PL/SQL :: Use Securefile For New Partitions Made By Interval Partitioning

Oct 19, 2012

I am using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production.I have a range partitioned table having lobs as basicfile. Due to storage issue and other business constraints , it is determined not to change existing lobs to securefile.

However ,we want new lobs to be in securefile and alter table to have  interval partition+.While researching, I found sql to change lob in range partition to securefile by using

alter table t1 add partition t1_p2 value less than (10000) lob (col3) store as securefile (tablespace tbs_sf1)

What to do similar  in case of interval partition.

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PL/SQL :: Interval Partitioning On Table?

Mar 28, 2013

If a Interval Partitioning can be created on a table for every fortnight ? db version is 11g.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-14037 on Interval Partitioning

Jan 7, 2013

Interval partitioning I keep getting the below error on a table.A more discerning eye is needed

ERROR at line 26:
ORA-14037: partition bound of partition "DEC_2012" is too high


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Date Range Vs Interval Partitioning

Dec 16, 2010

Other than the obvious to me, where interval partitioning creates partitions as needed. Is there any performance benefit from using interval partitions vs date range partitions.

One draw back for me is that developers do access the partition name in some of their queries, so if I use date range partitioning this will not break their code. I could not find a way to assign a name to a partition when using intervals, is this always system generated or can this be over-ridden.

I am running Oracle soon to be running on

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Interval Partitioning With Local Index?

Nov 25, 2011

I Have created a interval partitioned table with local index.But when automatic partitions are created based record insertion, whether local indexes will be created for each newly created partition or not? If created, how to check

Below is the code which I tried

CREATE TABLE interval_date
date1 date,
days VARCHAR2(50)


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PL/SQL :: Range Partition Using Interval Partitioning?

May 2, 2013

I am trying to create a partitioned table so that a number (which date converted to number ) partition is created on inserting a new row for release_date column.

note that release_date column is having number data type (as per design) and people want to create an interval based partition on this.

They want data type NOT to be altered.

create table product(
prod_id number,
prod_code varchar2(3),
release_date number)
partition by range(release_date)
(partition p0 values less than (20120101))

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Interval Partitioning On Number Column?

Sep 19, 2013

11gr2, We need to do partition a existing table of size 20g, But partition key column is NUMBER type and data stored in unix date format.I would like to create a monthly partition table as below. But not able to create.

create table student (  ENTRY_ID number(5,1),  NAME varchar2(30 BYTE) )  partition by range ( fun_unix_to_date (ENTRY_ID) ) --> fun_unix_to_date is a customized function to convert unix time stamp to date format.   

INTERVAL (100)   ( PARTITION CATCH_ALL values LESS THAN (to_date('01-MAR-12','DD-MON-YY'))); 

ERROR at line 5:ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Interval Partitioning And NULL Column Values

Mar 12, 2010

Our organization is attempting to learn more about the partitioning features of Oracle 11g. I've been reading the partitioning manuals, and I have not found a clear answer on this topic, but I suspect I know the answer.

If you create a range partitioned table; using interval partitioning, say something like this:

CREATE table range_parti (
PARTITION BY RANGE (created_date)

but you try to insert a null value as the partition key, you get the following error:

SQL> INSERT INTO range_parti VALUES (1,'one',NULL);
INSERT INTO range_parti VALUES (1,'one',NULL)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07

Is there no way to tell it to use a default partition for NULL values? Or specifically designate a partition for NULL values WITHOUT having to manually list out each partition? It seems it works if you don't use the INTERVAL keyword, list out your partitions, and use MAXVALUE. However, our hope to avoid having that as it creates monstrously huge DDL statements for tables that have lots of date ranges, and we will be forced to manually add new partitions each month as data is added/time passes.

It appears from my experience so far, if your column can allow nulls, you cannot use interval range partitioning on that column.

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PL/SQL :: Dropping Partition Dynamically In Interval Partitioning

Aug 22, 2012

I have created an Interval Partition Table as show below, Is their any way, i can drop the partition dynamically when i truncate the table as oracle creates them with system generated name? Instead Alter table drop partition !

Create Table Script :



Insert Script :


Partitions Created :
select segment_name,partition_name,bytes from user_segments where segment_name = 'TBL_EMP_SALES';
segment_name partition_name bytes

TBL_EMP_SALES     P0     8388608
TBL_EMP_SALES     SYS_P602     8388608
TBL_EMP_SALES     SYS_P603     8388608


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Server Administration :: Increase Interval For Date Ranges - Maintaining Partitions?

