PL/SQL :: Updating Column Value If Any DML Operations Done

Apr 12, 2013

I created a table with a column "id" and values for this column is attached a sequence. And now i need, if any value deleted from the table the column "id" will need to be sequence.


id name
-- -------
1 xxxx
2 yyyy
3 zzzzz
4 pppp
5 rrrrrr

if i delete

delete from test where id=4;

then automatically.. "id" column values will again in sequence... like this

id name
-- -------1 xxxxx
2 yyyyy
3 zzzzzz
4 rrrrrr

note: in the above if i delete the id=4 from the table again it will have be in sequence and if i inserted the again it has to take the next value continue to sequence....

ex : insert to test values(seq_name.nextval,'tttt');

id name
-- -------
1 xxxxx
4 rrrrr
5 ttttt

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Column In Every Row Except For The First

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to find a way to update all of the rows in a table for a column EXCEPT for the very first row. I am not sure if this can be done while I enter my SET parameter or not. I have also thought about using an EXCEPTION in a stored procedure. For example, say I have the table listed below:

SQL> select * from example1;

----- -------------------- ----- -------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------
A 100 A 200 John 20111225
A 100 A 300 John 20111225
A 100 A 500 John 20111225
A 100 A 400 John 20111225
A 100 A 250 John 20111225
A 100 A 700 John 20111225
A 100 A 800 John 20111225
A 100 A 900 John 20111225
A 100 A 1000 John 20111225
A 100 A 1150 John 20111225
A 100 A 1275 John 20111225
A 100 A 3000 John 20111225

12 rows selected

I am wanting to update the table so that if there were more than 3 J_id's on the table for the same I_id then it will set all of the code1's and code2's to a C except for the very first one. Such as:

SQL> select * from example2;

----- -------------------- ----- -------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
A 100 A 200 John 20111225
C 100 C 300 John 20111225
C 100 C 500 John 20111225
C 100 C 400 John 20111225
C 100 C 250 John 20111225
C 100 C 700 John 20111225
C 100 C 800 John 20111225
C 100 C 900 John 20111225
C 100 C 1000 John 20111225
C 100 C 1150 John 20111225
C 100 C 1275 John 20111225
C 100 C 3000 John 20111225

12 rows selected

I have done some searches and haven't seen any results.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Nth Row And Adding Column

Aug 7, 2012

I had created a table which have 100s' of entries in it.

create table reg_user


1. In this table, how to update the Nth row, how can I do it

2. Now I need to add USERID in this table,which will get value from 1 to max no. of rows. I do not want to drop the table and again re create it adding USERID or update each row manually. Is there any other way to add USERID and have IDs from 1 to max IDs.

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Updating A Table Column Which Is XML Datatype

Nov 1, 2011

I am updating a table column which is xml datatype and am getting above error.Below is the process what i did. since the xml is too large i split them into small chunks.

conditionXML CLOB;
ls_xml_2 Clob;
ls_xml_3 clob;
ls_xml_4 Clob;
ls_xml_5 Clob;
ls_xml_6 clob;
ls_xml_7 Clob;

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Forms :: Updating BLOB Column

Mar 11, 2012

I am using Forms 6i,From my Form, user selects "sno" and upload BLOB image through OAF Upload utility. It stores the rowid of "SNO" and image...into Table "t1"...Now, i want to update the BLOB image into the original table"t2" using rowid..For this , i wrote the rowlevel trigger on Table "t1", in the trigger, i called a Procedure...In that procedure .. i am trying to update the BLOB column..It is not updating the BLOB column..But it is updating the Other values.. except BLOB column.

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Updating A Column Of A Table With 70,000,000 Records

Aug 1, 2012

I need to update column of a table with +,- 70,000,000 records.

If I perform an update it lasts......too much and does not finish!

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PL/SQL :: Is Updating A Non-indexed Column Slower

Oct 7, 2013

I have learnt that indexes slow down the DML operations. My question is specific to an update statement. Is it going to be slower if Im trying to update an indexed column on my table or it is slower overall (even when a non-indexed column is getting updated in the table) How does it behave in case of inserts & delete operation. 

