Forms :: Passing Value From Unix To Forms
May 9, 2011is there a way where i can pass the value from unix to forms?
View 1 Repliesis there a way where i can pass the value from unix to forms?
View 1 RepliesI want to pass a variable in unix to oracle exp command
I have a file with owner and password
I did
export user=$(head -$riga $file | tail -1)
echo $user
let riga+=1
export psw=$(head -$riga $file | tail -1)
echo $psw
exp $user/$psw file=exp_$current.dmp
but this doesn't work.
I have a requirement to read a file from windows m/c and write into Unix Server. How can i do that in Oracle forms.
I tried TEXT_IO package.But that is not allowing to access Unix path.
Below is my code for calling a report from form in windows environment. I want to use the same report to be called from Unix environment . When m using application server tbanner@.... instead of 'repsrv@ahad-pc' is throwing error its in UNIX environment
REP-51002: Bind to Reports Server failed
v_show_documentVARCHAR2 (2000) := '/reports/rwservlet?';
v_connectVARCHAR2 (200) := 'userid=abdulahad/inshalla@test';
v_report_serverVARCHAR2 (30) := 'repsrv@ahad-pc';
v_report_nameVARCHAR2(100) := 'test3.rdf';
I installed a printer(HP Laserjet 3390) in UNIX(Solaris).Followed the instructions while installing as to the path it should be present for Reports to read it etc.,Also modified the uiprint.txt file with the desired .hpd file.Logging on to the UNIX machine, I am using the below command report=xyz.rdf userid=XXXX/XXX@xxx paramform=no p_orig_org='0825' desformat=pdf destype=printer desname=xxxx batch=yes
This command invokes the printer and
is what it prints.Realizing that this is because of the missing parameter,tried to change paramform=yes but I am not sure how to pass the parameter.
my problem is this. I created the java classes using itext to create a document library. Rtf, or. Odt. I integrated classes in Oralce form and everything works. I created a file. Odt application server on a folder and now only remains for me to open the file. The roads are two:
1. Directly from the server, you can?
2. From the client using the API or openoffice launching the executable with cmd?
Oracle Forms is a command to transfer files on the client and run the executable swriter of openoffice?
Am tring to export a data from oracle forms to excel. I use ole2 option. it is working perfectly in my desktop. But when i move the same to our application server, it is not working. I belive OLE is related to Microsoft office and our server is unix based.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have recently migrated from IAS 9.0 to IAS 10.1.2 in one of our development Server hosted in UNIX B.11.11. We are using Oracle forms as front end. We have re-compiled all the existing forms and libraries using IAS 10. There were no changes in the forms and libraries. We deployed the forms in our development box and configured it, since we are using our own environment specific copy of default.env file. With few of forms we are facing the FRM-92100 error mentioning the "Connection to Server was interrupted". Most of the forms are running fine but with few forms we are facing this error. Some of details are:-
UNIX B.11.11
IAS 10.1.2
NLS_LANG parameter in default.env is set to "american_america.WE8ISO8859P1"..We have even tried copying the libraries in our local system and then opening and saving them and ftp'ng them back in to UNIX server and then recompiling there with full permissions but still unable to resolve this error.
I need to develop a form which has to read and display the contents of a text file that is stored in the Unix system where the Oracle data base is installed. So basically its the database server and not the forms application server.
1. Create an external table for the file everytime when the form is loaded by dropping and re creating the table and base the data block in the form on that table and execute_query and display the contents.
2. I am confused whether to use webutil or utlfile packages to read from the file and display on the screen as the file resides in the database or Oracle server and not forms application server or client machine.
I would like to develop a form which will be replica of windows explorer.It should be able to read all files or files from a specific folder from an unix platform.
if yes can i have a template. I do not want to start from the scratch since I do not have much time.
I am trying to pass null value '' in form but still failed
select distinct column1 from abc
two records found.
