Application Express :: Pivot - 2 Head Columns Possible?

Apr 23, 2013

is it possible to create two head columns sql-pivot.

something like that...

SELECT * from ( Select position,cat_id, att_name as ATTRIBUTE, pro_name, value,competitor
     FROM   cat_attributes)
     PIVOT (
                    max (value)
                    FOR (pro_name) IN ('MS 3','MS 4'))
for (competitor) in ('1','1');

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Application Express :: Pivot XML In Region

Jul 12, 2012

I tried to follow Pivot query using XML option in APEX

I can get the data into the xml serialized state, but how do I display the actual values in a region? See my example app below. I want the two far right columns in the Pivot XML region to duplicate what is in the original version.


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Application Express :: IR With Dynamic Pivot?

Oct 9, 2013

 We have been designing resource management system and want to provide flexible way to extend resource properties at runtime. So we are storing resource properties in a single table,

e.g. select * from _kvID K V---- ----- -----  1  name Bob  1  age  30  1  gender male  2  name Susan  2  status married convert to+-----+-------+--------+----------+| key | color | height | whatever |+-----+-------+--------+----------+| 1   | green | 15     | ---      || 2   | ---   | ---    | lol      |+-----+-------+--------+----------+example of dynamic pivot Dynamic SQL Pivoting &#8211; Stealing Anton&#8217;s Thunder</title> //<title>AMIS Technology Blog…

 Is it possible to create interactive report with dynamic columns updated when _kv will be changed?Is it possible to create add/edit dynamic form depends on key set if we add value type description? 

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Application Express :: Pivot Table Layout?

Nov 5, 2012

in my application i have a requirement as follows

1) column 1 indicator
2) column 2 important.

and the other columns are target actual and current year, previous year and next year.the layout should be in pivot table lay out as follows here the three columns will be saved dynamically as 2012,2011,2013 and the respecitive percentage in target and actual column

current_year previous_year next_year
target 10% 12% 5%
actual 5% 8% 5%

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Rows Into Columns Like Pivot

Sep 5, 2011

I have this following data in a single table


and I want to achieve the following.

I am asked to write a query with the students as Rows with thier subjects and marks as per thier semester which is the columns.

new to this type of queries...This is somewhat like pivot..

Those who have not appeared for a semester should be null just exactly as shown above.Is it posible ?

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PL/SQL :: Pivot Table With Variables Columns

Aug 27, 2013

I need a helo to pivot table with variable columns, I have a pivot table :

 SELECT a.*FROM (SELECT codigo_aluno,nome_aluno , id_curso,dia FROM c_frequencia where dia like '201308%') PIVOT (sum(null)   FOR dia IN ('20130805' ,'20130812','20130819','20130826'))

a but I need to run the select with values for dia , getting from a other table : 

SELECT a.*FROM (SELECT codigo_aluno,nome_aluno , id_curso,dia FROM c_frequencia where dia like '201308%') PIVOT (sum(null)   FOR dia IN (select dia from v_dia_mes ))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Rows To Columns Using Pivot Method

Mar 16, 2010

I tried to convert rows to columns using the pivot method.But i am not able to do that.This is what i tried:

SQL> desc pt
Name Null? Type
----------------- -------- ------------

As you can see from the above output i am not getting as expected.

Expected output:
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1993 3000 1340 8700
1991 1000 1500 1250
1992 2000 1200 2323

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Changing Rows To Columns Without Using Pivot And Aggregate Functions?

Aug 13, 2013

Changing rows to columns without using pivot and aggregate functions?

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Application Express :: How To Set Default Displayed Columns

Jun 12, 2012

Env: APEX 4.1

For example, initially I created the reprot source as select c1, c2, c3 from t; later I added c4. But i was unable to figure out how to make c1, c2, c3, c4 become default displayed columns. I always have to click Action -> Select Columns, then move C4 from "Do not Display" to "Display in Report".

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Application Express :: Branching On Report Columns?

Apr 27, 2013

I am trying to branch a report in one page with a report in another page, the branching should occur when a field say version is clicked.

Now when version is clicked then i will pass the id of the column to another report which should use that id to show only that row with that id.

