SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Values In A Column Data

Aug 29, 2012

I have an requirement like below and would like to have SQL for that.

Source Table:

1 'A'
1 'D'
1 'E'
1 'F'

2 'S'
2 'A'
2 'W'
2 'Q'

3 'A'
3 'T'
3 'D'
3 'E'

4 'D'
4 'A'

I want to load only data which has EMP_CODE as A and doesn't have subsequent 'E' or 'F' in it. In the above source you can see EMP_NO 2 and 4 satisfy the condition and rest wont. So i want the output data like below.

Desired output:

2 'A'
4 'A'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ad Hoc MINUS - Compare Values In Code To Values In Table

Oct 28, 2013

I am searching the simplest way for ad hoc MINUS.I do:

FROM uam_rss_user_XXXXXXX
WHERE host_name IN

and look in the table which values are missing (values that are in host_name IN but not in actual table).is there a simpler way for doing an ad hoc MINUS? I know to insert values in temp. Table. How are experienced Oracle pros doing this task?

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Compare Two Time Values In Sql?

Dec 4, 2009

is it possible to compare two time values in oracle sql ie there is a column say 'tot' with values 8:29,11:35 etc(8hrs29 mins etc) can i compare this column with 03:00hrs i tried select case tot>=3 then 1 as days end from tablename;

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PL/SQL :: How To Compare Two Rows And Retrieve The Values

Aug 15, 2012

I have two tables which have identical schemas, one table (tbl_store) is used to hold the latest version, and the other table (tbl_store_audit) holds previous versions. When the latest record is updated, it is inserted into the tbl_store_audit table as a revision, and the updated details are used as the latest record.

For example: The latest version is held in tbl_store, however the tbl_store_audit may hold 5 records which are the past records used before changes were made - these are seen as revisions.

I want to be able to compare what has changed between each revision in the tbl_store_audit table. For example: Out of the 10 columns, the change between revision 1 and revision 2 was the size from XL to XXL. The change between revision 3 and revision 4 was the size XS to M and price 4.99 to 10.99, and so on.

Eventually i will create an APEX report that will show the user the revision number and what was changed from and to.

I seen in a previous post i need to note my oracle version: Oracle version

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PL/SQL :: Create Query To Compare Values From Same Table

Jul 10, 2012

Suppose you have the below table, same ID's occur for same month as well as different month

ID Month Value
226220      201203     100
1660      201204     200
26739      201204     1010
7750     201205     31.1

I need a query to determine the below laid result

ID Month Prior_month_value Prior_Month Value
1234 201203 10 201201 100
3456 201206 56.1 201204 78

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Numeric Values From A Column Of Varchar Data?

Aug 16, 2013

I have a table and data like mentioned below.

create table emp( ename varchar2(20));
insert into emp values ('122');
insert into emp values ('abc');
insert into emp values ('0.2');
insert into emp values ('0-5');
insert into emp values ('25-30');

SQL> Select * from emp;
| 122 |
| abc |
| 0.2 |
| 0-5 |
| 25-30 |

I am running the code

SQL>select regexp_substr(ename , '^[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+$|^[[:digit:]]+$')
from emp;


| REGEXP_SUBSTR(ENAME,'^[[:DIGIT:]]+.[[:DIGIT:]]+$|^[[:DIGIT:]]+$') |
| 122 |
| (null) |
| 0.2 |
| 0-5 |
| 25-30 |
| (null) |

Why it's not excluding '0-5' and '25-30', how I should write code to exclude this and Is there is any function in oracle to check for numeric in column and print.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Compare (lookup) Values Between Worksheets

May 10, 2012

How can I create a calculated field in one sheet to lookup a corresponding value in another sheet?

e.g. I have a person ID in one worksheet, and I want to look up the email address from a matching Person ID in another worksheet

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Reports & Discoverer :: Between Clause To Compare Two String Values

Jun 15, 2013

I have a problem with Between clause used in where statement to compare two string variable.