Jun 3, 2010

I am studying Oracle® Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2),

ORA-14767: Cannot specify this interval with existing high boundsby giving an example other than given in the above mentioned document.

the example given in the document is as follows:

To increase the interval for date ranges, then you need to ensure that you are at a relevant boundary for the new interval. For example, if the highest interval partition boundary in your daily interval partitioned table transactions is January 30, 2007 and you want to change to a monthly partition interval, then the following statement results in an error:

CREATE TABLE transactions
, transaction_date DATE
, value NUMBER)
PARTITION BY RANGE (transaction_date)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Move Data From Old Partitions To Corresponding New Partitions?

Jul 1, 2010

Initially 2008 to 2010 and 2009 to 2011 partitions are created, After that two more new partitions are created 2008 to 2009 and 2009 to 2010.

How can we move data from old partitions to corresponding new partitions.

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Forms :: Changes Made Not Getting Effected In Front End

Mar 16, 2011

I am new to oracle 10g. I have a strange problem which i never used to face it while using oracle 8i.

Out of around 120 forms , there is 2 forms in which all the data entry is being done. any changes made to the coding / text in these fmb is not getting effected when i run the form through front end.The front end is developer 2000 .

Where as changes made to the other fmb is working perfectly fine. Is there any deployment issues which needs to be taken care off in oracle 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding User Who Made Changes In Table Structure Or Schema

Sep 21, 2011

i want to find the name of user who make changes in the table structure or create any index or constraint or unique key or alter the column? Is there any way to find in Oracle. in which table what change has been done as well?

following Output needed

userid, username, schemaname, schemachangetime, "what_change_has_been_made", IP address or Computername

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PL/SQL :: Use Of Views And Synonyms If Changes Made To Them Affects Original Table Contents

Mar 28, 2013

what is the the use of views and synonyms if changes made to them affects the original table contents?It is data insecurity know?

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PL/SQL :: Query To Find First And Last Call Made By Selected Number For Date Range

Apr 27, 2013

create table call(id number(10) primary key,mobile_no number(10), other_no number(10), call_type varchar2(10),call_date_time date, duration number(10));

insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'IN','24-APR-13 02:10:43',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9898324234,'IN','24-APR-13 05:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9215468734,'IN','24-APR-13 15:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'OUT','25-APR-13 01:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9899875643,9899875643,,'OUT','25-APR-13 22:06:78',10);

Query : need to find first and last call of '9818764535' mobile number and of call_date between '24-apr-13' and '25-apr-13';

Result :

date ,mobile_no , other_no, call_type, duration
24/apr/13 , 9818764535,9899875643,'IN',10
24/apr/13 ,9818764535,9215468734,'IN',10


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Transfer Data From Non-partitioning Table To Partitioning Table

Apr 4, 2013

I have problem to transfer data in non partitioning table to partitioning table.

I have non partitioning table and i create new table partitioning that have same column and type like in non partitioning. So how can i transfer data from table in non partitioning to table in partitioning?

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Metadata For Some Of Partitions

Nov 10, 2010

i have many partitions in one table. i need metadata for some of the partitions. We have any option to get the metadata for partitions only.because while selecthing the table meatdata i am getting long script.

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PL/SQL :: Query To Get Last N Used Partitions

Aug 20, 2013

I have a day based partitioned table TAB1.Let say for month Aug 2013 Partitions are like P010813,P020813,P030813 up to P310813.When gather stats job will run i want to analyze only the last 3 used partitions based on current date, this would be P180813,P190813,P200813. write a query which will give the last 3 used partitions.e.g.

If run query on 20-AUG-2013.P180813P190813P200813FOR 25-AUG-2013P230813P240813P250813

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PL/SQL :: Dropping Partitions At Once

Nov 2, 2012

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION (partition_1000);
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION (partition_1001);
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION(partition_1320);(b

it is a delta partition,so trying to remove 320 partitions at once in pl/sql developer for a single table.

Like this i have to remove for more then 15 tables one by one, will this effect the database like filling up the archinve log destination by writing more logs.

kind of problems that i am going to face , as i am doing it on the production box directly.

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Create Table As With Partitions?

Jan 8, 2011

If I try create table from the following syntax

create table a as select * from table b;

Then I could get only base table structure alone, I would like to get partition syntax as well.

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Select From Multiple Partitions

Nov 2, 2010

I have more 100 partition in a table, I would like to query 10 partitions alone in single statement, Hope it could be possible like query data for single partitions, provide the syntax for the same.

