SQL & PL/SQL :: Changing Rows To Columns Without Using Pivot And Aggregate Functions?

Aug 13, 2013

Changing rows to columns without using pivot and aggregate functions?

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Rows Into Columns Like Pivot

Sep 5, 2011

I have this following data in a single table


and I want to achieve the following.

I am asked to write a query with the students as Rows with thier subjects and marks as per thier semester which is the columns.

new to this type of queries...This is somewhat like pivot..

Those who have not appeared for a semester should be null just exactly as shown above.Is it posible ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Rows To Columns Using Pivot Method

Mar 16, 2010

I tried to convert rows to columns using the pivot method.But i am not able to do that.This is what i tried:

SQL> desc pt
Name Null? Type
----------------- -------- ------------

As you can see from the above output i am not getting as expected.

Expected output:
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1993 3000 1340 8700
1991 1000 1500 1250
1992 2000 1200 2323

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Aggregate Functions On A Join

Nov 7, 2012

I am trying to Show all Customers (custId, last name, first name) who bought cars at the Arctic AND Pacific branches and Order it by CustId.

These are the tables:

------- ------ ---------- ---------- -----------
1JJ0001 CT9015 Arctic
1NN0001 CT9014 Arctic 10010 18-mar-2012
1PP0001 CT7013 Arctic 10007 25-sep-2012
1QQ0001 CT7012 Atlantic 10014 22-dec-2009
1RR0001 CT7011 College 10013 30-sep-2012
2JJ0001 CT9015 Pacific
2NX0001 CT9014 Pacific
2PP0001 CT7013 Arctic
2QQ0001 CT7012 Arctic


---------- ------------ ------- -----------
10001 Disney Daisy 9000.5
10010 Dupont Caryn 40000
10006 Gordon Diane 75000.5
10005 Gordon Tracy 3000.25
10013 Gross Henry 50000
10015 Hilton Kate 40000
10011 Lea Diane 12000
10003 Lopez Athena


No matter how I write the query, I get the message that no rows have been selected.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Rank Clause With Window Aggregate Functions

Jan 5, 2012

I am trying to use RANK() clause with a window clause...is that possible to use both together?


select col1, col2, col3,
from table t

but getting error in SQL Developer

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"

Error at Line: 2 Column: 33

The reason why i need to rank in window clause because i have data like this

Name Marks Quiz
Ali 10 1
John 20 1
Sara 30 1
John 40 2
Sara 50 2
Ali 20 2
and so on

I want to rank them based on their cumulative sum marks after every test..ranking should be in such a way that it should look current row and preceding rows

like this

Name Marks Quiz cumulative_marks rk
Ali 10 1 10 4
John 20 1 20 3
Sara 30 1 30 2
Peter 100 1 100 1
John 40 2 60 3 ==> becuase John has now third most overall cumulative marks (60) after quiz 2.
Sara 50 2 90 2 ==> becuase Sara has now 2nd most overall cumulative marks (90) after quiz 2.
Ali 20 2 30 4 ==> becuase Ali has now fouth most overall cumulative marks (30) after quiz 2.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Add Aggregate Functions Manually

Oct 30, 2010

i want to create a blood donor report, which consists of his profile, donations_n_tests details, donor_to_patient tracking. each is a different table which i have imported to the layout.

now the problem is that for the 1st ever layout that i make via the report builder wizard, it offers me to choose aggregate functions (like sum, cout, avg, etc). but for the rest of the tables that i import into this layout via ADDITIONAL LAYOUT OPTION (report block. it does not offer me these summary functions.

actually i can only configure aggrigate functions via the report layout wizard, perhaps report builder is not that friendly like form developer where we can put a display item set calculation mode to summary and specify the column for the aggregate function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: PLS-00653 - Aggregate / Table Functions Not Allowed In Scope?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a function that returns the situation for one month for some database. I need to implement it in some report medium for one year. The one year function works ok.

My problem is when trying to make another function that runs the monthly function 12 times and that error is "PLS-00653: aggregate/table functions are not allowed in PL/SQL scope".am trying to get around some restrictions and somehow until this part things seem to be ok.

I tried to use a union with 12 blocks but it works very slow in the reporting environment and now i want to try to make another function that runs another function 12 times depending on the parameter.

here is the code (there might be some name misuse since i had to change the names of the original code -

FUNCTION anual(monthh in varchar2, year IN VARCHAR2)
return anual_REP_var PIPELINED is
contor INT(2);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Stored Procedure With Multiple Table Join With Aggregate Functions

Jun 15, 2013

I have 2 tables order_items and items.

Order_items Items
Item_id Item_id
Quantity Price

In normal sql statement: select sum(order_items.quantity*items.price) sales_price
from order_items,items
where order.item_id=items.item_id;

I have to put this logic in either a stored procedure or Function just to calculate sum(order_items.quantity*items.price) and store the aggregated value as Sales_price in DB. Then we have to call this from Informatica Stored procedure Transformation where we will have only one output port as Sales_price,this is to load into summary table. All the aggregate calculations and joining of 2 tables should be done on DB side and only one output should be populated when we execute this procedure.

