I have a view and in that view i need to remove duplicate rows from output. For that i need to run select query in where clause of view if select query return true then we need to execute second condition.
my requirement in view like
And.......... And ((select count(*) from table A where conditions)=1 )then name is null AND
in that code first we need to check first select query condition then we need to apply name is null condition. but i tried to run it but select query not run properly. because tables is used in View.
DB version: Oracle DB 10g Enterprise Edition
I have the following four tables:
tab_main- which lists main projects tab_sub_main - which lists sub projects tab_budget - amounts per projects/subprojects tab_total - I want to load the data here
The table script with data is attached.
I want to load data into tab_total fields for prj_type= 'J' as follows:
1. accn_no from tab_main table.
2. fy from tab_budget table
3. fy_total_amt which is the sum(amt) from tab_budget table by accn_no and fy
4. all_FY_amt which is the sum(amt) from tab_budget table by accn_no
5. all the audit fields- date/user inserted/updated will come tab_budget table
how to create this procedure with cursors.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE LOAD_DATA_INTO_TAB_TOTAL_PROC IS CURSOR C IS select distinct m.accn_no, a.control_no,m.prj_type, b.fy, b.amt, b.user_created, b.date_created, b.user_last_mod, b.date_last_mod from tab_main m, tab_sub_main a,
I want to truncate table partition but I'm getting error:
CODEORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
because of table has a nested table. Currently this column is not in use so I could drop it, but I want to avoid it (table is huge). Is there another posibility to do truncate partitions in this table? ALTER TABLE ... SET UNUSED doesn't resolve the problem.
I am facing below error while doing Schema refresh from production to development. I am facing this error in development database.
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2264 encountered ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2264: "ALTER TABLE "TASKS" ADD CONSTRAINT "VALUE_CK" CHECK (wrkt_k" "ow <> 'S') ENABLE NOVALIDATE"
i guess "need to Remove the orphaned child records from the child table (foreign key relationship), and then re-execute the ALTER TABLE ENABLE CONSTRAINT command."
how to find orphaned child records from child table ?
We would like to remove the partitions from a particular table. The table in question has 12 partitions. Based on some initial investigation, I've come up with the following options. because the table we going to remove partition will have millions of records so on considering the db downtime we are looking for a alternative way. Is there a better way?
Copy data into another table, drop all partitions, then copy the data back into the original table Copy data into another table, drop the original table, then rename the new table and rebuild the indexes.
I have tried below steps for removing the table fregmentation but for some table i am not getting good result here.
1. It will collect the data which are having more than 100MB fragmentation.
select owner,table_name,blocks,num_rows,avg_row_len,round(((blocks*8/1024)),2)||'MB' "TOTAL_SIZE", round((num_rows*avg_row_len /1024/1024),2)||'Mb' "ACTUAL_SIZE", round(((blocks*8/1024)-(num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024)),2) ||'MB' "FRAGMENTED_SPACE" from dba_tables where owner in('a','b','c','d') and round(((blocks*8/1024)-(num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024)),2) > 100 order by 8 desc;
2. then move the object(table) to the same tablespace.
alter table abc move; alter table bcd move; alter table efg move;
3. also rebuild the dependent objects.
alter index abc_PK rebuild online;
4. Then analyze the table which are having more than 100MB of fragmentation.
I am running the following delete query and it has been running for over 2hrs:
delete from dw.ACCOUNT_FACT where rowid in (select rowid from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT minus select max(rowid) from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT
Here is the explan plain result:
explain plan for delete from dw.ACCOUNT_FACT where rowid in (select rowid from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT minus select max(rowid) from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT group by CRTORD_FIPS_CD, LAST_PAYMENT_DT, ORDER_NUM,
Predicate Information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------
2 - access(ROWID="$kkqu_col_1")
I have all constraints disabled. How do I make this delete finish faster? We're trying to remove duplicates from this table using the criteria giving in the statement.
I have two methods using pro*c to execute a query SQL and read the results. The query is a "select from" a view, this view is a union between two tables. The first method creates a cursor and fetches the results line by line. A second method creates a cursor and fetches the results in parts.
Method 1) CODEEXEC SQL FETCH Cursor1 INTO ...
I had executed this methods in my development enviroment, using Oracle 11g, Suse linux. As I expected, the method 2 spent much less time than the method 1. But, in the "customer enviroment", using another database, Oracle 11g and HP-UX, these methods spent almost the same time.
Is there some Oracle's configuration or parameter's settings that maybe explain that? What configuration can be differente between the two databases? What can I do to improve the time spent?