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Application Express :: Expand Collapse In Report Columns

Mar 11, 2013

I have a table with 5 columns: Region, Country, total number of visitors, language, popularity.

The table is populated with various regions, countries and values. I want to display this information in the form of report in the following format:

#Visitors          Language            Popularity

Region +Country Region will be Europe, when the plus sign (+) against the country, France is clicked, the list should be expanded and display the country names such as Switzerland, Dublin, France, Germany etc. At the same time, before the list is not expanded the #Visitors , Language and Popularity should display the total sum for Region, Europe, whereas when the country (+) is clicked the values should be split across.


#Visitors          Language            Popularity
Europe                100                 100                     100

#Visitors          Language            Popularity
    - Swiss           30                   30                       30
    - France          30                   30                       30
    - Germany         40                   40                       40

How this can be done in APEX?

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Application Express :: Set IR Columns Outside Of Action Menu (APEX 4.0.1)

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to find a way to set the selected columns, like what the action menu -> select columns does. I am planning to build a AJAX Tree with check boxes, but I don't know where to pass that data to to update the selected columns. I'm sure their is a magic apex function that is passing the values of the current shuffle box, but as that is dynamically created, I have not be able to find that process / function.

Reason for this: Too many columns on the IR report. Want them divided by categories in a tree view. And no, I cant break the report up into multiple reports. Currently this report has 548 columns.

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Application Express :: Disable Columns Tabular View

Feb 14, 2013

i had an issue last week with enabling and disabling a column in a tabular view. and i have it working now.... when the page loads i disable the column in the 25 rows being displayed.

the problem i now have is when i use the pagination to move through the rows the columns are all now enabled.

so what i am trying to do is this:

i have a tabular view showing 25 rows at a time. there is one column with a code and one with a description. when the code is changed, via a popup LOV, the description is changed based on the valus in a lookup table in the database.

i need the description column disabled, so the user cannot simply just type in the column. but when the page is submitted, the column needs to be enabled so i have modified the sumbit button to respond to a dynamic action which runs some enabling code then submits the page.

this all seems to be working except for when you use the pagination, the description column is all enabled.

is there a way of running some javascript when the pagination is refreshed? some better way of doing it?

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Application Express :: Report Columns Duplicated When Region Is Copied

May 15, 2013

Re: Report Columns duplicated when region is copied.

When I copy a region which I have created via master-detail form, the report columns are duplicated. I'm actually copying the whole page but I have had other cases where I just copying the desired region and the columns were duplicated there as well. And, of course, there is no way that I know to delete columns from the form. But I doubt because -- in at least some cases I've tried -- the columns seems to be "linked" in that a change to one copy of the column was duplicated in the other when changes were applied.

In the example (below), there are three regions on the page and the problem occurs in region 2. (I think I will likely delete the first region.) It's been agonizing trying to get the report of region 2 and the tabular formish edits of region 3 on the same page. I made this in Oracle 11.2 in our APEX 4.1 and imported it to 4.2. You can see it here:

WS apex_examples_01
Appl. 991204

Page 57 is the original page created in 4.1 and imported
Page 58 is the page copied from 57 under 4.1 and imported
Page 59 is the page copied from 57 under 4.2 (Same result as in 4.1.)

If you want to try the page, select DSD01 from the DSD LOV, click "Query Process" and then click the edit icon. Ignore the region 1 errors -- I'll probably delete this region. The data is region 3 is for Run Date 12-May-13.

Is there some setting that allows this region to be copied without duplicating columns?

P.S. I think I know why it happens: APEX hates me!

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Application Express :: Disable Report Columns Based On Item Value

Jul 25, 2013

I've got a report with two lov's, where the user is able to change the lov value and submit it. After submit the status of the item P100_status will be changed in Disable. Based on this value the lov's must be disables with apex_disabled.  How can I disable these columns based on the value of P100_status?

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Application Express :: Change Page Template Body To Use 8 Columns Instead Of 12?

