SQL & PL/SQL :: Analytical Query To Find First And Last Value In Date?

Jul 2, 2013

My table has two date columns EFF_DT which is the start date and TERM_DT is the end date. The EFF_DT of the next record should be the next date of the TERM_DT record.

My table looks like this.

Input Table:

Expected Output:

In the fourth record, the effective date should be 1-Oct-13 which is the next date to the last TERM_DT 30-Sep-13.As the is the break in the date, the output should show 15-Oct-13 sa the second start date.

Note: Refer to the PI_ID columns, there is a break in the date for the sale PI_ID 'ABC'.

Here I am trying to generate a pseudo column, so that the table with the pseudo column looks like as shown below. and I can use first_value and LAST_value by partitioning on the pseudo column to get the desired output.

1) CNT_VAL is the pseudo column:


My Query :

I not getting the desired output here as the value in pseudo column is 3.

when case_CONT - LAG(case_CONT,1) over (ORDER BY EFF_DT) = 0 then to_char(case_CONT)
when case_CONT - LAG(case_CONT,1) over (ORDER BY EFF_DT) <> 0 then to_char(LAG(case_CONT,1) over (ORDER BY EFF_DT) + 1)
else to_char(nvl(case_CONT,0))


Create table lead_test(
CK_ID varchar2(10),
TERM_DT date);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Using Analytical Functions-date Range

Nov 30, 2010

I have a table which has the attached data.

Sample data is here

11/28/2010 02:00:001
11/28/2010 03:00:001
11/28/2010 04:00:002
11/28/2010 06:00:004
11/28/2010 07:00:002
11/28/2010 08:00:003
11/28/2010 09:00:006
[Code] ........

I am trying to do a report like this.

Date PeakUsersBetween6AMand6PM AVGUsersBetween6AMand6PM PeakUsersBetween6PMand6AM AVGUsersBetween6PMand6AM

Output should be
11/28/2010 25 11 49 27

I am using analytical function to do this, It throws an error range cannot be used for dates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Find MIN Date

Nov 5, 2010

building SQL query to get the result as shown below.

Create Table Temp

Insert data


I want to build a query which should give output as shown below. Basically i want to select those rows which having minimum trans_date for a given CASEID & Status.



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PL/SQL :: Query To Find First And Last Call Made By Selected Number For Date Range

Apr 27, 2013

create table call(id number(10) primary key,mobile_no number(10), other_no number(10), call_type varchar2(10),call_date_time date, duration number(10));

insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'IN','24-APR-13 02:10:43',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9898324234,'IN','24-APR-13 05:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9215468734,'IN','24-APR-13 15:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'OUT','25-APR-13 01:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9899875643,9899875643,,'OUT','25-APR-13 22:06:78',10);

Query : need to find first and last call of '9818764535' mobile number and of call_date between '24-apr-13' and '25-apr-13';

Result :

date ,mobile_no , other_no, call_type, duration
24/apr/13 , 9818764535,9899875643,'IN',10
24/apr/13 ,9818764535,9215468734,'IN',10


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Analytical Query Moving Average

Aug 10, 2013

I need to calcaulate the salary avarage for three days prior, leaving the current row. That should happen to every row moving back words.I have given all the details.

create table Employee(
name varchar(20),
Start_Date DATE,
Salary Number(8,2),
mv_avg number(8,2)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Distinct With Analytical Query And IN Statement?

Nov 18, 2011

We've got a query which returns one row, but uses an IN statement. The IN statement links to more than one row in the subquery. When we use a combination of DISTINCT and an ANALYTICAL sum, the sum total is multiplied by the number of rows in the sub query. Remove the DISTINCT and we get a single value.

A simplified example of the problem is below.

I can't see how a query which returns a single row then returns multiple values with the addition of a DISTINCT. Removing the analytical sum also provides a single row, but we need this in the actual query we're running. So it seems to be some combination of DISTINCT, ANALYTICAL SUM and IN query is causing multiple values to be returned.

CREATE TABLE go_test_distinct1
(gtd_value NUMBER);
-- Three identical values
-- To replicate the three identical values returned by


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Taking Latest Current Balance Using Analytical Query

Jan 22, 2013

I am having a table with 5 lakhs transactions. I want to fetch the last balance for a particular date. So i have have returned a query like below.

