Replication :: Oracle XE - Replicate DDL Statement Without Loosing Data In Subscribe Table

Apr 22, 2008

i work in an application that should make the replication from a publusher table to a remote subscribe table, using snapshot,and trigger, replication data of update works perfectly (update,insert,delete), but when i try to add or dropp a clumn in the publisher table, repplication fail, i know that my method d'ont replicate ddl statment like create or alter table, so i would like the better way to do the replication of the ddl statment without loosing tha data in the subscribe table, i'm working with oracle XE,

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Replication :: Golden Gate - Replicate Data From Oracle To Sybase

Oct 17, 2007

Implemented the Golden Gate replication tool? In particular, to replicate data from Oracle to Sybase?

No details are needed, just a quick nod indicating "yes, it has been done successfully".

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Replication :: Replicate One Table In Two Materialized Views At Same Time

Nov 11, 2008

I have a table in one database and I want to replicate it in another two databases with materialized views. The refresh may be fast. Is this possible?

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Replication :: Table A - How To Replicate Specific Row Transaction To Table B

Feb 7, 2013

Let's say we have Table - A and we would like to replicate specific row transaction to Table B.

Here are the rows in *Table A*
Time: Lets say 15:00

A1 Just Updated @15:00
A2 Just inserted @15:01

B1 - Daily Delete Row -i.e just deleted a while back - Non scheduled process --executed by application @15:02
B2 -
B3 - Daily Delete Row - i.e just deleted a while back -- Non Schduled process --executed by application @15:05
B4 - Just recently purged (As part of 180 Day purge ) - Scheduled process executed by operations team @15:10
B5 - Just recently purged (As part of 180 Day purge ) - Scheduled process executed by operations team @15:10
B6 -Just recently purged (As part of 180 Day purge ) - Scheduled process executed by operations team @15:10

Current Data in Table B (Before Replication) @15:00

A1 (without updates)

Expected rows in Table B (via replication/snapshot/materialized view / or any other method)

*Replication at 15:30*
Table B - Read Only

Expected rows after replication-

A1 -- Newly updated details
A2 -- Newly inserted row
B1 - Daily delete row is expected to be replicated
B3 - Daily delete row is expected to be replicated

***Note row B4 is not expected to be replicated to table B.


1) How can we get updates, inserts and daily deletes replicated while ignore large purges?
2) How can large purge changes be reflected in replicated tables as well without deleting daily deletes?

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Replication :: Add Exttrail To A Replicate?

Aug 27, 2012

How can i add exttrail to a replicate?

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Replication :: Replicate To 2 Database Using Snapshots Log?

Dec 4, 2007

I have a table MYTABLE in database mydb1 duplicated via materialized view and materialized view log and refresh_snapshot commands to a MYTABLE on mydb2 database.

I like to duplicate this table MYTABLE to a third database mydb2, using the same method (materialized view and refresh_snapshot command).

Is it possible ? What's hapend to the materialized view log where I launch a refresh_snapshots on mydb2 ? How is this materialized view log truncated ?

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Replication :: How To Replicate One Schema To Other System

Aug 3, 2012

I need the steps to replicate one schema to other system. I am using standard edition one 11gR2. Necessary steps to implement (basic replication).

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Replication :: Replicate (A) Schema Objects To (B) At Server?

Mar 30, 2011

I told about Oracle multi master replication below.

Can I replicate some objects of "X" schema at A server to "Y" schema at B server using MM replication?

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CDC Publish / Subscribe Usage With ETL On Oracle 10g

Oct 12, 2012

I have a question about the CDC publish/subscribe usage with ETL on Oracle 10g. Is the ETL logic code part of the subscriber part? In other words, when the publisher is notified of a record change and sends the record to the staging area then calls the subscriber. Is the subscriber that runs the ETL logic that processes the record before it is sent to the DW/Dim tables? Something like this flow:

Source Database ---> Change table/Publish ---> Subscribe view/ETL ---> Target Database

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Data Guard :: Failover / Switchover Without Loosing Previous RMAN Backups

Apr 5, 2013

Dataguard and RMAN.

Got Active DataGuard on a primary database, quite nicely sending its archive logs to its secondary. I can quite happily use the Broker and switchover between them.

Now if I take RMAN backups of the primary database, if I have to failover to the secondary, I'm gonna loose all those backups.

Well, I can restore the whole database to the backup, cos I can restore the control file, from the backuip and therefore I can restore the whole db.

But if I want to restore to a tablespace, I wont be able to , cos the db_unique_names names are different, and the DB ID's will be different.

Same goes if I use a recovery catalog....

so how do I failover/switchover without loosing my previous rman backups ??

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Replicate Oracle XE Database In 10G?