Nov 6, 2013

Apex Version: 25 I have a page that I need to divide by 8 segments, rather than 12 ( I will need to place items and buttons in one of the 8 columns). To begin, I have made a copy of the One Level Tabs - No Sidebar page template. I have tried to edit this template, and played with multiple combinations changing the Grid Layout and Display Points settings, but instead of creating a page that has 8 columns, that span the width of the page, I am just left with blank space. See attached:.[URL] And these are the Page Template Settings:[URL]  Is it possible to change the body section of the page template to have 8 columns span the entire width, without the dead space?

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Application Express :: Applying Aggregate To All Columns In Interactive Report?

Jun 25, 2012

I have few reports that I want to have totals at the bottom of the report.

Is there any way I could apply totals to all columns without doing it one by one?

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Application Express :: How To Retain Entered Data In Collection Report Columns

Jul 28, 2012

I created one collection report and in the report when i click on the next >> then the report will show the next columns to enter data in some columns but the data which i entered before going to next will not get retain (data is getting lost) when i come back by clicking << previous but i want the data to get retained even when i click on next >> or previous << in report so that i can enter large amount of data at a time in the report columns by clicking >> & << and click on submit button to save all the data.

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Application Express :: How To Show Data From A Table Having Large Number Of Columns

Oct 8, 2013

I have a report with single row having large number of columns . I have to use a scroll bar to see all the columns. Is it possible to design report in below format(half columns on one side of page, half on other side ofpage : 

Column1DataColumn11DataColumn2DataColumn12DataColumn3DataColumn13DataColumn4DataColumn14DataColumn5DataColumn15DataColumn6DataColumn16DataColumn7DataColumn17DataColumn8DataColumn18DataColumn9DataColumn19DataColumn10DataColumn20Data I am using Apex 4.2.3 version on oracle 11g xe.

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Application Express :: Tabular Form - Let End User Hide / Show Columns?

Aug 6, 2012

I have been requested to create a tabular form, but end user should have ability to hide/show columns, also they should rename the column headers. So I have created a table with column name called "attribute1", attribute2", etc. Based on that table, create a tabular form, which has column header as "attrbute1", "attrbute2", etc.

Now end user wants to rename attrbute1 as he wants. And he/she also wants to have a link called "hide/show" next to the column header, so end user can control which column they want to hide/show. It is so easy to do that control from developer side, however, shift that function to end user from front end seems very difficult to me

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Application Express :: Interactive Report - Moving Selected Columns To Do Not Display Section

Dec 19, 2012

We have built an interactive report based on dynamic query. Normally, all the selected columns are shown in "Display" Section of the interactive report. We have a requirement to move some of the columns to the "Do not Display" when the search is done. Is it possible to do it programmatically ?

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Application Express :: Oracle APEX_ITEM For Non Database Table Columns - User Entered

Aug 21, 2012

how to use APEX_ITEM.text for where the source for this comes from user input values and not for an underlying table.I have a report where three columns are coming from an actual table (one being a checkbox for selection) but then also have two additional fields on the screen that are not from a table but placeholder fields for user's to enter data.

For example, my query looks like this:

select apex_item.checkbox2(10,id),
apex_item.text(20,NULL) as "Date Contacted",
apex_item.textarea(30,NULL,5,80) as "Comment"
from my_table

I am not seeing any values for the two user fields when entering values and doing a view source?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Changing Row Value As Column Head?

Jul 22, 2012

change my row value as column head. Here are my scripts:

Create table temp (code varchar2(3), head varchar2(4), value number(5));

insert into temp values('101','1101',500);
insert into temp values('101','1102',700);
insert into temp values('101','1103',600);
insert into temp values('102','1101',1000);
insert into temp values('102','1102',800);
insert into temp values('102','1103',900);
insert into temp values('103','1101',600);
insert into temp values('103','1102',400);
insert into temp values('103','1103',500);

select * from temp;


Now I like to get the above oputput as under:

Code 1101 1102 1103
101 500 700 600
102 100 800 900
103 600 400 500

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Application Express :: Enable IR Search Field To Search In Hidden Columns

Jul 15, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?

if not, that means I have to :

1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE
2- edit my report query to something similar to
> Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null
3- add button to refresh the report.

but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this.
I am using theme 23
page template without sidebars
Report template : Reports Region.

how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Join Head / Main And Trailer Section

Feb 10, 2012

i have generate a report using report wizard but i want to know how join main section and head section , what ever you do in report wizard impact in main section ,i have done some head section ,when i run report, head section run first and main section in next page .. how to join both sections in single page output..