SELECT curr_balance
FROM transaction_details
WHERE acct_num = '10'


This has to be executed for incrementing of 12 months to find the last balance for each particular month. But this query is having more cpu cost, 12 times it is taking huge time. how to remodify athe above query to get the results in faster way using analytical query. Whether this can be broken into two part in PL/SQL to achive the performance. ?

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Visual Studio :: Set Query Window Default Date Format To Full Date?

Oct 24, 2013

When I run a query form the the Query Window in Visuial Studios 2012 all the date fields truncated to 'mm/dd/yyyy', but i need the full date returned. I am able to get full date from  TO_char(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), but if I do TO_DATE(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  it only returns  'mm/dd/yyyy'. I'm sure this is a simple setting in Visual studios but I cant find it to save my life. Is there there a way to have the full date returned by default?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Overlap And Merge Date Query

May 11, 2011

Lets say the contents of the table are like this -

key dte_start(number) dte_end(number)
1 20010101 20011231
1 20020101 20081231
1 20030601 20071231
1 20100101 20101231
2 20090101 20091231
2 20090401 20101231
2 20101231 20111231
2 20140101 20141231
3 20080101 20091231
3 20070101 20081231
3 20100101 20101231
3 20120101 20120630

I want the query to resolve overlapping dates as well as merge contiguous segment and leave non-contiguous segments as is. The final result of the query should be like this.

key dte_start(number) dte_end(number)
1 20010101 20081231
1 20100101 20101231
2 20090101 20111231
2 20140101 20141231
3 20070101 20101231
3 20120101 20120630

I tried using the lead over partition along with the standard overlap query and case logic to get the results but couldn't get it to work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find The Latest Date

Jul 31, 2010

SQL> select * from emp;

---------- ---------- ---------
1 UB 01-MAR-10
2 UB 12-MAR-10
3 SB 12-MAR-10
4 DB 12-MAR-10
4 MB 12-JUN-10
4 MB 31-JUL-10

6 rows selected.

SQL> SELECT sino, book, updation_date
2 FROM emp
3 WHERE updation_date IN (SELECT MAX (updation_date)
4 FROM emp
5 GROUP BY book);

---------- ---------- ---------
2 UB 12-MAR-10
3 SB 12-MAR-10
4 DB 12-MAR-10
4 MB 31-JUL-10

I would like to know, how to find out the latest date from above query without using group functions like max, min,order by and group by.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find From And To Date Between Two Fields

Aug 2, 2010

I have oracle table for Leave

LeaveNo - FromDt - ToDt - Query Retrieve
1 - 01/01/2010 - 31/03/2010 - No
2 - 01/02/2010 - 31/05/2010 - Yes
3 - 01/04/2010 - 30/04/2010 - Yes
4 - 25/04/2010 - 15/05/2010 - Yes
5 - 01/05/2010 - 31/05/2010 - No
6 - 15/03/2010 - 14/04/2010 - Yes
7 - 10/04/2010 - 15/04/2010 - Yes

I want find out who was leave on 01/04/2010 to 30/04/2010. user input parameter may vary like 10/04/2010 to 15/04/2010 or 12/04/2010 to 12/04/2010.

how to write oracle sql?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Out Date Format

Feb 6, 2013

I am getting daily basis data from third party in excel format which i am converting into CSV format and then uploading into oracle tables using External tables.Now problem is that every time i getting the dates in diff format i.e. sometimes dd-mon-yyyy , dd/mm/yyyy etc.

Now every time i have to open my code and change it there ...to make it as oracle date format. IS there way i can find out format of date and based on format i can do operations with getting errors every time.

I am storing the TP(Excel date) date into varchar columns only and then varchar2 column value i m inserting/updating into date format using to_Date ().

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PL/SQL :: How To Find Max Date From A Table

Mar 2, 2013

I have two table in the database. I want to find the maximum routine date for a case_id when the lock_date is between 20 jan to 29 jan 2012 .

But I am not getting actual output (Output routine_date should be "28-jan-2012" but I m getting "31-jan-2012")

case_id lock_date
101 23-jan-2012
101 24-jan-2012
102 27-jan-2012
102 29-jan-2012
101 30-jan-2012
101 29-jan-2012

Routine (for routine work)
case_id routine_date
101 23-jan-2012
103 28-jan-2012
102 21-jan-2012
102 29-jan-2012
101 21-jan-2012
101 28-jan-2012
101 31-jan-2012

select m.case_id, r.routine_date from master m, routine r,
(select case_id, max(routine_date) from routine group by case_id) rr

where m.case_id=r.case_id
and m.case_id=rr.case_id
and r.routine_date=rr.routine_date

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Find Records That Have Most Current Date?

