PL/SQL :: Define SELECT Clause Once And Reuse It In Many Other Queries?

Mar 16, 2013

Is there a way to define a SELECT clause once and reuse it in many other queries?

I have many procedures with same SELECT statement and I'm trying to find a way to not have to write out the SELECT clause in every function or procedure. Same question applies to FROM, WHERE, etc clauses.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Combine Queries When WITH Clause Is Used

Jun 21, 2010

I have 4 select queries.


First Step:Combine Query1 and Query2,but the requirement is Query2 should only use the Acct_ID and Bill_ID which are output from Query1.

Second Step:Combine Query3 and Query4,but the requirement is Query4 should only use the Acct_ID and Bill_ID which are output from Query3.

Third Step: Is to now combine both the data set from First Step and Second Step.

In order to achieve my First and Second Steps I used WITH clause.

With S1 as ( Query1 ),
S2 as ( Query1 Union Query2)
Select S2.* from S1,S2

With S3 as ( Query3 ),
S4 as ( Query3 Union Query4)
Select S2.* from S3,S4

1. Is that approach right for achieving my First and Second step requirements ?

2. How to achieve Third Step ?

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Auditing For Queries With No Where Clause

Jul 31, 2012

I'd like to audit a table for any SELECT queries that are executed against it with no WHERE clause. I've read the documentation on DBMS_FGA carefully, and as close as I can tell, creating a policy with a NULL audit_condition causes all queries against the table to be audited, which isn't what I'm looking for.

What I'd like is something like this:

object_schema      =>  'scott',
object_name        =>  'emp',
policy_name        =>  'mypolicy1',
audit_condition    =>  'WHERE CLAUSE IS ABSENT',
audit_column       =>  'comm,sal',

SELECT * FROM EMP;but queries with conditions ('WHERE sal > 400', for instance) are not trapped.

I'm using 11gR2 ( on OEL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Connect By Not Working With Nested Queries In From Clause

Jan 11, 2012

Using Connect By on a query which has a nested from clause(The from clause fetches around 100k records) gives incorrect results but if the same nested queries are used to build a table and the Connect By is used on the table then the output is correct.

I put the nested queries in a 'WITH' clause and got the correct output also.

I am not sure how to give the code here as you would need dump to make them work. I am giving the a sample

--Non Working Code

SELECT con_item, prod_item, compsite, bcsite, ibrsite, res
FROM (SELECT con_item, prod_item, compsite, bcsite, ibrsite, res
FROM (SELECT bd.item AS con_item, bd.fromid AS compsite,
bd.toid AS bcsite, bd.toid AS ibrsite,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select First 40 Columns Without Giving All Column Names In Select Clause?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a table with around 80 columns. All i need is to select first 40 columns.

Is there any way to select first 40 columns without giving all the 40 Column Names in select clause.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: XML - Union Of 2 Select Queries

Jan 15, 2013

How I can get the union result of 2 queries and put them in xml result, but I want each query to be in seperate xml element. I don t want to put 1 single xmlelement and do a From then construct a virtual table uniting the 2 subqueries

I mean I don t want something like the following:



Except the 2nd alternative is not working I get error message: "SQL command not properly ended"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Optimization - Reuse Of A Set?

Mar 18, 2010

I have the following situation. There are two selects in the which look like this



DB: Oracle 10i

MyFunction is relatively expensive and the second select works on a subset of the data considered in the first one (because of a.col2 > b.col3). For this reason I am looking for a way to do the job in only one update statement and compute MyFunction (a.x) only once per row.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Clause With Condition

Jul 22, 2010

Based on same salary i need to retrieve data like below whose hire date should be within a week (7days). The table may have 200000 records.

empno Hiredate salary
1234 03-JUN-10 3000
1354 21-MAY-10 3000
1834 01-JUL-10 3000
1954 08-JUL-10 3000

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Different Column Value For Every Select Clause

Nov 28, 2011

I have a requirement of getting different column value for every select clause. my selection is so much freequent. For example.. 10 Select statement /second.

But when if I am running more than select in a second its is showing the same record which is last dequeue.and also tried with RANDOM(). how to get different value for every statement which is running in single point of time.

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Sequence In Select Ignoring Where Clause?

Sep 28, 2011

I want to use a sequence to populate a field for my insert statement. Should be simple right?

So here is an example
insert into sometable ( seq, else)
from sometable@dblink
where somethingelse = 10

now if i remove my sequence call for nextval it correctly uses the where clause but when I use the sequence in the select statement it is ignoring the where clause completely. I've never had this issue this because i'm using a dblink now?

I'm using toad 10 on oracle 11g in multi-schema environment.