Mar 23, 2007

I want to replicate my Oracle XE database in Oracle 10G. Is their a 'simple' way to do that? I know that XE does not have server backup.

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Replicate User In Oracle Database

Jan 31, 2013

I Have one oracle user ABC which is having 10 Tables.

Now i want to create replica of this user XyZ which can access only 5 tables from . This user having All access.

Example :

Any DML changes made in XYZ these changes should be reflected in ABC user. and vice a versa.

How can i achive this in ORACLE DB.

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Replication :: Data Transfer From Oracle 10g To 9i

Feb 16, 2011

We need to transfer data from oracle 10g to Oracle 9i in the following condition.

There will be two database server , one is online server where online user fill the form which is generated by java, spring , hibernate and using database 10 g. at day end i need to execute a process that transferring data from online server to offline server that is in oracle database 9i. This process is scheduled. Some security reason client do not kept this two database on same network. My challenge is that transfer data from online server to offline server with applying client security norms.I have option like:

1) Using Oracle replication method, creating materialized view on remote server , refreshing it at regular interval. but database connectivity is not contineous, should i go for that ?

2) Write java application on intermediate server where we write process to get the connection of this two database servers. From java application we call the procedure for selecting data from Oracle 10g and insert into oracle 9i database and using flag on both data to identified how many rows are transfered and how many remaining for trasfer.

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Replication :: Table Data Modification From Source To Destination Database

Jan 11, 2011

I want to replicate single table data/modification from source db to destination DB.procedure or steps how to create replication between source and dest db for single table.

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Replication :: Setting Replication Table Does Not Exist Or Is Invalid

Aug 21, 2008

I want to set up advance replication for 3 master site (multimaster) I created 3 master site named orc1,orc2,orc3 and followed up oracle replication management of API book instruction I created 2 tables(tes1,test2) in hr schema in all 3 master site with the same data. then I created the following steps

1-CONNECT repadmin/repadmin@orc1

2-Create the master group named hr_test_repg

gname => 'hr_test_repg');

4-add tables test1 and test2 to the group

gname => 'hr_test_repg',
type => 'TABLE',
oname => 'test1',


I could create DBMS_REPCAT.GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT for test2 but not for test1 and it produces error

RROR at line 1:
RA-23309: object hr.test1 of type TABLE exists
RA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 105
RA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT_MAS", line 2552
RA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT", line 562
RA-06512: at line 2

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Replication :: Oracle Streams / Tried Schema Replication Through Enterprise Manager Grid Control

Feb 22, 2012

Actually am trying to replicate two db servers from one in hong kong and another in china. when am trying to establish the replication, am getting error 'ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object' like this...

but the same way i have tried in my local network, it is working fine.i have tried schema replication through enterprise manager grid control..

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Replication :: Network Requirements For Oracle Multi Master Replication?

Apr 1, 2010

what are the recommended network requirements for implementing Oracle Multi Master replication.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Possible To Hold Data From Select Statement Without Temp Table Or MView?

Apr 27, 2010

Is it possible to hold the data from select statement without temp table or materialized view or view in oracle?

because my DBA does not give access to create temp table.but we are selecting the records from 3 different sql statement.

Example: inserting in temp table

a) insert into temp select empno,ename,sal from emp where sal>4000
b) insert into temp select empno,ename,sal from emp where dept=40
c) insert into temp select empno,ename,sal from emp where comm is null

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Replication :: Oracle Replication Between Different Versions?

Sep 17, 2008

I need to do a Oracle replication between databases. One resides on Oracle 8i which needs to be replicated to a database on Oracle 10G.

Is oracle replication supported between dissimilar versions of Oracle?

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Replication :: Oracle 8i Asynchronous Replication

Apr 9, 2012

I want to configured A Synchronous replication in oracle 8i. Noe using GUI i am bale to create replication but whatever i modify it remain in the transaction i have to manually run the job ,

I also tried to configured continuous asynchronous configuration by setting delay rate 500000. but it was also not working.

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Replication :: One Way Replication From MS Sql Server To Oracle 10g

Feb 11, 2010

Is it possible to replicate table data on real time from sql server (2005 32 bit or sql server 2000 32 bit)to oracle 10g running on linux 64 bit? If yes then what are the steps.

It will be one way replication from sql server to oracle. Which option is best sql server dts or Oracle Stream replication to replicate table data.

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Find Data From Select Statement - Oracle 11g After Changing Connection?