Query is like this,

select item_code, item_deacrption
from itm_master, invoce_det
where im_code = item_code
AND invd_item_number BETWEEN (:startNum) AND (:endNum)

Here invd_item_number is a DB field and is of type varchar2(41), and (:startNum),(:endNum) are of same type.

now invd_item_number has one value '001003002001'
if we give :startNum = '001003001002' and :endNum = '001003004006'

:startNum and :endNum is composed of separate field values (ie, 1st 3 character shows color code, next 3 for catagory, next 3 for size etc). These codes are entered separately and are combined at run time.

it is still fetching the invd_item_number with value '001003002001'. (the last set of character(type code) in the :startNum is greater than invd_item_number's type code value. But it is smaller than the previous code (size code), that's why it is fetching).

But how can i get around this as i don't need that value to be fetched.

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Performance Tuning :: Compare Current Row Values With Previous One Until Mismatch

Nov 2, 2011

We have employee salary table which will have salary of an employee on daily basis (only working days). Below is the table structure:

emp_id NUMBER(15) NOT NULL
effective_date DATE NOT NULL
salary NUMBER(15) NOT NULL
Primary key - emp_id, effective_date
This table is yearly partitioned

I have to find out how long the salary is not changed for an employee from given date, and last salary. I am using below query to do this:

WITH salary_tab AS
(SELECT effective_date, salary,
WHEN (LAG (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY effective_date ASC) =
) changed_ind
FROM emp_salary
WHERE emp_id = 12345

The cost of this query is 1677 and it is taking around 60 msec to complete. When I run this query for around 2000 employees in a loop it is taking around 3 minutes to complete.

The main bottleneck of this query is in the with clause where I am processing the entire history instead of stopping after first change.

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Server Utilities :: Compare Column Name Of Schema With Other Schema's Column Name

Dec 15, 2012

I have a standard schema named ABC and 600 more schema's over there in my database.They all has same table name and column name as on standard schema. But in some tables number of columns varying. So I need to compare all schemas with my standard schemas column name. I create below script but it is generating output in infinite loop.



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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Values Into Another Column By Comparing Values Of Two Columns Of Same Table

Dec 23, 2010

My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.

The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.

fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.

i_e NUMBER(10);
FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL)
FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)


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Application Express :: Compare Entries Of Tabular Form Column Against Lookup Table Or Item

Mar 28, 2013

I use APEX 4.2.0. In Tabular form, I have column of Select list type. This list has too many values and the end user must choose all these values along the tabular form rows. In other words, If the LOV consists of X, Y , Z, The End user should add three rows and choose a unique value for each row.

The problem is : This LOV is supposed to have too many values. What comes to mind is:

1- Whenever the end user picks a value, this value should disappear from the LOV of the second row ? But I have no clue how to do it?
2- Whenever the end use picks a value, I should notify him/her about the remaining values that he should pick . But I have no clue how to do it ?

At the end the purpose is to make the user aware that he still has some rows to add ( values to choose ... )

I simplified the issue in simple example here:


workspace: somefeto
user: test
pwd: test

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Two Table Data

Mar 5, 2010

How to identify the columns which are different between two oracle tables. I have nearly 30 columns in each table comprising of million rows

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PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Values From Two Columns Using Values From One Column

Jul 25, 2013

From two given tables, how do you fetch the values from two columns using values from one column(get values from col.A if col.A is not null and get values from col.B if col.A is null)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare Data In Nested Table

Mar 12, 2012

create type nesttype as table of clob;

create table emp
(empno number,
ename varchar2(1000),
language_known nesttype

I want to check whether language is already there in database or not.

i have written the below query

select * from emp where language_known =nesttype('english','hindi');

i am getting the below error

SQL Error: ORA-22901: cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type
22901. 00000 - "cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type"
*Cause: Comparison of nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an
object type was attempted in the absence of a MAP or ORDER
*Action: define a MAP or ORDER method for the object type.