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Aggregate Two Columns

Oct 25, 2011

I have two table and I want to merge them

309 | 'hardware'
309 | 'software'
309 | 'computer'

309 |'computer,phone,mp3....'

Now I want to add TERMS column of TERMS_TABLE to terms column of TFIDF_TABLE but If TFIDF_TABLE already contains TERMS of TERMS_TABLE then I should not insert this term to the NEW_TFIDF_TABLE , like that

result should be:

309 |'computer,phone,mp3....,hardware,software'

How can I do that ?

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Application Express :: Applying Aggregate To All Columns In Interactive Report?

Jun 25, 2012

I have few reports that I want to have totals at the bottom of the report.

Is there any way I could apply totals to all columns without doing it one by one?

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PL/SQL :: Pivot Table With Variables Columns

Aug 27, 2013

I need a helo to pivot table with variable columns, I have a pivot table :

 SELECT a.*FROM (SELECT codigo_aluno,nome_aluno , id_curso,dia FROM c_frequencia where dia like '201308%') PIVOT (sum(null)   FOR dia IN ('20130805' ,'20130812','20130819','20130826'))

a but I need to run the select with values for dia , getting from a other table : 

SELECT a.*FROM (SELECT codigo_aluno,nome_aluno , id_curso,dia FROM c_frequencia where dia like '201308%') PIVOT (sum(null)   FOR dia IN (select dia from v_dia_mes ))

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Application Express :: Pivot - 2 Head Columns Possible?

Apr 23, 2013

is it possible to create two head columns sql-pivot.

something like that...

SELECT * from ( Select position,cat_id, att_name as ATTRIBUTE, pro_name, value,competitor
     FROM   cat_attributes)
     PIVOT (
                    max (value)
                    FOR (pro_name) IN ('MS 3','MS 4'))
for (competitor) in ('1','1');

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PL/SQL :: How To Transpose A Table From Rows To Columns Or Columns Into Rows

Aug 22, 2012

what are the collections available in Oracle Plsql, what are concepts of collection.

How to Transpose a Table from rows to columns or columns into rows.

DDL and DML concepts.

What is the concepts of statistics in Oracle Plsql.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pivot Table So That Rows Become Column Names

May 9, 2012

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
PL/SQL Release - Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

See attachment for table creation and table data.

The table tbl_completed has two columns, id and completed. I have created a query that does provide me with the result set that I need, but I need to pivot the rows into columns. So instead of a result set to look like this:

select completed, count(completed) as theCount from tbl_completed group by completed;

Y 772
N 720

I need a result set to look like this:


The best solution that I have discovered is this, but I figuring their might be a better way.

(select 'THECOUNT' from dual) as COMPLETED,
(select count(completed) from tbl_completed where completed = 'Y') as Y,
(select count(completed) from tbl_completed where completed = 'N') as N
from dual;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Dynamic Columns In Functions

Aug 16, 2010

I am facing with one problem while creation of function.

v_finyear VARCHAR2,
v_yrno NUMBER,


The function created successfully...

But it return the wrong values, like

SQL> SELECT fun1('2004-05', 8, 'FEB')
3 ;


SQL> spool off;

2004-05 is the value of TABLE1
08 is also value of TABLE1
FEB is the Column_name of TABLE1

Actually, i have a value in FEB month, but it return FEB. FEB is the column_name of 'TABLE1'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Changing Order Of Columns?

Apr 30, 2012

i have a table test on 4 different-different database, at the starting structure is same in all the database. and now i want to change the datatype of the primary key column named "testid" , then i add a temp column in test table (and it is added at the last in table).

i have copied the data of testid in temp column and renamed it as testid and i dropped the testid column , then the problem is that primary key column will comes at last and i want to make it like previous position so that there will not be any difference in all 4 database as in structure.

is it possible to changing column order as our desire without dropping the table?and i made all the script to changing the datatype of primary key column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Transpose Rows-to-columns And Columns-to-rows

Oct 6, 2010

I need to transpose the following table columns to rows and rows to columns...Im not quite sure how to acheive this...I have the following table with fixed number of columns and dynamic number of rows based on date filter in query

SEPTEMBER 200917790017790
OCTOBER 2009183831278818347
NOVEMBER 2009177901460517762

and I need to display this as

RMS 17790 18383 17790
RMS_OCC 0 12788 14605
TTL_RMS 17790 18347 17762

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Application Express :: Changing Sequence In Content Frame Not Changing Ordering Of Regions

Apr 24, 2013

Using Application Express

Any problem using 4.2's One Level Tabs - Content Frame page where you have a parent region (of type content frame Body Container ) while number of child regions (of type Hide & Show Region - Borderless ), if you want to re-order them by changing the sequence, it has no effect when you run the page.

The regions still show in the same order top to bottom as it did before the update of sequences. Heading links (to show/hide child regons in content frames) has the same ordering as before.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rows To Columns?

