I have created a batch for silent DB Creation through DBCA. I want to add a script to also create the Network Service after. I was told it can be done only with Response File. Is a response file a script also that can be executed after the DBCA scripts?Where can I find a manual with the available commands so I can produce what I need? On the internet I find only examples for Silent DB instalation. EDITOS is Windows 7 Oracle I want to create the Network Service that will add these lines to the tsnames.ora.
on both the client and the server.How can i do it automatically through a batch script, so to add it to DBCA scripts after creation? I was told once in atopic that it could be done through a response file.
I have created a batch for silent DB Creation through DBCA. I want to add a script to also create the Network Service after. I was told it can be done only with Response File.
Is a response file a script also that can be executed after the DBCA scripts? Where can I find a manual with the available commands so I can produce what I need? On the internet I find only examples for Silent DB installation.
edit-solution Complete Solution posted as New article
I have a rather hard to trace problem which is keeping me up several days now. We want to implement a package for querying devices via SNMP in our database. There are no packages shipped with Oracle that come handy. UTL_TCP does not work because SNMP works via UDP. After all we came up with the idea to use URL.... Locally on my development machine and on the command line of the Oracle database our first prototype of the SNMP query function works very well, but inserted into the database all I'm getting is a "Request timed out". Firewall mechanisms can not be the problem because the java code runs smoothly on the command line and also a snmpwalk on the command line suceeds, so the database is not blocked by any firewall. First I thought some permission via Java are missing, but I took a look in the USER_JAVA_POLICY view and worked this with SYSDBA out. A java application in Oracle connection via TCP to port 80 and fetching a website works allright, the thing not working seems to be UDP.
I'm using Oracle10.0 as database for my project and I have installed Toad as front end tool for the Oracle. Now I want to access the database in the network using the Toad.
My question is, is it compulsory that oracle should be installed in every system to access Toad or any thing can I change in the server system to access the database from other systems in the Network.
We want to replicate the data between the databases.We have 4 databases in a network.If there will be any change in database 1,e.g. updation in any table,it should automatically replicate on other 3 databases.or user will change something in database 2 ,it should replicate on other 3 databases and vice versa. All 4 databases have same schema and same configuration.
Recently we had faced network issue due to which node3 server was inaccessible.After the network issue got resolved , node3 was accessbile.So once the issue got fixed , i did a post validation in database and cluster and found listener , network1.org on node3 went offline.
When i try to start listener on node3,i got following error. grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl start listener PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.LISTENER.lsnr CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.net1.network' on 'RAC3' failed [grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n RAC3 VIP RAC3-vip is enabled VIP RAC3-vip is not running [grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n RAC2 VIP RAC2-vip is enabled VIP RAC2-vip is running on node: RAC2 [grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl start vip -n RAC3 PRKO-2420 : VIP is already started on node(s): RAC2 [grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n RAC3 VIP RAC3-vip is enabled VIP RAC3-vip is not running [grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status nodeapps VIP RAC1-vip is enabled VIP RAC1-vip is running on node: RAC1 VIP RAC2-vip is enabled VIP RAC2-vip is running on node: RAC2 VIP RAC3-vip is enabled VIP RAC3-vip is running on node: RAC2 Network is enabled Network is running on node: RAC1 Network is running on node: RAC2 Network is not running on node: RAC3 GSD is disabled GSD is not running on node: RAC1 GSD is not running on node: RAC2 GSD is not running on node: RAC3 ONS is enabled ONS daemon is running on node: RAC1 ONS daemon is running on node: RAC2 ONS daemon is not running on node: RAC3
As per my understanding connections should start to fail from client side after addition of these parameter on server side sqlnet.ora (no changes to client side sqlnet.ora).I am still able to connect to this server without connections getting failed.
I already checked aso is installed on this database.Just to add it is a RAC database with 2 nodes.
