PL/SQL :: Return Cursors To Front End Program
Mar 14, 2013
I am trying to write which will return cursors to front end program.The logic which I got stuck is while exiting the procedure.I am having some cursors in teh procedures which are read by the front end script.I have one condition which when satisfied I have to exit from the procedure.But the constraint I am facing is if I exit at that logic, oracle closes all the cursor and front end script is not able to read teh cursor and hence throws an error.Is there any way to exit the procedure without closing the REF cursors.
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Jan 28, 2011
I have a Cobol program that call C program above
#include stdlib
char *uid = "puntos/puntos@cmrdesar";
Are something wrong in C programm ? Pro*C code from passing_ variable_ number_ of_ arguments_to_C.html
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Mar 2, 2011
I am trying to login through front end application. I am getting the error login failed.
I tried to login from back end using same USERID and password. In the login page it's asking for EDUSERID and password. I tried to connect from backend to the database using same EDUSERID and password and it's working fine. But why from front end application I am unable to login.
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Jun 9, 2011
I am hoping to test the behavior of a complex web application that is backended by an Oracle 9i database, against an upgrade to 11g database.
The current setup runs basically on 4 Solaris servers, The database, the Oracle Application Server (version 10 something) (2 instances running on the node/server with no OHS), an install of OAS/OHS as a load balancer box, and the non-OHS Apache2 web server front. Apache takes the request from the web and reverse-proxies it to the OHS load balancer, which sends it to one of the two instances on the single application server. This is a java application and uses an Oracle 9i database to feed it.
I have had enough server resources to clone the database, the app server and the web server, and upgrade the database to 11g. I am unable to setup an OHS load balancer box.
So my question is, how do I configure the Apache WS to communicate directly with the OC4J container(s). I can shut down an instance if that simplifies things. Or, if I had to I could look into standing up OHS in the OAS install, as that seems to be where all the info is focused on the technical info sites (Oracle and others), but since these are clones and I think it might be easier to just short circuit around the now missing load balancer box. Many configurations have already been done to be sure the 'clone' identifications are self-referencing, like the hosts file, etc. to point to resources in the Cloned environment.
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Feb 18, 2013
Today we faced one strange issue Varchar doesnot print the zero front of number
SQL> select agent_code from table_name where AGENT_CODE = 0061;
where in my database agent_code columns as value 0061 and 061 for both it shows same value.
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Mar 16, 2011
I am new to oracle 10g. I have a strange problem which i never used to face it while using oracle 8i.
Out of around 120 forms , there is 2 forms in which all the data entry is being done. any changes made to the coding / text in these fmb is not getting effected when i run the form through front end.The front end is developer 2000 .
Where as changes made to the other fmb is working perfectly fine. Is there any deployment issues which needs to be taken care off in oracle 10g.
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Oct 17, 2012
In Apex 4.2, the item validation of "Function Returning Boolean" and "Function Returning Error Text"; They seam to be backwards.
Is there a simple statement that can be used to fix this in the apex dictionary?
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Mar 31, 2007
I am trying to generate a software that used VB as the front end and Oracle 10G as the back end. I have noticed that the date format is VB is : m/dd/yyyy whereas the date format in oracle is dd-mm-yyyy. Whenever i try to insert a tuple with either of the date formats, the program halts running and after a long time , i get a message saying a deadlock was encountered. I have never had any formal introduction to either of the two tools
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Dec 2, 2012
I am running Apex 4.2 on Oracle Express Edition (Linux). Sometimes my login page has the alignments of the Workspace/username/password login area below the Apex image as below: [URL] ........
This is with using Firefox. The font page renders ok with other browsers like IE or Chrome.
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May 13, 2013
that are my biggest tables
Users use front end (called ESS Console) and when they try to open one of those tables they wait very long (really bad performance). Sometimes the GUI even hanging without displaying results.
Does Partitioned Tables feature works for better performance?
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Jun 17, 2013
I have two methods using pro*c to execute a query SQL and read the results. The query is a "select from" a view, this view is a union between two tables. The first method creates a cursor and fetches the results line by line. A second method creates a cursor and fetches the results in parts.
Method 1)
Method 2)
I had executed this methods in my development enviroment, using Oracle 11g, Suse linux. As I expected, the method 2 spent much less time than the method 1. But, in the "customer enviroment", using another database, Oracle 11g and HP-UX, these methods spent almost the same time.
Is there some Oracle's configuration or parameter's settings that maybe explain that? What configuration can be differente between the two databases? What can I do to improve the time spent?