I have a list item name user_pick which is in two values SOUND-Y, DAMAGE-'' passing null value
select count(column1) into A from abc
where column1=:user_pick;
when user pick from list SOUND it is ok..When user pick damage this will show 0 means null value are not passing correctly.i also tried in radio group,check box
We are using Oracle Applications hosed on UNIX servers. There is a custom form in XXX_TOP/forms/US folder that I need to modify.
My Windows desktop has Forms Builder 10g installed. I ft pied fmb file over from UNIX server to my Windows desktop and tried opening it. I get an error FRM-18108:
Failed to load the following objects: APPSTAND, etc etc.
Obviously I am not doing it right. What is the correct way of modifying a form file sitting on UNIX server, using Forms Builder installed on Windows desktop? Do I need to copy all dependent objects to Windows desktop along with fmb file?
i want to pass parameters from xyz form to abc form when i press a button. how to pass parameters.....
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to pass two parameters (STUD_ID) and (TERM) from Form A to Form B. I've read a lot but I'm not familiar with terms and oracle jargon yet! So I really need your straight forward clarification
From the Calling form I'm using when_button_pressed trigger...what shall i write in here?! In the Called form, I'm declaring the following under (When_new_form-instance):
p1_id paramlist;
stud_id number(8);
term number(5);
p1_id := get_parameter_list(stud_id);
p1_id := get_parameter_list(term);
:TEST_STUD_CRSE_REG.stud_id :=:parameter.stud_id;
:TEST_STUD_CRSE_REG.term :=:parameter.term;
on the calling form:when_button_pressed I am using:
p1_id paramlist;
stud_id number(8);
term number(5);
I am working on 6i reports.I have below scenario to achieve.
I have FIND window and MAIN Window.
FIND Window: contains EMPNO, ENAME,and FIND button.
If i enter something in FIND window, by clicking FIND button, it will populate data in MAIN window.I have below query in WHEN BUTTON PRESSED TRIGGER.
cursor c1 is select empno, ename, job, sal from emp
where empno=nvl(:FIND.empno,empno)
and ename=nvl(:FIND.ename,ename)
--here i am populating data into MAIN window block
It's working fine.
REQUIREMENT: i want to pass where statement dynamically. Let us say if i pass only empno in FIND window, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno' to existing select statement [I will keep select statement same without where condition]
If i pass empno and ename both, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno and ename=:FIND.ename.
How to pass where condition to existing select statement based on parameters we pass in FIND window.
How to pass data of one procedure to another procedure in oracle forms.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to pass parameters from menu file to form when calling a form from menu item?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to pass a values from one to another, but without using parameters or globals. I've used parameters and every time i have to list the values of the form that values have been passed to, it ask do you want to save... even if I didn't passed any values. It's because my code in where-new-form instance, where i give values to a parameters.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI am trying a pl/sql block which which take a string and execute it dynamically. Suppose below is string
Now trying to execute it. using below
Now what i want is M_STR vairable to executed as
instead of
other in other way in parameter P_CODE Column value of DEPTNO should be passed.Also note that DEPTNO column in string M_COL is Dynamic.i.e
M_COL := Q'[(P_CODE=> ':EMP_ID',P_CODE_TYPE => 'STATE')]';
can we pass parameter in a link. i.e when we open a new form clicking on the link, some values to be passed to the form so that new form get populated with that value.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a form in which the user selects values above from a LOV and then selects a run query button which then uses the values selected in the LOV to refine the query and output the appropriate values.
What i have done in the pre-query trigger is: (the block i am querying is called cars where the block i am selecting values from the LOV is called selection)
:cars.make := :selection.make; (repeated for other fields)
this worked fine untill i introduced a from and to date in my form in which i passed the data through to the query like this:
v_dates_between varchar2(1000);
v_dates_between := 'reg_date between ''' || :selection.from_date || ''' and ''' || :selection.to_date;
Set_Block_Property( 'cars', DEFAULT_WHERE, v_dates_between ) ;
Now i have added the above bit of code the from and to date work fine, but when a car make is selected it still bring back every car make and not just the one selected.
is it possibly because i am setting the where clause in the block property? perhaps i need to now incoperate my other selections into this where clause? are the two blocks exclusive to eachother? and if i put the whole code into the block property I assume i will get problems. E.G. the user leaves a selection criteria blank (if they want to query all car models they wouldnt select one from the list) i assume the query would only return back values which contain no car model which would be 0 records.
