insert into a values(1,3,'Y',5); insert into a values(2,2,'Y',4); insert into a values(3,3,'N',3); insert into a values(4,4,'Y',3); insert into a values(5,1,'N',6); insert into a values(6,2,'N',5); insert into a values(7,2,'Y',4); insert into a values(8,3,'N',2); insert into a values(9,4,'Y',2); insert into a values(10,1,'Y',3); . SQL>select * from v$version; Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
My logic should have the output as follows without 5th column: sourcerowleveldpnqtyremark13Y522Y4This row in main table shouldn't be displayed in the query result as it has
dpn='N'44Y3*3=9In this row qty=9 will bedisplayed.
It will compare the value of level column with its previous row level col,if it is the parent of the current(ex.current is 4 and previous is 3 parent of 4),then it will check the dpn of previous row ,if dpn='N' then qty of parent will be multiplied with qty of current row and displayed under qty column.this row will not be displayed as dpn='N'this row will not be displayed as dpn='N'72Y4*6=24in its previous row level value is same so it will check the previous to previous row where level is 1(parent of current row) and dpn='N' ,then it will multiply the qty of that row with current row and display the value in qty column.this row will not be displayed as dpn='N'94Y2*2=4In this row qty=4 will be displayed.It will compare the value of level column with its previous row level col,if it is the parent of the current(ex.current is 4 and previous is 3 parent of 4),then it will check the dpn of previous row ,if dpn='N' then qty of parent will be multiplied with qty of current row and displayed under qty column.101Y3It will not check for the previous rows as level 1 doesn't have any parent.
We have employee salary table which will have salary of an employee on daily basis (only working days). Below is the table structure:
CODEemp_salary ---------- emp_id NUMBER(15) NOT NULL effective_date DATE NOT NULL salary NUMBER(15) NOT NULL
Primary key - emp_id, effective_date..This table is yearly partitioned...I have to find out how long the salary is not changed for an employee from given date, and last salary. I am using below query to do this:
CODEWITH salary_tab AS (SELECT effective_date, salary, (CASE WHEN (LAG (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY effective_date ASC) = salary
For emp_id 1, if we ran this query for 10/31/2011, then it has to compare the 10/31 salary with 10/29 and do the same until the salary mismatches. In this case, salary salary mismatch occurs on 10/20, so the stale salary period is from 10/31 to 10/21 which is 7 days.Below query will give that result:
CODE WITH salary_tab AS (SELECT effective_date, salary, (CASE WHEN (LAG (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY effective_date ASC) = salary
I am trying to set the min date if there is no gap between previous date2 value with current date1,if they are same then my new date will be min(date1).
We have employee salary table which will have salary of an employee on daily basis (only working days). Below is the table structure:
emp_salary ---------- emp_id NUMBER(15) NOT NULL effective_date DATE NOT NULL salary NUMBER(15) NOT NULL Primary key - emp_id, effective_date This table is yearly partitioned
I have to find out how long the salary is not changed for an employee from given date, and last salary. I am using below query to do this:
WITH salary_tab AS (SELECT effective_date, salary, (CASE WHEN (LAG (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY effective_date ASC) = salary ) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ) changed_ind FROM emp_salary WHERE emp_id = 12345 [code]....
The cost of this query is 1677 and it is taking around 60 msec to complete. When I run this query for around 2000 employees in a loop it is taking around 3 minutes to complete.
The main bottleneck of this query is in the with clause where I am processing the entire history instead of stopping after first change.
How to get the previous value of row with calling function to add value in SELECT statement for the row value.
Consider the example Table A1 having column a with values 1,NULL,NULL,NULL
SELECT CASE WHEN a IS NULL THEN (prev_row_value+function_return_Value) ELSE a END as A from A1
And my result-set should be like
a ---------------------- 1 1+(Return Value Of Function) Prev_Row_Value+(Return Value Of Function) Prev_Row_Value+(Return Value Of Function) Below is sample code but doesn't fulfill my criteria
I have to generate a report for the audit with in the dates specified(range). I got the set of record for the specified date range by using the following query:
select * from fee_rule_aud where TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(TRUNC(audit_date),'YYYYMMDD'))>20090629 and TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(TRUNC(audit_date),'YYYYMMDD'))<=20100710 order by fee_rule,audit_date
this query returned some five records, now I have to iterate through this and compare 1st and 2nd row in first iteration (1st row will have the new value and 2nd row will have old vale). If there is any difference then insert into audit_log table which has the following structure:
Fee_rule , column_name, old_value,new_value
This process has to repeat for all the 5 rows like comparing 1st,2nd rows and 2nd,3rd rows and 3rd,4th rows and so on if it has more rows.