How to compare data in nested table

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Application Express :: Hyperlink Column With Link Parameters As Region Column Values

Apr 10, 2013

On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.

I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.

So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:

a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?

The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.


"Application Express"

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Compare Non Numeric Data Using Arithmetic Operations?

Feb 22, 2013

Is there anyway to compare the non numeric data in a table to a numeric number.Want to run a query like

SELECT rank_id
FROM   mas_rank
WHERE  rank_code > 26 Rank_code contains numeric as well as some non numeric data

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Application Express :: Can Pass More Than 3 Column Values With A Column Link

Jun 19, 2012

I want to pass multiple column values of a row in an interactive report page to hidden items in another page through column link. And I did it successfully. However, I found I need to pass more than 3 columns of a row in this report, while a column link only permits me to pass 3 column value at most. Is there anyway that I can pass more column values to hidden items in another page?

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Networking And Gateways :: Compare Table Data From Two Different Databases

Jun 1, 2010

1) how to to compare sybase table data with oracle database table data?

2) how to connect sybase database from oracle database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Custom Date Or Data Type To Compare Semesters

Jul 26, 2011

I have a table with two columns called startsem and gradsem they are both CHAR(3). Within those colums are rows that are listed as SemesterYear. For example, F09 is Fall 2009, S09 Spring 2009, and M09 is Summer 2009. I would like to create a constraint that says GradSem must be greater than StartSem b/c no one can travel back in time to graduate. However, as you know you can compare S09 > F09 because it will treat it as a string. I thought I could use a substring and compare the last two digits as a year and that would work but how do I compare the semesters as a time frame? Because in my schema F > S because Spring 2011 comes before Fall 2011 but in reality F < S because to Oracle it is a string and the ASCII value of F is less than S. I cannot chage the coding of the database so editing the rows so they are more date friendly is not an option.

So how can I modify this database to acruately compare StartSem and GradSem.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Dates - How To Compare Data With Sysdate And Display

Jan 5, 2011


(1970, 'Daily', TO_DATE('07/26/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
TO_DATE('01/26/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '13:58 ', 'America/New_York');

Taking Today date and timezone as EST, I need to run a select that shows all the rows , where sysdate falls in between

Start_date and End_date and RunTime, ( run time is basically the Local time of the TimeZone Column)

Basically we should Display rows by checking/Converting, Start_date||End_date||Runtime||timezone with Sysdate(est) then display.

From the Above Data these rows should be Displayed by that select, how to compare this data with sysdate and display.

1970Daily7/26/20101/26/201113:58 America/New_York
2588Daily10/18/20104/18/201115:50 America/New_York
3567Daily12/8/20106/8/20118:40 America/New_York
3386Daily12/27/20106/27/20111:0 America/New_York
1973Daily8/3/20102/3/201111:25 America/New_York
2565Daily9/7/20103/7/20117:0 America/New_York
3580Daily12/20/20106/20/201117:0 America/Chicago
3167Daily11/30/20105/30/20111:0 US/Alaska
3390Daily12/30/20101/15/20117:00 Asia/Calcutta

For Example, Below rows shouldn't come, Since it's end date is less than Sysdate.

2579Daily9/17/20109/18/201011:32 America/New_York

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How To Compare Data Of Clob And Long Datatypes Using DBLink

Aug 13, 2012

I would like to run below query on all tables, however it doesnt work on clob and long datatypes

select * from owner.table_name
select * from owner.table_name@remote_db;
from dba_tables
where owner in ( '....');

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB

How can I compare the data of clob and long datatypes using dblink ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Convert Multiple Column Values Into Single Column

Jul 19, 2013

c1_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c2_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c3_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c4_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c5_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c6_type VARCHAR2 (10),

actual output of the below query, but i want to display in different way

select * from type;

Region_D Region_E Region_F Region_D Region_E Region_D Region_M Region_D Region_E

The expected output should be like this below, how to write a query or which built in function used to get the below result,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Values To Column Names

May 20, 2011

I had a table( T1). Five columns exists in the table. The table data is like below

C1C2C3 C4C5
--- ----- ---- ----- ----
One Two Three Four Five

I need the output like below one

---- ----- ----- ---- ----

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Displaying Multiple Row Values As Multiple Column And Row Values

May 4, 2010

find the Test Case below.

