Compare Non Numeric Data Using Arithmetic Operations?

Feb 22, 2013

Is there anyway to compare the non numeric data in a table to a numeric number.Want to run a query like

SELECT rank_id
FROM   mas_rank
WHERE  rank_code > 26 Rank_code contains numeric as well as some non numeric data

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Arithmetic Operations On Tabular Data Having Null Values

Sep 14, 2011

I am fetching data in the following set

A56 56 0
B34 NULL -34
CNULL 77 77

Here Change=(Weight_TW -Weight_LW)

I should get values as 0, -34 and 77. But I don't get this as all operations with null gives null. These are fetched data and don't exist in the form shown. I have to use these row values of "Change" further. Is there any way of obtaining these results?

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Server Utilities :: Data Migration - Remote Operations Not Permitted

May 10, 2011

I am trying to insert data in one of the tables called as tstcntr_mstr in ibpslive instance by ibpslive user.

My source tables are on ncfiiidv instance.

Query is as follows:

insert into tstcntr_mstr
(select * from tstcntr_mstr@dlink_ncfmdv)

Error that I get is remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns.

Table tstcntr_mstr@dlink_ncfmdv contains types.

the migration of the data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger - Non-numeric Character Was Found Where Numeric Was Expected

Oct 10, 2011

I have an sqlldr process running loading data into my database. I have created a trigger to run before inserts on each row to start gathering summary data from the basic underlying data. The trigger compiles ok and the procedures the trigger is calling compile ok, but when the sqlldr process runs I get errors in the log files.

Here is the sqlldr control file:

LOAD data
APPEND INTO TABLE cdr.day_tables

Next is my trigger


Next are the procedures that are called by the trigger:

) AS
record_found NUMBER;

The error messages I am getting are:

Record 1: Rejected - Error on table CDR.DAY_TABLES, column CDREND.
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-06512: at "CDR.BNUMBER_SUMMARY_INS", line 6
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'CDR.BNUMBER_SUMMARY_INS'

I need to find out what field it is complaining about, especially since I am not even using the cdrend field from the input record?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01858 / Non-numeric Character Was Found Where Numeric Was Expected

Apr 22, 2013

WHERE ordered_date=to_char(to_date(substr(ORDERED_DATE,1,10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD-MON-YYYY');

Error:-ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

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Non-numeric Character Found Where Numeric Was Expected?

Jun 1, 2007

I get the error message mentioned in the subject with this SELECT-statement

....where (t.cfonte=14 and t.data_ultima_modifica between sysdate -4000/(24*60*60) and sysdate ) or (t.data_ultima_modifica > to_date('%TIMESTAMP%','ddmmyyhh24miss'))]]>

If I substitute %TIMESTAMP% with 310507143709 then it works

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Two Table Data

Mar 5, 2010

How to identify the columns which are different between two oracle tables. I have nearly 30 columns in each table comprising of million rows

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SQL With New Column And Arithmetic

Sep 24, 2010

select employee_id,
(salary + (salary * .155)) AS "NEW SALARY"
from store13.employees;

In the above example, I was able to get this to work. Now I need to add another column in the query (not the table) like this:

select employee_id,
(salary + (salary * .155)) AS "NEW SALARY",
from store13.employees;

This errors out. It seems to have a problem using the newly referenced column "NEW SALARY" to perform another math statement.

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How To Select Data Where Non-numeric Values Omitted

Nov 13, 2008

I am attempting to use the following select to get a specific emplid. However, the ps_names table contains some alphabetic characters. I want to only focus on the emplid's that contains numbers. Is there a way to modify the following select to do this?

"ORA-01722: invalid number"
from (select PERCENTILE_CONT(0.10) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY to_number(emplid)) over () y
where emplid > '000000000' and emplid < '999999999') x
where rownum = 1;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Numeric Values From A Column Of Varchar Data?

