SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Number Of Elements In Array?
Mar 13, 2013
I need to count number of elements in the same catagory of an array.. For example, an array consists of {'a','b','c','c','a','d','c'} means, i need to display like a=2, b=2, c=3, d=1.
I have written the below code.
type array_val is varray(10) of varchar2(15000);
counter number:=0;
But its not showing exact output as my requirement..
create type cxn_type is varray(3) of varchar2(2000) /
I created TEST table by below pl/sql block :
declare execstr varchar2(2000) :='create table test('; begin for i in 1..80 loop
*ERROR at line 5: ORA-06550: line 5, column 8: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "MYPROC1" when expecting one of the following: := . ( @ % ;
The symbol ":=" was substituted for "MYPROC1" to continue.
SQL>The above procedure will insert the supplied numbered string into the test table which split the numbered string based upon supplied splitids of sp_table.
However, I need to have the total of no of records displayed for the sql statement and I need it in one sql statement with the one above so that I can display the total no of records along with the information for each field.
ct_id and limit_id is match column used for mapping.
now i want the total count of no of records in test_master in which test_master column value not exceed limit master column limit value if any one column exceeds its limit then the same row will be in my count criteria.
I have been asked to show the names and room number according to students who have 4 classes in a room.
select s.name, r.room_no from s, r where r.room_no = u.room_no and e.unit_code = u.unit_code GROUP BY s.name, r.room_no HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT s.stu_no) > 4;
However I get the error 'ERROR at line 4: ORA-00904: "U"."UNIT_CODE": invalid identifier'
Get the following error from Oracle ORA-24333: zero iteration count Cause: An iteration count of zero was specified for the statementAction: Specify the number of times this statement must be executed on whether is this a Oracle bug or if not what should be set to avoid this failure.
how to count how many items present in a particular data block in oracle forms 10g.whether it is a text_item or display_item or list_item etc is there any method to do this.
i have written this when-button pressed but the problem is how to get the next item name in the block
Department EmpName ____________________________________ Sales empname1 Sales empname2 Marketing empname3 Development empname4
Now I want to count the number of employees in every department. I want the output to be
Department Total ______________________ Sales 2 Marketing 1 Development 1
I am retrieving names of the department through a subquery
The query I am trying to execute is:
SELECT Department, Employee FROM ( SELECT ...query from other table) AS Department, count( A.EmpName) AS Employee FROM Employer A, EmployeeInfo B WHERE (A.EmpID = B.EmpID AND A.EmpCategory like 'Category2') GROUP BY Department
I know that you cannot group by using aliases and hence a little work around, but still the query isn't working.
I'm trying to do a count on the number of combinations of country/state codes that are invalid (in Australia) for driving licenses.
select COUNTRY_CODE, STATE_CODE, count(*) from (select COUNTRY_CODE, STATE_CODE from CUSTOMER_TABLE where DRIVING_LICENCE is not null and not (COUNTRY_CODE in ('AUST') AND STATE_CODE in ('VIC', 'NSW', 'SA', 'QLD', 'NT', 'TAS', 'WA', 'ACT'))) group by COUNTRY_CODE, STATE_CODE
The output is okay...for example I get these results:
However, what I am missing is the combination of "AUST" & <null> for country/state respectively. Am I writing the code correctly?
I have a collection of objects built in a PL/SQL program.
I want to keep only the distinct elements of this collection for the rest of the program.
I failed to find the correct way to do it
For instance (the actual object is far more complex containing object attributes itself), with the following types:
drop type t1b / drop type t1a / create or replace type t1a as object ( v1 integer, v2 integer ) / create or replace type t1b as table of t1a / I have the following variable:
v t1b := t1b(t1a(1,2),t1a(1,2));
And I want to get only one "t1a(1,2)" in my collection.
My first idea (actually the second one but it does not matter) was to use DISTINCT:
SQL> declare
2 v t1b := t1b(t1a(1,2),t1a(1,2)); 3 begin 4 select distinct t1a(v1,v2) bulk collect into v from table(v); 5 dbms_output.put_line(v.count); 6 end; 7 / declare * ERROR at line 1:
ORA-22950: cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method ORA-06512: at line 4
As I said the object is far more complex and builting a MAP function is quite tedious (but I will do it if there is no other way).
The next idea was to use multiset operators:
SQL> declare 2 v t1b := t1b(t1a(1,2),t1a(1,2)); 3 begin 4 select v multiset intersect distinct v into v from dual; 5 dbms_output.put_line(v.count); 6 end; 7 / 1
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
This works well but I suspect this is not the correct way and there is one to do it in PL/SQL but currently failed to find it.
Is there any way that I can check what are the elements present in a pl sql record type by querying in table?
