SQL & PL/SQL :: Collections - Save Associative Array In Database?

Jan 10, 2011

We can save Associative array in data base, if not why?.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Populating Associative Array With A Column?

Jun 27, 2011

create or replace function nothin
return int
type arr_type is table of departments.department_id%type index by binary_integer;
arr arr_type;
select department_id into arr from departments;
return 4;

It gives the error : Quote:expression 'ARR' in the INTO list is of wrong type I can't figure out why.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Associative Array - No Data Found

Dec 28, 2012

find the sample of code which is giving me the same error. whts wrong with below piece of code.

cursor c1 is select * from x1;
l_x1 type1;


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PL/SQL :: Hold Values In A Associative Array?

May 6, 2013

I am providing the complete code and my exact requirement.

                         OrderNum    IN STAGING_ORDER_DATA.ORDER_NUM%TYPE,
                         ReturnValue OUT VARCHAR2);


/In my code the procedure "trendscoring_ram" is calling "inserttrend_ram" procedure 70 times for different variable values. Instead of calling the "inserttrend_ram" procedure 70 times.

want to hold the values in a associative array , defining it in package and call that procedure only once.As below.

Inserttrend_ram(pBUID, OrderNum, Associativearray, Associativearray, Associativearray,Associativearray);

For that I have tried the following but it's not working.IN the package I have declared the associative array like this.


I have modified the inserttrend_ram as below.

PROCEDURE InsertTrend_ram(
                            P_TYPE_OTS_REC IN type_ots

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Output Associative Array To Java?

Aug 11, 2011

For Nested table i have done it in follwing way? This is pl/sql stored procedure.

activationStartDate IN DATE,
activationEndDate IN DATE,


My JavaCode is

--First getConnection
--prepare sql string : sql = "{ Call Test(?,?,?,?,?) } ";
--Use prepareCall function on Connection object and passed this sql string and retrived CallableStatement class object.


Then what if i want to select more than one column from EMPLOYEE and pass to my javaCode......How my Pl/Sql will look like?........ I know how to retrieve all the coloumns of resultset in java.

I want to ask how pl/sql code will look like, i know the retrieveal process in java.

List<List> result = new ArrayList()<List>;
List col = new ArrayList();
ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)stmt.getObject(5);
ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData();


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Forms :: Call Associative Array In Oracle Procedure?

Apr 25, 2013

I've one package in which one record is created. associative array is craeted on that record.create procedure on associative array.using forms 6i i want to call this procedue.(package_name.procedure_name(paramerters)). but my problem is what paramerter shuld i provide to excute the procedure?like PK_EXCEL_TO_DB.PR_DO_INSERT(LIST_ROUTE); but i am getting error while doing this.



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PL/SQL :: Uses And Advantages - Associative Array / Nested Table And Varray?

Jun 4, 2013

What is the real time uses for Associative array, nested table and varray ?

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Application Express :: Associative Array Shape Is Not Consistent With Session Parameters

Sep 24, 2013

APEX_ITEM functions do not seem to be working correctly. When I create a region with this query:

select APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY(1, 1, 'select ''Jan'' d, 1 r from dual union select ''Feb'' d, 2 r from dual') month_id

from dual I get the error:report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: associative array shape is not consistent with session parametersWhen I run that query in SQL Developer I get this:

<select name="f01" ><option value="%null%">%</option><option value="1" selected="selected">1</option></select>It

works but returns an incorrect result, there is no list.When I run that query in SQL Workshop on apex.oracle.com I get this:

<select name="f01" ><option value="%null%">%</option><option value="2" >Feb</option><option value="1" selected="selected">Jan</option></select>

which is correct.I tried changing NLS_COMP parameter from Linguistic to Binary and changing NLS_SORT to BINARY_CI but that did not make a difference. This seems like a rare problem and generally related to installation but it has me stopped dead in my tracks.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Save Outlook Parameter In Database?

Jun 21, 2011

Can we save the Microsoft outlook incoming and outgoing mails parameters(to,from,cc, subject,desc) in oracle database table online.

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Forms :: Save Images In Database From 6i

Mar 16, 2006

I have seen many times that people are confused for how to save and retrieve images in Oracle Database from forms. Here I have created a sample form. All the coding is there. And also required scripts are also written in this post. Please download the form create the scripts and run the form.

Here we go:
Database : 9i
Forms : 6i
Create Scripts:


Note: This Procedure is to find the file name and extension and store it as well in database. Create this procedure in database.