I have two tables which have identical schemas, one table (tbl_store) is used to hold the latest version, and the other table (tbl_store_audit) holds previous versions. When the latest record is updated, it is inserted into the tbl_store_audit table as a revision, and the updated details are used as the latest record.
For example: The latest version is held in tbl_store, however the tbl_store_audit may hold 5 records which are the past records used before changes were made - these are seen as revisions.
I want to be able to compare what has changed between each revision in the tbl_store_audit table. For example: Out of the 10 columns, the change between revision 1 and revision 2 was the size from XL to XXL. The change between revision 3 and revision 4 was the size XS to M and price 4.99 to 10.99, and so on.
Eventually i will create an APEX report that will show the user the revision number and what was changed from and to.
I seen in a previous post i need to note my oracle version: Oracle version
How can I compare two rows from the same table and show the field and the difference?
select ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, deptno from EMP t where t.empno = 7782 or t.empno = 7788
ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL DEPTNO 1 CLARK MANAGER 7839 6/9/1981 2450.00 10 2 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 6/9/1981 3000.00 20
My report comparing fields should be:
FIELD BASE COMPARE DIFFERENCE ENAME CLARK SCOTT -- JOB MANAGER ANALYST -- MGR 7839 7566 -- SAL 2450 3000 550 --(Show difference only for numbers) DEPTNO 10 20 --
where I have to display the value of current cell in next following cells.The table structure is as follows :
ttdate - date individualplanid - varchar(10); - train number sch_deptime - number(8); - scheduled departure time in milli seconds sch_arrtime - number(8); - scheduled arrival time in milli seconds stn - varchar(10); - station short name dep_delay - number(8); - dep delay in milli seconds arr_delay - number(8); - arr delay in milli seconds
The delay is filled continuously by application software continuously.I want to make a query where I want a calculated field which does the prediction of train arrival on coming stations. This shall be done as the delay + sch_deptime for all the next stations. Following is a dataset :
The last column (EAT) is calculated one. It shall be like as the dep_delay is updated the EAT for the following records shall be sch_deptime + dep_ delay. I did was something like this. The calculated field is cum_depdelay which is only the delay ( not sch_deptime + dep_delay ).
select ttdate,individualplanid td,station,sch_deptime,sch_arrtime,act_depdelay, sum(act_depdelay) over ( partition by individualplanid order by sch_deptime rows between current row and unbounded following ) c_depdelay from logtime where ttdate='14-Mar-2011' and individualplanid='BO646' order by sch_deptime,sch_arrtime; [code]...
I need to update the current column with sum of the previous column values. Following are the creation scripts
Above query is working fine to retrieve the previous column values.But when we are updating the SUM_PRE_COLS column with those values it's not working fine.
I tried by using the following query
We want to find out difference of data for some tables between current day & previous day. We can use query with minus operation but it will take lot of time since table size is in range from 200 to 500 GB. We have to do this exercise every day.
drop table test / create table test ( lib varchar2(100) ) / insert into test values ('111/aaa/bbb/ccc'); insert into test values ('222/aaa/bbb/ccc'); insert into test values ('333+444/aaa/bbb/ccc'); insert into test values ('333/aaa/bbb/ccc'); insert into test values ('222+333+444/aaa/bbb/ccc'); insert into test values ('222+333+444+555/aaa/bbb/ccc');
Using 11gR2, windows 7 client machine. I need to update the table missing_volume (below), where I need to calculate the estimated_missing column. The calculation of estimated_missing column for current month needs previous month numbers (as commented inside the code below). I want the output like the first table. Notice the records start from January, hence estimated_missing for January can't be calculated, but for the the rest of the months it can be done by simply changing 'yr' and 'mnth' (commented inside the code towards the end).
yr mnth location volume actual_missing expected_missing estimated_missing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 January loc1 48037 24 57 2013 February loc1 47960 3660 53 24 2013 March loc1 55007 78 57 28 2013 April loc1 54345 72 58 77The code:
UPDATE missing_volume g
The code does calculate correct number for 'estimated_missing' as I run the code for each month, but the problem is while updating the current month it also erases the record for previous month. E.g. as can be seen below, after I updated April the column only has the record for April, previous month record is gone, similarly updating March removed February, etc. I can't understand why it's happening!! Here is the output I get:
yr mnth location volume actual_missing expected_missing estimated_missing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 January loc1 48037 24 57 2013 February loc1 47960 3660 53 2013 March loc1 55007 78 57 2013 April loc1 54345 72 58 77
why it's happening (I mean where is the flaw in the code) and how to get the desired output (first table).
