RAC & Failsafe :: RMAN Command To Reduce Space Usage

Sep 21, 2010

How to reduce the space usage in RMAN commands.

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XE :: How To Reduce Space Of DBF

Apr 14, 2013

i have data about 3 gb but my files in e:oraclexeapporacleoradataXE has grown to 16 gb

1)my e: drive has less space ,pls tel how can i fee some space and give it back to OS

2)is there any other place where i can free up some space from oracle and give it back to OS.

windows (2008)
Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE     Production"
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production (2008)
NLSRTL Version - Production


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How To Reduce TEMP Space In Oracle 11g

May 22, 2013

In 11g database i have allocated 30 GB temp space now am seeing only 500 MB free space in database.

how to reduse temp space.

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PL/SQL :: Space Required To Reduce Threshold?

Jul 3, 2013

There are tablespaces where the current usage is crossed 90% and we are getting alerts.I want to know how much space required to add for these tablespaces ( datafiles) so that  current usage can be reduced to 80 %. or 70 % Is the any SQL query to find this information . oracle 10 g database.  . 

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Query To Check Disk Space Usage For Oracle

Apr 21, 2010

What is the query to check disk space usage for oracle 10g ? What is the query to check percent of disk space usage for oracle 10g ?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Memory Usage Increasing On Oracle

Jan 10, 2012

After the reboots each system was using around 30 GB of memory... now that it's been up for a week memory is up to 98GB used on each system. None of the systems are swapping.

Mem: 98999084k total, 97937116k used, 1061968k free, 774900k buffers
Swap: 16779884k total, 0k used, 16779884k free, 89510312k cached

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Enterprise Manager :: Database Space Usage Report In OEM10g?

Nov 13, 2010

In OEM10 I can click on the database size in the database page. When I do this I am redirected by the OEM to teh Database space usage report.

I have 3 questions about reports in OEM10g:

1. Can I create drill-down reports in OEM10g?I want to create a report that shows the space usage per host and drill down to the databases (targets) that are on that host.

2.Can I create a link to the Database space usage report? I would like to redirect to the report from the report in question 1 from a target. So that I can see the space usage of the database that was selected.

3. Can I create a copy of the Database Space Usage summary report that the OEM shows? I can't find it in the report tab of the OEM.

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Client Tools :: Break And Compute Command Usage To Modify Output

Oct 14, 2010

I tried BRK and COMPUTE commands myself after reading the documentation but its not working...The output of my script is correct but What I want is the information to be displayed on a different way:

Original script for the report:

set serveroutput on size 1000000
set pages 10000
set lines 1000
set arraysize 1
set trimspool on
set heading off

The output should be exactly as above as the requirement is this should be in this particular order and how many is the count in each thoroughfare or locality, as shown in the final output, above.

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RMAN :: How To Reduce Full Database Backup Time

Feb 15, 2013

I am running full database backup it take 10hrs to complete.

Size of the database=590GB

Platform:Solaris 9

database version:

using catalog database.

Is there any way to reduce the time ?

Is there any query to see how long does the backup runs?Monitor the backup time?

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Extra Space In File_location For Alter Command

Nov 7, 2010

I do below alter command

alter tablespace RCA_MB_IDX add datafile '/gxsdb/database/oradata5/RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbf ' size 1024M

But there is extra space in the file location '/gxsdb/database/oradata5/RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbfX'

I mark X for that space ...

The command is commit .

But there is problem when do backup .

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RAC & Failsafe :: Advisable To Use Shutdown Immediate And Startup Command

Feb 15, 2013

I want to set the following parameter in one node and restart the machine.


I know we could use srvctl command to restart DB.My question is..to restart DB is it advisable to use shutdown immediate and startup command ?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Database Instance Using Srvctl Command

Aug 13, 2013

Would there be any issue in application and database when i down RAC database instance using below srvctl command ?

srvctl stop instance -d DB -i DB1
srvctl start instance -d DB -i DB1

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Server Administration :: Extra Space In File_location For Alter Command?

Nov 7, 2010

I do below alter command alter tablespace RCA_MB_IDX add datafile '/gxsdb/database oradata5/RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbf ' size 1024M

But there is extra space in the file location '/gxsdb/database/oradata5 RCA/RCA_REF_MB_IDX_01.dbfX' I mark X for that space ...

