A external reporting application ( SQL SERVER REPORT SERVICES) sends in some comma separated parameter values, which has to be queried against a table with 6-10 million records.
Length of the comma separated value can go upto 5000-6000 in length based on user input in the front end application. This application sends this value in comma separated. i.e., like
'AA1-11101,AA2-34346,AA4-534399,.....' like this at a time the application can send upto 500 values each of length 10. i.e, maximum length can be upto 5000. I used CLOB to handle this because since the length can be 5000 and varchar2 can handle only 4000 long literals.
But the time taken by the CLOB to verify against the table using INSTR is more compared to VARCHAR2.
I found that VARCHAR2 does'nt take much time. Is it a good idea to have VARCHAR2 in the PLSQL procedure as parameter instead of CLOB, since PLSQL VARCHAR2 can handle upto 32000 long values.
I want to know how I can find which query is taking more time , for example some query's are run from unix, java and from toad,sqlplus. and one query is taking much more time to execute, so how i can get that query and all the details.
I have a query which is executing fast in dev env,but very long time in qa env.What is the criteria when this behaviour occurs.Though qa is having more data than dev.But still it is taking long time for 1 rows also.When I am using the query rownum<=1.So What to check for this.
My oracle database version is where i am having one schema in that schema i am having 3 same tables with same structure same data but with different name.
but problem is in first table when i perform select query it takes 5 sec, in another table it is taking 0 sec and in third table it is taking 10 sec.
We are firing a normal Drop command on our database and the database version is database is running on AIX v5.The command is taking more time than usual .
When i am monitoring the session i can see that a call is being made to procedure "aw_drop_proc".Could i ask you if this is something that is taking more time than usual.
We are not having any partitions on the nested tables .We have a pack of tables and we are dropping this pack through a procedure.The pack comprises of nested tables & normal tables.To drop a nested table it is taking around 6 seconds(Table with no rows) and a normal table(With no rows) it is taking 17 milli seconds.We have a partition on Normal table.
The same operation in windows is taking very less time when compared to AIX.
I have upgraded oracle database from 9i to 11g using export and import utility. After migration we are facing performance issue in report generation, We have observed that First execution of report is taking very long time and when we generate the same report 2 -3 times there is considerable change in the execution time and it is more better than the first execution.
2 days back I have restarted the database and found the same issue. There are around 300 Reports and it is not possible to generate all the reports 2-3 times every time we restart the database.
My Database version as followsOracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64biPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE ProductionTNS for Linux: Version - ProductionNLSRTL Version - Production We have datagaurd setup as well - Huge archive logs are generating in our primary database - Archive logs are shipping to standby with no dealy - But applying the archive logs are taking more in our physical standby database -why it was taking more time to apply archivlogs (sync) in standby ? - What could be possible reasons..? Note : Size of standby redo logs are same as redo log file of primary database - Also standby by redo one or more than online redo log primary. Since i need to report my higer leve stating this is cause for delay in applying archive logs.
update tab1 set col1 = ( select col2 from tab2 where tab1.id = tab2.id) table 1 has arnd 10,000 rows
table 2 has arnd 1,700,000 rows and has a primary key on column id.This query is taking around 20 secs to execute. I checked the x-plan and most of time taken for table access by index rowid.I checked the stats for the tab2, its just three days old.
We are inserting data using JDBC (Java program) in Oracle 11gR2 DB and Timesten to oracle (using AWT cache group) . In reality insertion in oracle is faster than Timesten Cache DB.
Timesten version - TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64)
1. It is Client/Server Model. 2. Cpu has 4 core and we are using 3 core for insert the Data. 3. Perm and Temp size is big enough compare to Data Size 4. auto commit=0 5. durable commit=0 6. PassThrough=1 7. LogBufParallelism=3 8. LogPurge=1 9. LockWait = 0.1
In my code I am using delete statement which is taking too much time to execute.
Statement is as follow:
Every column in "IN" clause and select clause is containing index on it
Every time no of rows which to be deleted is vary (May be in hundred ,thousand or hundred thousand )so that I am Unable to use "BITMAP" index on the table "LOAD_TRADE_ORDER" column "IND_IS_BAD_RECORD" though it is containing distinct record in it.
Even table "TRADE_ORDER_EMP_ALLOCATION" is containing "RANGE" PARTITION over it on the column "ARTEMIS_SOURCE_SYSTEM_ID". With this I am enclosing table scripts with Indexes and Partitions over it.
way for fast execution in of above delete statement?
I am working on oracle 11g...I have one normal insert proc
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test2 AS BEGIN INSERT INTO first_table (citiversion, financialcollectionid, dataitemid, dataitemvalue, [code]....
I am processing 1 lakh rows.tell me the reason why bulk collect is taking more time. ? According to my knowledge it should take less time. do i need to check any parameter?
create or replace PROCEDURE TESTPERFORMANCE ( o_statuscode OUT NUMBER, o_statusdescription OUT VARCHAR2, starttime out timestamp, time_after_query_TESTJOB out timestamp,
This procedure is taking around 35 minutes when there are 35000 records to loop over (i.e cursor has 35000 records) and TESTJOBTRANSACTIONS table has 90000 records. How to reduce execution time.
How can I convert a DATE to EPOCH time taking care of daylight savings?
I tried with this code but there is a difference of 36000 seconds. eg:Sysdate_To_Epoch('04-Sep-2012') gives 1346716800 whereas it should give 1346680800.
I want to use a function in join clause. so i go for pipelined function(using for loop to get record & 1 more loop to fetch in table type variable). i achieved what i required. but problem is it takes much time to fetch data. is there any other approach which returns table records without pipelined function.
select serialnumber from product where productid in (select /*+ full parallel(producttask 16) */productid from producttask where startedtimestamp > to_date('2013-07-04 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and startedtimestamp < to_date('2013-07-05 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and producttasktypeid in
Expdp directory=xxx.dmp dumpfile=aaa.dmp logfile=xxx.log FULL=Y : :: : : :: : : : ; Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method... Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 24.87 MB Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/USER
then my export hangs..... checked in alert log nothing found.and then killed the job and reran again but same....checked the status and it's saying EXECUTING.
I am try to import 4G dump in Oracle 11R2 version, in that we have around 9000+ Package Body which is taking huge time than other objects (about 8 to 12 hrs) and also it is expecting lots of system space (roughly about 10GB).
I have tried both parallel and non-parallel.how to improve speed of the package body import.
Details about the Schema & Import No. of objects in Schema
SQL> select object_type,count(1) from user_objects GROUP BY ROLLUP( object_type);
I studied a document about lexical parameter in that it says "Lexical parameters are used to substitute multiple values at run time and are identified by a preceding '&'. Lexical s can consist of as little a one line where clause to an entire select statement"
Select * from emp, deptno &where.
and i know about substitution variables using & is this are same (lexical and substitution) or different.
I have a table called transaction_dw and I need to select all records that have an account balance that has been below 0 in the past 6 months. initial query I tried was:
select account_balance, timestamp from transaction_dw where account_balance < 0 and timestamp between sysdate and sysdate - 6;
but this is only taking 6 days off the sysdate rather than months, how I can get it to take off 6 months?
In one of my application oracle net connection is taking 30 to 40 ms(tnsping servicename),but in actual connection is always taking more than 45 ms, and my application requirement is below than 10 to 20 ms.
And can i use any other connection method like hostname, ezconnect etc.