To retrieve images just press F7 & F8 in forms

Download the attached .fmb module and run it.

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Forms :: How To Save Tlist Items In Database

Sep 25, 2010

my question is this that i have tlist items like



how to save tlist items in database.

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Forms :: How To Save File (PDF / Image) To Database From 6i

Oct 4, 2010

I want to store file from form to database:

1. what is the good way (best solution) to store file means into Database or folder on sever.
2. In either case how can we do it means i need in detail on both sides (means on form side and also on database side).
3. Every file related to a record and may contain 1 or more then 1 files and maybe update files for one record many time and we must keep track of each update.

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Forms :: Take Pic From Cam Window And Save It To Field In Database

Dec 21, 2012

I have a requirement to take pic from a cam window and save it to forms field in database.

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Forms :: Unable To Save Record In Database

Jun 4, 2010

I developed one form having 3 blocks(query_find,Summary and detail). If i do some changes in the 3rd block then press F4 key it's prompting "Do u want to save the Changes?[YES/NO/CANCEL].

If i press "YES" it displays message "1 Records applied and Saved. But the record is not saved in the database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Of Simple_integer With Collections?

Feb 14, 2013

I'm exploring converting our use of pls_integer to simple_integer. My concern is that simple_integer cannot be null. It seems safe to use for count(*), since count(*) cannot return null. But I am not sure about its use in collection methods like i := collection.count or for loops like for i in 1..collection.count

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bulk Collections And Current OF

Sep 2, 2011

I have a driver table from which I need to update another table while, at the same time, record the fact that I have processed each record on the driver table.

The driver table will contain around 3.5 million records, therefore I intended to handle this using some bulk collections, with a LIMIT option so that I don't hit any memory problems.

I would also prefer to commit in batches, or at least handle exceptions using the SAVE EXCEPTION clause. The problem is I seem to be running into an error when trying to make the update to the driver table (the commented out code). With this in, I get the error:

ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
ORA-06512: at "CUST_MAIL_UPDATE", line 217
ORA-06512: at line 38

Can the CURRENT OF not work with the FORALL? What is my best approach here? If I use a FOR LOOP I lose my SAVE EXCEPTIONS exception handling.

The Procedure is as follows:

-- declare some object structures to hold the retrieved data
TYPE driver_rec IS RECORD (
account_no ext_driver.account_no%TYPE,
update_action ext_driver.update_action%TYPE,
customers_rowid ext_driver.customers_rowid%TYPE);
TYPE driver_recs_tt IS TABLE OF driver_rec;
-- cursor to get the records from the driver table

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Forms :: PL/SQL Collections In Datablock

Dec 29, 2010

I have one plsql table which is having 10,000 rows, i want to populate this values in a forms datablock, i have used the below query in pre-query of that block

plsql_rec pkg.plsql_tab;
plsql_rec := pkg.func;
set_block_property('blk_name', query_data_source_name, 'select e.ename, e.empno from table(plsql_rec) e');

in the property of the block i set like below

Database Data Block = YES
Query Allowed = YES
Query Data Source Type = FROM clause query
Query Data Source Name = SELECT 1, 2 FROM DUAL

but while executing it says invalid identifier "plsql_rec",

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PL/SQL :: Nested For Loop In The Collections

Sep 5, 2013



SELECT o.object_id     
BULK COLLECT INTO l_obj_info       
FROM (SELECT     n.node_id, n.object_id                   
FROM nodes n             
START WITH n.node_id = 100             
CONNECT BY PRIOR n.node_id = n.parent_node_id) n            
INNER JOIN             objects o ON n.object_id = o.object_id      
WHERE o.object_type_id = 285;       



SELECT *     
BULK COLLECT INTO l_tab       
FROM ((SELECT     REGEXP_SUBSTR (i_l_text, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)                    
FROM DUAL              
CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (i_l_text, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL));  



SELECT o.object_id              
BULK COLLECT INTO l_fin_tab                
FROM objects o JOIN ATTRIBUTES att ON o.object_id = att.object_id               
WHERE o.object_id = collection1.object_id                 
AND att.VALUE = collection2.val;                 

how to implement for loop in the collection3 to get the values from collection1 and collection2. i have tried in the below way 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_get_objects_by_type_id (   i_object_type_id   IN   NUMBER,   i_l_text           IN   VARCHAR2,   i_scope_node_id         NUMBER)  


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Forms :: Enable User To Select And Save Any Document Into Database?

Dec 6, 2012

how can i enable user to select and save any document into oracle database and later on choose to retrieve and display it.it should be like windows file open save.