The command is commit .

But there is problem when do backup ...as the file cannot be find since there is extra space after ".dbf" How can I fall back ?

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RAC & Failsafe :: RMAN Duplicate DB For RAC

Jan 26, 2004

We have a script which uses the duplicate functionality of RMAN. It was designed for a standalone database. Now I need to make it work for a cluster DB (RAC installation).

1. Does RMAN support this?
2. Do I need to make separate executions for both the nodes of the cluster?

We are currently blocked because we have no way of getting our system running without this!
First attempt:

oracle@sf23> ./nsr_adv_duplicate_db.sh -d ADVFRW_sf25 -t ADVFRW1 -r RCAT -n sys -p sys ->

3808 11:52:49 ----- Starting Cloning Procedure -----
3808 11:52:50 INFO: Client host 'sf25' says, it is 'sf25'.
3808 11:52:51 Getting Original DB Name on the source host (referred by ADVFRW_sf25 TNS-name)...
3808 RMAN: GROUP 8 ( '/export/home/oracle/dev/ADVFRW/ADVFRW.redo181' ) SIZE 134217728 REUSE
3808 RMAN: '/export/home/oracle/dev/ADVFRW/ADVFRW.system'

Second attempt:

oracle@sf23> ./nsr_adv_duplicate_db.sh -d ADVFRW_sf25 -t ADVFRW -r RCAT -n sys -p sys -c sf25 -s sf04 -g Srv_scl04-backup_DB_grp -l american_america.WE8ISO8859P1

5548 12:27:05 ----- Starting Cloning Procedure -----
5548 12:27:06 INFO: Client host 'sf25' says, it is 'sf25'.
5548 12:27:07 Getting Original DB Name on the source host (referred by ADVFRW_sf25 TNS-name)...
5548 12:27:07 Original DB is 'ADVFRW'
5548 12:27:08 INFO: BGROUP=Srv

Now we have contrary error messages. Target DB name ADVFRW does not work, because on the target nodes there are configuration files for the node specific DB names (ADVFRW1.ora on first node resp. ADVFRW2.ora on second node). But with the node specific DB name the script fails, because it does not match with the DB name of the source system.

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RMAN - Set Command ID

Dec 27, 2011

I can successfully SET COMMAND ID inside an RMAN run block

CODErman <<EOF
connect target
connect catalog ....

Can this be setup without a RUN block? I am running on 11.1.07 and

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RMAN :: Failed To Backup Because Archivelog Destination Was Out Of Space

Dec 16, 2012

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on t1 channel at 12/15/2012 06:15:11
RMAN-10015: error compiling PL/SQL program
RMAN-10033: error during compilation of job step 2: ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 400 bytes (PL/SQL DIANA,LISIMA: Add cells)

We received the above error message after the following event:

rman failed to backup because archivelog destination was out of space

We moved SOME of the archivelog file manually using operating system command mv to another location so that our application can run first.When the engineers restarted the rman to backup, we receive the above error.

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RAC & Failsafe :: RMAN Backup Status?

Oct 14, 2012

How to verify if the backups are successfully completed in RAC environment ?

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RAC & Failsafe :: RMAN Backup On Cluster

Dec 1, 2011

I have a table called dept table with nested collection as below. Nested Table Collection:

create or replace
type courselist as table of varchar2(64) Table Using Nested Table Collection: 
   ( "NAME" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
   )  Content Of Table:NameDirectorofficecoursesAccountingJames CharlesUNOFCSDWH_STG.COURSELIST('natural science','chemistry','Computer Science','Computer Science') 

I am trying to select and print an element from nested table collection using below plsql block.

END; Error Message:
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "COURSES": invalid identifier

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RMAN :: What Does (change) Command Do

Sep 12, 2013

What the "change" RMAN command does? For example, what is the effect of following command: 

change archivelog until time 'SYSDATE-7' delete 

And what is the difference between following commands: 

change archivelog all validate;change archivelog all crosscheck;change archivelog all; 

I checked the following doc but could not find anything:[URL]I am using Oracle 10gR2 on RHEL 64-bit.

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SQL Query To Find CPU Usage And Memory Usage

Jun 28, 2013

Is their any query to find cpu usage & memory usage of all the queries currently running on DB? 