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Jul 7, 2010
I'm currently looking for a way to declare a cursor in the 'declare' block using a previously defined variable that got its value from a query. For instance:
my_company_id INTEGER := 'select c.company_id from company_table c where company_name='Wal-Mart';
cursor employees is
select e.employee_id from employees e where e.company_id = my_company_id;
Any way to do this?
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Aug 13, 2013
an alternative to Oracle Cursors.My table has huge amount of data and is taking time in processing. I had thought of using BULK COLLECT but it can only be used to insert, delete or update data and will not allow me to select data.
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Mar 20, 2013
type ref_cur is ref cursor;
r ref_cur;
enam emp%rowtype;
dno dept.deptno%type;
dbms_output.put_line('The Employee details are');
open r for select deptno from dept;
fetch r into dno;
Error at line 1
ORA-06550: line 12, column 28:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "FOR" when expecting one of the following:
. ( % ;
if i need to use ref cursor to send parameters, is it possible? if yes how to use it?
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Feb 22, 2012
i have created a stored procedure with a cursor in order to perform a function where the annual_sal from the employee_annual_sal table is refered and checked. The empno for all the records which satisfies the condition mentioned inside the loop should be displayed in an variable. My code is below
create or replace PROCEDURE sp_test_cursor(out_empno OUT number)
v_get_data number;
v_get_empno number;
cursor c1 is
select annual_salary
from employee_annual_sal;
What should i do to return mulitple values in a single variable??
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Apr 19, 2012
My requirement is like as follows,
v1str varchar2(100):='select empno,ename from emp';
v2str varchar2(100):='select empno,ename,sal from emp';
type t_array is varray(2) of varchar2(100);
So my problem is while executing the different sql statements by passing it to the procedure,how can the procedure would behave dynamically.It must be able to process all the sql statements.
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Jun 18, 2013
How can we pass multiple parameters to cursors?
Ex: Cursor C_employees(C_empid number, C_cityname varchar2) is select emp_name, office_name from employee where employees where empid = c_empid and city = c_city_name;
I know we can pass one parameter to the cursor but I do not know how to pass multiple parameters.
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Nov 16, 2011
I have a table table1 with 2 crore records.
select * from table1;
id code updateddatetime
1 10001 2011-10-21 15:31:21.390
2 10001 2011-10-21 15:31:22.390
3 10001 2011-10-21 15:31:21.390
4 10001 2011-10-21 15:31:22.390
5 10002 2011-10-21 15:31:22.390
I want to delete records like id 2 which has odd updated time which is more than id 3 updated time.
is there any alternatives without using cursors as it taking so much time to process.
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May 31, 2011
homework assignment using pl/sql based on 2 tables I have created below? I am not sure of how to use cursors, loops and proper syntax.
1. Create a PL/SQL Procedure (cursor to loop through the records, check the LastName, then update the grade table
where id=id on grade table)
‐ LastName ends with a character between A‐F
‐ LastName ends with a character between G‐K
‐ LastName ends with a character between L‐P
‐ LastName ends with a character between Q‐T
‐ LastName ends with a character between U‐Z
Create TABLE Registration (RegistrationID number(10), SectionID number(10), CourseID number(10),
SectionNumber varchar2(10),
StudentID number(10), FirstName varchar2(20),
LastName varchar2(20), CourseNumber varchar2(20), CourseName varchar(20));
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Oct 3, 2011
DB version: Oracle DB 10g Enterprise Edition
I have the following four tables:
tab_main- which lists main projects
tab_sub_main - which lists sub projects
tab_budget - amounts per projects/subprojects
tab_total - I want to load the data here
The table script with data is attached.
I want to load data into tab_total fields for prj_type= 'J' as follows:
1. accn_no from tab_main table.
2. fy from tab_budget table
3. fy_total_amt which is the sum(amt) from tab_budget table by accn_no and fy
4. all_FY_amt which is the sum(amt) from tab_budget table by accn_no
5. all the audit fields- date/user inserted/updated will come tab_budget table
how to create this procedure with cursors.
select distinct m.accn_no, a.control_no,m.prj_type,
b.fy, b.amt, b.user_created, b.date_created, b.user_last_mod, b.date_last_mod
from tab_main m,
tab_sub_main a,
Insert into TAB_MAIN
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Nov 7, 2011
When you create a backup in SQL Server, whether the backup is on disk or on tape, SQL Server writes the letters TAPE to the first four bytes of the backup. Does Oracle write any specify value to the front of every backup, and if so, what are the first four bytes?