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Ignore Case In SQL Select With Where Clause

Oct 11, 2010

We have and Upper and a Lower function.Is there any function or way in which I can issue a select while ignoring the case(like IgNoReCaSe) in a where clause? I don't want to use like

select * from emp where upper(job)= upper('dba');
select * from emp where lower(job)= lower('dba');

I just want to know if there is any way in which I could do it without using upper and lower.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hide A Column In Select Clause?

Aug 11, 2011

I need to know if it is possible to hide one or more of the columns in my SELECT statement as I only need them in there where clause.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Reuse Calculate Column In Same View?

Sep 15, 2011

Correct example

, pp.CNR
, pp.POLO
,(pp.CNR-pp.POLO) diff
, ((pp.CNR-pp.POLO) * pp.IVA / 100) + (pp.CNR-pp.POLO) diva

Invalid example

, pp.CNR
, pp.POLO
,(pp.CNR-pp.POLO) diff
, ((diff * pp.IVA / 100) + diff) diva

In my real view, the diff calculate column is very long (with case etc...) I must reuse many time the diff calculate column to calculate other columns.I do not want use subquery because there is many join to do in the same query. How can I reuse a calculate column in the same view?

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Using Array Values In IN Clause Of Select Query?

Sep 9, 2008

I have some issues in passing array values to IN clause.

I am passing a String Array from Java to PL\SQL and want to use the Array values in the IN CLAUSE of Select Query

cust_array is the Array
search_id VARCHAR2(1000);
search_id := '';
FOR j IN 1 .. cust_array.count
IF (j != 1) THEN
search_id := search_id || ''',''' || cust_array(j) || ''';
search_id := search_id || '''' || cust_array(j) || '''';

trying to form a string of below form: search_id '3211335201','3211335209','3211335279','3211335509'

and use the string search_id in the IN clause of the search Query select * from DPP_EMP where empl in (search_id)

but the query does not returns any result

When I try to hardcode the values in the query as below, its returing 4 rows

select * from DPP_EMP where empl in ('3211335201','3211335209','3211335279','3211335509')

How to achieve this (String to the IN clause) or is there a better way of passing the Array values to the IN clause

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use (select Statement) Rather Than (in Clause) In Pivot Query

May 27, 2011

I'm using pivot query feature of oracle 11g and came across a strange situation where i need to pass a "select statement" in a "in clause" of pivot query.

2 (
6 );


I have tried with pivot xml but it not giving desired output in sql*plus session.It is giving unreadable output.

select * from
(select uin,testing_id,pfa_result from test1)
pivot xml (max(pfa_result) as result
for (testing_id) in (select distinct testing_id from test1));


Here actually i want to use "select distinct id from test1" instead of "in (11,12,13,14,15)". Because i don't know how many id's will be there and of which values. e.g. 11 or 21 or 25.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View Not Having ORDER BY Clause In SELECT Statement?

Jun 13, 2010

currently i m going through some dumps for my OCA-11g prep.I came across one sentence :A view cannot have an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement.well this statement is false and the explanation given was :

Query operations containing ORDER BY clause are also permitted, so long as the ORDER BY clause appears outside the parentheses.

The following is an example of what I mean: CREATE VIEW my_view AS (SELECT*FROM emp) ORDER BYempno.

but when i tried running the query like this :CREATE VIEW my_view AS SELECT*FROM emp ORDER BYempno ,it worked w/o giving parentheses.

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Performance Tuning :: How To Overcome Rownum Clause From Select

Dec 27, 2010

high number of executions of specific types of queries which is using only rownum clause. For exam.

select ani, rowid from tbl_smschat_upuor where rownum<=:"SYS_B_0";

DB is having high number of executions of these type of queries and these when I m checking the execution plan for the same type of queries it is accessing the full table scan.

======================execution plan for above query
1000 rows selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 91289622


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Domain Index - Select Query With Clause Does Not Return Any Records

Jun 30, 2012

I have created domain indexes on text columns of a materialised view to use "contains" clause when searching for data. The select query with "contains" clause does not return any records, however I was able to retrive data using via regular query using a like search.

-> will exec ctx_ddl.sync_index('index_name')'resolve my problem?
-> since the view is a materialized view, how can i make sure that the latest data added are also picked up?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Different Number Of Result Sets While Adding Further Columns In Select Clause

May 4, 2010

The below sql is giving different number of result sets while adding further columns in select clause.i.e After adding the columns 4,5,6 in the below query its giving different number of result set.In this case the result set count would be 5.

Before adding the columns 4,5,6,the result set count was 11.