I have created a Data block - 'CONTACTS' (Database data block) and has database item - 'Code', 'Descr'
The number of records displayed is set to 5.
Value When checked - 'Y'
Value When Unchecked - 'N'
Check box mapping of other values - 'unchecked'
The requirement is when i check one or multiple checkboxes, i should pass the 'Code' item values to the WHERE clause.
Right now whenver i am trying to do so, only the current record value is copied to the WHERE clause.
I have tried using basic loop as well as while loop but things havmt worked. Below is a basic code which will work for one record, request to guide me with muliple checkbox ticked.
IF :contacts.cb = 'Y' THEN
IF p_where is null then
p_where := :contacts.code;
p_where := p_where ||','||:contacts.code;
end if;
end if;
p_where:= 'where code in ('||p_where||')';
I want to create table from query with passing parameters
create table as temp
select * from emp
where hiredate between :sdate and :edate
and deptno = :dpt
when I tried in Toad after passing parameters it gives me error
ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"
I have a form which has few textboxes, and few dropdown, and 3 links. Data is entered in few boxes, and then when a link is clicked, it goes to another page, but i want to pass the text in the text boxes, and the selected value from the dropdown also, to be passed as parameters to this link... But since these values are not yet saved, its not getting passed.. like it is something like this in the address bar add_new_event?&event_ id= &event_ name= & event_dt=
Version information:
Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
When an user enters a value in a field of a Screen, I want to query up the next screen records based on that user input value in the previous screen.The previous screen is based on a control block i.e.
items- Q_EMP.emp_id, Q_EMP.FY, Q_EMP.hire_flag.
I am using Oracle 9i and Unix on my system and trying to execute a UNIX shell command through external procedure in C.I created a shared lib ( for the following function.
int sysrun(char *command)
return system(command);
This function runs fine when caled through a driver function in C, meaning that the shared lib is fine.In PL/SQL, I have used the following method to invoke a UNIX command:-
create or replace library shell_lib as '/home/ECETRAonsite/oracle/OraHome1/lib/';
create or replace function sysrun (syscomm in varchar2)
return binary_integer
as language C
name "sysrun"
library shell_lib
parameters(syscomm string);
Now when I call this PL/SQL function to invoke the command, it is run succesfully but does not create the file.
1 declare
2 rc number;
3 begin
4 rc := sysrun('/bin/touch /home/ECETRAonsite/oracle/OraHome1/test/sach');
5 dbms_output.put_line('Return Code='||rc);
6* end;
SQL> /
Return Code=0
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.I have verified that the path for 'touch' is correct.Following are my configuration files.
I want to export forms data into Excel sheetfor that i am using Client_Ole2.I have attached Webutil object library and Pl/Sql libraryStill I can not export data from Form to Excel sheet
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have u na forms developer application in 6.0 that generates a Word document. This application runs successfully on Windows XP operating system. We now have PC's new operating system Windows 7 and officce 2010. My procedure reads a specific route where a template in Word which is used to generate the document. In the user's PC application that does not generate the document even shows me an error message. But when I enter my network user with the user's PC and the document genre generates me perfectly. I checked if the user has access to the server path specifies where the template encuntra wish to open and if you have them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a new form for Oracle Apps, At first when I ran the form from the application all the fields backgrounds were black, so I changed the background in the property palette to white and foreground to black.
Now it shows fine but when I close this form and open another those fields are now blacked out. What should I do, I know the problem comes from the new form.