SQL & PL/SQL :: Auto Increment Column

Aug 11, 2010

I have a table abc with name and phone_number columns in it,and this table contains 100 records. Now I want to add a column say ID as primary key for this and it should be auto incremented and should have primary key for the first 100 records as well.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Trigger Not Working For Auto-increment

Jun 16, 2010


name VARCHAR2(30));


CREATE SEQUENCE test_sequence

Method1 Follow Step1 and Step2 and create a Trigger as below :

ON test
SELECT test_sequence.nextval INTO :NEW.ID FROM dual;

Method 2 Follow Step1 and Step2 and directly have an insert statement as below:

INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES (test_sequence.nextval , 'Jon343');

Method 1, the Trigger is not getting created, however by following Method 2, I am able to generate auto-increment number.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Performance To Generate Auto-increment Number In Oracle

Jun 16, 2010

which method is more efficient in terms of performance to generate an auto increment number in oracle.


name VARCHAR2(30));

CREATE SEQUENCE test_sequence

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Auto Increment Number - Create Sequence And Trigger

Nov 26, 2012

I am switching database from access to oracle 11g. I have create all the required tables, but I am stuck at one point. The previous person who created access database had auto increment with SG0101, SG0102,........ In oracle I know we can auto increment primary keys but only with the numbers not with characters.

So I have customerid which is a primary key and it automatically increments the number, but I have one more column with memberid where I am inserting all the ids that start with SG0101 bla bla.....

I already have 800 member ID's that start with SG, but that value doesnt automatically increment because I dont have any sequence or trigger to do that.

So how do I create a sequence and trigger that will automatically start value with SG and keeps auto incrementing?

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Retrieve Auto Increment Field Value With Left Join?

May 27, 2013

I have already done auto increment by making sequence and trigger. but now the problem is when i am trying to retrieve data from that table it returns all data perfectly but the primary key that is my auto increment value shows blank.I am facing this problem with join query, there 4 table left joined in my query. But when I remove join from my query then it shows that value.

But i need that value in my join query.So, what is the problem and what can I do?And other thing is when I apply this query in Oracle SQL Developer, it works perfect.

My Query:


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Create A Sequence For Primary Key To Simply Auto-increment By Default Of 1

Mar 14, 2005

I'm trying to create a sequence for a primary key to simply auto-increment by the default of 1. I have a sql script written to generate mt tables, and I'm not sure how to modify the script to include the sequence. I also just want the sequence for a specific column, ie, PK, not the PK in all tables.

Here's a snippet from my script:

create table image
image_id int NOT NULL,
source_id int NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT image_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (image_id),
CONSTRAINT fk_source_id FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES source(source_id)

Would I add the create sequence statement right after the create table, and if so, how do I apply the sequence to only 1 table and a single column?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Exporting Oracle Data Into Excel File With Auto Column Size

Nov 7, 2007

I want to export the oracle data into an excel sheet. I have written the code by using UTL_FILE package. but i am getting the output as shown in the screen shot(without formatting the column size as the width of the data it has). But I want the output column width to be set according to the size of the data automatically.

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Create Table To Increment ID?

Sep 1, 2012

I am trying to create a table that will increment my ID by one using the following commands:

/*Creates the log needed to increment ID*/
create sequence seq_log;


When I run the above my create sequence completes successfully but I get a ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object error message on the create table. I have dropped all tables and sequences before running my command but I still get the same error message.

After it bombs out it appears that SQL+ want's more information for it begins to give me line numbers as if it is looking for a ";" to end the above command. I have to exit SQL+ and log back in to continue working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Increment Count When GROUP By Is Used

Feb 17, 2010

SNO column should be incremented depending upon the total records to be fetched.if i get 4 records then sno numbers should be 1,2,3,4.i dont want to put rownum also in the GROUP BY clause.how to increment the serial number?

ROWNUM SNO, --serial number
WHERE JC.B = '12111'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Increment And Reset Field Value?

Apr 18, 2011

Srl no - Srl no w.r. to the date of transaction.i.e will be incremented for every day and should again reset for the next day-Length -4 Purpose code -Purpose code of the transaction.

