SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Update Trigger That Allows Any Quantity Reduction Of 5 Units

Oct 27, 2011

i am trying to create a update trigger that allows any quantity reduction of 5 units and if the reduction is more than 5 units it blocks it and just reduces it by 5.here are two scenarios

SQL Update statement where the new Quantity value being smaller than 5 is allowed by the trigger.

-- old qty 20
update purchase_order
set quantity = 18
where po_no = 'PO11';
-- new qty 18

SQL Update statement where the new Quantity value being larger than 5 is only reduced by 5 by the trigger.

--old qty 25
update purchase_order
set quantity = 19
where po_no = 'PO15';
-- new qty 20

i just have the basic trigger code, but i think it is the math that i am not getting (i was never good at math)

create or replace trigger purchase_quantity_updt
before update of quantity on purchase_order
for each row
when (new.quantity < old.quantity )
-- not sure what to put here

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Trigger That Will Update Table When There Is Insert / Update

May 29, 2012

i want to create a trigger that will update a table when there is an insert or update.i can't across this error that i don't even know what it means "table %s.%s is mutating, trigger/function may not see it".

*Cause: A trigger (or a user defined plsql function that is referenced in this statement) attempted to look at (or modify) a table that was in the middle of being modified by the statement which fired it.

*Action: Rewrite the trigger (or function) so it does not read that table.

BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF issued ON shares_amount
INSERT INTO shares_amount(date_end) VALUES(SYSDATE);
END set_date_end;

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PL/SQL :: Balance Quantity Update In Schedule Table?

Mar 18, 2013

I have schedule table like below format:Materila Code Schedule No. Schdule Quanity Balance Quantity

ABC 1 500 500
ABC 2 300 300
ABC 3 200 200

If i received 600 quantity then data should update as below in schedule table:

ABC 1 500 0
ABC 2 300 200
ABC 3 200 200

Single material contain multiple schedules. how to programatically do the above updation.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Trigger On Table After Update?

Apr 16, 2013

i have created a trigger on a table after update. i am using if condition if the condition is true i am passing a value and then inserting into audit table.

end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;

Then i am inserting

Insert into audit_table(change_type.....)

If i want to skip the insert statement for particular condition wt i have to do.

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Create A Trigger Before Update On Table Test1?

Dec 25, 2010

i have two table:

QUOTE create table test1(
num number(4),
name varchar2(50));
create table test2(
num1 number(4),
name1 varchar2(50));

then i want to create a trigger before update on table test1 that i want to insert in table test2 the old values in table test1:

for example

QUOTE insert into test1(1,'cocol');
QUOTE update test1
set name='oracle' where num=1;

so i want the trigger to insert 1 and cocol into the table test2.

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Create / Update Query To Use As Trigger For Updating Info In DB Dependent Upon Time

Dec 7, 2010

I am trying to create and update query to use as a trigger for updating information in a database which is dependent upon time.

I have a severity level which needs to be decreased in value after a set amount of time. the time of the action is recorded automatically on the creation of the the record. after an hour anything at severity level 2 needs to go up to 1, after 2 hours level 3 goes up to 2 and 3 hours level 4 goes up to 3

so far this is what I have

UPDATE calllog
SET timedate = current_timestamp, severityid = severityid - 1
WHERE ((severityid = 2 and timedate >= current_timestamp + (1/24)) or
(severityid = 3 and timedate >= current_timestamp + (2/24)) or
(severityid = 4 and timedate >= current_timestamp + (3/24)))

I am not getting any errors back from this sql but it is not updating the relevent information. I am using one cell for time and date in format = DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MM:SS.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Trigger To Update Table B After Update On Table A

Jul 21, 2011

I have table test1(id,name) and table test2(id,,name)

Now when I update name column of a row on test1 I want the same value to be updated for the same id in test2.

So I wrote this trigger but its not working

create trigger test_trigger after update on test1 for each row
update test2 set name=new.name where test2.id=id

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Forms :: Insert And Update Directly Into Table From Pre Update Trigger Of Block?