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Application Express :: Display Only Value Not Save To Database Based On Dynamic Action?

May 22, 2013

I have a select box with products, and a dynamic action that updates a display only element with the price, based on the product selection.After the selection is made and the page is submitted, I have noticed that the price is not stored in the database. If I change the display only value to a text box, the data is saved. Is this expected behavior? If so, can I add something to the text box to make it not editable?

Version is Application Express

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PL/SQL :: Remove Duplicate Values In Collections?

Mar 22, 2013

is it possible to remove duplicate values in plsql collections without using multistage operators ?

plsql collections output:
ID       NAME
-----     -------
001      A
001      A
002      B
003      C
004      D
005      E
005      E
005     E

expected output
ID       NAME
-----     -------
001      A
002      B
003      C
004      D
005      E

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PL/SQL :: Creating Collections Inside Package

Nov 23, 2012

I was trying to create types inside package like:

-create or replace package pack1 is
type udtable is table of integer index by binary_integer;

-create or replace package BODY pack1 is
type udtable is table of integer index by binary_integer;

Although this is not exact query what i have doubt in my mind. is it possible to create object types/collections inside/with packages?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Associative Arrays Counter

Mar 30, 2012

oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

l_sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
l_year NUMBER(4);
l_event_id NUMBER(2);


Sql gives result like

1995 111
1996 111
1997 111
1998 111
1996 111
1995 111
1995 111

SO I am trying to do like

l_my_arr(1995):= 1 ;
l_my_arr(1996):= 1 ;
l_my_arr(1997):= 1 ;
l_my_arr(1998):= 1 ;
l_my_arr(1996):= 2 ;
l_my_arr(1995):= 2 ;
l_my_arr(1995):= 3 ;

But if I put l_my_arr(l_year) := 0, immediately after FETCH, then the counter is always 1, and I cannot put it before because l_year has to be FETCHED.

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Forms :: FRM-40404 Post Command In Save Procedure To Apply Some Record In Database Temporary

Sep 26, 2011

I am working on form 10g, here i am using post command in save procedure to apply some record in database temporary.

But Frm-40404 Message raise during saving record i need post commond but i dont want to this message should popup, is there any method to avoid the message only?

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Passing Associative Arrays Across DB Links?

Apr 1, 2013

Basically, we have 2 procedures in 2 different databases. One of them makes a call to the other over a database link passing an associative array as a parameters.

This has woked fine for many years but we are in the process of migrating to and have started getting compilation errors.

1 > Create TYPE in Database_1
type x_tab is table of number index by binary_integer;
v_tab x_tab;
END DB1_Pkg;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Collections Fetch - Pass List As Input Parameters To Procedure

May 11, 2012

I have a record type and table of records as follows

type rec is record
empid employee.empid%type,
ename employee.ename%type

type tab_rec is table of rec;

Suppose data from employee table is fetched into this collection

Can you pls clarify if we can refer to all the rows of empid in the above collection ?

something like tab_rec.empid without using the subscript for referring to the nth row

My requirement isto pass this list as input parameters to a procedure(PL/SQL).

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Forms :: Image Path Save In Database And Image Name As Design Number?

Jun 3, 2009

I create a simple table for image

CREATE TABLE image_table (
Design_no varchar2(10),
filename VARCHAR2(255) PRIMARY KEY,
image LONG RAW);

Then i create simple block of image_table

its show me in this website [URL] My question is i don't want to give my form path always.i want to save my picture path in my database and the name of my picture always same as my design_no column.

For example i want to save a picture in my database i will copy my picture in d:shahzaib1234.jpg now i want the path d:shahzaib save in database and when i copy my picture which path= d:shahzaib and file name = Design no its will automatically save in database.

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String To Array

May 22, 2009

I have a comma seperated string say (tr,er,pr) and i have to convert it to ('tr','er','pr'). if there is function coded to do so.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Initialize Array

Mar 5, 2010

I have written a pl/sql function. But it is returing null value. Because I have initialize pl/sql table. how to initialize it?

return v_list
type value_list is table of varchar2(100);
v_list value_list:= value_list()


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How To Use Column Names In Array

Dec 2, 2012

I have a tmp table with 6 cols, and data to be inserted is from two other tables. My problem is there the cols of the table are

sid varchar2(10),
cob_dt varchar2(10),
deal_id varchar2(10),
new_val varchar2(10),
old_val varchar2(30),
amend_col v archar2(50),
i have return a proc
create or replace


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