Generate Software That Used VB As Front End - Oracle 10G As Back End?

Mar 31, 2007

I am trying to generate a software that used VB as the front end and Oracle 10G as the back end. I have noticed that the date format is VB is : m/dd/yyyy whereas the date format in oracle is dd-mm-yyyy. Whenever i try to insert a tuple with either of the date formats, the program halts running and after a long time , i get a message saying a deadlock was encountered. I have never had any formal introduction to either of the two tools

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Backup & Recovery :: Does Oracle Write Any Specify Value To Front Of Every Backup

Nov 7, 2011

When you create a backup in SQL Server, whether the backup is on disk or on tape, SQL Server writes the letters TAPE to the first four bytes of the backup. Does Oracle write any specify value to the front of every backup, and if so, what are the first four bytes?

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Client Tools :: SQLPLUS For Oracle 11 Not Rolling Back

Sep 3, 2013

I have a shells script which invokes a SQL file. However even with AUTOCOMMIT OFF and on SQLERROR EXIT ROLLBACK. Sqlplus fails to rollback.

My sql file has 3 lines 3 are correct and 1 is incorrect. For example:

Lets say file is called 1.sql

My shell script invokes this SQL as follows: (Where $File1 = 1.sql)

$SQLPLUS_PATH/sqlplus -s /nolog <<-EOF>> ${LOGFILE}
connect $DB_USER/$Password1@$Database1

So tried SET AUTOCOMMIT, tried SQLERROR ROLLBACK and tried few variations.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Passing Array Of Structure To Oracle Procedure And Returning Back?

Apr 29, 2010

I created a table and some type definitions in oracle DB as follows. There is also a procedure that I defined and is shown below.

SQL> create table test_proc
test_name varchar2(10),
test_ver number (3,3),
active_flag number(2)

Table created.

SQL> select * from test_proc;
---------- ---------- -----------
AFP 1.5 2
PSA 11.89 0
EHIV 99.5 3
aHAVM 1.45 9


Now from Pro*C function I want to pass a similar array of structure to this procedure and return it via the out parameter of the procedure back to Pro*C. How do I do it?

I am using the attached program but its giving me compiler error as follows..

Error at line 31, column 1 in file sample.pc
proc_modify_tdefs (:in_tdefs,:out_tdefs);
PLS-S-00306, wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PROC_MODIFY_TDEFS'
Error at line 31, column 1 in file sample.pc
proc_modify_tdefs (:in_tdefs,:out_tdefs);


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How To Login Through Front End Application

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to login through front end application. I am getting the error login failed.

I tried to login from back end using same USERID and password. In the login page it's asking for EDUSERID and password. I tried to connect from backend to the database using same EDUSERID and password and it's working fine. But why from front end application I am unable to login.

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Non OHS Apache Front End Directly To OJ4C?

Jun 9, 2011

I am hoping to test the behavior of a complex web application that is backended by an Oracle 9i database, against an upgrade to 11g database.

The current setup runs basically on 4 Solaris servers, The database, the Oracle Application Server (version 10 something) (2 instances running on the node/server with no OHS), an install of OAS/OHS as a load balancer box, and the non-OHS Apache2 web server front. Apache takes the request from the web and reverse-proxies it to the OHS load balancer, which sends it to one of the two instances on the single application server. This is a java application and uses an Oracle 9i database to feed it.

I have had enough server resources to clone the database, the app server and the web server, and upgrade the database to 11g. I am unable to setup an OHS load balancer box.

So my question is, how do I configure the Apache WS to communicate directly with the OC4J container(s). I can shut down an instance if that simplifies things. Or, if I had to I could look into standing up OHS in the OAS install, as that seems to be where all the info is focused on the technical info sites (Oracle and others), but since these are clones and I think it might be easier to just short circuit around the now missing load balancer box. Many configurations have already been done to be sure the 'clone' identifications are self-referencing, like the hosts file, etc. to point to resources in the Cloned environment.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Varchar Not Printing Zero Front Of Number?

Feb 18, 2013

Today we faced one strange issue Varchar doesnot print the zero front of number


SQL> select agent_code from table_name where AGENT_CODE = 0061;

where in my database agent_code columns as value 0061 and 061 for both it shows same value.