Apr 5, 2012

Sample data

col1 col2 col3
1 A someval1
2 A someval2
3 A someval3
2 B someval4
3 B someval5

In col1 there will be always 1 or 2 or 3 value not more than 3 I am using oracle 10g.Want the following output in a single query with using user defined function or stored proc

newcol1 newcol2 newcol3
someval1 someval2 someval3
null someval4 someval5

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Converting Rows To Columns Using OWB

Aug 22, 2013

Getting error ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR Source row:

1 1 1 786
2 2 2 786



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SQL That Treats Rows As Columns

Oct 29, 2008

Note: This is not a homework assignment, but rather, a technical bottleneck at work.

My dilemma is such: let's say that I have 1 teacher in an entity, and this teacher has 3 students in an associative entity. So if you did a select T.teacher, S.student from TEACHER T, STUDENT S, where T.teacher_id = S.teacher_id, you would get 3 rows:

Teacher 1, Student 1
Teacher 1, Student 2
Teacher 1, Student 3

How I would like to display it, is in 1 row:

Teacher 1, student 1/student 2/student 3

Is there a way to write a SQL to achieve the above?

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How To Convert Rows To Columns

Jun 18, 2011

how to convert rows to columns ?

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Convert Rows Into Columns

May 30, 2007

Below is the schema of a table:

TableName : PropertyValue

Columns: PropertyID Number
Value varchar
ValueID Number
Phone Number

Requirement: Create a view based on the table"PropertValue'. There could be 4 different PropertyIDs for each phone.

PropertyID Value ValueID Phone
1 'xyz' null 1234
2 null 11 1234
3 null 12 1234
4 null 13 1234
1 'pqr' null 5678
2 null 14 5678
3 null 15 5678
4 null 16 5678

Required View:

Phone Attrib1 Attrib2 Attrib3 Attrib4
1234 'xyz' 11 12 13
5678 'pqr' 14 15 16

I tried creating the required view using 'CASE' statement and group by but its returning multiple rows.

select case when PropertyID=1 then VALUE end as Attrib1,
case when PropertyID=2 then ValueID end as Attrib2,
case when PropertyID=3 then ValueID end as Attrib3
case when PropertyID=4 then ValueID end as Attrib4
from (
select Phone, PropertyID, ValueID,Value
from PropertyValue
group by Phone, PropertyID, ValueID,Value

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Transform Rows Into Columns

Aug 15, 2011

Table T having columns Name, TCode, TCount...Sample Data:

Name, TCode, TCount

This data to be represented as:

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Convert Columns Into Rows?

Aug 3, 2009

i have a table with this data :

id name
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d

and i want the o/p like this,

col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
id 1 2 3 4
name a b c d

means i want to convert my columns into rows.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Parse Rows In Different Columns

Apr 29, 2011

I have a table that has rows like below in one column. I want to parse the rows in different columns.


abc|yed| qas ert | hub cap | jak

I need to parse the above in different columns by splitting at the pipe.

so it will show something like this

col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
abc yed qas ert hub cap jak
bef rfd
som gfr lup

is it possible to do it in PL/sql.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Result From Rows To Columns

Oct 29, 2013

How can i retrieve result of multiple rows into single row. Ex

select ename from emp;



Result should be like


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rows To Columns With Headings

Feb 11, 2011

I have a table with the following structure and data.

create table testing_1 (column_1 varchar2(10),
heading_1 number ,
value_1 number);
insert into testing_1 (COLUMN_1, HEADING_1, VALUE_1)
values ('First', 10, 99);

First 10 99
Second 50 50
Third 10 80
First 50 77
Third 50 70
First 100 55
Third 100 60

And i need the output like below. (i.e. distinct heading_1 (10, 50, 100) will become our new column headings and corresponding values for these headings will be filled in all the rows)

10 50 100
First 99
Second 50
Third 80
First 77
Third 70
First 55
Third 60

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Rows As Columns

Jun 7, 2010

Need to convert columns into rows like expected

service_key consumer_key the_key fin_score_type granu rno

20100201 1 p_1 100MONTH1
20100201 1 p_0 100MONTH1
20100201 1 d_6 100MONTH1
20100201 1 t_2 200MONTH1
20100201 1 d_5 100MONTH1

But it should display like below,All the the_key types as differnet colmns instead of rows,Since need to insert those values in different tables.

expected o/p consumer_key p_code p_val d_code d_val t_code t_values granula

20100201 1 p_0 100 d_6 100 t_2 200 MONTH1
20100201 1 p_1 d_5 100 MONTH1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Get Columns Into Rows?

Aug 10, 2010

I have one issue with the converting columns into rows.

Employee table has manager , additional manager and some other columns. If the employee has additional manager, then i need those employee record with 2 rows : 1st row - manager with other data , 2nd row - additonal manager with other data .

Orginal data is like this:

EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ADDTIONAL_MGR ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------
7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 20 7698


I have tried this , using UNION ALL method, But it is taking more time.

Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 SELECT DECODE (DUMMYTAB.NUM,'1',MGR, '2',addtional_mgr) MANAGER, empno, ename, job, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno
3* WHERE addtional_mgr IS NOT NULL
SQL> /

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