Performance Tuning :: How To Reduce Index Creation Time
Aug 17, 2010
Is there any way to reduce the index creation time. I have one table which has 7700000 records and every day this table get truncate and we create with create table as select statement and then create the 4 indexes and each index took 5 minutes so in totality it took 20 minutes in index creation.
In my insert query, Window sort takes longer time i.e. 93% of total execution time, How do i reduce this time? are there any tuning parameters availabe for this?
We have a table called address and having the address fields and city ,state etc. The table will store huge amount of data .We need to query on the table. I would like to know how can we fasten the query and improve the performance of the query by creating index on these columns...Query is given below . note that the nullable columns can have data
- First time to execute: Using all indexes on 2 tables
- Second time to execute: Using only indexes on first table, full table scan on the other
- Third time to execute: Do FTS on both of tables.
Now, I show the objects and relate information here:
The Tables:
system@dbwap> select count(*) from my_wap.news_relation;
COUNT(*) ---------- 272708
system@dbwap> select count(*) from my_wap.news_content;
COUNT(*) ---------- 95092
system@dbwap> desc my_wap.news_content; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ---------------- ID NOT NULL NUMBER(11) SUBJECT NOT NULL VARCHAR2(500) TITLE VARCHAR2(4000) STATE NUMBER(1) IMGPATH VARCHAR2(500) ALIGN VARCHAR2(10)
I have a question about database fragmentation.I know that fragmentation can reduce performance in query times. The blocks are distributed in many extents and scans process takes a long time. Oracle engine have to locate the address of the next extent..
I want to know if there is any system view in which you can check if your table or index has high fragmentation. If it's needed I will have to re-create, move or rebulid the table or index, but before I want to know if the degree of fragmentation is high.
Any useful script or query to do this, any interesting oracle system view?
I have already added the indexes for the outer sql to reduce the cost from 374 to 150. But the the consistent gets seems not reduce that much. I notice that the function will cost 6 consistents gets per execution. It seems it not very high. But if this function goes with the sql, it will cost a very high consistent gets, if I remove this function, the sql only cost 1903 consistents gets.
So what I am thinking there should be two ways to reduce the consistent gets..The first one is reduce the recursive call of the sql. The second is reduce the consistent gets of the function. (but it seems that the consistent gets in this function is very low, only 6.)
I have a huge table (about 60 gb) partition over range. The index on this table is global index created on 4 columns together. I have a query which is running very slowly. The explain plan is showing the use of this global index.Explain plan is not showing pstart and pend because the index is global.
where @var is user supplied input at runtime...We had a index on a.c2 . The CBO would use this index to generate an opitimised query plan.We found some records from table "b" were dropping due to inner join. So we made a change in join. It'd be like
a.c1(+)=b.c1 and nvl(a.c2,@var)=@var
This query is no longer using the index, instead its doing a full table scan causing the query to slowdown.I have tried creating index on nvl(a.c2,'31-dec-9999')
But the CBO won't use it.Anyway to create index on this col so that full table scan can be avoided?
How the length of column width effects index performance?
For example if i had IOT table emp_iot with columns: (id number, job varchar2(20), time date, plan number)
Table key consist of(id, job, time)
Column JOB has fixed list of distinct values ('ANALYST', 'NIGHT_WORKED', etc...).
What performance increase i could expect if in column "job" i would store not names but concrete numbers identifying job names. For e.g. i would store "1" instead 'ANALYST' and "2" instead 'NIGHT_WORKED'.
We have a DELETE statement when coming from application is not using index but when run from Toad or SQLplus as same user uses index. Explain plan also shows using index.I did a query on v$sql below is the output of the query( I have attached the same as a txt file). All the stats are up to date and confirmed from the developer the variable B1 is using the same datatype as column MAXMKY.
I am working on a query for a feedback response system which is going to be targeted at the common case when the user only want the most recent 10-20 rows in the feedback table. My though is to create an index on the date column, do a sort in an inner query and rownum <= in an outer query. This works as I expect when I am only querying the main table (lookup by index with a stop key), but when I start joining the main table to attribute tables I end up with a full table scan of the main table with the stop key applied after all the joins are completed, the index is nowhere to be found.
CREATE TABLE attr1_tbl(attr1_id NUMBER NOT NULL, attr1 VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT attr1_pk PRIMARY KEY (attr1_id)); CREATE TABLE attr2_tbl(attr2_id NUMBER NOT NULL, attr2 VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT attr2_pk PRIMARY KEY (attr2_id)); CREATE TABLE attr3_tbl(attr3_id NUMBER NOT NULL, attr3 VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT attr3_pk PRIMARY KEY (attr3_id)); [code]....
One thing I noticed was that when no data is selected from the attribute tables, even if they are joined in the query, the CBO throws them out of the plan and only accesses the main table. With the foreign keys this makes sense and really just disqualified my first thought that maybe I was missing a foreign key or not null constraint somewhere.
I also added the cardinality hint to overcome the chance that in my test case there was so little data that index access is not worth it.
* 35 | ID TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROW | S_ORG_EXT | 3064K| 2472M| | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 36 | INDEX FULL SCAN | S_ORG_EXT_U1 | 14 | | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 35 - filter("T2"."ACCNT_FLG"<>'N' AND ("T2"."INT_ORG_FLG"<>'Y' OR "T2"."PRTNR_FLG"<>'N'))
This unselective index scan on step 36 of the explain is returning 14 rows but optimizer is selecting 3064 K rows from the table .
