-define a cursor with bind variables -get a cursor record from these cursor -and pass the bind variable in the OPEN clause
Did'nt succeed as shown in the example.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 900000; DECLARE --works fine CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM USER_TABLES WHERE rownum<3; --doesn't work --CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM USER_TABLES WHERE rownum<:1; crec c1%rowtype; BEGIN --works fine OPEN c1; --isn't possible ? --OPEN c1 USING 3;
When I try to compile a procedure with this command:
alter sequence myschema.seqmessages increment by 100;
The error says "encountered symbol "ALTER" when expecting...
Is there another way to alter a sequence from a procedure? In this case, I am altering a sequence in another schema that has granted the alter and select privileges for the sequence.
I want to recompile a single procedure that is part of a package, without re-compiling other procedure/functions present in that package, is it possible?
I would like to create a trigger that will execute a stored procedure when a package/function/procedure is compiled. I tried creating an update trigger on user_objects, but it statues aI cannot create that trigger tyoe on views.
I wanted to Compile a Procedure within another procedure.
Step 1:
CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Compile_test IS var1 NUMBER(20); BEGIN SELECT user_id INTO var1 FROM dummy; dbms_output.Put_line('the output is ' ||var1); END;
Step 2:
CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Compile_test_in (proc_name VARCHAR2) IS var2 VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN var2 := 'proc_name'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter procedure ||var2|| compile'); END;
Step 3: exec compile_test_in ('compile_test')
When trying the step 3, i am getting the below error message.
Error at line 1 ORA-04050: invalid or missing procedure, function, or package name ORA-06512: at "MUTHU.COMPILE_TEST_IN", line 6 ORA-06512: at line 1
i trying to pass the char varible to the cursor but it is not taking ,,, if i hardcode the values to the cursor it is taking
here is the detailed program ... why this is not taking and tell me how to pass the values through it..
declare v_name char(6) ; cursor c1(c_name char) is select name, parent,child,status from relation start with name='%' connect by prior parent=child union
i am creating an apex page where i have 2 regions. From the Top region stores all fields entered into the bottom region Text fields like first name and last name and address fields are in region 2(bottom).After region 2, i have a add person button.
Once i click add person, that person will get into top i.e region 1.
Now, Region 1 got person1 first name ,last name person2, first name,last name etc..
I am not able to display like p1_first_name,p1_laast_name as the list is not stable..it is growing and not showing the person who already got saved..I can retrieve them from DB using a cursor..But from cursor vairable how to get into page vairable..
Is it possible to bind collection while opening a ref cursor. Find below the code that I am trying. My goal is to open cursor once using collection variable. Can it be done using DBMS_SQL ?
DECLARE TYPE typ_emp_rec_in IS RECORD ( deptno NUMBER, sal NUMBER [code]......
While reading data from collection variable using ref cursor . I am getting the below two errors.
PLS-00382:Expression is of wrong type ORA-22905 Cannot access rows from a non-nested table item.
1) i have a hr.departments table that was loaded in hr schema on 1st oct 2012 with 4 columns(department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id)
2) now I have a new schema by my name 'rahul' and I have loaded departments table but now an additional column has come into picture,ie created_date, this table got loaded on 1st-Nov-2012
3) Now going forward my columns could be dropped from the departments table (it can be a case), for example might be my departments table in my schema 'rahul' one day could comprise of only 3 columns(department_id,department_name,manager_id)
4) Now in the next step, I have managed to extract common column names(in a single line where columns are delimited using a comma) from both the tables(hr.departments and rahul.departments) which are (department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id) using all_tab_cols table and I have written a function for it which i will be pasting below.
5) now going forward, using the above column names line with column names delimited using comma, I have used a ref cursor and assigned a query to it using the line of columns that I have extracted from the above point
6) Now I want to create a record variable which refers to my ref cursor, something like we do when we create a record variable by reffering to an explicit cursor defination that we give in the declaration block.
1) I have been out of touch with plsql for a long time so I have lost a lot of mmeory regarding plsql.
