SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy A File From Oraload?

Mar 29, 2011

Iam using Oracle 10g Release Database and Linux Operating System for Server. I have a Stored Procedure which generates a Text File in Oraload Folder. Can I copy it to /home/ftp-docs/ using utl_file.fcopy ? If yes, how to do it ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Bulk Data In Text File?

Oct 9, 2013

i want table data exported to txt file, data is around 3200000,

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Copy Database File To Clone Machine?

Nov 12, 2012

I tried to convert a physical SuseLinux with Oracle 9i Machine into an virtual Machine (esxi Server 5.0). (VMware vCenter Converter ) Before started I shutdown database:

su – oracle
sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’
and the run converter.

But i have problem with copy /u01 and /u02 (database files) "Error: Unable to clone the volume mounted on '/u01' "

So i want clone machine without /u01 and /u02 then copy file. What I should do to be correctly?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy CSV File From Windows Server Shared Path

Jul 12, 2012

I need to copy .CSV File from a Windows Server shared path (\hostnameoutput) to another server which i believe is on unix.The other server name is abc.hcl.com. On this server i need to put it in the root directory. I will have to use SFTP and not FTP.

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Backup & Recovery :: To Create Binary Copy Of Control File

Oct 22, 2013

I want to create binary copy of control file every time I do backup. I am using sql "alter database backup controlfile to ''+FRADG/TESTDB/controlfile/controlfile.ctl'' "; in my rman backup script. If I run it second time I got errors as it does does not allow to overwrite existing one.

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ORA-19602 / Cannot Backup Or Copy Active File In NOARCHIVELOG Mode Message

Mar 31, 2011

I am trying to backup a database and am having a couple problems:

1. When I log into RMAN for the database in question and run a simple backup database I get:

Quote: ORA-19602: cannot backup or copy active file in NOARCHIVELOG mode message

2. I then logged into sqplus and shutdown / restart the database

3. when I try to restart it - it fails to starup claiming:

Quote: sqlplus Error: ORA-12560: TNSrotocol adapter error

4. I have tried to login in locally (not using Quote: @<dbasename> but I get the same error message as above. I have set ORACLE_SID and LOCAL to the database name and still the same TNS name error

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Forms :: Copy Image Or Text File From Source Directory To Destination

Oct 31, 2011

how do i copy an image or a text file from ex: directory c to directory d

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Forms :: Generate File From Database Into Server And Copy It To Client Machine

Feb 2, 2012

I have a forms that generate a file from database into database server and copy it to client machine by the follow process:

IF webutil_file_transfer.Is_AS_readable(V_server_way || V_file_name) THEN

l_success := webutil_file_transfer.AS_to_Client
(clientFile => :V_screen_way


But is showing the erro ora-105100 in one client machine

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Windows :: Copy A File To DB Server From A Remote Machine Using Plsql / Java

Oct 2, 2013

We want to copy a file from a remote machine to the DB server. copy \<IP_ADRESS>SHARED_FOLDERsome_file.sql d:copied_file.sql

I've used Java and a wrapped it into a PL/SQL procedure so I can do :

exec run_os_command(p_command => 'copy \<IP_ADRESS>SHARED_FOLDERsome_file.sql d:copied_file.sql');

The file was not copied.

I have mapped \<IP_ADRESS>SHARED_FOLDER to x: for example and issued : exec run_os_command(p_command => 'copy x:some_file.sql d:copied_file.sql');

The file was not copied.

But when I issued from the OS prompt copy x:some_file.sql d:copied_file.sql then the file is copied.

What can I add to the PL/SQL procedure so it wil work ?