For example if I want to check what are elements present in oe_order_pub.header_rec_type and I don't want to open the package, then in which table I should query? Is it possible?
I have a one column table that store lists of elements :
create table test_table (c1 VARCHAR2(4000)); insert into test_table values ('1,23'); insert into test_table values ('1,2'); insert into test_table values ('3,4,5');
The output column would be something like that:
output_column 1,2,7,23 6,9,0 3,4,5
I'm grouping columns that have at least one element in common.
(1,23) and (1,2) merge into : (1,2,23) (1,2,23) and (7,2) merge into : (1,2,7,23) --> Output (6,9) and (9,0) merge into : (6,9,0) --> Output (3,4,5) and (5,5) merge into : (3,5,5) --> Output
I have made this logic using only PL/SQL, with loops and nested tables using function memberof, but I suppose that there is a way to improve the performance using only SQL.
i have created one varray whose elements are of record type. Now how can i access those record type elements?
structure of table t1: select * from t1;
1a 2b 3c
select * from t2;
4aa 5bb 1cc
declare type r1 is record (id t1.id%type); type r2 is record (id1 t2.id1%type); type r3 is record (id1 r1, id2 r2); type var1 is varray(20) of r3; [code].......
There is XMLType table with structural storage. Is there a way to make schema validation disabled on some elements of complex type?
It is unpractical to maintain a schema for the element due to high volatility. Ideally it will be stored in CLOB and extracted as is a whole branch without validation, none of the elements under this complex type will be extracted separately.
I have written the following PL/SQL procedure to delete the records and count the number of records has been deleted.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Del_emp IS del_records NUMBER:=0; BEGIN DELETE FROM candidate c WHERE empid in (select c.empid from employee e, candidate c where e.empid = c.empid and e.emp_stat = 'TERMINATED' ); [code]....
DECLARE CURSOR GRP IS SELECT RowNum rn, Letter_Group_ID||'-'||A_Desc AName,Letter_Group_ID FROM Hrs_Group; BEGIN Clear_list('Letter_Group_ID'); FOR I IN GRP LOOP Add_List_Element('Letter_Group_ID',I.rn,I.AName,I.Letter_Group_ID); end loop; END;
FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.
I have a tmp table with 6 cols, and data to be inserted is from two other tables. My problem is there the cols of the table are
sid varchar2(10), cob_dt varchar2(10), deal_id varchar2(10), new_val varchar2(10), old_val varchar2(30), amend_col v archar2(50), i have return a proc create or replace
oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production "CORE Production"
I have this in one of the packages WCL_LIB: TYPE vc2_255_arr IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
and i use it in one of the procedures as PROCEDURE "WCL_EVENTS" (p_event_id IN NUMBER, p_event_arr IN Wcl_Lib.vc2_255_arr, p_model IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_model_code IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
but the calling procedure doesnt have any array.... Can I declare something like in the procedure to be called p_event_arr IN Wcl_Lib.vc2_255_arr DEFAULT NULL,
I tried, but doesnt seem to work? so how to call the procedure, which has a array as mandatory, but calling one doesnt have any?
I'm having some hard times with attempts to initialize a set of values, Of a specific column from a table into a variable containing it as an array(like a single column table).
Then I am trying to compile a function that gets a parameter - a number. The function should check whether this number exists in this list(return 1), or not(return 0).
I want to initialize key1 column of table TEST_TAB *into* v_my_array(this will be my list), just to see that I can have a set of values in this variable. Then I will want to see if the number is in that list, and return 1 or 0 accordingly.
I get the following error compiling, and can't seem to understand what's wrong:
SQL> create or replace function is_num_in_list (p_number number) 2 return number 3 is 4 TYPE varray_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER(10) INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; 5 v_my_array varray_type; 6 begin 7 select key1 into v_my_array from TEST_TAB; 8 --if the number provided exists in the list, then 1(TRUE) 9 if p_number in v_my_array then 10 return(1); 11 else 12 --if the number provided *IS NOT* in the list, then 0(FALSE) 13 return(0); 14 end if; 15 end; 16 /
Warning: Function created with compilation errors.
SQL> show error Errors for FUNCTION IS_NUM_IN_LIST:
LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9/16 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "V_MY_ARRAY" when expecting one of the following: ( SQL>
i have a problem when i execute this query and it takes more than 32 minutes and after that connection get hanged in toad 9.2.7 and oracle version with this error- index was outside the bounds of array.
SELECT t.ID AS "serial#", SUM (CASE WHEN (SELECT MAX (g.test_date) FROM label1 a LEFT JOIN label2 g ON g.ID = a.ID ) IS NOT NULL
i want to know the cause of above error and what would be the solution.