Reports & Discoverer :: Report Grant Total Print In Final Page
Mar 16, 2013
I am Created one Invoice Report with Text Output which as Require to Print in Pre-Print Stationary Page,In it the Total Value is Require to Print Down which as Anchored and It printing fine,But when ever the Invoice Contain lot of Items then the Total Value is Print in Multiple Page, as per user requirement as to Print in Single Page only.
How to get page wise total on every page and grand total on last page in oracle tabular report. I have tried by placing summary column at report level and its reset property to page wise and print job on all page but last but it did not work .
I have this problem. I need to print in paper size of 14.875x11 or us std fan fold. But when I print, some part is not printed, like a size of 11x8.5. Questions:
1) Is there a way I can print in 14.875x11 without configuring the page setup to 14.875x11 and automatically print what ever i can see on my live pre viewer? 2) What should be the value of Report Width/Height if it affects the printing size?
I am generating a report/invoice. I want to print three copies of one report, one copy for consumer and one copy for bank and one copy for my official use. All three copies should have proper table,
How I control hte print job from Oracle Report. The problem is that If I do a report and print out, there should not be allowed to any user to print again. Here I also want to control the user list who can print a report.
how can i print the stored images in reports 6i from database, based on the condition,that suppose if i have one field approval status whose flag is either 3 or 1 , based on this flag ,if the status is 3 then image should be displayed otherwise no. the rest of the process.
1. What is the maximum page size (width X height) of the report? 2. How many characters (maximum) in one line (horizontal) supported by report 10g? 3.How many row per page (vertical) supported by report 10g?
I have a report lay out as follows.If there are 3 engine nos then 3 Engine nos are printed in first 3 consecutive pages and an attachment which prints in next i.e 4th,5th and 6th page.I want the report to be printed like 1 Engine No and its respective attachment in the second page. 2nd Engine No and its respective attachment in 4th page.
I am trying to create a report, but for the second page its trying to print the text from the middle of the page, i.e its cutting half line, suppose if the line has description 'HELLO WORLD 123456' I see only 123456, the whole report is cutting the first 15 characters for the second page?
I have an .xls file which needs to be the last page of an rdf report. I would prefer to not type up the contents of the file and lay them out. Is there some way I can link this to the footer section or any other alternative?
I want to show 1 record per page in matrix report. I set Main section orientation as landscape and width is 14. but it show multiple records on single page.
I have a Report With Group G_Emp, having Columns Eno, Ename etc. in a Repeating frame R_1 and I have put A frame below this repeating frame R_1 with a Text Item Just for Displaying Comments, so just i want to display this Text Item in the second page and the Employee details in the first page, the restriction is that the Text item should not print in the first page.
How to make report high 3.33 inch per page. so if there are more than one page in the report it will start printing in the correct position on the next page,
db11gxe , apex 4.0 , firefox 24 , I have a page with a report and two items , and i want to print the whole page (the report with the items) , can apex do so ?
All the reports are skipping one extra page after printing of last page irrespective of number of pages in the report. if same report file is generated and given to printer using dos or linex dosen't skips extra page at end. It happens only if i print the report through ORARRP. The report file extension is '.rrpt'.
I am creating report a using emp table .There are 14 rows in emp table , i want to print output into two pages . If i set FILTER TYPE Property to 5 ,it only shows 5 records .
I have a report based on one table with three columns , one column will be updated upon user intervention that if approves the status flag of that column will be 3 and if he amends it will be 1 , by default it will be null.I want to display digital signature or image if the status is approved.I want to store the image/digital signature in Database.Do i need to create a table with BLOB column and store.
create table ot_rq_head ( r_date date, r_no number , r_status number );
For M1, R1 and F1 I have set print object on All Pages and base printing on Enclosing Object. After running the report, output is only one page and consists of 7 rows. But as per the query it should have fetched 21 rows.
When I have changed print object on property to First Page, it output is 2 pages and consists of all 21 records.So, why print object on All Pages generating only one page while print object on First Page generating 2 pages?
searched here for Tick Sign in Reports & Discoverer section, but did not find. i am trying to work on Reports and have a requirement of Tick Sign should appear in report if the column value is 'Y' means yes.
i tried following SQL statement in SQL*Plus, but failed to find and Tick Sign.
declare n number:=0; c varchar2(1); begin for i in 1..255 loop select chr(i) into c from dual; dbms_output.put_line ('* '||lpad(to_char(i),3,' ')||' -> '||c); end loop; end;