Because if I try to query for all the partition then the query is Hanging due to the large no of data, then I can query single partition by partition then it takes more than a day. so, I would like query data for 10 partition in a single select.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop Partitions With Zero Rows

Sep 26, 2011

Query to drop partitions on a table who have no.of rows as zero.

select 'ALTER' || '' || 'TABLE' || TABLE_NAME || 'DROP' || 'PARTITION' || PARTITION_NAME from dba_tab_partitions where TABLE_OWNER='xyz' ;
select count(*) from table_name partition (partition_name);

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PL/SQL :: Ranking Partitions - Value Identifier

Jul 4, 2012

Lets say I have a table like the following -

101----- 01/01/2012 14:00:00 ---12
101----- 11/01/2012 23:00:00 ---17
101----- 13/01/2012 10:00:00 ---22
101----- 19/03/2012 08:00:00 ---7
101----- 19/03/2012 19:00:00 ---7
101----- 19/03/2012 20:00:00 ---7
101----- 20/03/2012 02:00:00 ---3
101----- 20/03/2012 03:00:00 ---3
101----- 21/03/2012 13:00:00 ---14
101----- 21/03/2012 14:00:00 ---14
101----- 21/03/2012 21:00:00 ---13
101----- 21/03/2012 22:00:00 ---13
101----- 21/03/2012 23:00:00 ---13
101----- 22/03/2012 00:00:00 ---13

I'm looking for a script to partition the data into sections where the VALUE is the same over a constant period of time with no breaks. I'd like to give each partition a value to identify it by.

So the outcome of the script would be the following -

101----- 01/01/2012 14:00:00 ---12----------1
101----- 11/01/2012 23:00:00 ---17----------2
101----- 13/01/2012 10:00:00 ---22----------3
101----- 19/03/2012 08:00:00 ---7------------4
101----- 19/03/2012 19:00:00 ---7------------5
101----- 19/03/2012 20:00:00 ---7------------5
101----- 20/03/2012 02:00:00 ---3------------6
101----- 20/03/2012 03:00:00 ---3------------6
101----- 21/03/2012 13:00:00 ---14----------7
101----- 21/03/2012 14:00:00 ---14----------7
101----- 21/03/2012 21:00:00 ---13----------8
101----- 21/03/2012 22:00:00 ---13----------8
101----- 21/03/2012 23:00:00 ---13----------8
101----- 22/03/2012 00:00:00 ---13----------8

I was trying to do something with trunc(date_time) but that didnt work out right as the blocks of data can carry over several days as seen in the rows with IDENTIFIER = 8.

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Partitions On Materialized Views?

Nov 29, 2012

Can we add partitions for materialized views like tables ? ALTER TABLE owner.tablename ADD PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (2012,12);

Like is there any syntax for mview ALTER TABLE mv.mviewname ADD PARTITION ..... ?

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PL/SQL :: Create Partitions On Table

Sep 13, 2012

My developer came with a requirement of creating partitions on a table which has 40 million records. His exact requirement is to create as many as partitions in such a way that 1 partition should not exceed 5k-10k records and these records should be inserted/updated on the same date (i.e. using a column as source_timestamp field). How to accomplish this?

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Table DDL Extraction For Mentioned Partitions

Nov 10, 2010

I have tables in production which has got huge no of partitions(say more than 100), but I would like to extract table definiation along with mentioned few partitions(say 10 partitions) alone. How to do that, which way is the best to extract DDL with right format.

because when I use metadata package the format for the extraction is not good, is there a way to extract table definition with mentioned partition names.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Partition Existed Table Into 3 Partitions

Mar 9, 2010

How can we partition the existed table.

The table is like this

CREATE TABLE my_table (
description VARCHAR2(50)


I want to partition this table into 3 partitions.

The first partition should contain the values less than 3.

The Second partition should contain the values less than 5.

The third partition should contain the values less than 6.

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PL/SQL :: Dictionary For Materialized View Partitions

Sep 2, 2012

I created a materilaized view with partitions and i need to add partitions dynamicaaly using stored procedure for that i need to check whther the partiions with the same name existing.where can i see the partition names for a materilaized view is there any table like "USER_TAB_PARTITIONS"?.if the same query exists in the forum

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Swap Multiple Partitions Into A Table?

Sep 28, 2012

We are using partition exchnage to swap individual partitions into table which then backed up.

This being done one partition at a time.

Is it possible to swap several partitions of a tabel in one go.

using Oracle

partioned by date, one partition of reach day.

Is it possible say to move the last 7 days partitions into the other table for backup using partition exchange?

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PL/SQL :: How To Truncate Data In Table Partitions

Aug 9, 2013

I couldn't either DROP or TRUNCATE the table partitions that were created. Here are the DDLs and DMLs I'm using. 

Create table student(no number(2),name varchar(2)) partition by range(no) (partition 
p1 values less than(10), partition p2 values less than(20), partition p3 values less     
than(30),partition p4 values less than(40)); 
Insert into student values(1,'a');
Insert into student values(11,'b');
Insert into student values(21,'c');
Insert into student values(31,'d'); 

When I do the following query, it returns data.


But, when I try to perform any of the following queries, it says invalid partition name. 


I am using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

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