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Forms :: Date Increment In Details Form

Dec 30, 2011

I have a problem I am making a rooster I want to increment dates. User will put input the first date then it have to incremented by user click i used Key_Next_item on Date Field.

if System.cursor_record >1 then
Doctor_Rooster_Details.Week_Date =:Doctor_Rooster_Details.Week_Date +1
Its gives me error on KeyNext_ITem of ORA

I have fields

Week_Date Day St_Time EndTime Available
01/02/2011 Friday 10:00 12:15 Y

I want to increment Week_date when user click on next record it will incremented. ST_Time, End_Time and available user will input that.

01/02/2011 Friday 10:00 12:15 Y
02/02/2011 Sat

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Increment Sequence Not Based On Calendar Date?

Sep 24, 2013

i need to be increasing the sequence no by 1 for every calender date.For example lets say if i receive 5 dumps of data for 24/09/2013 it should be as below. For next day the 25th the sequence no should again begin with 1.

24/09/2013 1
24/09/2013 2
24/09/2013 3
24/09/2013 4
24/09/2013 5

25/09/2013 1

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PL/SQL :: Trigger To Increment A Non-pk Field After Insert In Another Table

Feb 1, 2013

I have three tables.
One for projects, one for volunteers, and a bridge entity for the many to many relationship between the Project and Volunteer.

In Project table, I have a field called, Volunteers_currently_signed_up, which means the number of volunteers currently signed up to participate in a project.

When I add an entry to my bridge entity which is composed of Volunteer_ID and Project_ID, I want the Volunteers_currently_signed_up to increment by 1, where the Project_ID in the bridge entity corresponds to that in Project.

I have very very little PL/SQL, and this is my amateur attempt so far:

CREATE OR REPLACE trigger "BI_Volunteers_currently_signed_up"
BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON Volunteers_in_project
for each row
WHERE Volunteers_in_project.Project_ID=Project.Project_ID;
Project.Volunteers_currently_signed_up += 1;

write a trigger that achieves the above

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XML DB :: Increment Counter In Loop Based On Condition?

Jan 24, 2013

I want to increment a counter in a loop based on a condition.

Here is how my xml looks like

<resultset id=1>


I need to look at each and every resultset and check if the value is >400 and if it is then display some text. Something like this

Yes, there is a value greater than 400

In my XSL, I declared a variable called count with value 0. I created a for-loop which goes through these results. Then inside the loop there is a condition to cehck if the value is > 400. If the value is >400, then the counter is incremented.

<xsl:variable name="Count" select="0"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:for-each select="/results/resultset">


There is a problem with the above code is that result is like this

Yes there is a resultset with greater than 400

Is there a way I can just remove the character 1 from the output? Or is there a better way to increment?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sequence Generating Random Values After Increment By 1

Jan 28, 2011


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Server Administration :: Monitor Increment Of Space Of Tablespace Based On Table?

Jun 9, 2011

How to check for the increment of a space of the tablespace based on the particular table. (i.e.) Say a scenario, if am trying to load the data for a particular table, for first I loaded some 10000 records and then again loading 50000 records ,so based on the icrement of the reocrds the tablespace size also increases gradually . so for this scenario how to monitor the increment of the space.

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Auto Rotation Table

Nov 18, 2010

Is there any strcuture or fucntion that can make the table have something like rotation.

I mean the record can be first in first delete.

So,for example , even the table have limit row for example , 100 row .

so, the new data can be replace the oldest row in the table auto and insert into the table .

so the new row will replace the oldest 99 th row auto .the table still keep 100 row but the data can be update .

Is it "partition" or other ??

how can I create it .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Auto Generation Of Number

Feb 27, 2013

Need to generate auto number as below

A00001 to A99999. After A99999 it should begin with B00001 and ends with B99999. till Z99999 we need to generate.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Auto Number For Primary Key

Feb 19, 2011

I have set up a schema using a DDL script in Oracle 10g. I am linking this through to a Visual Basic 2008 fron end. The connection is fine. My database of is for a car hire company project.

I need to know how to create an auto increment for a primary key field, like Access does.

For example here is my table structure for my Rental_Payment table.



So for example the first record would appear as:

======== ===== ====== =======

I would then enter values and the next payment number would be 02 etc.