Apr 13, 2004

I have two tables

--00001--|--00005 --|---ABCD--|01-MARCH-2004
--00002--|--00006 --|---BCDE--|02-MARCH-2004
--00003--|--00007 --|---CDEF--|03-MARCH-2004
--00001--|--00008 --|---DEFG--|04-APRIL-2004
--00003--|--00009 --|---EFGH--|05-APRIL-2004


table_1 contain records on employee and the supervisor they are under at a certain date.

As some employee(00001 & 00003) have a different supervisor from different date, I'll like to extract from table_1 the record of each employee in the table that only contain the supervisor info on the most recent date.And from table_2, i'll like to extract the employee's name. These records extracted from both the tables would the be put into a new table,table_3

Example: For employee 00001, only extract record that have the most recent date which is 04-APRIL-2004 and not on 01-MARCH-2004

00001 |--QWER--|00008 |--DEFG---|04-APRIL-2004
00002 |--ASDF-- |00006 |--BCDE---|02-MARCH-2004
00003 |--ZXCV-- |00009 |--EFGH---|05-APRIL-2004

How to write an SQL statement to perform this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Start And End Date Of Week?

Feb 5, 2011

I am creating report for this i want to make one query..

Query like this

My input is YEAR, MONTH AND WEEK and i want to find out start date and end date for this week...

Scenario like this
I/P - Year = 2011, WEEK = 2 , Month - FEB
i will get o/p like this '06-feb-2010' and '12-feb-2010'...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Years Between Any Given Date Range

Apr 5, 2011

I require to find the years between any given date range. For example what are the years between the dates '01/12/2010' and '01/02/2012'? Answer must be '2010,2011,2012'. how to code the query for this result?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Lock On Particular Date And Time?

Dec 18, 2012

we can easily find out the locks which are currently active session.

Is any other way to find out locks on particular date and time using data dictionary?

For example, we have to find whether TT_objects occured the lock or not on ON yesterday.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Date When Attributes Modified?

Sep 14, 2012

The requirement is to find the last date when either ATTRIB1 or ATTRIB2 were modified for each ID. There are many other columns in the table, but I'm not interested in other columns.

Test Case

DROP TABLE test_log


Expected Output

---------- --------------------
11 02-SEP-2012 10:58:32
35 05-AUG-2012 10:58:32

I have written the below query, to get the required output.

SELECT MAX(i_date) last_change_date
SELECT seq,id, attrib1, attrib2, i_date,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY attrib1 ORDER BY i_date) rn1,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY attrib2 ORDER BY i_date) rn2


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PL/SQL :: Query First Date Before Payment Date

Nov 25, 2012

How to get the payment date less than the sch date?


1) for 07/24/2012 sch date the nearest payment date is 07/27/2012.

sch date should be less than the payment date.

Sch dates 07/24/2012 and 07/26/2012 are less than payment date 07/27/2012 but we take the least one.

2) sch date 07/27/2012 is less than the payment date 08/08/2012 so 07/27/2012

Below is the scripts and output needed.

create table cust_sch_tbl
customer_NUMBER     number,
c_CODE     char(5),
sch_DATE date


Output needed:

cust   cust code payment date      sch date
4611     c1     7/27/2012      7/24/2012
4611     c1     8/8/2012 16:57      7/27/2012
4611     c1     10/19/2012 16:37 10/11/2012
4611     c1     11/15/2012      10/30/

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out What Claims Overlap Other Via Date Ranges

Sep 3, 2010

Lets say I have a table,
it has 5 million rows

I need to see if any dateA,dateB of a claim_id falls within any other dateA,dateB of another claim ID

select * from table a, table b, where

(a.dateA,a.dateB) overlaps (b.dateA,b.dateB)

now I can write the query simply enough by aliasing the table 2x but no matter how I try I cant see a way to get around doing a Carteasion join

Index are ignored because it has to scan the full table anyway even if I hint the index

and the cost of the join ends up astronomical aka 5million rows X 5 million Rows....

And it ends up doing the full table scan a few times


this table is expected to grow to at least 20 million records

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out Date Difference In Day-month-year?