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Apr 30, 2010
I am stuck somewhere in my project, situation is that we are trying to display data gathered from 3 different tables, we used cursors for this, here is the cursor declaration.
procedure DocInfoCur(myWhere IN varchar2) IS
init_dept_id number;
init_dept_name varchar2(40);
rcvg_dept_id number;
rcvg_dept_name varchar2(40);
This displays all the records out there.
Now, I have a search form where I need to filter the same data with different parameters, I have compiled the entered data in one string, now i need to join that string at the end of where clause of my cursor, how can I do that, i have tried concatenating both but received compile error, is there a way out in the current scenario???
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Oct 23, 2006
I think this is the scariest error I've encountered in oracle. After some thime of developing/debuggin I've always reached this error. This leaves me no choice but to restart the java app server, in that case I'll be affecting all the other applications deployed on it which is a very bad thing for me.
Is there anyway I could solve this, I've made it sure that I've handled all errors so that I could always close the connection. Simply put, for every termination case of my program I've placed a closing statement just to be sure that no connections are left open. But even after this, I still experience the ORA 0100 error.
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May 27, 2011
how to print cursors? I mean like columnname : value. of couse curosr.columnname gives what I want. but I want genrally used way.
FOR C1 IN ( SELECT sbjct_id,sbjct_step
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('c1 : '||c1);
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Feb 17, 2012
Why exceptions does not raise in cursors declared by user like in the following program
create or replace function sal (p_id employees.department_id%Type) return number is
----sal1 employees.salary%type:=0;
cursor cx is
select * from employees where department_id=p_id;
for i in cx
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Jul 21, 2011
I loop through the 1st cursor (account_csr), while in the 1st csr loop, based on some conditions being true, I want to loop through a 2nd cursor (acctper_csr) but I only want to retrieve data/rows in the 2nd cursor where the account_id column in 1st cursor = account_id column in the 2nd cursor. This will enable me to pull all the account_periods for each account I loop through in the first cursor.
I have attempted several different ways and cannot make this work. Thought I could somehow define a variable and store the account_id from 1st cursor and use on the 'where' clause in the 2nd cursor definition. Have not been able to make this work successfully.
Following is the sample of my
--First cursor (accounts)
CURSOR account_csr is
FROM s_dev_xref1.account A
WHERE a.source = 1
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Apr 9, 2013
i trying to pass the char varible to the cursor but it is not taking ,,, if i hardcode the values to the cursor it is takinghere is the detailed program ... any body can tell why this is not taking and tell me how to pass the values through it..
v_name char(6) ;
cursor c1(c_name char) is
select name, parent,child,status from relation
start with name='%'
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Jan 26, 2012
I wanted to know how to find the links between cursors that have been created in v$sql after compiling a PLSQL procedure.
For example, if i compile the following procedure :
create or replace
insert into t values(1,1);
, the 2 following cursors are created in v$sql :
select SQL_ID, SQL_TEXT from v$sql
where sql_id in ('71pj8t5nz1d80','2s567zb6684sh');
"2s567zb6684sh""BEGIN PROCEDURE1; END;"
"71pj8t5nz1d80""INSERT INTO T VALUES(1,1)"
Thus, i would like to know how to find that the cursor 71pj8t5nz1d80 is called/linked by the cursor 2s567zb6684sh.
This would be useful for interpreting some sql statistics in v$sqlstats in where such cursors appear and related sql statistics are accounted twice.
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Sep 4, 2010
I'm using few cursors to update my data and store it back to the same table. But for some reason the cursor seems to be picking obsolete data.
cursor c1
select distinct roles
from table1
where flag = '1';
cursor c2
select distinct roles
from table1
where flag = '1';
for i in c1
here im updating the roles im picking to to a suffix and role.
update table1
set role = suffix_role
where 'some condition';
end loop;
commit; -- committing so changes are visible for my next cursor.
for j in c2
here im deleting all the roles that are not part of my comparing table.
delete from table1
where role = 'something';
But in my debugging table i see that its deleting roles present as input for first cursor, whereas it should actually pick data with suffix_roles.
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Mar 23, 2010
How to Close All open cursors in other session.
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------------
cursor_sharing string EXACT
cursor_space_for_time boolean FALSE
open_cursors integer 500
session_cached_cursors integer 50
Ex. as above we have 500 max cursor
seesion show 499 and now we need to flust all open cursors
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