I'm currently looking for a way to declare a cursor in the 'declare' block using a previously defined variable that got its value from a query. For instance:
declare my_company_id INTEGER := 'select c.company_id from company_table c where company_name='Wal-Mart';
cursor employees is select e.employee_id from employees e where e.company_id = my_company_id;
an alternative to Oracle Cursors.My table has huge amount of data and is taking time in processing. I had thought of using BULK COLLECT but it can only be used to insert, delete or update data and will not allow me to select data.
declare type ref_cur is ref cursor; r ref_cur; enam emp%rowtype; dno dept.deptno%type; begin dbms_output.put_line('The Employee details are'); open r for select deptno from dept; loop fetch r into dno;
Error at line 1 ORA-06550: line 12, column 28: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "FOR" when expecting one of the following:
. ( % ;
if i need to use ref cursor to send parameters, is it possible? if yes how to use it?
i have created a stored procedure with a cursor in order to perform a function where the annual_sal from the employee_annual_sal table is refered and checked. The empno for all the records which satisfies the condition mentioned inside the loop should be displayed in an variable. My code is below
create or replace PROCEDURE sp_test_cursor(out_empno OUT number) IS v_get_data number; v_get_empno number; cursor c1 is select annual_salary from employee_annual_sal;
What should i do to return mulitple values in a single variable??
declare v1str varchar2(100):='select empno,ename from emp'; v2str varchar2(100):='select empno,ename,sal from emp'; type t_array is varray(2) of varchar2(100);
So my problem is while executing the different sql statements by passing it to the procedure,how can the procedure would behave dynamically.It must be able to process all the sql statements.
Ex: Cursor C_employees(C_empid number, C_cityname varchar2) is select emp_name, office_name from employee where employees where empid = c_empid and city = c_city_name;
I know we can pass one parameter to the cursor but I do not know how to pass multiple parameters.
homework assignment using pl/sql based on 2 tables I have created below? I am not sure of how to use cursors, loops and proper syntax.
1. Create a PL/SQL Procedure (cursor to loop through the records, check the LastName, then update the grade table where id=id on grade table)
Rule: A ‐ LastName ends with a character between A‐F B ‐ LastName ends with a character between G‐K C ‐ LastName ends with a character between L‐P D ‐ LastName ends with a character between Q‐T E ‐ LastName ends with a character between U‐Z
I am trying to write which will return cursors to front end program.The logic which I got stuck is while exiting the procedure.I am having some cursors in teh procedures which are read by the front end script.I have one condition which when satisfied I have to exit from the procedure.But the constraint I am facing is if I exit at that logic, oracle closes all the cursor and front end script is not able to read teh cursor and hence throws an error.Is there any way to exit the procedure without closing the REF cursors.
primary key constraint on transaction_dtl_bk is affecting the insertion of next correct rows.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE NP_DB.san_po_nt_wnpg_1 ( dt DATE ) IS v_sql_error VARCHAR2 (100); -- added by sanjiv v_sqlcode VARCHAR2 (100); ---- added by sanjiv added by sanjiv
We have to load 10 million rows in a table from another table based on the multiple joins. How much tablespace size we allocate to the table and for performance point of view how much should be the SGA size.
I am stuck somewhere in my project, situation is that we are trying to display data gathered from 3 different tables, we used cursors for this, here is the cursor declaration.
DECLARE procedure DocInfoCur(myWhere IN varchar2) IS
init_dept_id number; init_dept_name varchar2(40);
rcvg_dept_id number; rcvg_dept_name varchar2(40);
This displays all the records out there.
Now, I have a search form where I need to filter the same data with different parameters, I have compiled the entered data in one string, now i need to join that string at the end of where clause of my cursor, how can I do that, i have tried concatenating both but received compile error, is there a way out in the current scenario???
I think this is the scariest error I've encountered in oracle. After some thime of developing/debuggin I've always reached this error. This leaves me no choice but to restart the java app server, in that case I'll be affecting all the other applications deployed on it which is a very bad thing for me.
Is there anyway I could solve this, I've made it sure that I've handled all errors so that I could always close the connection. Simply put, for every termination case of my program I've placed a closing statement just to be sure that no connections are left open. But even after this, I still experience the ORA 0100 error.
how to print cursors? I mean like columnname : value. of couse curosr.columnname gives what I want. but I want genrally used way.
Why exceptions does not raise in cursors declared by user like in the following program
create or replace function sal (p_id employees.department_id%Type) return number is ----sal1 employees.salary%type:=0; cursor cx is select * from employees where department_id=p_id; begin for i in cx
I loop through the 1st cursor (account_csr), while in the 1st csr loop, based on some conditions being true, I want to loop through a 2nd cursor (acctper_csr) but I only want to retrieve data/rows in the 2nd cursor where the account_id column in 1st cursor = account_id column in the 2nd cursor. This will enable me to pull all the account_periods for each account I loop through in the first cursor.
I have attempted several different ways and cannot make this work. Thought I could somehow define a variable and store the account_id from 1st cursor and use on the 'where' clause in the 2nd cursor definition. Have not been able to make this work successfully.
Following is the sample of my
--First cursor (accounts) CURSOR account_csr is SELECT * FROM s_dev_xref1.account A WHERE a.source = 1
i trying to pass the char varible to the cursor but it is not taking ,,, if i hardcode the values to the cursor it is takinghere is the detailed program ... any body can tell why this is not taking and tell me how to pass the values through it..
declare v_name char(6) ; cursor c1(c_name char) is select name, parent,child,status from relation start with name='%'