I tried creating combined index on all 3 columns mentioned in the predicates for 35th step , but that is not utilized .
how to index this whole expression ::--
Something like CREATE INDEX XYZ on table((ACCNT_FLG<>'N' AND (INT_ORG_FLG<>'Y' OR PRTNR_FLG<>'N')) compute statistics ;
I have the following problem. When I used in the IN-Statement fixed values e.q. 197321,197322,197323 ..., the index i_tab2_index works fine (index range scan).
But when I used in the IN-Statement an Sub-Select, the index i_tab2_index doesn't work (fast full scan)!My scale indices and used Selects:
CREATE INDEX i_tab1_index ON tab1 ( datum, flag_inst ); CREATE INDEX i_tab2_index ON tab2 ( tab2Idx, kontro ); SELECT count(epidx) as rowAnz FROM tab2 WHERE tab2Idx IN ( SELECT tab1IDX FROM tab1 WHERE datum BETWEEN '20120117' AND '20120117' AND flag_inst = '1' ) AND kontro = '9876521' [code]...
get all the unused index in the system , if i put this query in batch job and execute it every night upto one months and store its data in a table and after one months i can get all the used indexes and left would be our unused indexes.
select distinct p.object_name c1 from dba_hist_sql_plan p, dba_hist_sqlstat s
I have a table whose size is 2.3 GB and there are two indexes on it. One index is based on a Date column whose size is 900 MB, and the Other index consists of 5 columns including the date column, and the size is almost 2GB. But when i query the table using the Date column, it is doing a range scan on the second index which is almost the same size as the table. why is it not using the first index? What steps should i take so that it uses the First index without passing hints.
mbr has 60,000 rows and member has 60,000 rows approx. two tables have indexes on ssn, and citi_no on them.
PK of mbr : mbr_id PK of member : mbr_id
other columns are not PK, and have no index on it.
I'm wondering why the statment doesn't use index while ssn and citi_no have index.
MERGE INTO mbr t USING (SELECT mbr_id,citi_no FROM member) a ON (t.ssn = a.citi_no) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET t.asis_mbr_id = a.mbr_id where t.ssn not in(select ssn from mbr group by ssn having count(*) > 1)
I have to create indexes on foreign key columns ,now if composite index is already there with foreign key column then that will work or i will have to create a single column index.
i am trying to find the index want to rebuild or not for that i have analyzed that index after that i don't know how to calculate the ration could any one steps to do calculate the following ratio
Run the ANALYZE INDEX command on the index to validate its structure and then calculate the ratio of LF_BLK_LEN/LF_BLK_LEN+BR_BLK_LEN and if it isn?t near 1.0 (i.e. greater than 0.7 or so) then the index should be rebuilt. Or if the ratio BR_BLK_LEN/ LF_BLK_LEN+BR_BLK_LEN is nearing 0.3.
Select tag0.TAG_VALUE pid, tag1.TAG_VALUE, tag2.TAG_VALUE From TAGGER.TAGGABLE_RESOURCE r , TAGGER.TAG tag0 , TAGGER.TAG tag1 , TAGGER.TAG tag2 where 1=1
This runs in about 400ms. Now I replace this:
ANDtag0.TAG_TYPE in (4602, 5228) ANDtag1.TAG_TYPE in (4612, 5225) ANDtag2.TAG_TYPE in (4613, 5226)
with this:
ANDtag0.TAG_TYPE in (select COLUMN_VALUE from ( select * from table( TAGGER.GET_IDS_OF_SIMILAR_TAG_TYPES('Patient ID') ) x1 )) ANDtag1.TAG_TYPE in (select COLUMN_VALUE from ( select * from table( TAGGER.GET_IDS_OF_SIMILAR_TAG_TYPES('Patients Sex') )x2 )) ANDtag2.TAG_TYPE in (select COLUMN_VALUE from ( select * from table( TAGGER.GET_IDS_OF_SIMILAR_TAG_TYPES('Patients Birth Date') ) x3 ))
So instead of hard coding the IDs there is a function that looks them up. The function itself is reporting that it runs in 0ms. But when I run the new query:
Select tag0.TAG_VALUE pid, tag1.TAG_VALUE, tag2.TAG_VALUE From TAGGER.TAGGABLE_RESOURCE r , TAGGER.TAG tag0 , TAGGER.TAG tag1 , TAGGER.TAG tag2 where 1=1
it takes around 6s to run. I have looked at the explain plans it it seems as though the function based approach is triggering a full table scan of 'TAG'.
I have tried it with query hints to use index, but it doesn't change the execution plan, or the query time.
The explain plan for the quick query is:
PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 1031492929 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
And the slow one is:
PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 2741657371 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |Te ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 20M| 1602M|
The table has a normal index for the userid column.
There is a query that looks for the differents CODNEW for a USERID but allways the CODNEW has to be greater than 2248833
select codnew from news-comment where userid=2914655 and valid='N' and codnew>2248833
I have created a new index for this kind of querys
create index coment_new_IDX on news_comment (CASE WHEN codnew >2248833 and valid='N' THEN userid ELSE NULL END )
but oracle doesn't use it. I have used a hint to force it but doesn't run.
I have create a table with 8 million records and 2 different indexes using 2 different columns (columns name NUM1 & NUM2) on that table. First indexed column (NUM1) values have many different values (1,2,3... etc).
Second indexed column (NUM2) values have only 2 different values. 7999999 records values is same("A") and remaining one record values is different("B").
Query1: select * from tbl where num1=val
Query2: select * from tbl where num2='B'
I have compare explain plan both queries, but Query2 doesn't use predefined index. Why Oracle don't use my redefined index at column NUM2?