SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Of Simple_integer With Collections?

Feb 14, 2013

I'm exploring converting our use of pls_integer to simple_integer. My concern is that simple_integer cannot be null. It seems safe to use for count(*), since count(*) cannot return null. But I am not sure about its use in collection methods like i := collection.count or for loops like for i in 1..collection.count

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bulk Collections And Current OF

Sep 2, 2011

I have a driver table from which I need to update another table while, at the same time, record the fact that I have processed each record on the driver table.

The driver table will contain around 3.5 million records, therefore I intended to handle this using some bulk collections, with a LIMIT option so that I don't hit any memory problems.

I would also prefer to commit in batches, or at least handle exceptions using the SAVE EXCEPTION clause. The problem is I seem to be running into an error when trying to make the update to the driver table (the commented out code). With this in, I get the error:

ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
ORA-06512: at "CUST_MAIL_UPDATE", line 217
ORA-06512: at line 38

Can the CURRENT OF not work with the FORALL? What is my best approach here? If I use a FOR LOOP I lose my SAVE EXCEPTIONS exception handling.

The Procedure is as follows:

-- declare some object structures to hold the retrieved data
TYPE driver_rec IS RECORD (
account_no ext_driver.account_no%TYPE,
update_action ext_driver.update_action%TYPE,
customers_rowid ext_driver.customers_rowid%TYPE);
TYPE driver_recs_tt IS TABLE OF driver_rec;
-- cursor to get the records from the driver table

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Forms :: PL/SQL Collections In Datablock

Dec 29, 2010

I have one plsql table which is having 10,000 rows, i want to populate this values in a forms datablock, i have used the below query in pre-query of that block

plsql_rec pkg.plsql_tab;
plsql_rec := pkg.func;
set_block_property('blk_name', query_data_source_name, 'select e.ename, e.empno from table(plsql_rec) e');

in the property of the block i set like below

Database Data Block = YES
Query Allowed = YES
Query Data Source Type = FROM clause query
Query Data Source Name = SELECT 1, 2 FROM DUAL

but while executing it says invalid identifier "plsql_rec",

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PL/SQL :: Nested For Loop In The Collections

Sep 5, 2013



SELECT o.object_id     
BULK COLLECT INTO l_obj_info       
FROM (SELECT     n.node_id, n.object_id                   
FROM nodes n             
START WITH n.node_id = 100             
CONNECT BY PRIOR n.node_id = n.parent_node_id) n            
INNER JOIN             objects o ON n.object_id = o.object_id      
WHERE o.object_type_id = 285;       



SELECT *     
BULK COLLECT INTO l_tab       
FROM ((SELECT     REGEXP_SUBSTR (i_l_text, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)                    
FROM DUAL              
CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (i_l_text, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL));  



SELECT o.object_id              
BULK COLLECT INTO l_fin_tab                
FROM objects o JOIN ATTRIBUTES att ON o.object_id = att.object_id               
WHERE o.object_id = collection1.object_id                 
AND att.VALUE = collection2.val;                 

how to implement for loop in the collection3 to get the values from collection1 and collection2. i have tried in the below way 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_get_objects_by_type_id (   i_object_type_id   IN   NUMBER,   i_l_text           IN   VARCHAR2,   i_scope_node_id         NUMBER)  


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PL/SQL :: Remove Duplicate Values In Collections?

Mar 22, 2013

is it possible to remove duplicate values in plsql collections without using multistage operators ?

plsql collections output:
ID       NAME
-----     -------
001      A
001      A
002      B
003      C
004      D
005      E
005      E
005     E

expected output
ID       NAME
-----     -------
001      A
002      B
003      C
004      D
005      E

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PL/SQL :: Creating Collections Inside Package

Nov 23, 2012

I was trying to create types inside package like:

-create or replace package pack1 is
type udtable is table of integer index by binary_integer;

-create or replace package BODY pack1 is
type udtable is table of integer index by binary_integer;

Although this is not exact query what i have doubt in my mind. is it possible to create object types/collections inside/with packages?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Collections - Save Associative Array In Database?

Jan 10, 2011

We can save Associative array in data base, if not why?.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Collections Fetch - Pass List As Input Parameters To Procedure

May 11, 2012

I have a record type and table of records as follows

type rec is record
empid employee.empid%type,
ename employee.ename%type

type tab_rec is table of rec;

Suppose data from employee table is fetched into this collection

Can you pls clarify if we can refer to all the rows of empid in the above collection ?

something like tab_rec.empid without using the subscript for referring to the nth row

My requirement isto pass this list as input parameters to a procedure(PL/SQL).

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