May 14, 2010

I have a base table (Table A) block with multiple records displayed. I need to track audits to this underlying table in the following way:

If user updates a field in the block I want the pre-changed record's audit fields to be set and I need to create a copy of the record with the changed values. Basically any changes will result in the record being logically deleted, and a copy record created with the newly changed values.

Tried to implement in the block's pre-update trigger which will call a package to directly update Table A then Insert into Table A, then requery the block. Is there a clean and efficient way to do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compound Trigger Update Firing Update

Jan 25, 2012

After many tests I can't make work and update of the same table inside the same table.

Trying to avoid Mutating Table Error now I have
ORA-00036: maximum number of recursive SQL levels (50) exceeded

Sample Data :

create table test_compound (USERID VARCHAR2(10),APP VARCHAR2(15),LAST_UPDATED_ON TIMESTAMP);

insert into test_compound values ('user1','1',systimestamp);
insert into test_compound values ('user2','2',systimestamp-4);
insert into test_compound values ('user3','3',systimestamp-6);

FOR UPDATE ON test_compound
l_tab t_tab := t_tab();

When I execute :

update test_compound
set last_updated_on=systimestamp
where userid='user1' and app='1';

The trigger should update the first row and all the data from test_compound table where userid='user1'. Maybe the problem is that updating the same table inside the trigger is firing in a recursive way the trigger.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Every Tow Trigger?

Apr 27, 2011

I have one table with one row with some coefficients. If I update a coefficient from my table I want to be updated all the rows from another table. I've made a trigger but in the second table I have a column for example TOTAL and I want that column to be multiplied with my new coefficient, and I want this for every row in the second table. How I can select that total column in the trigger for every single row and update it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger After Update

Jun 4, 2012

How to make a trigger of changing value. For example I have a table of customer .

Customer_id, Cumtomer_name, cus_date and stats.
102, ABC,02-06-2012 and Open

Now tell me how I can make trigger after two hours stats change OPEN TO CLOSE.

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Forms :: How To Reduce Quantity

Dec 18, 2012

how to reduce quantity from one table due to other table for example .i have a purchase a shampoo in 20 quantity and then sale this shampo 2 quantity...so i want now there should be 18 quantity of shampoo in purchase table automatically

Purchase tableSale tabel
Product IdSale id
Product Nameproduct name

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Performance Tuning :: Method Of Tuning Database - Row Reduction?

Oct 20, 2010

There is a simple way to increase the performance of a query by reducing the row-size of the table it hits. I used it in the past by dividing the table into smaller parts and querying respective smaller table in each query.

what is this method called ? just forgot the method and can't recall it. what this type of row-reduction optimization is called ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Units Of Cost?

Sep 28, 2010

I was questioned in an interview what is the unit of cost and based on what was it calculated.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Update And Insert Together?

May 7, 2010

I have to write a trigger where when the table is updated then one column named 'Status' should be updated as 'U' and if arow is inserted in the table then the column 'Status' needs to be inserted with value 'I'.

Create table test_trig
vempno number,
vempname varchar2(20),
status char

New to triggers....how to go with both insert and update conditions together.

Can we write a trigger which takes care of both insert and update. I have used Merge statement where I can write conditions based on insert/update done.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Implement Trigger After Update

Jan 13, 2011

4 PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;


The above code is for the GIS project. When I am trying to implement the above trigger it is giving output in such a way that the joint box(which is point feature in the designed database) scale is fixed to 1 as written in the code,but it cannot be moved in the DGN(front end),this is because trigger is fired before update.

Actual intention is that the feature(joint box) need to move in the DGN then the trigger need to be fired so that then scale need to fixed to one even after changing.For that I implemented after update trigger in the above code,but then it is throwing error as

ORA-04084: cannot change NEW values for this trigger type. I guess this is because after update trigger cannot be implemented for bind variables old and new.

1.joint box can move in DGN(this can be acheived automatically if after implementing after update trigger).

