SQL & PL/SQL :: Transpose Rows-to-columns And Columns-to-rows
Oct 6, 2010
I need to transpose the following table columns to rows and rows to columns...Im not quite sure how to acheive this...I have the following table with fixed number of columns and dynamic number of rows based on date filter in query
SEPTEMBER 200917790017790
OCTOBER 2009183831278818347
NOVEMBER 2009177901460517762
and I need to display this as
RMS 17790 18383 17790
RMS_OCC 0 12788 14605
TTL_RMS 17790 18347 17762
I need to transpose this table to below one. But since my rows in 1 table is dynamic and it will increment each week and month I couldn't get a correct result from unpivot.
col1 col2 col3 1 A someval1 2 A someval2 3 A someval3 2 B someval4 3 B someval5
In col1 there will be always 1 or 2 or 3 value not more than 3 I am using oracle 10g.Want the following output in a single query with using user defined function or stored proc
Note: This is not a homework assignment, but rather, a technical bottleneck at work.
My dilemma is such: let's say that I have 1 teacher in an entity, and this teacher has 3 students in an associative entity. So if you did a select T.teacher, S.student from TEACHER T, STUDENT S, where T.teacher_id = S.teacher_id, you would get 3 rows:
I tried creating the required view using 'CASE' statement and group by but its returning multiple rows.
select case when PropertyID=1 then VALUE end as Attrib1, case when PropertyID=2 then ValueID end as Attrib2, case when PropertyID=3 then ValueID end as Attrib3 case when PropertyID=4 then ValueID end as Attrib4 from ( select Phone, PropertyID, ValueID,Value from PropertyValue group by Phone, PropertyID, ValueID,Value )
COLUMN_1 HEADING_1 VALUE_1 First 10 99 Second 50 50 Third 10 80 First 50 77 Third 50 70 First 100 55 Third 100 60
And i need the output like below. (i.e. distinct heading_1 (10, 50, 100) will become our new column headings and corresponding values for these headings will be filled in all the rows)
10 50 100 First 99 Second 50 Third 80 First 77 Third 70 First 55 Third 60
I have one issue with the converting columns into rows.
Employee table has manager , additional manager and some other columns. If the employee has additional manager, then i need those employee record with 2 rows : 1st row - manager with other data , 2nd row - additonal manager with other data .
Orginal data is like this:
EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ADDTIONAL_MGR ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- 7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 20 7698
I have tried this , using UNION ALL method, But it is taking more time.
SQL> ED Wrote file afiedt.buf 1 SELECT DECODE (DUMMYTAB.NUM,'1',MGR, '2',addtional_mgr) MANAGER, empno, ename, job, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno 2 FROM emp E, (SELECT '1' NUM FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '2' NUM FROM DUAL) DUMMYTAB 3* WHERE addtional_mgr IS NOT NULL SQL> /
I want to get the values and put them into html template since i want to configure mime settings. My table's name is rawticket_voip and it has 150.000rows and 20 columns so instead of COL1, COL2 what should i write there? How can i get the spesific row's and column's value and how can integrate loops in this html?
select a.EV_ACTOR_NAME, round((b.total_transfer/(24 * a.Max_Throughput)) * 100) AVG_ThroughPut,round(((b.total_transfer/a.Max_Throughput) * 100 )) MAX_Throughput from (select distinct EV_ACTOR_NAME,((max(EV_TRANSFER_RATE) over ( partition by EV_ACTOR_NAME)) * 60 * 60) /1024 Max_Throughput from dprt_events where EV_ACTOR_NAME is not null ) a, (select distinct EV_ACTOR_NAME, (sum(EV_TRANSFER_SIZE) over( partition by EV_ACTOR_NAME)/1024/1024/1024) total_transfer from dprt_events where EV_ED_ID in (40,105,112) and EV_END_TIME between (sysdate - 20) -12/24 and sysdate - 20) b where a.EV_ACTOR_NAME = b.EV_ACTOR_NAME
WITH table1 AS -- this table contain a list of column names ( SELECT 11 cid, 'TEK' group_nm, 'TYPE DESC' column_nm FROM dual UNION ALL
i have 3 tables, one that contains name of columns(table1), another one contain number of rows (table2) and the last table contain
the values for columns in table1 for each row in table2.
what i want to do is join all 3 tables and display the output as follow
TYPE DESC NAME P DATE TYPE_PCT ==================================================== Good John 8/21/2010 0.009 BAD Ken 4/11/2010 10.009 Medium Rob 8/1/2010 0.001
as you can see the columns names comes from table1, and the values comes from table3. i want to join these tables so that it display the output above
CREATE TABLE group_device ( group_id NUMBER (8) NOT NULL , member_id NUMBER (4) NOT NULL , device_id NUMBER (10) NOT NULL , install_date DATE NOT NULL , remove_date DATE );
i want to display all the columns of emp table in rows.O/P should be like below:---------------------------------------------Columns------------empnoenamesaldeptnomgr
I have seen lots of examples of using PIVOT to return an sql query where the rows have been converted to columns. All the examples I can find require you to have two columns with multiple rows, and also require you to know the data which is in one of columns to make titles for the new columns.
I need something a little different...I have a query using UNION which goes something along the lines of...
SELECT [get data from one place] UNION SELECT [get data from another place] UNION SELECT [get data from another place]
this returns the following... a_val ----- 100 200 300
query to return something like this... a_val1 a_val2 a_val3 ------ ------ ------ 100 200 300
The names of the columns don't really matter. And I dont want to create a new table in the database just for the result.
This query result attached
The red coln is the total I want to place it in row-wise
Date loc_1 loc_2 loc_3 loc_4 Total May 2012 4,554 6,644 11,198 June 2012 4,986 5,838 777 11,601 22,799
I Have a table like this. 12 rows and 8 columns.And column 1 Dt is going to change everytime,as date and months proceeds.and corresponding columns values are going to change.