======== ===== ====== =======
01 123412 £40.00 VISA

Visual Basic will usually have a star (*) beside a new entry field so 02 will be
* 02


I have about creating a sequence. So how can I tie this to my table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Auto Update Trigger

Apr 2, 2012

I have 2 tables where the data is related.table ot_pack_list,ot_delv .ot_pack_list contains details of items information that are packed to be delivered sometimes what happens user may remove some items from this, and the summary column of dl_wt and dl_qty in ot_delv must get automatically changed whenever there is addition in ot_pack.

create table ot_pack_list (item varchar2(12),pack_qty number,pack_wt number,pack_no number)
insert into ot_pack_list values ('a',2,10,1);
insert into ot_pack_list values ('b',3,55,1);
create table ot_delv (d_no varchar2(12),d_qty number,d_Wt number,d_pack_no number)


--after updating the data in ot_delv should be like..

select * from ot_delv;

d_no d_qty d_wt d_pack_no
----- ----- ---- -------
1 5 75 1

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Standby Auto Startup On OEL 5

Sep 14, 2012

I have to make this script . It should be something like this :

starting of lsnrctl.......
startup mount;
alter database open read only;
recover managed .....................;

and a second script is to shut down everything correctly during Linux shutdown..I think it would be better to make a new Linux service . make a whole script? Oracle 11.2, Oracle Linux 5

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Tablespace Auto Extend

Dec 26, 2012

What does mean AUTO EXTEND ON ? What is purpose ?

For eg :

I'm creating a table space with 5M size . i can insert rows still 5M getting fulled then what is the purpose of autoextend ?.

I'm reading documented but couldn't understand clearly..

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SPM Auto Load Capture And Use?

Sep 12, 2012

I was reading about Oracle SPM feature, but i have questions in mind for automatic feature..

* if we have set both capture and use parameter true. Oracle will automatically capture Plans, but will it automatically evolve new plans to accepted or it will wait for evolve it manually before using new plan.

* If it Automatically evolve, when and how will it?

* If it Automatically, will change old plan's flag accepted to No? or add one more accepted plan

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Forms :: LOV / Auto Select Values

Apr 13, 2012

I have an LOV on my form which holds a list of course units for a student to select and insert. However some units on the LOV must be COMPULSORY(not optional).... so i was wondering is there a way to have these auto selected from the LOV?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Auto Rotation Table In Oracle

Nov 18, 2010

Is there any strcuture or fucntion that can make the table have something like rotation.I mean the record can be first in first delete.So,for example , even the table have limit row for example , 100 row .so, the new data can be replace the oldest row in the table auto and insert into the table .so the new row will replace the oldest 99 th row auto .the table still keep 100 row but the data can be update . Is it "partition" or other ??

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RAC & Failsafe :: How To Set Auto Startup When OS Start

Mar 24, 2012

I have installed a rac database,when the os start,and the database can not auto start,how to make the database auto start when OS start?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Auto Extend Work With Quota

Apr 9, 2012

I have given a specific user default tablespace on Users and a quota 5M. However I want to check if the user have used up 70% of that 5M. If so, I want to increase quota by 500K so in this will be an additional to the 5M. The code I wrote is overwriting the 5M I initially gave the user with 500K. Attached is a sample of the code.

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Suppress Prompt When Deploying PSU In Auto

Aug 2, 2012

Whenever I deploy a PSU patch I receive the prompt below. I'm attempting to deploy PSU in an automated fashion. How do I suppress the prompt? "Enter 'yes' if you have unzipped this patch to an empty directory to proceed (yes/no):"

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Security Role And Auto Permissions

May 13, 2013

I have created and role in my database and assign privileges as per following query.

Select 'Grant select on'||' user.'||object_name||' '||'to MyRole ;' from all_objects
where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')
and owner='username';

After granting role to new user everything work fine.I want to know a way to sync role with any newly created object.

Should I create a job that may execute above sql store results in a file and then execute to ensure all privileges are up to date for role or there any other optimal way exist ?

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Oracle Auto Extensible Tablespaces

Jan 7, 2011

I need to create a shell script to find the free space of an auto extensible tablespaces and send an alert when the free space is < 700MB. I tried checking with the dba_free_space, but I did not get the exact free space.

Tell me the logic to find the exact free space of autoextensible enabled tablespaces?

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