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Application Express :: Pass Header Variable From OAM To Apex And Read It In Application?

Mar 4, 2013

We have integrated Oracle Access Manager 11gR1 with Oracle Apex 4.1. The OAM-Apex integration is working fine. Now we want an additional header variable to be passed from OAM to the Apex application. This new header variable will be user's sAMAccountName in Active Directory. OAM is integrated with AD and the AD users are successfully able to access the Apex applications.

The three header variables which are configure in OAM right now are:
Header variable name Value
1. OAM_REMOTE_USER $user.userid
2. OAM_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL $user.attr.mail
3. OAM_REMOTE_USER_GROUPS $user.groups

We need an additional header variable as mentioned below:
Header variable name: OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME
Value: $user.attr.samaccountname

The new header variable was added in the OHS server's dads.conf file like shown below:
=========== dads.conf =============

But we are not able to read the value of this attribute in the Apex application.On the Apex application, we have a text box which shows the value of this header variable. This textbox is attached with the following stored procedure call to fetch the header variable:
:P1_HEADER_VALUE := owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME' );

The textbox shows the correct value if HTTP_OAM_REMOTE_USER is passed to the get_cgi_env method but does not shows anything when HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME is passed to the same method. if I am missing some configuration to pass the HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME haeder variable from OAM to Apex.

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Application Express :: Multiple Application Setup Using Session Sharing Within Workspace

Jan 24, 2013

I have multiple application set-up using session sharing within the workspace.Technically all works fine, however it does not play nice with user behaviour.

Users logs into APP_ID:100. Since he isn't authenticated yet, he provides user/pass and the APP_SESSION is authenticated.
Now if the user switches using to another application (using a link provided in application 100) he gets redirect to APP_ID:101:APP_SESSION all is fine.

The session is already authenticated, the application shares the session and the user gains access to app 101 without having to authenticate again. All's fine!

However users don't behave they way. Instead of using an easy link in the application. They will use their own bookmark or type in the url for app 101 manually. That way the next application is either called with f?p=101:1:[SOME OLD SESSIONID FROM BOOMARK] or f?p=101 (with no further page or session info) In both cases instead of using the already authenticated session apex spawns a new session, which of course isn't authenticated yet thus forcing the user to authenticate and come complaining they have to login again.

Similar behaviour problems exists when the user opens a browser and tries to open both applications in each in a tab next to each other.Both tabs fetch there own initial session id and start writing it to the same cookie each in turn invalidating the other tab's session.These can lead to some fanatic ping pong actions. Thus it's impossible to open 2 applications sharing session in the same browser.

Is there any remedy for these situations?Can apex be as smart as for instance first trying to resume the session stored in the cookie and only if that session is invalid, start a new session?

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Application Express :: Get Checked Options Values Via Application Global Arrays?

Apr 26, 2013

how to use checkbox item, and trying to get checked options values via application global arrays. So, this may be quite simple question, but I'm completely stuck here...

When I was looking through various threads and guides, I've encountered checkbox corresponding array names like "g_f01" - "g_f50". And so far i saw that these names are derived from item name in generated HTML code, for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="*f10*" value="3" />

And this one stands for array name "g_*f10*".However, when I tried to do the same thing - i receive item name which looks like "*p_v04*", and therefore, I can't figure out, which array name should I choose to adress it properly.

My generated HTML snippet:

<input type="checkbox" id="P6_ANSWER_0" name="*p_v04*" value="3"/>

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Application Express :: Display List Of All Users On Page / Accessing Or Using Application

Mar 23, 2013

i want to display a list of all users on a page those currently accessing or using the application. How do i accomplish this requirement?

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Application Express :: Login Error 7621 - Determine Workspace For Application?

Jul 5, 2013

APEX 4.0 Sometimes, I am getting the below error when I tried to logging into APEX workspace (after giving workspace name, User name and password), Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.

ErrorERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept. I found some threads related to this but in different way not exactly when I am getting this error. 

After 2 or 3 times, this error will not come and I can able to logging into workspace What is the cause for this issue?? 

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