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Updating Long Data Type Column

Aug 31, 2010

I have a task to update one of the rows in a table (having only 2 columns, number and long) which is long data type. We are on Oracle 10g. Not sure how to use update for a long data type column.

I have tried using dbms_metadata_util.long2varchar, but still not getting what I want.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Current Column With Previous Columns?

Dec 22, 2011

I need to update the current column with sum of the previous column values. Following are the creation scripts



Above query is working fine to retrieve the previous column values.But when we are updating the SUM_PRE_COLS column with those values it's not working fine.

I tried by using the following query


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Forms :: Formula Column Value Not Updating In Table?

Sep 5, 2011

I create the sample for master/detail form. In detail for prdcode,rate,qty,amount is there. When select prdcode it fetching prdcode,rate in a record and if you type the qty the amout will come based on formula(property) :qty*:rate.

It is available on screen. But when i store the data, in backend table the amount is be a null.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Column With Unique Values Without Using Sequences

Apr 17, 2013

i am having a table with out pk along with data.

Now , i need to add one column to that table , and update this column with the sequence no

like 1,2,3...... upto the max no of records. but i have to do this with out using a sequence.

how can i do.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Table With Sequentially Changing Column Name?

Aug 9, 2012

I am trying to update all rows of 100 column of a table with '0'. The column name is sequentially increasing one like EMP_1,EMP_2,EMP_3, etc. I tried using the below code but I am getting ora-06550 and ora-00927 error's.

FOR i in 1..100 loop

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PL/SQL :: Updating A Column Randomly With Selected Values?

Sep 26, 2013

 We've an accounts table that basically represents hotel chains & brands. an example shown below. 

account_id chain_id brand_id  service1              
NULL     NULL          111              
NULL     NULL          122              
NULL     NULL           11

 Here I want to update the chain_id & brand_id which are currently NULL in order to make every row eligible for further processing.

There is another table(say chain_brand) which maintains the relationship between chain_id and brand_id. one chain_id can have multiple brand_ids eg.,

chain_id  brand_id         
101     2011          101    
2012          102     2020 

Now I need a script that could randomly pick values from chain_brand table and update the accounts table. condition is those values should be unique for an account_id eg., 

account_id chain_id brand_id service1              
101          2011     111               101         
2011     122               102          2020     11 

so each account can be attached to only one chain_id and one brand_id.

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Forms :: ORA-01461 When Updating A LONG-Column Via Trigger

Jul 5, 2010

I have a non-base-table item which I want to update in the pre-update trigger of the current block.

If the content of the field exceeds 4000 characters, i get the error message

ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column.

The code is

update tab set long_col = :formsblock.long_col
where tab.tabpk = :formsblock.foreign_tabpk;

Workarounds would be,
1.) to delete the old dataset and insert the new one:

delete from tab
where tab.tabpk = :formsblock.tabpk;

insert into tab (tabpk, long_col) values
(:formsblock.foreign_tabpk, :formsblock.long_col);

or 2.) to change the Item from a non-database item to a database item and use the internal update of the forms-module, but both workarounds are not very satisfying.

Do you know another way to update the LONG-column within the pre-update trigger (or any other PL/SQL part of forms)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DML Operations Within Function

Dec 16, 2011

I am creating an stored function which has to do some inserts in the meanwhile, and return after all the work has done, an UDT (2 or 3 columns of NUMBER datatype).

With this scenario I have an problem. The DML operations are not supported by and "SELECT * FROM Table(MyProc(args))". I have to use this "SELECT * FROM Table(MyProc(args))" because I need to pass the stored function results directly to an dataset.

Using a Stored Procedure it gives no errors, but the arguments must be passed like OUT params, and it is not what I want.

My question is:
Is there any other way to get a result (UDT) of an Stored Function (that makes Inserts) into a DataSet?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Way To Know Last Committed DML Operations Over A Table?

Feb 11, 2011

Is there any way to know Last Commited DML Operations Over a table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Set Operations With Nested Tables?

Aug 20, 2010

In the example below I believe I have created a Nested Table of PL/SQL type and have tried various references to get the SET operation to work, line containing MEMBER OF. Taking the example below from the oracle documentation I have two questions.

