PL/SQL :: Cursor Showing Wrong Results  In Toad / SQL Developer And Application?

May 7, 2013

I having some weird trouble with my cursor results. My cursor query returns some rows in which one of the called CUT_TEXT2 returns some text msg as per my decode statement. With the result of that value I am sending some emails.when I execute the cursor in toad it is fetching exact values what I wanted. But When I registered the same program in Oracle EBS R12 as a concurrent program it is giving wrong results.

For ex :
12847     0370     18906     5/23/2013     5/2/2013     NO_ALERT     5/7/2013     CUT_TEXT2     19275
16671     0636     25163     5/28/2013     5/7/2013     INI_TEXT     5/12/2013     NO_ALERT     17202

For  ex : PERSON_ID = 18906 has CUT_TEXT2 (col) = CUT_TEXT2 value. In application the same person id has (18906) CUT_TEXT2 = NO_ALERT .. which is failing my program.

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY apps.xx_hr_probation_alert_new
PROCEDURE alert_probation_f_new (
notification_type VARCHAR2


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Application Express :: 4.2 Developer Page Not Showing Up After Installing Over 10g

Dec 6, 2012

So as luck would have it my Win XP OS crashed. Yes, its the office laptop and I cannot upgrade the OS for now. Anyhow, I got the whole machine re-imaged and installed 10g which had version 2.1 and everything was okay. I was earlier running apex 4.1.1. I could not find that setup on the oracle site so I downloaded apex 4.2 and ran the installation as per page


Everything went through properly except for step

5. Log back into SQL*Plus (as above) and load images:

SQL> @apxldimg.sql APEX_HOME

[Note: APEX_HOME is the directory you specified when unzipping the file. For example, with Windows 'C:'.]

where it asked me to enter the directory and I entered C:

This is what happened

SQL> @apxldimg.sql

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Enter value for 1: C:
old 1: create directory APEX_IMAGES as '&1/apex/images'
new 1: create directory APEX_IMAGES as 'C:/apex/images'

Directory created.


I see a backslash and forward slash so I did a ctrl c . When I tried running the command again - @apxldimg.sql

it just would open the .sql file.

Not sure if this is the issue, but anyhow, after this, when I tried the "go to database page. It just shows a blank page. I was happy with 4.1.1. Is that available anywhere? Maybe I can remove XE and do a fresh install with that.

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Sysdate Showing Wrong Timezone?

May 24, 2012

I have one issue My server is in france and it is in french timezone but when I query for sysdate it returns US time.

In '/etc/sysconfig/clock/'
Zone= europe/paris
UTC= true

echo $TZ variable is returning nothing.

sysdate = us time
systimestamp= us time
current_timestamp = french time
current_date = french time
dbtimezone= europe/warsove, sessiontimezone=+2.00( which is also europe timezone offset)
tz_offset(dbtimezone)=+2.00, tz_offset(sessiontimezone)= +2.00 i.e europe
os timezone= europe/paris.

This command "./emctl config agent getTZ" is also returning timezone as europe/paris

Also in "" file "agentTZRegion" parameter is set to europe/paris

Oracle version= 11.2.0

Now I don't understand why this sysdate and systimestamp is returning "US time zone" while everything else is returning french time zone.

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Comparison Between Toad And SQL Developer To Compare Schemas

Apr 17, 2013

My primary objective was to compare objects in schemas in two different databases and find out the differences, Execute DDL's in the database where objects are missing and syn schemas in two different databases.

So I need to compare schemas in databases. Which tool will be user friendly to make a comparison of database objects existing in schemas in two different databases.

I'd like to see if I can get a list of pro and cons between Toad and SQL Developer for comparing schemas pros and cons. How to make a comparison. I have some idea on using TOAD but was not familiar with SQL Developer.

Below is my requirement:-

Connect to Source
Connect to Target
Compare schemas with different object types
Find out differences
Generate DDL's for the missing objects or for the objects in difference report
Run them in missing instace(Source/Target)
Make sure both are in sync.