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Forms :: Changes Made Not Getting Effected In Front End

Mar 16, 2011

I am new to oracle 10g. I have a strange problem which i never used to face it while using oracle 8i.

Out of around 120 forms , there is 2 forms in which all the data entry is being done. any changes made to the coding / text in these fmb is not getting effected when i run the form through front end.The front end is developer 2000 .

Where as changes made to the other fmb is working perfectly fine. Is there any deployment issues which needs to be taken care off in oracle 10g.

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PL/SQL :: Return Cursors To Front End Program

Mar 14, 2013

I am trying to write which will return cursors to front end program.The logic which I got stuck is while exiting the procedure.I am having some cursors in teh procedures which are read by the front end script.I have one condition which when satisfied I have to exit from the procedure.But the constraint I am facing is if I exit at that logic, oracle closes all the cursor and front end script is not able to read teh cursor and hence throws an error.Is there any way to exit the procedure without closing the REF cursors.

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Application Express :: 4.2 Front Page Login Area Alignments

Dec 2, 2012

I am running Apex 4.2 on Oracle Express Edition (Linux). Sometimes my login page has the alignments of the Workspace/username/password login area below the Apex image as below: [URL] ........

This is with using Firefox. The font page renders ok with other browsers like IE or Chrome.

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Server Administration :: Partitioned Tables For 30+ GB Table Which Load Very Slow In Front End GUI

May 13, 2013

that are my biggest tables

Users use front end (called ESS Console) and when they try to open one of those tables they wait very long (really bad performance). Sometimes the GUI even hanging without displaying results.

Does Partitioned Tables feature works for better performance?

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Forms :: How To Generate Excel In Oracle 11g

May 4, 2012

I had a form in oracle 6i with which I can generate an excel sheet when clicked a button(by using ole2 built in)...this form I have converted to oracle forms 11g and replaced the ole2 with client_ole2 and added webutil library...but the excel is not generated as in 6i.

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Generate Oracle Report And To MS Word Format?

May 25, 2011

I would like to generate oracle report and to MS word format? new xml format of MS office?

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Forms :: Generate Query Result In Oracle 10g

Apr 3, 2013

Is there any way to Create Form in which i give a query and in result it return the query result in detail block in form of fields just like we return in toad or pl/sql developer.

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Backup & Recovery :: Generate Xml From Oracle Forms 6i

Mar 23, 2012

I am using oracle 9i database in my project. I am trying to generate an xml from oracle 9i.

I am creating a procedure but i got an error like this.

Debugger connected to database.
ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 121
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 293
ORA-06512: at "SYS.TEST", line 30
ORA-06512: at line 2

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Generate Random And Unique 6 Digit Number In Oracle

Sep 29, 2008

I need to generate random and unique 6 digit number in Oracle. I need to insert these numbers into a table. I tried using DBMS_RANDOM package, which generates random 6 digit numbers, but fails to generate UNIQUE numbers.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Performance To Generate Auto-increment Number In Oracle

Jun 16, 2010

which method is more efficient in terms of performance to generate an auto increment number in oracle.


name VARCHAR2(30));

CREATE SEQUENCE test_sequence

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Forms :: How To Generate Numbers Automatically In Multirecord Table Using Oracle 6i

Sep 28, 2013

I have two control block i.e. class_register and student_info. In which student_info is multi-record block which contains stud_id, stud_name, stud_roll_no. Based on the class_register block, stud_id and stud_name is generated in the student_info table. Now I want to generate stud_roll_no automatically until the last record is present.

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Loop Back Entry

Jun 1, 2013

How the loop back entry in /etc/hosts relates to listener?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Should Be Updated Back To Table

Aug 16, 2011

The requirement is, the combination of col1,col2,col3 and col4 should always be unique, and wherever the col1, col2,col3 are same then col4 should be the sequence, starting from 1. Likewise the data should be updated back to the table.I'm able to do this using PL/SQL. Can I do the same using a single update statement?

create table tab1 (col1 number(5), col2 number(5), col3 number(5), col4 number(5));

Existing Data:

insert into tab1 values (101,521,3,1);
insert into tab1 values (101,521,3,1);
insert into tab1 values (101,522,3,2);
insert into tab1 values (101,522,3,2);
insert into tab1 values (101,523,3,1);
insert into tab1 values (101,523,3,2);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Deleted All Records From Table - How To Get Back

Nov 8, 2010

I have deleted all the records from the table.And I have committed.Now I want to get all the records back.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Back Whole Record Then Picking 1 Column?

