Forms :: LOV / Auto Select Values

Apr 13, 2012

I have an LOV on my form which holds a list of course units for a student to select and insert. However some units on the LOV must be COMPULSORY(not optional).... so i was wondering is there a way to have these auto selected from the LOV?

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Application Express :: Displaying Multiple Values In Auto-complete Item

Aug 15, 2013

I am creating multiple entries for auto populate item as shown in this jquery plugin link below but i am trying to change this so values come from table query. how can i achieve this even using web services in apex 4.1.1 but i am trying NOT to use remote url or external file?   


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Forms :: How To Select 1st Record From The Duplicate Values In Table Without Using Rownum And Rowid

Apr 23, 2010

how to select 1st record from duplicate vales in a table.

If we created one table with out primary key column In form in search block have uwi value and top_depth value when i enter uwi and top_depth value then when i click search button then it will display all values in master block.

but here duplicate values r there.

SQL> select rownum,uwi,top_depth,base_depth,test_start_date from well_pre_header;

---------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
1 100 453.05 458.08 09-SEP-10
2 100 200 288 23-AUG-00
3 1001 200 289 25-AUG-01
4 1001 200 201 24-MAY-87

if uwi = 1001 and top_depth=200 and i will click search button it should be display 3 record & when i click next button then it will show 4th record.

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Application Express :: Auto Populate Phone Number Based On Select List In Tabular Form

Dec 27, 2012

Ive a requirement which ive overlooked for a while now as below,

On my tabular form i have fields: Empid as Select List and when the value is picked from this Select List EmpID i want the associated/corresponding phone# displayed in its TEXT FIELD in that same row,

apex 4.1.1/Oracle 11gR2,

also i tried the below as a workaround but it doesnt fulfill my requirement, [URL]....

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Forms :: Auto Stretch Functionality In Oracle?

Oct 6, 2013

Is it possible to have auto stretch functionality (similar to Oracle ADF) in Oracle Forms?

The requirement is to adjust the data blocks/ canvases according to the window size automatically.

I know it is possible in Oracle ADF. But I want to achieve the similar kind of functionality in Oracle Forms.

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Forms :: Auto Refresh When Data Updated

Apr 19, 2010

i need a code to auto refresh or after 1 minute in form & report when the data is updated. basically i am deploying the plasma tv in hall so executive can see the status report where they need its going to be like a stock system multiple forms or reports sticky dynamically change .

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Forms :: Where To Set Auto Refresh On Custom Form

Dec 14, 2010

How and where to set Auto Refresh on Custom Form ...?

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Select Into With Null Values?

Apr 20, 2007

i have a stored proc where i am selecting a value into a variable like so:


Now, my problem lies in where there is no value returned (oracle will throw an error).

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Forms :: Auto Populating Records In Other Fields Based On Inventory Number Field

Jul 13, 2011

I am having a problem with auto populating different fields based on inventory no. field.. This is a bug giving to me to work on and i not able to figure out how to populate the other fields.

How to set any triggers for the items to auto populate and i am suppose to finish this work today.

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Select Records With Same Values Of Field?

Oct 9, 2007

there are some data in the table que_history (seqnbr is the key), e.g.

20070927003668 (024)2272 AD182040 2007-9-27 15:15:00
20070928001343 (024)2272 AD182040 2007-9-28 9:55:14
20070928001624 (024)2272 AD182040 2007-9-28 10:30:06
20070928000910 (024)25672 AD000002 2007-9-28 9:06:59
20070928001288 (024)25672 AD000002 2007-9-28 9:49:13
20070923003834 (024)2585 AD210076 2007-9-23 17:15:13
20070923003890 (024)2585 AD210076 2007-9-23 17:23:54
20071001001593 (024)2589 AD000018 2007-10-1 11:54:39
20071003002814 (024)2589 AD000018 2007-10-3 16:53:52
20070923003320 (024)8831 AD000110 2007-9-23 15:24:39

I wanted to use this SQL to get the records ( dn is the same and the sl_time's interval is 600minutes) .

select A.* from que_history A,que_history B
where A.dn=B.dn and A.seqnbr<>B.seqnbr
and (A.sl_time-B.sl_time)*24*60 between -600 and 600
order by A.dn;

but the result is not the right.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select From List Of Literal Values?

Jul 18, 2011

Is there a way to loop through a list of literal values.