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PL/SQL :: Save Exceptions Clause Or Equivalent For Insert As Select Statement

Jan 29, 2013

Is there a save exceptions clause or an equivalent for an Insert as select* statement ?

How do I trap the errors in the below statement -

INSERT INTO copy_emp

Is it an all or nothing scenario ?

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Application Express :: Select List From Query With Row Level Where Clause?

May 10, 2013

I am trying to create a tabular form based on a SQL query, that has a query-based select list with a where clause that references a column in the originating SQL query.

The situation is, I have a table that stores client_id, source_id and build_id, lets call it client_source. I have a second table, build_source, that contains source_id and build_id, with a one to many relationship between the two (source_id of 1 could have build_id of 1-7).

Using a tabular form, I want to select the corresponding build_id to be used in client_source, but the select list must only contain the build_id's for that rows particular source_id.

Here is an example of the SQL source of my tabular form;

'select b.build_id display, b.build_id return from
build_source b where b.source_id = s.SOURCE_ID ') lst
from client_source s

... what I am trying to achieve is that the source_id fields in bold match. When the query is built this way I get an 'invalid identifier' Oracle error on s.SOURCE_ID at runtime.

Is there some special tags that need to be used to reference the outside column?I am running on Application Express, on a Oracle 10g release database.

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Reuse Template Button From Theme 25 Responsive

Feb 15, 2013

I would like to reuse the icon button template for my button in a tabular form.

I tried to add <button type="button" class="uButton iconButton search"> Click </button> in column link text. I display this column like a Standard Report Column. The result it's not good.

How I can have the icon and button template like in my others buttons ?

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Converting MySQL Queries To Oracle Compatible Queries

Jan 23, 2007

our system has always been running on mysql database and recently we have switched to oracle. As the current system is coded using mysql query syntax, when i run this program using oracle database, i got a error. The language that I'm using is JSP.

this is the error message:

The following query could not run on oracle. To convert these mysql queries to oracle compatible queries.

SELECT productID,productName FROM products order by productName;

select newsID,newsDate,newsHeadLine1 from news order by newsDate Desc limit 3

SELECT fuji_products.productID, productName_Display FROM products,products_availability where products_availability.productID=products.productID and (product_status='enabled' or product_status='all') AND category='12'

SELECT catID, catSub1 from category where catSub = '"+ prodCat +"' AND catSub1 is not null group by catSub1 order by catSub1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement From Schemas In MERGE Statement In USING Clause

Sep 13, 2013

In the following merge statement in the USINg clause...I am using a select stament of one schema WEDB.But that same select statement should take data from 30 schemeas and then check the condition below condition

ON(source.DNO = target.DNO
AND source.BNO=target.BNO);

I thought that using UNIONALL for select statement of the schemas as below.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use DEFINE Command

Jun 5, 2012

set serveroutput on
set verify off
define t1='111';
define t1='111';
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-06550: line 2, column 10:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "=" when expecting one of the following:

:= . ( @ % ; not null range default character

The symbol ":= was inserted before "=" to continue.

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PL/SQL :: Bind And Define Variable

Apr 2, 2013

What is the difference between these two variables and their usage?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Define A Cursor Using Dynamic Query?

Aug 29, 2010

Is it possible to define a cursor using dynamic sql. Reason being is, I want to fetch data from 4 diffrent tables but dont want 4 diffrent cursors for this purpose.

I have a procedure that takes an in parameter . Cursor is declared in this procedure. Again is there a way to use dynamic sql so that this cursor declared in procedure uses all 4 table one at a time i.e cursor c1 is select * from table_name(I want this table name to be updated every time with new table name).

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Forms :: Define Global Variable In Oracle 6i

Aug 12, 2010

I want to define global variable in oracle form this variable may i used anywhere in project...but i don't know where exactly global variable defined?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Declare A User Define Exception Name As Per Defined Name?

Jan 25, 2011

Can we able to declare a user define exception name as per defined exception name?Ex: we have predefined exception called :"NO_DATA_FOUND "

Now in my PL/SQL block can i able to declare "NO_DATA_FOUND" like

no_data_found exception;
raise no_data_found;

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RAC & Failsafe :: Define DB Connection URL For Two Different SID Names In Single URL?

Apr 3, 2012

As you see in the following MY_DB_URL there are two hosts for one SID. This is works perfectly for oracle driver. When one of them is gone down, connection establishes with the other.


But i have a problem. Our partner uses Golden Gate product, and they said that they must install two different oracle with two different SID names. (For Example one of them is SIDNAME_1 the other is SIDNAME_2) So i can't use this URL in my application.

Is there a way to define a DB connection URL for two different SID names in a single URL?

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