Aug 16, 2013

I have a table and data like mentioned below.

create table emp( ename varchar2(20));
insert into emp values ('122');
insert into emp values ('abc');
insert into emp values ('0.2');
insert into emp values ('0-5');
insert into emp values ('25-30');

SQL> Select * from emp;
| 122 |
| abc |
| 0.2 |
| 0-5 |
| 25-30 |

I am running the code

SQL>select regexp_substr(ename , '^[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+$|^[[:digit:]]+$')
from emp;


| REGEXP_SUBSTR(ENAME,'^[[:DIGIT:]]+.[[:DIGIT:]]+$|^[[:DIGIT:]]+$') |
| 122 |
| (null) |
| 0.2 |
| 0-5 |
| 25-30 |
| (null) |

Why it's not excluding '0-5' and '25-30', how I should write code to exclude this and Is there is any function in oracle to check for numeric in column and print.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Between Clause In Numeric Data And Multi-tables

Sep 12, 2012

table 1

empno, salary

table 2

sal_from, sal_to, rate
1000, 3000, 0
3000, 4500, 10
4500, 5500, 12
5500, 6500, 30
6500,999999 50

now how can i compare values from table 1 in table2 and apply RATE on table1 SALARY like (SALARY*RATE)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Values In A Column Data

Aug 29, 2012

I have an requirement like below and would like to have SQL for that.

Source Table:

1 'A'
1 'D'
1 'E'
1 'F'

2 'S'
2 'A'
2 'W'
2 'Q'

3 'A'
3 'T'
3 'D'
3 'E'

4 'D'
4 'A'

I want to load only data which has EMP_CODE as A and doesn't have subsequent 'E' or 'F' in it. In the above source you can see EMP_NO 2 and 4 satisfy the condition and rest wont. So i want the output data like below.

Desired output:

2 'A'
4 'A'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare Data In Nested Table

Mar 12, 2012

create type nesttype as table of clob;

create table emp
(empno number,
ename varchar2(1000),
language_known nesttype

I want to check whether language is already there in database or not.

i have written the below query

select * from emp where language_known =nesttype('english','hindi');

i am getting the below error

SQL Error: ORA-22901: cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type
22901. 00000 - "cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type"
*Cause: Comparison of nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an
object type was attempted in the absence of a MAP or ORDER
*Action: define a MAP or ORDER method for the object type.

How to compare data in nested table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bignum Arithmetic In Oracle?

Jan 9, 2012

Does Oracle have a package that can handle 'big number' (bignum) arithmetic, that is, decimal digits of 300 to 1000 characters in length, or more? I know 'binary_double' can handle E+308 but that is with precision.

A project here is looking at using prime numbers and we need to store the result of multiplying up to the first 950 or so prime numbers.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Non-numeric Found Where Numeric Was Expected

Dec 7, 2010

We are getting an error : a non numeric was found where a numeric was expected sometimes when this statement is executed:

INSERT INTO training select * from temp_training where class_id='xyz';
all columns and their datatypes are the same in both the tables

however if i replace the * with the column names as shown below it seems to work fine without giving an error

insert into training (a,b,c) select a,b,c from temp_training where class_id='xyz'

wanted to understand the subtle difference between the 2 statements

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PL/SQL :: Separate Different Arithmetic Operators In A Query?

May 14, 2013

I wrote an query and regarding one part, i have syntax problem, when should we seperate different arithmetic operators in a query?

for example

select  density_with_desert.popp  /  density_with_desert.arr  -  sum(darea)  from counytyi don't want to use variables.

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Networking And Gateways :: Compare Table Data From Two Different Databases

Jun 1, 2010

1) how to to compare sybase table data with oracle database table data?

2) how to connect sybase database from oracle database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Custom Date Or Data Type To Compare Semesters

Jul 26, 2011

I have a table with two columns called startsem and gradsem they are both CHAR(3). Within those colums are rows that are listed as SemesterYear. For example, F09 is Fall 2009, S09 Spring 2009, and M09 is Summer 2009. I would like to create a constraint that says GradSem must be greater than StartSem b/c no one can travel back in time to graduate. However, as you know you can compare S09 > F09 because it will treat it as a string. I thought I could use a substring and compare the last two digits as a year and that would work but how do I compare the semesters as a time frame? Because in my schema F > S because Spring 2011 comes before Fall 2011 but in reality F < S because to Oracle it is a string and the ASCII value of F is less than S. I cannot chage the coding of the database so editing the rows so they are more date friendly is not an option.