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Client Tools :: Unable To Use Toad And PL/SQL Developer

Jun 17, 2010

Due to company restrictions, i unable to use oracle third party tools such as toad, pl / sql developer etc except oracle sql developers. I heard Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio is best option to work oracle pl/sql and sql.

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Client Tools :: Explain Plan Using Toad And SQL Developer

Jul 3, 2009

How to find explain plan of a query in oracle using TOAD(any) and SQL Developer(any)?

If there any functional key to find out let me know.

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Client Tools :: Date Result Different For Same Query In Toad And SQL Developer?

Sep 11, 2013

The date is different for same query in Toad and Sql Developer.

Below is the query

In SQL Developer

SELECT start_date, length(start_date) from my_table where p_id = 1;

09-MAY-5249 9

In Toad

SELECT start_date, length(start_date) from my_table where p_id = 1;

blank 9

Did some queries below for research.

SELECT start_date, DUMP(start_date, 1016)
from my_table
where p_id = 1;
09-MAY-5249Typ=12 Len=7: 30,37,d5,a,0,a2,d5
SELECT start_date, DUMP(start_date, 1016)
from my_table
where p_id = 2;
01-JAN-2013Typ=12 Len=7: 78,71,1,1,1,1,1

Why is same query returning two different results in two tools.

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Client Tools :: Compare Schemas And Database Objects Using TOAD And SQL Developer

Apr 17, 2013

My primary objective was to compare objects in schemas in two different databases and find out the differences, Execute DDL's in the database where objects are missing and syn schemas in two different databases. So I need to compare schemas in databases. make a comparison of database objects existing in schemas in two different databases. I'd like to see if I can get a list of pro and cons between Toad and SQL Developer for comparing schemas pros and cons. navigation in SQL Developer to compare schemas.

Connect to Source
Connect to Target
Compare schemas with different object types
Find out differences
Generate DDL's for the missing objects or for the objects in difference report
Run them in missing instace(Source/Target)
Make sure both are in sync.

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Application Express :: Tree View On Application Builder Not Showing

Jul 16, 2012

I have some applications on Apex public workspace (, and suddenly the Tree View, on Application Builder stopped showing any content. If I select "Component View", I see the page components, but if I switch to tree view, it shows me only some empty frames.

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Application Express :: Layout OK In 4.1 All Wrong In 4.2?

Nov 16, 2012

I have a show/hide region of type HTML with empty region source which I use to show/hide a subregion (tabular form)because I don't like the layout of a show/hide region when it is shownthis worked without a problem in APEX 4.1.1

however in 4.2 the tabular form is just a couple of pixels widehave been playing around with grids but can't seem to find the right combination of settingsthe layout is messed up

I put the app on :
workspace : xonixrs
login/password : demo/demo

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Application Express :: Showing A Message From A Button?

May 22, 2013

I have a button with an dynamic action , with sql:

errors varchar2(100);
apex_application.g_print_success_message := 'test message';
HTP.p ('<script language="JavaScript"> alert('''||errors||'''); </script>');

The first "test message" is not shown.and after the function (it is executed fine) i get the next error:

Error:Parsererror - SysntaxError: Unexpected token <

i i only leve the first line (g_print_sucess) nothing occurs clicking the button.

I only want to show on a popup the result from the function, but g_print_sucess seems not to work for some reason.

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Application Express :: SQL Workshop - Object Browser - Not Showing All Constraints

Apr 15, 2013

I have a table with about 15-20 constraints and when I look up the tables constraints in SQL workshop, I can only see 10 constraints. Not sure if its a bug or I need to configure something, somewhere to make it show alll my constraints. I can see all constraints by querying the user_constraints view.

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Application Express :: Page Item Session State Not Showing?

Sep 20, 2013

I have searched for comment on this, but could'n find. So problem is ... not all of the page items are showing in SESSION STATE.

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Application Express :: Showing Particular Row In A Color Depending On A Column In Classical Report

May 31, 2013

I have a classical report with a column as "Affirmation Status". This column can take three value as "Affirmed, Rejected or NA". My requirement is I have to show all row in one color like red wherever it has value affirmed, and all row in color like green wherever it is rejected.