2.after dragging in the DGN the scale to be fixed as 1.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Update Another Table Using Trigger

Nov 24, 2011

BEFORE delete or insert or update on EMP
if UPDATING then

[Code] .....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger - Does Not Update Table?

Nov 24, 2010

I am ceating a trigger to...when I update or insert a record in table and if salary of that record is less than 1600 than it should be updated to 2000. My trigger is



There are no errors with trigger while compiling, but when I update or insert a record, it does not update the table. It looks like the trigger is being ignored.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Auto Update Trigger

Apr 2, 2012

I have 2 tables where the data is related.table ot_pack_list,ot_delv .ot_pack_list contains details of items information that are packed to be delivered sometimes what happens user may remove some items from this, and the summary column of dl_wt and dl_qty in ot_delv must get automatically changed whenever there is addition in ot_pack.

create table ot_pack_list (item varchar2(12),pack_qty number,pack_wt number,pack_no number)
insert into ot_pack_list values ('a',2,10,1);
insert into ot_pack_list values ('b',3,55,1);
create table ot_delv (d_no varchar2(12),d_qty number,d_Wt number,d_pack_no number)


--after updating the data in ot_delv should be like..

select * from ot_delv;

d_no d_qty d_wt d_pack_no
----- ----- ---- -------
1 5 75 1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Exception At Update Trigger

Aug 14, 2012

I am writing a trigger TR_EMP on a table EMP which has columns EMP_ID, EMP_NAME, ALT_EMP_ID.

Now I am updating ALT_EMP_ID for an EMP_ID(PK) which is unique.

If ALT_EMP_ID is null
:new.ALT_EMP_ID = l_alt_emp_id;
end if;

As this ALT_EMP_ID is unique, same ID shouldn't be inserted again here. When data being inserted with 2 different sessions for 2 different EMP_ID there is a possible chance of inserting same ALT_EMP_ID for both which results in Unique error. I need to handle this exception. DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX or OTHERS Execption not able to handle this.

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Trigger To Fire Whenever Update Happens?

Jan 17, 2013

I need a trigger to fire whenever an update happens. Seems easy, but there are several problems there:

- I need it to fire in case both :OLD and :NEW are the same value. i.e. I've got "5" currently in the field, and I update and set the same field to "5" again.

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Forms :: Sum Total Quantity On Form

Nov 8, 2011

I have problem about sum record on form.

This is records display on form.

NO Merchandise Slip Quantity


Now, i want to count quantity follow slip_no and merchandise.

Merchandise :2501B002CA have 8 slip with quantity is 12 and 5 slip with quantity is 16.
Merchandise: 2501B001CA have 6 slip with quantity is 12 and 7 slip with quantity is 16.

Detail you can see file attach


But i don't know how to do for result same above.

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PL/SQL :: Order By Business Units?

Mar 12, 2013

i have business units for which i have multiple department ids so just wanted to have dept ids order by business units

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Delete Record In Update Trigger?

May 24, 2012

the following case is successfully done with mssql databases.


Table UserGroup
Columns id, name, handshake

When the handshake is set to 'd', this record should be deleted. I know it is bad behaviour by design.

What have I done so far:

- created an after update trigger (mutual error) Caused by trying a delete action in the update action, not possible.

- created a view in combination of instead of update trigger.

This causes also mutual error, or if ignored (PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION), an deadlock.

Code so far:

create or replace procedure Delete_UserGroup_sp(p_groupId in USER_GROUP.HMIUSERGROUPID%TYPE, p_handshake in USER_GROUP.HANDSHAKE%TYPE)
if p_handshake = 'd' then
end if;

create or replace view USERGROUP_V as select * from USER_GROUP

create or replace trigger USER_GROUP_T1
instead of update on USERGROUP_V
for each row
Delete_UserGroup_sp(:new.HMIUSERGROUPID, :new.HANDSHAKE);

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Oracle Trigger - Update Same Table?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying to create some PL/SQL that will create a trigger for UPDATES and INSERTS which will update a column on the same row to the system date.