I need to transpose the following table columns to rows and rows to columns...Im not quite sure how to acheive this...I have the following table with fixed number of columns and dynamic number of rows based on date filter in query
MONTH_YEAR RMS RMS_OCC TTL_RMS --------------------------------------- SEPTEMBER 200917790017790 OCTOBER 2009183831278818347 NOVEMBER 2009177901460517762
and I need to display this as
COL1 SEPTEMBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 NOVEMBER 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------- RMS 17790 18383 17790 RMS_OCC 0 12788 14605 TTL_RMS 17790 18347 17762
We are using PL/SQL Release .I would like to pull a query with each student each day an attendance record.Our database setup an AM and PM Period for all elementary students. I will pull if they absent both periods(AM, PM), then count that as one day absent.The hard part is I need to put the AM absent code and PM absent code - which is basically to put two records for each student's AM and PM absent code into one row.
Below is the query I use, but it violates the key of database, for PK is studentid+ attendance date. My query result turns out for some students they have different attendance code in AM vs PM, there are two records returned.
We have large (millions of records) Slow changind dimension (SCD) type 2 (see "Creating another dimension record " URL>.....We need to get several rows from this SCD for each key (AGREEMENT_ID) in a SQL query - to join to facts table and get several data points of each agreement (on several different points in time) stored in SCD.Here is SCD table structure:
The 1st simple approach would be to join facts to SCD as many (N) times as many different points of time you need - resulting in N Full Table Scans for SCD:
select ... from fact, AGREEMENT agr1, AGREEMENT agr2, AGREEMENT agr3 where fact.AGREEMENT_ID = agr1.AGREEMENT_ID and agr1.open_date between actual_date and actual_end_date and fact.AGREEMENT_ID = agr2.AGREEMENT_ID and :dateBOP between actual_date and actual_end_date and fact.AGREEMENT_ID = agr3.AGREEMENT_ID and :dateEOP between actual_date and actual_end_date
2nd approach: 1 Full Table Scan for SCD + group by:
select ... from fact, ( Select AGREEMENT_ID, max(case when open_date between actual_date and actual_end_date then LIMIT end) LIMIT_At_Open_DATE, max(case when :dateBOP between actual_date and actual_end_date then LIMIT end) LIMIT_At_BeginOfPeriod_DATE, max(case when :dateEOP between actual_date and actual_end_date then LIMIT end) LIMIT_At_EndOfPeriod_DATE
from agreement
-- ++optionally WHERE for those 3 dates, but possibly with no effect on non-partitioned table? Or WHERE to put less data on MAX() input (3 row for each agreement instead of 4...1000 without WHERE?)
group by AGREEMENT_ID ) agr where fact.AGREEMENT_ID = agr.AGREEMENT_ID
Simple question, Why comparison operator ANY returns FALSE if no rows returned, and why operator ALL return TRUE if no rows returned? I dont know is this some kind of language or math assumption or is this just oracle rule?
I need to verify if the current date is grater than the 15th of the current month. If its grater than the 15th of the current month i need to do an action or if else its lesser than 15th of the current month i need to do an other operation.
There are at most 2 entries of a in b. Depending on the value of the type column in B, this determines whether the entry should be male or female. I want to have a select statement that will retrieve 2 rows into one row essentially like below, how is this done:
id male_name female_name 1 paul paula
the column names will appear as such, if its a 0 its a male name if its 1 its a female name, there will generally be 2 entries in B for 1 value of a.
I would want to know how can we predict how many rows are fetched per second for a particular query. What are the factors which are responsible for this.hoe does this whole process of fetching records from Source happens. Like when a query is fired how does it try to access the table and fetch records and how what are the factors whichc are responsible for this and how can we predict how many rows can be fetched per sec