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Application Express :: Showing New Rows Added To Tabular Form After Submit?

Jan 30, 2013

How i can show the new added rows to tabular form after submit? what I want is to show my customer new added rows that recently added. but according to how I sort the tabular form, the new added rows distributed in multi pagination in tabular form. I'm not good in English, excuse me for my mistakes. I use apex 4.2.0 On Oracle 11g r2 on windows Server 2008

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Application Express :: Image Stored In Table Is Not Showing In HTML Or Report Region

Aug 22, 2012

I am using apex 4.1 and database as oracle 11g. I uploaded images and stored in table structure as shown below

>> (     "ID" NUMBER,
>>     "MIME_TYPE" VARCHAR2(64),
>> )

My Requirement is to show the image in a report region as well as in a html region. I followed the methods in the URL links mentioned below.



But the image is not getting populated in the region, I tried with display_item with image i am able to view the image using this item.

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Real Application Clusters :: Listener Status Showing Local Virtual IP / But Not Local IP

Jan 19, 2013

Version TNSLSNR for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
Start Date 19-JAN-2013 00:50:10
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 29 min. 51 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication

In every oracle documentation for e.g:11.2 Scan and Node TNS Listener Setup Examples [ID 1070607.1] we found the local listener status showing both local-ip and vip. Why is not showing in our case?

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Forms :: Using Developer 2000 Application With Oracle 9i DB

Jan 18, 2010

I am using Developer 2000 Application with Oracle 9i DB(32-bit on Windows) at backend. Now I install a new server with 10g(64-bit on Linux) and load all the data into it. Some of the forms and reports are hanging while it runs against 9i well.

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Forms :: Chatting Application Using Developer 6i And Oracle 9i

Sep 7, 2013

I have given a task to design a form for chatting on the intranet using developer 6i and oracle 9i.

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Application Express :: Access Oracle EBS Environment With Developer-level?

Jan 12, 2013

how to integrate Application Express with Oracle EBS. Any companies that offer hosted EBS environment with APEX and allow developer-level access (ie database, application server, front-end responsibilities)?

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Application Express :: How To Use Oracle SQL Developer To Connect To APEX Account

Oct 31, 2013

I have registered an APEX (Oracle) online database and I can connect to database online.But my problem is how to define a connection string that can connect from the program written in C# to connect to APEX account( even don't know how to use the tool Oracle SQL Developer to connect to APEX account.

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Application Express :: Installation Of Oracle Developer 4.1 - Cannot See Administration Page

Sep 12, 2012

I am trying to install oracle developer days 4.1 to test the oracle apex 4.1. When I load the .ovf image into virtual box and launch it, I go to


but I cannot see the administration page, it doesn't show me anything. Is there any installations that I have to do or missed to make apex work ?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Avoid Virtual Circuit Wait As Application Developer

Aug 7, 2013

I'm an application developer of an automotive company and developing a lot of database-based applications with either oracle forms or c#.Since we've moved from a 10g rac to 11g using a shared server configuration, the prevailing and overwhelming topic of addm performance analysis is "unusual network wait event" caused by virtual circuit waits. Therefore I cannot use grid control to detect bad sql as I could in 10g anymore, because all "tunable" sql is wiped out by virtual circuit wait.In top activity, I see virtual circuit wait on every type of statement (select, insert...) and pl/sql execution.

What do I have to do as an application developer to avoid virtual circuit waits? Especially in C#: we normally use auto committed dml statements and selects to fill either a datatable or generic list with a data reader. Usually we close a connection after each statement, but/and we are using connection pooling. How can such a activity cause virtual circuit waits? In Oracle Forms: Seems that we have a virtual circuit wait if we show sorted data in a block where not all records are fetched from database. It doesn't make sense to us to rewrite all blocks to always get all records due to performance reasons.

How do I have to write and execute my statements in C#, oracle forms and/or pl/sql to avoid virtual circuit wait?