We wish to configure an Oracle 11g RAC with ASM setup for the internal employee training purpose. The requirement is as follows
1. Operating system Linux, Software Oracle 11g Release 2 2. Need to build total 5 individual clusters. 3. Each cluster with 2 Node 4. Need to configure ASM as a shared storage with real hardware. (No virtualization, Openfiler, NFS) 5. Need to configure RAC database.
provide me the hardware details for configuring Shared storage. Is there any specific Storage which we can use to configure ASM as a storage.
I need to configure character set for my database. I have 2 options:
AL16UTF16 - require 2 bytes per character (fixed length) UTF8 - character length - 1 until 4 bytes. (variable length)
until here ok...
The AL16UTF16 certainly will occupy more space than UTF8. So my question is, When would I need use AL16UTF16 character set mode?
I hear one time, when a database write many values with the same length. it does it in the same HD cylinder. So the HD arm could with a single movement read all the fields in cylinder completely. Improving the read/write performance.
I am trying to install oracle 10g RAC on CentOS release 5.4 (Final), But when I am not able to configure SSH between oracle users on both node.
Node 1 -------- [oracle@node1 ~]$ id uid=600(oracle) gid=500(oinstall) groups=500(oinstall),501(dba) [oracle@node1 ~]$ date Thu Dec 30 05:14:10 IST 2010 [oracle@node1 ~]$ ------------ Node2 ---------- [oracle@node2 ~]$ id uid=600(oracle) gid=500(oinstall) groups=500(oinstall),501(dba) [oracle@node2 ~]$ date Thu Dec 30 05:15:32 IST 2010 [oracle@node2 ~]$ --------- OS ---------- [oracle@node2 .ssh]$ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 5.4 (Final) [oracle@node2 .ssh]$ date --------- Host for both node -------- [oracle@node2 .ssh]$ cat /etc/hosts # Do not remove the following line, or various programs # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost # Public node1 node2 #Private node1-priv node2-priv #Virtual node1-vip node2-vip ------------------------ I am using the command to configure SSH provide in the link
I've been trying to rebuild our Oracle 11g server. I started off by wiping Oracle completely and kicked off the install again. The install goes smoothly, but does not create the Listener. I've been trying to use netca to create it myself. The below is the output from netca:
Listner Control complete. Listener start failed.
Looking in the netca trace file, I see the following error (note I'm only including the error with a few lines before):
[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-08-31 22:55:08.337 EST ] [NativeResult.<init>:91] NativeResult: The String obtained is1|SUCCESSFUL [AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-08-31 22:55:08.337 EST ] [NativeResult.<init>:99] The status string is: 1 [AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-08-31 22:55:08.337 EST ] [NativeResult.<init>:112] The result string is: SUCCESSFUL 1 [AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-08-31 22:55:08.337 EST ] [WindowsSystem.deleteService:787] _WS_: deleting service2 OracleRemExecService on AUSYD5756 ignoreNotExist = true [AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2013-08-31 22:55:08.337 EST ] [WindowsSystem.deleteService:793] _WS_ deleteService2: node AUSYD5756 Service OracleRemExecService result: 0|Access is denied. [code]....
The OracleRemExecService services does not exist. I've tried re-installing the whole instance a number of times but each time I hit this error.
I have installed oracle 11g in my personal laptop, when i open the sql developer and try creating the new connection. am getting "The network adapter could not establish the connection".
The MS Office 'NETWORK DAYS' function allows you to subtract one date from another and return the number of 'workdays' between them. So it ignores Sat & Sun. There is an additional parameter that allows you to ignore holidays as well.
I'd like to subtract a 'Request Date' from SYSDATE and get just the number of 'workdays'.
I scheduled a RMAN backup job to take FULL database backup to a shared network drive.
RMAN Script used:
RMAN> run 2> { 3> allocate channel ch1 device type disk format '\\BACKUP1635\X$\ARC%U'; 4> backup database plus archivelog; 5> release channel ch1; 6> }
Environment: Windows server 2003 OS and Oracle
Iam facing below error.
RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch1 channel at 02/20/2011 18:19:46 ORA-19504: failed to create file "\\BACKUP1635\X$\ARC1BM55JL8_1_1" ORA-27040: file create error, unable to create file OSD-04002: unable to open file O/S-Error: (OS 5) Access is denied.
I checked shared network drive and found READ/WRITE access for me. I am able to take RMAN backup in local system without any issue.
I have a client program that needs to communicate with another server program. My client program is implemented in PL/SQL using utl_tcp running on Oracle 9 while the server program is a 3rd party software running on Windows server 2003.
Basically my client program needs to send a request to the server, waits for the response (wait for the incoming string which ended /w chr(3) ) and then acknowledge (sending chr(6) ).
My problem is that if I wait for the chr(3) and then acknowledge. My send routine (l_sent := utl_tcp.write_text (g_conn, p_content) will raise a Oracle generic network error. It seems like the connection is closed. I checked /w the vendor and they said it might be I am taking too long to response ( I question timeout is the problem). I have also attempted to change my read routine from read_line to read_raw but it only make things worst. I cannot even read the complete string. At least with read_line, I can read back the entire string.
My current work around is to send out the ack before I receive the chr(3) (which is not recommended by our vendor).
I have A Daily hot backup using Expdp Command On oracle 10g R2 installed on the Linux server. And I'm trying to move this Dump File to Another directory on Windows server 2003 over network using Ftp script which will be run after the export process finished Automatically.
I have created 2 PCs (1 for Primary DB (IT_SERVER), 2 for Standby DB (IT_SERVER2) on Oracle VM Virtual Box in order to check my Data Guard configuration.
I have created a Shared Folder on 2nd PC (IT_SERVER2) for Oracle Standby DB. Now when I issue my query from 1st PC (Primary DB) to Create a Parameter file on 2nd PC Shared Oracle Folder, it returns following errors
SQL> CREATE PFILE='\IT_SERVER2E:ORACLEPFILESTLDB2.ORA' FROM SPFILE; CREATE PFILE='\IT_SERVER2E:ORACLEPFILESTLDB2.ORA' FROM SPFILE * ERROR at line 1: ORA-09210: sftopn: error opening file OSD-04002: unable to open file O/S-Error: (OS 67) The network name cannot be found.
Then I try this
Oracle Restart w/ASM. To improve redundancy we're planning to change the network configuration in our Oracle Restart environment from using 1 LAN interface to a bonded interface consisting of 2 interfaces.So the change will be from using "eth0" to using "bond0" consisting of "eth0" and "eth1". Are there any changes that must be done in the Oracle Restart configuration to reflect these changes?
Am trying to configure rman to backup to a directory to a linux server on the network. Database is on windows server. Here is the parameter changes
CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT '\\\bexdisk\backup\%U' ; new RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT '/oraback/rman/sde_backups/%U'; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored starting full resync of recovery catalog full resync complete
Here is my rman script
instead its backups but to my ORACLE_HOME\database directory..
configure correctly my application, Oracle is version 11R1
My physical configuration is :
Site 1 (main building) database on cluster : server1, server2 database : BASE1 available
Site2 (Backup Site) database on cluster : server3, server4 database : DGBASE1 not available for users (dataguard)
I want to acces BASE1 first in load balancing server1,2 (normal usage) and DGBASE1 in load balancing server3,4 in case of failover after 5 retries of 10 secondes (in case of main buiding out of order, DGBASE1 will be available for users)
My trouble is that with this configuration, access it randomly BASE1 or DGBASE1 but DGBASE1 is not available for users then I have failure
What could be the right configuration to obtain BASE1 first in load balancing (normal usage) and DGBASE1 in load balancing in case of failover of the BASE1 after 5 retries of 10 secondes ?