2) basically I need to compare data in hr.departments table with rahul.departments table for only columns that are common to both the tables, rest new or discarded columns information will go in one of the log tables that I have created(this is done already)
Code : =================================================================================================== create or replace procedure p_compare_data(fp_old_table_name in varchar2, fp_new_table_name in varchar2) is
I have created the following procedure. Since I am using this first time I don't know how to execute this.
I am calling a select query inside a procedure but i need to set environment variable 'set linesize 200' inside that procedure but i am not able to create the procedure due to some error. I am attaching the procedure query here with:
before the select query i need to insert this environment variable : "set linesize 200"
I am using ORACLE SQL developer.. I am trying to schedule a package to run daily..here is the overview of my package.. ----- create or replace PACKAGE BODY xxx_MTO_yyy AS PROCEDURE yyy_mto (p_message OUT VARCHAR2, p_detail OUT VARCHAR2, p_value OUT VARCHAR2) IS XXXXXX CXXXXXX XXXXXXX END yyy_mto; end xxx_MTO_yyy;
Now I created schedule as shown (The sql is processed)
begin dbms_scheduler.create_schedule (schedule_name => 'MTO_DAILY', start_date=> trunc(sysdate)+6/24, repeat_interval=> 'FREQ=DAILY; BYDAY=MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN; BYHOUR=22;', comments=>'Runtime: Every day (Mon-Sun) at 6:00 ); END;
Now I am creating SCHEDULER PROGRAM as shown (sql processed)
begin dbms_scheduler.create_program (program_name=> 'mto_DATA', program_type=> 'STORED_PROCEDURE', program_action=> xxx_MTO_yyy.yyy_mto', enabled=>true, comments=>'Procedure to collect session information' ); end;
Now i am creating the scheduler jobs as shown (here also the sql processed)
a) the job should have been visible under the "jobs" tab in sql developer. I dont see that. b) When I tried to run the job manually using ********** (BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.RUN_JOB ( JOB_NAME =>'STR_DATA' ); END;
it failed , saying that "ORA-06553: PLS-ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'yyy_MTO'". When defining the "dbms_ scheduler. create_program" object , how can I define the arguments?. My procedure has 3 variable out arguments?
I have two procedure , from first procedure having some ref cursor output.
from second procedure I need to call first procedure and i need to process ref cursor output from first procedure so I decide to use bind variable to process ref cursor output but it showing error .
can I define bind variable inside the procedure , then how can I define it .
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE emp_by_job ( 2 p_job VARCHAR2, 3 p_emp_refcur OUT SYS_REFCURSOR 4 ) 5 IS 6 BEGIN
I have started reading ORACLE 11g R2 PL/SQL programming doc, and I am stuck at bind variable. I just copied the example in the books and found error -
First I have written below procedure and compiled successfully -
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FORMAT_STRING ( string_in IN OUT VARCHAR2) AS BEGIN string_in := '[' || string_in || ']'; END FORMAT_STRING; Then I have written below function and also compiled successfully - create or replace function join_strings (str1 varchar2, str2 varchar2) [code]......
how can I pass the sh variable (.i.e file name stored in sh variable called($F)) as a input of below mention procedure (YODEL_XL_ INS_SDG_ COMMER_ PROD)
for F in *.dat; do # echo $F # #sqlldr apps/apps control=$CONTROL data=$F # Below Part is used for Add the file name into table [code]...
I need to execute a procedure based on a value in a form. So the procedure name will be changing for value selected in a list.
I need to know a method where i could store the procedure name in a table and when ever i select a value from the list, the respective procedure needs to be executed.
I have to use bind variable for dynamic sql in a procedure. Is there a way to have control on these values. Say for example:
Procedur MyProc ( In_EmpID Number default null, In_EmpName Varchar2 default null, in_JoinDate Date default null [code]....
I have more than 5 In parameters, all 5 is not compulsory by default they are null and sql formation is also dynamic with in the procedure.I need to map bind variable to a proper one.. Is there a way to handle bind variable.
I am reading in a selection of parameters. I have created a new variable which I want to set according to the value of one of the input parameters.