So far I have:

tablename VARCHAR(30) := 'table';
triggername VARCHAR(30) := 'mytrigger_' || tablename;


I have declared the tablename and triggername outside the trigger creation as I need this to be parameterised for a list of tables.

The procedure IsCDCUser just checks it should be updating for this user.

The problem I get is the following error:

Bind Variable "NEW" is NOT DECLARED

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Or Update Trigger On Table B

Jun 2, 2011

Select * from Table A where emp=1;
1 111

select * from Table B where emp=1 ;
AID, emp, start_dt, End_dt
111 1 01-jan-2011 31-dec-2011
112 1 01-jan-2011 31-dec-2011
113 1 01-jan-2011 31-dec-2011

I have After insert or update trigger on Table B. This will update AID column on Table B.

after insert update on table B
update A
set AID=:new.AID where emp=:new.emp;

if i end date any record on table B i wanted to update max(AID) on Table A.

EX update table b
set end_dt= sysdate-1
where aid=111;

So I wrote the trigger on Table A as below

before insert or update on trigger A
v_aid number;
v_strt_dt date;
v_end_dt date;

select max(AID) from table B
where emp=:new.emp;
select v_end_dt from table B where aid=:new.Aid;
if v_end_dt<sysdate then
end if;

But the problem here is its giving mutating error.Then i tried with autonomus transaction but it willreturn old value when it fiers.

So how can i achive both the task at a time.That means i have to endate Table A , Same time i have to update active max(AID) to table B.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Table In After Insert Trigger

Feb 1, 2011

I am calling an after insert Trigger on table1.

In the trigger I am calling a procedure that returns an error if there is any error returned from procedure. I have to update the table table1's column error_desc (for the same new inserted record for which the trigger was called) with the error received by OUT parameter of procedure called in trigger. I have to update the same record on whose insert this trigger was called.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: After Update Trigger (with Multiple Tables)

Nov 21, 2012

I have to write a "after update trigger". Here, i have to update the stock table by other inventory tables (by complex query).
I have written trigger below. how to make it correct?

create or replace trigger trg_stk_upd_pur
after update on O_STOCK_EFFECTS


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PL/SQL :: Yearly Quantity Distributed Evenly Across 12 Months

Aug 15, 2012

getting the yearly qty distributed evenly across 12 months. I can do this in PL/SQL but want to know is it possible in SQL.

Database version 10g

create table test_tbl( qty number(22),
yr number,
key_val varchar(10)

insert into test_tbl values( 500000, 2013, '1');
insert into test_tbl values (56789, 2014, '2');


This is the output I need to get from a SQL select query

Key     Month     Year     qty
1     1     2013     41667
1     2     2013     41667
1     3     2013     41667
1     4     2013     41667
1     5     2013     41667
1     6     2013     41667
1     7     2013     41667

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Stored SQL And Returning Data In Different Units?

Jan 30, 2007

I work on a client-server application, where users need to be able to run rather complex queries.

We currently have most of the queries defined in views on the Oracle database server and the client application simply downloads the data (i.e. SELECT * from example_view). This is good for us as we can maintain these queries without releasing new versions of the client tool.

However we have some queries implemented by a colleague that have caused a lot of trouble (efficiency and quality) and these are stored client-side.

The issue I have is that these client side queries can return records in different units (i.e. in standard cubic metres, or barrels of oil etc), as the SQL is defined at runtime on the client, and I want to know the best way to replicate this with SQL stored server-side.

The client-side SQL has column definitions such as: SELECT oil_production * decode(&unit,'Nm3',.948,'Sm3',1,'MMBOE',6.0924,1) ... The &unit parameter is then replaced by the appropriate text (i.e. 'Sm3') before the query is sent to Oracle.

Is there anyway to pass variables to server-side SQL and get a recordset back? I don't think PL/SQL procedures can do this? and views can't contain bind variables.

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