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RAC & Failsafe :: RMAN Duplicate Taking Long To Finish

Sep 27, 2011

How can we tune our RMAN Duplicate as it was taking 10+ hours to finish. Current production database size is 800GB. Approx duration of rman online backup (FULL, including archived logs) is 4 to 5 hours.

Here's the rman backup script we used:
sql 'alter system archive log current';
list archivelog all;
show all;
report schema;
backup database plus archivelog delete all input;

Here's the rman duplicate command we used:
set until time "to_date(to_char(sysdate,'Mon DD YYYY') || ' 02:30:00', 'Mon DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS')";
allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type disk;
duplicate target database to testdb;

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RAC & Failsafe :: RMAN Backup / Unable To Open Database

Aug 31, 2013

I tried to run the duplicate script after transferring new rman backup to standby. Even after transferring the backup, duplicate command and was unable to open the database.

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RMAN :: Delete Obsolete Command Without Confirmation?

Mar 12, 2013

I've created a small script witch delete the obsolete and expired backups of RMAN.

The problem is: the "delete obsolete" and the "delete expired backup" command needs a confirmation with YES. I don't need to confirm the command and he deletes the backups directly?

Here is my little script:

export ORACLE_SID=dbtest2
export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/srv/ora/product/11.2.0/dbtest_2
export ORACLE_BIN=/home/oracle/srv/ora/product/11.2.0/dbtest_2/bin
alias RMAN=$ORACLE_BIN/rman


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RMAN :: 03009 - Failure Of Backup Command On Channel?

Sep 17, 2013

 I've attempted to backup my database using RMAN but i got the ERROR that follows: 

RMAN> backup database; output:Starting backup at 16-SEP-13using target database control file instead of recovery catalogallocated channel: ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=20 device type=DISKchannel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backup setchannel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup setinput datafile file number=00001


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RMAN :: Duplicate Command Failed In Without Catalog On Different Server

Jun 29, 2012

i am creating duplicate DB from rman backup it failed as all steps is as below:

$ vi pfile.ora
$ export ORACLE_SID=tim
$ sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Jul 8 10:35:10 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter user-name: / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> !pwd

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RMAN :: Cloning Using Duplicate Command - Retain Conversion

Feb 7, 2013

While cloning using RMAN DUPLICATE command, one can convert all files from various locations to new locations by using DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT. One can also retain the same locations with no conversion by using NOFILENAMECHECK. My question is what if I want to convert some, and not convert others?

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Command Hang Long Time?

Mar 20, 2012

We would take backup regulary by RMAN(catalog). Last two days we could not take backup. Backup start but after take backup some datafile then rman does not do anything.

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RMAN-03009 / Failure Of Backup Command On ORA_DISK_2 Channel

Jul 4, 2010

when im taking backup on rman it showing the error like this

RMAN-03009:failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_2 channel
ORA-19502:write error on file "disk1/oradata/car/rm/Oalhudpe.bkp". block number 16385(block size =8192)
Linux Error:2:no such file directory
addittional information:4
addittional information:16385
addittional information:823296

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Information For List And Restore Command

May 15, 2013


Control file record time = 7 days

I am not using recovery catalog

RMAN> list archivelog all;

It shows archivelogs from logsequence 179 - 206

But on my o.s I have archivelogs from log sequence 104 - 206 (I have not deleted them for long 1 month). It is not showing form 104 - 178. Since control file record time is 7 days it doesnt keep old archivelogs history.(i.e from 104-206) Hence it is showing only from 179 - 206

My question is

1)If we use rman recovery catalog will these info is maintained forever until deleted. And can i see them in list command. (i.e from 104-206)
2)If i use rman catalog then from where did rman get the information of archives and backup (for list and restore command) from catalog or from control file.

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Data Guard :: RMAN Archive Log Backup With Delete Input Command

Mar 17, 2012

I have following query in Dataguard ..

If I want to take Rman archive log backup with delete input command , how the archive logs will be copied to standby database

For eg

I am taking archive backup as

RMAN>backup archivelog all delete input;

here consider few archives are not copied to standby database (due to nw issue) then how standby will receives these missing archives as those are deleted by rman backup at primary side.

I am not getting any document related to above query.

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