So how can I modify this database to acruately compare StartSem and GradSem.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Dates - How To Compare Data With Sysdate And Display

Jan 5, 2011


(1970, 'Daily', TO_DATE('07/26/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
TO_DATE('01/26/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '13:58 ', 'America/New_York');

Taking Today date and timezone as EST, I need to run a select that shows all the rows , where sysdate falls in between

Start_date and End_date and RunTime, ( run time is basically the Local time of the TimeZone Column)

Basically we should Display rows by checking/Converting, Start_date||End_date||Runtime||timezone with Sysdate(est) then display.

From the Above Data these rows should be Displayed by that select, how to compare this data with sysdate and display.

1970Daily7/26/20101/26/201113:58 America/New_York
2588Daily10/18/20104/18/201115:50 America/New_York
3567Daily12/8/20106/8/20118:40 America/New_York
3386Daily12/27/20106/27/20111:0 America/New_York
1973Daily8/3/20102/3/201111:25 America/New_York
2565Daily9/7/20103/7/20117:0 America/New_York
3580Daily12/20/20106/20/201117:0 America/Chicago
3167Daily11/30/20105/30/20111:0 US/Alaska
3390Daily12/30/20101/15/20117:00 Asia/Calcutta

For Example, Below rows shouldn't come, Since it's end date is less than Sysdate.

2579Daily9/17/20109/18/201011:32 America/New_York

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How To Compare Data Of Clob And Long Datatypes Using DBLink

Aug 13, 2012

I would like to run below query on all tables, however it doesnt work on clob and long datatypes

select * from owner.table_name
select * from owner.table_name@remote_db;
from dba_tables
where owner in ( '....');

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB

How can I compare the data of clob and long datatypes using dblink ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update New Records - Arithmetic Calculations On Some Variables

Jun 17, 2013

I have a table which is updated with new records in each 15minutes from network. In order to get the accurate information I must do some arithmetic calculations on some variables.

For example, if the value for column A is 10 @9.45AM and 15 for @10AM the real result should be 15-10=5 for 10AM; because the values are cumulative so I need to subtract. Similar to this I have same operations for 9 more attributes in my table as well.

In order to handle this I used view and did necessary operations by using joining table like this (table name is Operations lets say and id is Primary Key)

create view ....
from Operations current, Operations prev
where current.datetime(+) = prev.datetime - 1 / 96
and =

When I use this view, the simple select query takes about 15min since I have 25GB record for this table. What can I use instead of this join and solve cumulative values issue?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DML Operations Within Function

Dec 16, 2011

I am creating an stored function which has to do some inserts in the meanwhile, and return after all the work has done, an UDT (2 or 3 columns of NUMBER datatype).

With this scenario I have an problem. The DML operations are not supported by and "SELECT * FROM Table(MyProc(args))". I have to use this "SELECT * FROM Table(MyProc(args))" because I need to pass the stored function results directly to an dataset.

Using a Stored Procedure it gives no errors, but the arguments must be passed like OUT params, and it is not what I want.

My question is:
Is there any other way to get a result (UDT) of an Stored Function (that makes Inserts) into a DataSet?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Way To Know Last Committed DML Operations Over A Table?

Feb 11, 2011

Is there any way to know Last Commited DML Operations Over a table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Set Operations With Nested Tables?

Aug 20, 2010

In the example below I believe I have created a Nested Table of PL/SQL type and have tried various references to get the SET operation to work, line containing MEMBER OF. Taking the example below from the oracle documentation I have two questions.