Jul 22, 2010

I want a function that'll execute a query and return the whole table record then i need to somehow pick a column in that record and return the data in that column

So like

function something(p_param varchar2)
return table_record

where employee_number is a column in that table

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Forms :: How To Go Back To Previous Block

Feb 21, 2012

I'm making a menu in my form, wherein it has FILE, TRANSACTION and REPORT. Under FILE it has BACK, and LOGOUT. In my back menu item, i want to go back to the previous block or previous module. I used previous_block but it's not working in some of my blocks.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Any Draw Back Caching Sequence?

Mar 13, 2011

cache sequence all my sequence scripts has a cache of is the script

START WITH 1000400
MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999

is there any draw back caching sequence ? I noticed in my tables several sequences are skipped.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Result Set Back From Stored Procedure?

Apr 9, 2012

I come from a world of MSSQL and have been thrown into doing some Oracle work. Great! Ok, moving on.. I work in an environment where I do not have direct access to the database tables that I need data from. As a workaround, I have been asked to create a stored procedure that will be loaded into our CRM system's production db once it goes through the internal "approval" process.Basically, I need to return a result set back to the client by calling a stored procedure.

Version 1 of this that was already in place was done with the following code.

procedure events_by_day (p_start_date IN OPERATION_LOG.DT%type,
p_end_date IN OPERATION_LOG.DT%type,
OPEN p_results FOR


Then the code is executed from the client side like so:

events_by_day(p_start_date => to_date('2012-3-27 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
p_end_date => to_date('2012-3-29 23:59:59', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
p_results => r_cursor);
FETCH r_cursor
INTO event_date, event_acct_no, event_type, event_count;


As you can see, a SYS_REFCURSOR was used in this case to pass the data back.

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PL/SQL :: How SQL Queries Act In Back End To Give The Result

Jul 22, 2013

When we are running a query it is giving us the result based on the conditions .But to know what exactly is happening in the database when we are running a query against it and how finally it returns the result.

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Adding New Node Back To Cluster Via Documentation

Apr 10, 2012

I have a 3 node RAC server on Windows Server 2008. Last week the hard drive went out on one of the nodes and I have had to rebuild as I could not recover anything.

I went through and deleted the old node and now I have just finished adding the new node back to my cluster via documentation. Once I created the new instance on that server DBCA attempted to start and it failed gaving me a crs error. I found out later that the other 2 nodes went down and the new one that did not start correctly was the only one up!! I went and stopped the new instance and restarted the first 2. The associated services did not start with the instance so I had to start each manually. The trace files show an ORA-29702 error with cluster group service and the instance being stopped on both of the existing nodes. No other error messages stood out.

Now I cannot get any crs services to start on that 3rd node even if I attempt to start manually. I have also tried stopping all and restarting and that does not work. I found another post on this forum from you and followed it. The ASM service was fine the entire time through all the logs and I don't know how to verify LMON in Windows but I didn't see any LMON errors in the alert log. Also, the voting disks are online. Each node has their own and they are mirrored. Where else to look?

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How To Back Up Database Call Without Archived Logs

May 11, 2011

here i have an question with oracle database backup question is

how to backup my oracle database call DB11G without archived logs while the database is open for user activity and also this should be the base for an incremental backup strategy?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Revert Back Package Changes To Previous Version?

Mar 29, 2012

I overwritten the package and want to get the previous version.

Is there a way I can get it using FLASHBACK or any other feature?

My user_recyclebin is showing only tables.

SELECT object_name, original_name, TYPE
FROM user_recyclebin;

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PL/SQL :: How To Convert BLOB To BASE64 String And Back

Aug 15, 2012

We have a forms application in Forms 10g. We scan a document and gets it to a image item in the Form. Now, we need to pass this image to a 3rd party application (document mgt. system, ). They have given us a web-service for this. We have to convert the image to a BASE64 string and then invoke the web-service method and input it.

The, 3rd party application document management system will also send images as BASE64 strings through the web-service. We need to convert them back to a blob and put to an image item in the form so that it can be viewed by the end-user.

So, how can we convert a image item in form (as BLOB) to a base64 string and also do the reverse???

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