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RMAN :: 06024 - No Backup Or Copy Of Control File Found To Restore

May 31, 2013

I have installed oracle 11.2 on virtual machine and made two copy of this vm i.e vm1 and vm2...i have taken fullbackup with rman on vm1 and autobackup of control file.Now i want to restore this backup on vm2, for this i have configured channel and other setting. run following command

catalog start with '\server3database_backup

"C-3507808503-20130531-00" is the name of control file autobackup.


it gives me error RMAN-06496: must use the TO clause when the database is mounted or open...then i use following command

RESTORE CONTROLFILE to 'C:oracleAdministratororadataslate';

then it gives me error RMAN-06024: no backup or copy of the control file found to restore...how to restore control file to vm2

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Copy DBF Into New Server?

Feb 24, 2013

I am using oracle 11g XE.

My server hard disc crashed yesteday and i don't have any backups / I am able to recover the .dbf by using a recovery tool.

is it possible to use this .dbf into new server and recover my data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Row With One Value Changed?

Jun 10, 2011

I've got table rep184_mediate with columns

mydate (it should be changed [mydate + 1 day] when copying) and other columns (should be copied as is).

How do I perform this without writing name of each column?

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Copy On Right Click Not Available On FTP URL

Feb 16, 2013

I had a query that if the ftp service is enabled on a RHEL server, then, why is the right-click on the URL which is like:

does not yield a save-as box? But if I do a ftp to the server like

ftp <server_name>

the mget for a file works.I hope my query is clear that the file cannot be downloaded from the URL but a command line ftp for the file works.revert with the reply to my query.

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Copy Data Between Databases

Oct 12, 2012

I want copy some tables from one database to another. Which of following is the fastest way:

- INSERT /*+APPEND*/ via database link
- Transportable Tablespaces
- datapump IMP/EXP (I supposed it's the slowest way)

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Sqlplus Copy Command

Feb 15, 2013

i am trying to copy the data from a remote database which has Oracle 8i thru Sqlplus copy command to the local database which has Oracle 11gR2.

copy from abc/abc@remote
insert emp_new
select *
from emp_old
where rownum < 1001;

is it possible to copy the remote database thru sqlplus copy command ?

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Jul 13, 2010

While trying to copy a database, i used the command: RECOVER DATABASE USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE until cancel; it gave:

ORA-00279: change 7866782806751 generated at 07/12/2010 19:39:23 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /moteurs/oracle/r11110/R11110/archivelog/2010_07_13/o1_mf_1_1158_%u_.arc
ORA-00280: change 7866782806751 for thread 1 is in sequence #1158

Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/data01/oracle/r11110/data/SYSTEM01.dbf'

ORA-01112: media recovery not started what can i do in this case of issue?

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Can Copy RMAN To Use Different Database With Different ID

Feb 23, 2011

Can I copy rman to use a different database with a different ID

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Command In A Procedure

Feb 22, 2010

I got to pull 30M data into local DB from a remote DB. As of now we have procedure to perform this task using an

Insert /*+append*/ table1
select *
from rdb_view;

I observed using the copy command in sql plus has taken very less time than the procedure.Can we use the Copy command inside the PL/SQL block? I tried with dynamic SQL but It is not allowed I guess.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Data From Table A To B?

Apr 30, 2010

i could copy data from tableA to tableB with the scenario below

1) Currently we have no unique key / primary key defined on both of this tables, due to the nature of data, so insert/update will not work
2) We cant truncate/insert as user will be accessing this tables when the copying process takes place, so we dont want to end up having a scenario where the table does not contain data at a certain time

Will materialize view full refresh work in refreshing a table so we could avoid the problem faced in point 1 & 2.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Data From One Table To Another

Feb 11, 2013

I have two tables namely PERSON and WIFE. I want to make WIFE's data available in PERSON table while keeping entries of WIFE maintained and at the same time adding some the values of PERSON against the data of wife.

1 John ab city Y
2 Varvatos cd town N
3 Smith ef town Y
4 Henry gh city Y
5 Lynda gh city Y

WIFE table

1 1 Alice
2 3 Rosy
3 4 Lynda

Now i want to copy data of WIFE table into PERSON table like this PERSON table

1 John ab city Y
2 Varvatos cd town N
3 Smith ef town Y
4 Henry gh city Y
5 Lynda gh city Y
6 Alice ab city Y
7 Rosy ef town Y

As in the given example you might have noticed that ADDRESS of wife is same as of her spouse and same goes for IS_MARRIED column. Moreover, the PK is also not duplicated. How to go about this?