--Creation of Table

create table tb1
(ID number(4),
event varchar2(20),
vdate date);

--Inserting Values into the Table.

INSERT ALL INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V1', '01-JAN-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V2', '02-FEB-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V3', '04-MAR-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V4', '03-APR-2009')
INTO tb1 (ID, event, vdate) VALUES (01, 'V5', '05-MAY-2009')


--Selecting data from Table.


---------- -------------------- ---------
1 V1 01-JAN-09
1 V2 02-FEB-09
1 V3 04-MAR-09
1 V4 03-APR-09
1 V5 05-MAY-09
2 V1 01-JAN-10
2 V2 02-FEB-10
2 V3 04-MAR-10
2 V4 03-APR-10
2 V5 05-MAY-10

10 rows selected.

how can i display the data as below format using Oracle 9i SQL.

IDV1 V2 V3 V4 V5
--- ---------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- ------------

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Max Row Values Into Column

Oct 3, 2011

I have table output as shown below.

116 1 Req Documents 01-OCT-2011 100
116 2 AGG APPR 01-OCT-2011 101
116 3 Docs received 02-oct-2011 102
116 1 Tmp received 02-oct-2011 103
117 2 Notice sent 03-oct-2011 104

UCD - We have total 19 codes (1 to 19), each can have multiple rows for one AID.. like 1 repeated twice for AID 116.
PID - Primary id (Primary key column)

Output I am looking
116 1 'Tmp received' 02-oct-2011 2 AGG APPR 01-OCT-2011
117 2 Notice sent 03-oct-2011

If the same UCD repeated multiple times then we should get the max(PID) record for that UCD and for that AID

I tried with group by AID,PID. but couldn't bring the rows to columns. I have attached the script with the post

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Values In Row

May 10, 2011

i've follow problem:

select x1
from table

and i get

What i want is

The main problem here is, that it can be

as such as

in detail, i don't know prior how many i will get. With declare a cursor is it easy, but i try to find one solution only with sql.

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Get Values From Table Column Using PL/SQL Or Just Using SQL

Dec 3, 2008

I'm having a table which has a column which has values given inside square brackets.

[[[123412]]] ,[[[[werer34]]]],'[[qw2_w3rt]]

Now, the requirement is to get the values which are inside the innermost square brackets.Such as in

First case : 123412
Second one: werer34
Third : qw2_w3rt

Only the values inside are needed. Is there any way to achieve it using Pl-Sql or just using Sql ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Values In One Column?

Nov 20, 2010

i'm trying to put more than one value in one column (by putting value '26','63' in column), so i have next problem:

1. Query select cr_pjid from acc_users where username='ACCBTPS121' give result

2. Query select * from acc_accbtp_nova_view where ed_id=2 and to_char(pj_id) in ('26','63'); return 186 rows.

3. Query: select * from acc_accbtp_nova_view where ed_id=2 and
to_char(pj_id) in (select cr_pjid
from acc_users
where username='ACCBTPS121'); doesn't return any row...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Same Column With Different Values?

Dec 6, 2012

updating the column values.

Test data:

INSERT INTO test_att VALUES(90270091,NULL);
INSERT INTO test_att VALUES(90270091,NULL);


I need to update "nr_id" column of test_at table with the values from test_d table. They can be udpated in any order.

I tried to update using rownum but it failed with "single row subquery returns more than 1 row...."

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