_amount) approved_amount ,min(level_id) level_id ,max(req_amount) req_amount from target_aggregation_attendee group by pa_request_id) where status = 'Approved')
My Main Query:
2. Table with the values for columns as given in table 1 ex:
col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, a , aa , 1 , x1 , p b , ab , 2 , x2 , q c , ac , 3 , x3 , r
I have to select values from table2.col1 do some processing and calculate values and store it in a table then do the same thing with col2 and so. This needs to be done for all the columns that appear in table1.For example in table 1 i have only three columns mentioned thus i have to process col1, col2 and col3 from table2. col4 and col5 will not be processed since they do not appear in the first table.
The problem is i have hundred columns in table 2 and the user can add up to hundred columns in table 1 as and when it is required.
I have created a cursor to first select column name from table 1 where variable is not null.For each value in cursor i put it in a local variable.
Second step is to select values from table2 where instead of column name i am using the local variable.But the problem is instead of choosing values from col1 the query returns the value as col1 (the value of local variable)
SELECT r_paper_id, COUNT(*) created, COUNT( CASE WHEN a.approved_yn = 'Y'
But it fails, saying that 'single-row subquery returns more than one row' when I introduce the 'unique_users' clause. The remaining fields of the output are correct.
Can I use CASE statement Inside a Oracle Report Query. I'm using Oracle Reports Builder 10g.
My Report Query looks like this,
select invh_code, invh_number, invh_date, invh_cm_code, im_description from invoice_head, invoice_det, unit_of_measurement, item_master where invd_invh_code = invh_code and im_code = invd_item_code AND (case :p_flag when 1 then (substr(invd_item_number,0,(length(invd_item_number)-4)) BETWEEN :P_V_ITM_FRM AND :P_V_ITM_TO) else 1 end) order by invh_number
:p_flag is a parameter that i pass from oracle form and based on that value (:p_flag=1) i need to include this specific condition else omit that condition.
But the CASE statement is throwing Error
ORA-00907 :Missing Right Paranthesis (case :p_flag when 1 then (substr(invd_item_number,0,(length(invd_item_number)-4)) ==> BETWEEN :P_V_ITM_FRM AND :P_V_ITM_TO)
I'm trying to perform a SELECT INTO in a SQL*Plus script.the script i'm working towards to, looks something like this;
set term on set echo off set serveroutput off set verify off ACCEPT ReportName PROMPT 'Please enter a report name; ' PROMPT PROMPT retrieving current settings for &ReportName: select STARTDATE, ENDDATE, SUFFIX into pStart, pEnd, pSuffix from MyTable where NAME = '&ReportName'; [code]....
I'm basically trying to perform a select into based in user input and then put the retrieved data back to the console with a prompt. Is this possible within a sql script running on SQL*Plus?
I would like to perform a reorganization of the partition table. The table contains 144 partitions and 2038 indexes partitions with that. I would like to ask you to make me understand the best possible way to perform the reorg with cascade options in one attempt.
Also, am not sure how to get the information of the index type is Globally / Local index partition. Is there any document for reference that details about the reorg of partition tables?
I'm using WEBUTIL_C_API, to perform functions of a DLL coupon issuer and I try to tax problems.
problems: 1) performs the function and the application closes. The code that does this is below: FUNCTION FUN_REDUCAO_Z (impressora varchar2) RETURN pls_integer IS DLL_FUNCAO webutil_c_api.FunctionHandle; lv_plist webutil_c_api.ParameterList; param1 webutil_c_api.ParameterHandle; ret PLS_INTEGER:=0; BEGIN [code]....
I am attempting to perform regular updates on several Oracle tables. The scripts performing the updates are scheduled to run every two minutes, get a value and update the table with that value.
The value doesn't always change but the scripts will still attempt to perform an update.
The same script is part of 7 objects, all of them are scheduled to run at the same time. They update the same table but never the same row.Even though the script is mostly the same on the 7 objects, they run completely independently of each other. The first object will usually perform the update without any problems but when it comes to the second object the script will time out.
I have a dataguard configuration (physical standby).Database A is the primary database and database B is the standby database (I do not use the broker).Both are Oracle RDBMS 12cR1 EE. The Apply process uses the current log (standby redo logs).On database B, when querying v$managed_ standby;, I get:
It works fine. Before to perform a switchover,- from database A (current physical database), I get switchover_status = 'TO STANDBY'- from database B (current standby database). I get switchover_status = 'NOT ALLOWED'. What switchover_status = 'NOT ALLOWED' means exactly and how to get further with the switchover?
I am attempting to perform a TSPITR on a newly created tablespace. The error indicates that the tablespace is not in the recovery catalog in which case it is. The database is Oracle 11g on Win2k8 64bit enterprise edition.
List of Datafiles in backup set 52 File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name ---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ---- 1 Full 3959509 06-MAR-11 +DATA/orcl/datafile/system.257.742678049 2 Full 3959509 06-MAR-11 +DATA/orcl/datafile/sysaux.258.742678049
I am getting the following errors when I try drop a tablespace.
I already did the following.
a) The tablespace & its datafiles offline.
b) I have purged dba_recyclebin.
SQL> drop tablespace db_maintenance including contents and datafiles; drop tablespace db_maintenance including contents and datafiles * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-38301: can not perform DDL/DML over objects in Recycle Bin
I have a staging table with 70 million rows and nearly 90 columns. We just want to verify and perform some validations on the data and then move this data to final tables. There staging table has a primary key in it.
We are planning to create the final table in following ways.
1. Create n number of final tables. 2. Create n number of final tables with partitions based on the primary key value in staging table. 3. Create single final table with partition based on the primary key value staging table.