Another important factor is Lynda already exits in PERSON table, therefore, i certainly don't want to duplicate her entry.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Value In Column To Another Table?

May 21, 2006

Is it possible to copy a value in a column from a table into another column in another table using the select statement.

Example: I want to copy the arrival date from the guest table to date_charge in the charges table.

DATE_CHARGE DATE default Sysdate);


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Sqlplus Copy Insert / Update

May 3, 2013

I have two identical tables from different DB's and I need to copy a row from db1 and insert into db2 if it does not exist or update it if it does(on the tables pk).

This is what i was trying until i realized replace drops the whole table where i thought it dropped the row and inserted the new.

from db1
to db2
replace table2
select *
from table1
where x = blah

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Copy Database From Production To Test?

Feb 22, 2011

Would like to know if I can replicate Production database ( to Test (

tell me the process to do that on windows environment.

I wonder if I can do it with two different oracle versions?

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Forms :: Concatenate Or Copy Value On Enter Or WVI

May 27, 2013

I have three database fields on my form , field_1 , field_2 and field_3 , user will enter the data in field_1 , and sometime he may not enter in field_2 ,

I want to bring the value of field_1 as it is into field_3 if he does not enter anything in field_2, if he enters the data in field_2 , then field_1 will get concatenated with field_2 and gets copied into field_3.Is there a way to do this automatically at form level using a trigger when-validate-item.In short this should be done after user presses the enter key on field_2.

create table ot_Sale_code_head ( sale_code varchar2(12),code1 varchar2(6),code2 varchar(6),code3 varchar2(12));
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('A','01.01',NULL,NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'A','01.01',NULL,'01.01'
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('B','01.01','PS-P',NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'B','01.01','PS-P','01.01.PS-P'

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Server Utilities :: Copy Data From One DB To Another?

Mar 15, 2010

we have a prod DB and an Backup DB. I have been asked to copy selected tables from prod Db to anaylsis DB on a weekly basis. Db version is 9i.

Can I use Db links here?, but the data is huge.

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Forms :: To Copy Data From One Datablock To Another

Jun 18, 2012

I am developing an application for making the travel entries for my organization employees.

For that purpose I have 3 datablocks named:
1) Travel header
2) Employee Detail
3) Travel Detail
which are interlinked through constraints.

I want to give 2 options ie. either single booking entry or Group booking entry.

The form is working properly for single booking entry. But when I want to make a group booking wherein many employees have to travel between common locations I have to fill all the travel details again for all employees. I want to avoid that since it wont give a feasibility for this application. I can copy the travel details I have entered for the 1st employee. I am uploading the form layout.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Data At Regular Interval

Mar 2, 2011

I have this remote database A and database B. DB A has 10 views and DB B has 10 tables. I have to pull out data from views of DB A and load into tables of DB B at regular intervals. How do I do this job?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: BLOB Datatype - Copy From One Column To Another

Mar 11, 2011

I have two tables with BLOB datatype. I am trying to copy from one column to another column , i am getting errors

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_blob_lob_copy(
v_id in integer,
v_string in varchar
auditlob lobdemoaudit.theblob%type;
sourcelob lobdemo.THEBLOB%type;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Copy Data From One To Another Table

Jun 28, 2010

1. I am inserting a value to a table.through uploading the csv file to the DB table using apex.

2. After the data get inserted into the table(parent),my data should be copied to the another table with some conditions .

3. Is it possible to write a trigger to insert statement from selecting the values from another table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Single Column From One Table To Another?

May 27, 2010

How can i copy a single column from one table to another. Table 1 has a column with data in it, table 2 has the column but is empty, i want to copy data for a single column from table1 to table 2. By the way these table have multiple columns.

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