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Application Express :: From Cursor Variable How To Get Into Page

Feb 15, 2013

i am creating an apex page where i have 2 regions. From the Top region stores all fields entered into the bottom region Text fields like first name and last name and address fields are in region 2(bottom).After region 2, i have a add person button.

Once i click add person, that person will get into top i.e region 1.

Now, Region 1 got person1 first name ,last name
person2, first name,last name

I am not able to display like p1_first_name,p1_laast_name as the list is not is growing and not showing the person who already got saved..I can retrieve them from DB using a cursor..But from cursor vairable how to get into page vairable..

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Application Express :: How To Pass A Cursor Result To Javascript Code

Jun 15, 2012

what document I should look for to pass a cursor generated by PL/SQL to java script code in APEX?

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Application Express :: Is There A Built-in Substitution String For Item With Cursor Focus

Jun 27, 2012

I was wondering if there is a substitution string ( or something else) that could be used to 'return' the name of a Form item that has cursor focus?

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Forms :: Open Application Word 2010 With Forms Developer 6.0 - Windows 7?

Apr 20, 2011

I have u na forms developer application in 6.0 that generates a Word document. This application runs successfully on Windows XP operating system. We now have PC's new operating system Windows 7 and officce 2010. My procedure reads a specific route where a template in Word which is used to generate the document. In the user's PC application that does not generate the document even shows me an error message. But when I enter my network user with the user's PC and the document genre generates me perfectly. I checked if the user has access to the server path specifies where the template encuntra wish to open and if you have them.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Pro*C - Cursor Leak With Cursor Array

Sep 7, 2007

I'm dealing with an ORA-1000 error in a Pro*C application where all the cursors are correctly closed (or so it seems to me).

Here is the code for a simple program which reproduces the problem:

Each cursor is opened in a PL/SQL package:

TYPE emp_cur_type IS REF CURSOR;
PROCEDURE open_cur(curs IN OUT emp_cur_type, dept_num IN NUMBER);
END emp_demo_pkg;


While testing the initialization parameter open_cursors is set to 50.

It's my understanding that Oracle doesn't close the cursors until it needs the space for another cursor, which in my test case seems to happen when I enter a value of 50 or bigger for "number of loops". To see how oracle is reusing the cursors, while the test program is running I run SQL*Plus and query v$sesstat for the session that's running the test with the following sentence:

select name, value
from v$sesstat s, v$statname n
where s.statistic# = n.statistic#
and sid = 7
and name like '%cursor%';

Even before I enter a value for number of loops I can see that the session opened 4 cursors and closed 2 of them:

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 4
opened cursors current 2

Entering a value of 5 for number of loops yields

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 11 <----- 7+
opened cursors current 8 <----- 6+

With a value of 30

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 36 <----- 25+ (apparently, Oracle reused at least 5 cursors)
opened cursors current 33 <----- 25+

With a value of 47

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 53 <----- 17+
opened cursors current 50 <----- 17+

Now I reached the upper limit set by the initialization parameter open_cursors.

Entering a value of 48, I get the ORA-1000 error.

ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

Since I open and close the cursor in the same loop iteration, I expect to find in every iterarion 1 explicit cursor and a number of implicit cursors (the PL/SQL call along with the so-called recursive cursors), but I don't expect the sum of all of them to be greater than 50. If my understanding is correct Oracle should be reusing the 50 cursors previously marked as "closeable", not raising the ORA-1000 error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor With Bind Variable And Cursor Record

Feb 25, 2011

Is it possible to:

-define a cursor with bind variables
-get a cursor record from these cursor
-and pass the bind variable in the OPEN clause

Did'nt succeed as shown in the example.

--works fine
--doesn't work
crec c1%rowtype;
--works fine
OPEN c1;
--isn't possible ?
--OPEN c1 USING 3;


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Format Of Dates Goes Wrong

Jan 26, 2013

I have database jobs that upload the data in my applications.My problem is while copying the record of one application to another, the format of dates goes wrongFor example:

The date in one column is 01-JAN-1941 but in the other record while copying ot goes as 01-JAN-2041.

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