For instance
create table car(
name varchar2(11),
passengers int,
price int

insert into car values ('fiat',1,1000);
insert into car values ('bmw',2,2500)
insert into car values ('ford',2,1500)
insert into car values ('ferrari',4,5000)

from car
where passengers=1

How can i in a single query do this for where passengers = 1
then passengers = 2
then passengers = 3 etc
where i have a list of possible values for passengers.

Just to update I realise this can be done with

from car
where passengers in (1,2,3)
group by name

but in just wanted to know if there is a way of iterating through a literal list in tsql

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Column Values Into Array

Sep 10, 2013

Is there any way in PL/SQL to select the values from all columns of a table record into an array?

For example:

0 |1 |2

v_array(0) value is 0
v_array(1) values is 1
v_array(2) values is 2


v_array(C1) value is 0
v_array(C2) values is 1
v_array(C3) values is 2

But i need to do this without mention the column names, something like: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE id=1 INTO v_array;

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Spatial :: Select Repeating Values

Sep 7, 2012

some sample data in my point geometry table.

every POLYID has two rows with NAME value, i need to select the two rows if NAME is same for a given POLYID.

example: POLYID 4351 has same name N, then i need to select two rows with PILYID 4351.

4348 5763           N
4348 5764           F
4351 5741           N
4351 5756           N
4367 5721           M7


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How To Select Data Where Non-numeric Values Omitted

Nov 13, 2008

I am attempting to use the following select to get a specific emplid. However, the ps_names table contains some alphabetic characters. I want to only focus on the emplid's that contains numbers. Is there a way to modify the following select to do this?

"ORA-01722: invalid number"
from (select PERCENTILE_CONT(0.10) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY to_number(emplid)) over () y
where emplid > '000000000' and emplid < '999999999') x
where rownum = 1;

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Using Array Values In IN Clause Of Select Query?

Sep 9, 2008

I have some issues in passing array values to IN clause.

I am passing a String Array from Java to PL\SQL and want to use the Array values in the IN CLAUSE of Select Query

cust_array is the Array
search_id VARCHAR2(1000);
search_id := '';
FOR j IN 1 .. cust_array.count
IF (j != 1) THEN
search_id := search_id || ''',''' || cust_array(j) || ''';
search_id := search_id || '''' || cust_array(j) || '''';

trying to form a string of below form: search_id '3211335201','3211335209','3211335279','3211335509'

and use the string search_id in the IN clause of the search Query select * from DPP_EMP where empl in (search_id)

but the query does not returns any result

When I try to hardcode the values in the query as below, its returing 4 rows

select * from DPP_EMP where empl in ('3211335201','3211335209','3211335279','3211335509')

How to achieve this (String to the IN clause) or is there a better way of passing the Array values to the IN clause

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Only Rows Where Certain Column Repeating Values

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to come up with a sql select statement that provides all rows for employees with 2 or more cities.

with sample_table as (
select 'John' name,'city' ValueType,'Toronto' Value from dual union all
select 'John' name,'city' ValueType,'Vancouver' Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Toronto' Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Seattle' Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'age' ValueType,30 Value from dual union all
select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Atlanta' Value from dual union all


----------- ------------- ------------
John City Toronto
John City Vancouver
Susan City Toronto
Susan City Seattle
Susan Age 30
Susan City Atlanta
David City Chicago
David age 35
David Status married
David City Dallas

The above code is just to describe the sample table and the desired result set. Please note that Mary is not on the result set since she has no city assigned to her. Also Julia is not on the result set since she only has one city assigned to her. The others are there because they had at least 2 cities assigned to them.

I need the sql syntax that would return this result set.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: SELECT Query For Displaying Aggregate Values?

Jul 1, 2011

i have table with following data.

yearquartersales Revenue

I want the output in following way.tell me the select query for this

yearquarterSales Revenue
2004 Q145678
2004 total Sales310852
2005 Q12398


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select Only Records That Have Multiple Values For A Column

Nov 21, 2011

I'm trying to select id's in a table that have 2 certain values for another column. Example below explains:

idCoupon Type

I would like to write a sql statement that would select all rows where id=123, because id 123 has both coupon types "Amount" and "Percent". So the result set of the sql statement would look like:

idCoupon Type

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Date Values From A Table Between Two Dates?

Feb 16, 2010

Oracle 10g

In a table I have a column update_date and its type is DATE. Sample values from this column are as follows. I am using the following query to select all update_date lie between sysdate and sysdate-90.

select update_date from table1
where update_date between sysdate and sysdate-90

The above query retrun no data even data is there in the table for this range.