Jul 8, 2010

i want to find out difference between two dates in day-month-year. How can i do it?

For example how many days,months are years are between '01-jul-1979' and '08-jul-2010'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Date And Time Of A Column In Table

Jun 20, 2013

How to find date and time of a column in table ?

say for example there is a column called 'date_txn' in a table .When i select that particular column it display output as 'June 2013'.But i want output "with date and time".

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PL/SQL :: How To Find Out Initial Date Of Creation Of Table

Nov 7, 2013

I have a table which contains some data. But we are dropped and recreated the same table several times. Now I wanted to know that when this table created initially. How to findout the date of creation(very first time). 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function To Find Max Last Logout Date For Each Agent Daily

Jun 3, 2010

I have to create a function. I need to find the max last logout date for each agent daily. For example, if an agent logged in for the first time at 9:00 and he logged out at 12:00 and he logged in again in 14:00 and he logged out at 15:00 the time I need my report to show is 15:00. How can I do that?In order to make it easiest for you to understand I am sending you this query:

a.login as login2,
To_Char(max(s.endtime), 'dd/MM/yyyy, HH24:MI:SS') as lastLogout
from cti.agent a
inner join cti.agentsessionlog s
on s.agentid = a.agentid and To_Char(s.endtime) != '31-DEC-99 PM'
group by a.login;

This query returns the agent's login and the agent's last logout time. It works fine if I enter a date between but I cannot do that. If a use this query as it is and I try to export a report for 31/5 it shows as lastlogout the logout for 01/06 or 2/06. Is there a function I can use? I have a deadline.

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PL/SQL :: Find Invalid Date And Month Not Match With Calendar?

Mar 21, 2013

I want to find the row with invalid day, month which are not matching with calendar day and month. Also the program should capture the data if the year <1900

with xx as
(select 101 as ID, '24/05/1899' as create_date from dual
union all
select 101, '32/03/2012' from dual
union all
select 102 ,'30/02/2012' from dual
union all
select 101 , '29/02/2013' from dual


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Missing Date For A Year Excluding Saturday And Sunday

Feb 3, 2011

I given the table name,column name,datatype and sample record in the table. I have given the sample record for 01-jan-2008 to 8-Jan-2008, but in the real thing it will be for 30 years.

My Requirement:

For each class_no (202,203..), I need the missing date excluding weekends (sat, sun), I have provided the sample output below.

Table Name : ABC

Column Name : Class_no Data Type : Number
Column Name : Class_DateData Type : Date

Sample Record in the Table :

202 1-Jan-08
202 2-Jan-08
202 7-Jan-08
202 8-Jan-08
203 1-Jan-08
203 2-Jan-08
203 3-Jan-08
203 7-Jan-08
203 8-Jan-08


202 3-Jan-08
202 4-Jan-08
203 4-Jan-08

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Security :: How To Find Out Date View Status Changed To Invalid

Mar 10, 2011

We are trying to audit a view. We are currently seeing that view in production instance and trying to find out when exactly it got invalidated.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: LAST-VALUE Analytical Function?

Sep 11, 2012

I'm posting below test case in which I'm not able to understand output for LAST_VALUE function. I'm expecting maximum value for the salary in a department. Because I'm partitioning by department and ordering a partition as assending so being last value it should give me maximum value within a partition i.e. department in this case.



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SQL & PL/SQL :: From Analytical To Subquery

Jun 10, 2010

I was reading a tutorial for analytical function and i found something like this

sum(princial) keep(dense_rank first order by d_date) over partition by (userid, alias, sec_id, flow, p_date)

How to translate this into simple queries / subquery? i am aware that analytical function are faster but i would like to know how this can translate to using query without analytical function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restriction On Analytical Functions

Dec 6, 2012

Is there any way to apply the restriction on analytical functions, just like WHERE and HAVING .AS we know that we can apply the restriction on table by using WHERE and grouping functions by using HAVING clause .

For Ex: Departments wise count including all employees record :

SQL> select count(*) over(partition by deptno) dept_Count, ce.*
2 from scott.emp ce
3 order by deptno, job;

---------- ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- --------- --------- ------
3 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 1/23/1982 1300.00 10
3 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 6/9/1981 2450.00 10
3 7839 KING PRESIDENT 11/17/1981 5000.00 10
5 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 4/19/1987 3000.00 20

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