Apr 3, 2013

Yesterday only I have Installed Oracle 11G & created DataBase - JafferDB And from Oracle SQL Developer, I have created a connection called - JafferCon and SID also given..and the role is - SYSDBA And I excute the below statement

insert into MyTable1 Values ('AAA1', 'BBB1', 'CCC1')
insert into MyTable1 Values ('AAA2', 'BBB2', 'CCC2')

Then I checked by Select statement, it has shown the values....No Problem.... But, as a test, I deleted the connection and created a new connection tio the same DataBase with different name and when I checked by Select Statement....., it has not shown the values....?

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PL/SQL :: CASE Statement With Oracle Table Types And EXISTS?

Aug 14, 2012

I have been trying to use case statements with oracle table type by really not sure how to go about it. I know it might be simple but it been giving me hard time.

Here is my Cursor:

CURSOR c_chk_style IS
        FROM TABLE(CAST(I_message.ExtOfXOrderDesc_TBL(1).ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL AS "RIB_ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL")) item_diff,

Now i know that the table type "RIB_ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL" will be always populated but the table type "RIB_ExtOfXOrderPackDesc_TBL" may not be populate and can be null. So i want to run the exists against the "RIB_ExtOfXOrderPackDesc_TBL" aliased pack_diff only if it is populated. If its null i dont want to run the exists clause.

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Variable Usage In Type Of Table Declaration Statement And Execute Immediate Statement

Aug 10, 2011

HOW to use variable P_TMPLID in following statement

TYPE typ_unrecon IS TABLE OF REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;

because its throwing error while compiling

and also in statement
FORALL i IN unrecondata.FIRST .. unrecondata.LAST SAVE
--STRSQL := '';
--STRSQL := ' INSERT INTO REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON VALUES ' || unrecondata(i);
INSERT INTO REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON VALUES unrecondata(i);---throwing error on this statement

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Server Utilities :: Insert Data Without Writing Insert Statement In Oracle?

May 15, 2010

how to insert data in oracle table without writing insert statement in oracle 9i or above. i am not going to write insert all, merge, sqlloder and import data.

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Replication :: Data Synchronization?

Sep 3, 2008

Suppose, we have one main database on one side(say A) and an external system on the other side(say C). Midway, we have one more staging database(say B).Lets take, we have one record related to Bank Information both in database A and database B and the following activites are performed.

1) "Bank Name" column in database B is updated by the external system C.
When this Bank Name is updated in database B by external system C, we need to update the value of this field in database A.

2) Suppose couple of days later, the Bank phone number of the same bank record is updated in main database A and the same update needs to be reflected in staging database B.

How can we take care of both these activities of data-synchronization. What are the different approaches we can take? FYI, we are on oracle 10g rel2 and Windows OS.

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PL/SQL :: Replicate For Loop Functionality Through SQL Query

Jun 14, 2013

I have a requirement where i need to replicate the for loop functionality  through sql query.In pl/sql  i can achieve this through cursors or for loop but is there any way  to do  or replicate the same functionality in sql queries .  For example i want to repeat the  operation for  set of records  or iterate through set of records and fire query accordingly .Is it possible  through sql query

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Replication Of Production Data To Staging

Aug 30, 2011

We have Development, Staging/UAT ( installed on XX.XX.XX.10 ) and Production ( installed on XX.XX.XX.20) Environment respectively. I have queries regarding getting the data from Production environment into Staging environment. The overall PROD database size is around 250 GB.


Staging Schema Name :schema_UAT
Replication Schema Name :schema_PrdReplica ( This is the schema where the production data gets loaded daily)


Prod Schema Name : schema_PROD

What is happening now:
There is a script (Stored Proc) written on staging ( STG_DB.schema_PrdReplica ) environment which executes daily in NIGHT and does replication. Currently we use DBMS_DATAPUMP to get the ENTIRE data/Meta Data (Everything) from Production to Staging. It is ta king significantly more time. It takes approx 8 Hours to replicate the everything from PROD_DB.schema_PROD to STG_DB.schema_PrdReplica

What I am expecting :
I want to reduce the replication time.

I have heard about Level 0 (Full BackUp ) and Level 1 ( Incremental Cumulative ) Backups in RMAN. I am planning to take PROD_DB.schema_PROD Full Backup (Level 0) on Sunday and will restore that on STG_DB.schema_PrdReplica immediately. And on weekdays ( Mon - Fri ) I will take Level 1 ( Incremental Cumulative ) and will restore that on STG_DB.schema_PrdReplica

I am assuming by doing so, the overall replication time will be reduced. How can I implement this with script assuming that two different servers are on different machines.

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Replication :: ORA-01403 / No Data Found

Nov 27, 2008

In multimaster replication, I am getting the following error in the master sites.

ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-01403: no data found

But when i checked for the data, I found that the records are present.

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Replication :: How Much Amount Of Data Over Network

Mar 1, 2011

I have implement multi master replication between two server.

How much amount of data transfer over the network? How to calculate this value?

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