I am doing this straight after declaring the variable, but before the cursors and BEGIN statement It is throwing an error when I do this - but I have to do it before the cursors.the variable I am setting is: v_fptransType you can see the IF statement towards the end of the code.
the error I am getting is:Error(28,3): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "IF" when expecting one of the following: begin function package pragma procedure subtype type use <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> form current cursor The symbol "begin" was substituted for "IF" to continue.
beginning of the
create or replace PROCEDURE "P_GLPOST" (i_entity IN varchar2, i_transType IN varchar2, i_startDate IN VARCHAR2, i_endDate IN VARCHAR2, i_accountPeriod IN VARCHAR2, i_includeInternals IN NUMBER, i_chargeable IN NUMBER, i_trialPost IN NUMBER, i_postingReport IN NUMBER, TESTER IN VARCHAR2) is --set serveroutput on size 1000000;
I have a table that has 10 columns which is used to store the customer information (e.g Gender, Age, Name). And i have wrote a store procedure to compare the before and after value of column since there has a parameter to control which column need/no need to be updated while the value being changed.
For example, master table "CUST" has column (NAME, GENDER, AGE). "CUST_TEMP" is a temporary table to store the input image which has the same table structure as "CUST".
For the above case, i need to type 3 times of "sp_compare_val ( bef_val.xxx, aft_val.xxx )" on the program. And if the table has more than 10 columns, i need to type more than 10 times.Thus, is it possible to pass in a dynamic variable while calling the store procedure. let say, where the 'xxx' can be definable?
the moment my 11g database is connecting to a php web front end. this following procedure is the one I'm having trouble with.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "BSISSONS"."CREATE_EXCURSION" ( min_places IN excursion.min_places%TYPE, max_places IN excursion.max_places%TYPE, additional_charge IN excursion.additional_charge%TYPE,
I can select into an output variable to return the value of the primary key of the newly inserted row back into the webpage, but i need to be able to 'select into' a temp variable to insert this value into another table on the same procedure. I get complie errors when i try to 'DECLARE' a variable after the 'AS' keyword
Within each DeptID group I need to calculate absolute change of 'Count' column between previous and current months and compare change value with threshold.
If ratio >= threshold N number of times I need to make a note of that event. Threshold = 0.1 N = 2 - alert needs to exceed threshold two consequtive times
Here is data processing algorithm:
1. Calculate change between month 2010-04 and 2010-05: abs((1134/1392 - 1))= 0.18; 2. check change value against threshold: 0.18 > 0.1 3. Threshold was exceeded, set alert_fired_cnt counter to = 1 4. Once alert fired it creates a baseline for comparison - I need to use Count from month 2010-04: We're now in month 2010-06: abs(1094 / 1392 - 1)=0.21 5. check change value against threshold: 0.21 > 0.1 6. Threshold was exceeded, increment alert_fired_cnt counter by 1 = 2 7. At this point alert exceede threshold two times, I need to set a alert_triggered flag = 1 and reset alert_fired_cnt = 0 for further calculations 8. We're in montn 2010-07: abs(1333/1294-1)=0.03 8. check change value against threshold: 0.03 < 0.1 9. Since threshold was not exceeded, keep alert_fired_cnt counter to = 0
Above algorithm needs to be run for all DeptID groups.
I load above data into an associative array and loop through elements. I am having trouble keeping computations within each DeptID group.
I have the procedure with out parameter is ref cursor.
l_sql VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN l_sql := 'select query with appending procedure IN aparameters'; OPEN rc_rpt FOR l_sql;
Here procedure IN parameter is a string with comma separated value which is appended in the dynamic query IN clause.So some time the size exceeded more then 32767 and getting error.If i am using normal parametrized cursor this issue is not there,but i want to return only ref cursor for some java purpose.My oracle version is 10g.
I have a procedure(used to delete the data from all tables) which taking two parameters as input. like EXCS_kiwldate(1,'keepitems')[/color][/size] but it taking only one parameter at a time if i want to delete all data using that procedure by calling it in a cursor
how to write a cursor by giving loop function to delete the data once.
Begin open p_result for select distinct d.dname, d.loc, e.empno, e.job from dept d, emp e where d.deptno=e.deptno; fetch p_result into v_dname,v_loc,v_empno,v_job; dbms_output.put_line(v_dname||' '||v_loc||' '||v_empno||' '||v_job); end;
This is throwing me error saying " ORA-06550: line 7, column 15: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "REFCURSOR" when expecting one of the following:"