1) As I understand it I should be able to use SET operations on Nested tables of PL/SQL types, (I am not using the CREATE OR REPLACE DDL statement prior to the DECLARE block.).
Is this correct?
2) I am assuming that I have to reference the record, can I reference by its type / row instance or can I only retrieve the record like a Cursor Fetch solution, (which would defeat the purpose.).

Is this a SQL to PL/SQL <> PL/SQL to SQL problem?

Example 5-24 Comparing Nested Tables with Set Operator
SET serveroutput ON
answer BOOLEAN;


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Performance Tuning :: Looking For More Than Last 16 Operations For Session

May 25, 2010

Doing some data conversion at the moment and using V$SESSION_LONGOPS to predict when the current task will be finished so I can run the next one.

V$SESSION_LONGOPS seems to have only the last 16 long operations for the session. Older operations are automatically purged. My bigger tables have 32 partitions, so after the first 16 are processed, I cannot tell which partition I am up to.

Googling "old longops" and "longops history" didn't work, nor did the same searches on this site. The Oracle Reference manual section on V$SESSION_LONGOPS did not mention that older entries are purged.

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PL/SQL :: Unable To Run Spatial Operations Through DBLinks?

Aug 16, 2012

I am trying to run spatial operations through dblinks. See the example query below

select a.OGC_GEOMETRY.sdo_gtype from <table>@dblink a where sdo_nn(a.OGC_GEOMETRY,mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001,null,mdsys.sdo_point_type(0,0,null),null,null),'sdo_num_res=1')='TRUE'.

Query fails with the following error

ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MD", line 1723
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.MDERR", line 17
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.PRVT_IDX", line 9
*13249. 00000 - "%s"*
**Cause: An internal error was encountered in the extensible spatial index*
component. The text of the message is obtained from some
other server component.
**Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.*

Same Query runs fine in the original database but fails with dblinks. Is it possible to run spatial operations through dblink?

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Unable To Use Count / Comparison Operations Within A Case?

Sep 25, 2008

When attempting to create the following table I recieve the error

count(m.mission_id) < 4

ERROR at line 9:
ORA-00905: missing keyword.

assist in order to resolve this error.

a.first_name || ' ' || a.last_name fullname,
'agent' person_type,


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PL/SQL :: ORA-03127 - No New Operations Allowed Until Active Ends?

May 15, 2013

I'm a software developer, not an Oracle DBA

Our product runs a lot of stored procedures in the background to do various things. These stored procedures obviously include a ton of select statements, insert statements, etc. Some of them get pretty complex. Once in a while, we run across the following error: "ORA-03127: no new operations allowed until the active operation ends(3127)." Once this happens, pretty much everything breaks with this error for a while. Eventually (LOOOONG time), this error "resolves itself" and things start working again. Conceptually, I understand that there seems to be some blocking operation on the DB, but because we run a LOT of stored procedures and SQL statements, it's extremely difficult to pin this down.

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Compare Non Numeric Data Using Arithmetic Operations?

Feb 22, 2013

Is there anyway to compare the non numeric data in a table to a numeric number.Want to run a query like

SELECT rank_id
FROM   mas_rank
WHERE  rank_code > 26 Rank_code contains numeric as well as some non numeric data

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Arithmetic Operations On Tabular Data Having Null Values

Sep 14, 2011

I am fetching data in the following set

A56 56 0
B34 NULL -34
CNULL 77 77

Here Change=(Weight_TW -Weight_LW)

I should get values as 0, -34 and 77. But I don't get this as all operations with null gives null. These are fetched data and don't exist in the form shown. I have to use these row values of "Change" further. Is there any way of obtaining these results?