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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Numeric Values From A Varchar Column

Feb 5, 2011

select numeric values from a varchar column

For Example:

select * from t1 ;


i need to fetch only numeric values from column id

My output should be


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Multiple Values Into Single Column

Oct 5, 2011

I have following tables with data as under:

table1: table2:
column1 (char) column1 (char) column2 (num)
A A 10
B A 20
C B 15
D C 12
E D 25
D 9

I need to generate output as :

column1 column2
A A10, A20
B B15
C C12
D D25,D9
E null

Is there anyway to achieve this thru simple SELECT ...and if not, then thru any PL/SQL construct..?

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PL/SQL :: Total Users Who Select Value From Q1 Group By Values

Dec 5, 2012

i have a table below; sql> desc css_survey


below are the records

survey_id user_id academic_semester q1 q2

1 1 2012 2 3
2 2 2012 2 3
3 3 2012 3 4
4 4 2012 3 4
5 6 2012 2 4

the Q1 and Q2 could have values 1,2,3,4,5 thats means total are 5 questions. i need to know the total users who select value from q1 group by the values from 1..5 the toal_users who select value from q2 values( a group).i need the following result

total_users question_Q1_select question_Q2_select
3 2
2 3
3 4
2 3

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Storing List Of Values Which Are Returned By A Select Query?

Oct 9, 2012

I have a requirement like getting list of values from one table and inserting them into another table.I have tried with sub querying but didn't worked out because the select query is returning multiple values.

how to proceed further and the ways how can I write this requirement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Select Column Values Separated By Comma?

May 23, 2012

I need to write a function which will take table name as input and should return all the columns separated by coma (,).

For example I have a table product as

100015Simvastatin+Ezetimibe Oral Family100009
100001Cetirizine HCl Oral Solution100001

My function should return the output as

100015,Simvastatin+Ezetimibe Oral Family,100009
100001,Cetirizine HCl Oral Solution,100001

Is there any inbuilt function available?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Select Query With Minimum Values

May 30, 2013

The prob is i want to display minimum intime and max outtime in idate against employee,report keep displaying multi inout records of an employees!

SELECT div.division,
E.employeecode, empname,
To_char (Min(i.intime), 'HH:MI:SS AM'),
To_char (Max(I.outtime), 'HH:MI:SS AM'),
Round(i.btime / 60),

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PL/SQL :: Select Records Based On First N Distinct Values Of Column

Sep 25, 2012

I need to write a query in plsql to select records for first 3 distinct values of a single column (below example, ID )and all the rows for next 3 distinct values of the column and so on till the end of count of distinct values of a column.

ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10
7 lmn 10
so on... (till some count)
Result should be
Query 1 should result --->
ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10

query 2 should result -->
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10

query 3 should result -->
7 lmn 10
9 .. ..
so on..

How to write a query for this inside a loop.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Select List Of Values From Parameter Form?

Jun 9, 2012

I am trying to select multiple values from a parameter form based on a select statement.

I created the parameter and write the select statement under list-of-value property However what I want is to let users choose multiple values from the select statement not only one value.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Data From Test-1 Table Where ID Values In Table Exists In 2?

Aug 31, 2010

I have the below data in table test_1.

select * from test_1

test_2 table contains the concatination of ID's with comma seperated. Actually in this table ID column is of datatype varchar2.
select * from test_2

My requirement is to select the data from test_1 table where the id values in this table exists in test_2 table. I tried with the belowselect statement, but could not get any data.

SELECT * FROM test_1 WHERE to_char(id) IN (SELECT id FROM test_2)

create table test_1 (id number, name varchar2(100), total number)
create table test_2(id varchar2(100))
insert into test_1 values (1,'A',100)
insert into test_1 values (2,'B',100)
insert into test_1 values (3,'C',100)
insert into test_1 values (4,'D',100)

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Forms :: Create View Based On Values Selected In Forms

Jun 7, 2013

I am working on a simple form which will get the user to fetch required columns of employee master.

For that i have created a form which will display the column names and select option. When user clicks on query, the form will display the selected columns in a block. After going thru if required the user can download it to excel.

As of now I do not have filtering option. For this I thought of creating view based on the selection and then fetch records from the view and display it in form.

To achieve this I would like to know How I create or replace a view dynamically based on values selected. I remember doing this sort of thing long back, but could not recollect it.

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Forms :: List Of Values

Jul 8, 2010

I have developed one sample form using oracle Internet developer Suite 10g. It has two fields.

1.all employees(I set as combobox)
2.members (i set as text box)

In runtime all employees column has all the employee name displayed . If i select the employee name one by one it added into the members textbox. How to solve that issue?

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