1) As I understand it I should be able to use SET operations on Nested tables of PL/SQL types, (I am not using the CREATE OR REPLACE DDL statement prior to the DECLARE block.).
Is this correct?
2) I am assuming that I have to reference the record, can I reference by its type / row instance or can I only retrieve the record like a Cursor Fetch solution, (which would defeat the purpose.).

Is this a SQL to PL/SQL <> PL/SQL to SQL problem?

Example 5-24 Comparing Nested Tables with Set Operator
SET serveroutput ON
answer BOOLEAN;


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PL/SQL :: Updating Column Value If Any DML Operations Done

Apr 12, 2013

I created a table with a column "id" and values for this column is attached a sequence. And now i need, if any value deleted from the table the column "id" will need to be sequence.


id name
-- -------
1 xxxx
2 yyyy
3 zzzzz
4 pppp
5 rrrrrr

if i delete

delete from test where id=4;

then automatically.. "id" column values will again in sequence... like this

id name
-- -------1 xxxxx
2 yyyyy
3 zzzzzz
4 rrrrrr

note: in the above if i delete the id=4 from the table again it will have be in sequence and if i inserted the again it has to take the next value continue to sequence....

ex : insert to test values(seq_name.nextval,'tttt');

id name
-- -------
1 xxxxx
4 rrrrr
5 ttttt

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Performance Tuning :: Looking For More Than Last 16 Operations For Session

May 25, 2010

Doing some data conversion at the moment and using V$SESSION_LONGOPS to predict when the current task will be finished so I can run the next one.

V$SESSION_LONGOPS seems to have only the last 16 long operations for the session. Older operations are automatically purged. My bigger tables have 32 partitions, so after the first 16 are processed, I cannot tell which partition I am up to.

Googling "old longops" and "longops history" didn't work, nor did the same searches on this site. The Oracle Reference manual section on V$SESSION_LONGOPS did not mention that older entries are purged.

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PL/SQL :: Unable To Run Spatial Operations Through DBLinks?

Aug 16, 2012

I am trying to run spatial operations through dblinks. See the example query below

select a.OGC_GEOMETRY.sdo_gtype from <table>@dblink a where sdo_nn(a.OGC_GEOMETRY,mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001,null,mdsys.sdo_point_type(0,0,null),null,null),'sdo_num_res=1')='TRUE'.

Query fails with the following error

ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MD", line 1723
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MDERR", line 17
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.PRVT_IDX", line 9
*13249. 00000 - "%s"*
**Cause: An internal error was encountered in the extensible spatial index*
component. The text of the message is obtained from some
other server component.
**Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.*

Same Query runs fine in the original database but fails with dblinks. Is it possible to run spatial operations through dblink?

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Unable To Use Count / Comparison Operations Within A Case?

Sep 25, 2008

When attempting to create the following table I recieve the error

count(m.mission_id) < 4

ERROR at line 9:
ORA-00905: missing keyword.

assist in order to resolve this error.

a.first_name || ' ' || a.last_name fullname,
'agent' person_type,


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PL/SQL :: ORA-03127 - No New Operations Allowed Until Active Ends?

May 15, 2013

I'm a software developer, not an Oracle DBA

Our product runs a lot of stored procedures in the background to do various things. These stored procedures obviously include a ton of select statements, insert statements, etc. Some of them get pretty complex. Once in a while, we run across the following error: "ORA-03127: no new operations allowed until the active operation ends(3127)." Once this happens, pretty much everything breaks with this error for a while. Eventually (LOOOONG time), this error "resolves itself" and things start working again. Conceptually, I understand that there seems to be some blocking operation on the DB, but because we run a LOT of stored procedures and SQL statements, it's extremely difficult to pin this down.

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Date Arithmetic - Formula To Subtract Years And Give Date

Sep 27, 2007

I am a novice in oracle

I have 2 columns in my table

->Col1 with experience in years entered as an integer
->Col2 with current date

I need to add another column as a date value adn for that i need to subtract Currentdate-Col1 when i tried currentdate-Col1 it just subtracted the days i need the formula to subtract years and give a date

I have worked in DB2 and all u need to do there was add the keyword years at the end but in oracle the same does not work

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