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Performance Tuning :: Parallel Operations Not Executing With Expected Degree

Apr 2, 2012

I am executing a sql statement which is doing FTS in parallel mode The server has 8 cpus and threads_per_cpu is 2

The v$sql shows PX_SERVERS_EXECUTIONS as 8

select PX_SERVERS_EXECUTIONS, sql_text from v$sql where sql_id='0q0nk5117yth2'
8, select /*+ full(a) parallel(a)....

however the px_sessions shows 17 sessions (16 parallel session + 1 parent session (where sid = qcsid) Now in px_sessions, these 16 parallel session are divided in 2 server sets 1 and 2 and values for degree and required degree are 8 and 16 respectively

However, all the time, only 8 sessions which belong to server set = 1, were active though its state was waiting with event "PX Deq Credit: send blkd"

The other session which belong to server set = 2 were never active and always had waint event ='PX Deq: Execution Msg'

what could be the reason that 16 parallel session could not be started though I am the only person using the server, there aren't any batch jobs, dbms_jobs,even archivelogs (not a prod system)?

Note that paralel_max_servers setting is 16

Another issue being the duing start of the query approximately 100-115 blocks were read for the query (checked from longops) however after 60-70% blocks are read the number of blocks read / seconds falls down to 10-20 blocks / second across all parallel sessions.

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Performance Tuning :: NESTED LOOPS JOIN And Distributed Operations?

Oct 30, 2012

I want to make sure I am describing correctly what happens in a query where there is distributed database access and it is participating in a NESTED LOOPS JOIN. Below is an example query, the query plan output, and the remote SQL information for such a case. Of particular note are line#4 (NESTED LOOPS) and line#11 (REMOTE TABLE_0002).

What I want to know is more detail on how this NESTED LOOPS JOIN handles the remote operation. For example, for each row that comes out of line#5 and is thus going into the NESTED LOOPS JOIN operation @line#4, does the database jump across the network to do the remote loopkup? Thus if there are 1 million rows, does that mean 1 million network hops? Does batchsize play a role? For example, if the database batches in groups of 100 then does that mean 10 thousand network hops?

I think each row that comes out of line#5 means a network hop to the remote database. But I do not know for a fact.I have done some abbreviating in the plan in an attempt to make it fit on the page (line#7 TA = TABLE ACCESS).



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Server Utilities :: Data Migration - Remote Operations Not Permitted

May 10, 2011

I am trying to insert data in one of the tables called as tstcntr_mstr in ibpslive instance by ibpslive user.

My source tables are on ncfiiidv instance.

Query is as follows:

insert into tstcntr_mstr
(select * from tstcntr_mstr@dlink_ncfmdv)

Error that I get is remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns.

Table tstcntr_mstr@dlink_ncfmdv contains types.

the migration of the data.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Re-Balance Operations Run In Serial Or Parallel

Nov 27, 2012

Background: We are migrating a lot of databases from one SAN appliance to another. We are doing this by adding new disks from the new SAN appliance to the existing disk groups, re balancing, removing the old disks from the disk groups, and then re balancing again.

Question: If I execute two ALTER commands with the same power on 2 or more separate disk groups, do both operations start executing right away? Or do they queue up and execute one after another?

I ask because we would like to queue up several re-balances so we don't have DBAs watching status bars all day.

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ORA-22804 Remote Operations Not Permitted On Object Tables Or User-defined Type Columns?

Jul 5, 2013

I have a two different Databases. I created a db link in DB 1 to connect to DB 2 and it is working fine when I select data from any table. but I have one table in the DB2 which has a column with user defined data type . so when I try to select this column from DB 2 by using the DB link it gives me this error :ORA-22804 remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns.

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Security :: To See Any Database For The Operations Of Sys User Or Any Other User

Aug 23, 2011

I have enabled Auditing in my oracle Database but I am not able to see any database for the operations of sys user or any other user in my "SYS.AUD$" and "SYS.FGA_LOG$" tables.

Value for the parameter "AUDIT_TRAIL" is set to "db,extended".

I am working as "SYS" user and I have shutdown and again startup the database but neither there was any information in both the tables nor I can see any files at the destination specified by "AUDIT_FILE_DEST".

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Updating Table With Same Key?

Nov 19, 2008

I am using oracle 9i, and having trouble with updating a table.

I get ORA-00001(unique constraint) Error on executing the sql below; I know sql below is little strange( which use unique key in 'SET' statement) . but It worked on My Oracle Server. but it didn't on Client's.

why this error occurs or why this error did not occur on my PC,

[Update sql](key is CD and SDATE)
Update TBL1
set CD = 'A',


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