Forms :: Login Page Value Disappear When Enter 2nd Record?

Jan 30, 2012

display value from login page to call another form first time value is appear when I enter new 2nd record that the time call value disappear.I means user name fix it when i create new record.

this is my code for pre-insert trigger block level


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Application Express :: How To Create A Text That Links To Another Page From The Login Page

May 21, 2013

In the login page, I want to add a text "Register" that when clicked will send the user to another page to register.

With a button, its simple because its inbuilt there,but I do not want a button,just this: Register

I want also to have the text in color not black.

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Forms :: Text Item Content Disappear

Mar 11, 2010

I have data Block with many Items, text item content disappear after when mouse down trigger fire on text item in the same block!!!!!!!!!

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Forms :: Developer 9i AS Icons Disappear At Runtime?

Apr 15, 2010

I develop a form using Devloper9i AS, oracle 9i, Winxp. The problem is: I used icon button at design view ".fmb" but at run time this icon disappears in the file ".fmx" After reading some topics covered this problem in this forum; The following steps are executed:

1-In regedit I put UI_ICON = c:icon --where my gif icon file is located

2-At command prompts i type: C:>jar -cvf icons.jar c:icons Then "ICONS.JAR" file is created on D:Dev9ijdkin

3- I Copy the file "ICONS.JAR" and past into D:Dev9iforms90java

4- I modify the "FORMSWEB.CFG" as follow:


4- In "Registry.dat" I added the flowing line:

default.icons.iconpath= c:icons

5- I modify the "orion-web.xml" .as follow:

<virtual-directory virtual-path="/html"
real-path="D:Dev9i/tools/web90/html" />
is modified to :
<virtual-directory virtual-path="/ICONS"
real-path="C:ICONS" />

6- In the property palette for the icon item and in the Icon Filename I put just the icon name called "w_prev" Without any extension , any path...

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Forms :: PDF File Contains Stacked Canvas Disappear

Jan 25, 2011

I have attached the PDF file contains the stacked canvas disappear problem.

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Forms :: Fields Disappear / Hide After Pressing Execute Query?

Feb 15, 2010

Something strange happens when i give execute query in a form (Oracle Forms 10g.). On executing query, one field disappeared but when i clicked on the location of the field it appeared again. I am not sure if this has something to do with visual attributes/display properties. This is happening only after migration to 10g.

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Enterprise Manager :: OEM Login Page Spins And Never Opens?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a RAC cluster with several databases on it. One of my DB's, when starting the OEM in Internet Explorer, will never open the HOME page. I get the login page, and enter sys/password > SYSDBA. The progress bar on the bottom of browser will slowly move for a period of time, then I get the infamous 404 screen. dbconsole IS started...even stopped and restarted....

Thinking I need to drop and recreate the OEM repository using emca....have the commands to use oin a standalone world, but need some pointers for RAC world.

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Application Express :: Upgrading To 4.2 On XE 11.2  / Blank Login-Page

Oct 24, 2012

I installed APEX 4.2 over XE 11.2

The Installation process succeeded.I Used the Installation Guide -> and followed the steps from chapter 3...My problem after the Apex-Upgrade ->

The page URL.... is blank, or say it better, ... there is nothing visible on that page (no Login-Form)The original GetStarted page from XE Database -> URL.... shows an Error Error Error processing request.ORA-01403: no data found

I can post the sourcecode from the "blank" HTML-Page...

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Application Express :: Setting Default Login Page

Nov 1, 2012

I am working on an existing application updating it to use custom authentication. When I changed the active authentication scheme APEX created a new login page (121). Why? How do I set it back to the login page I was using previously which I ahve customized somewhat?

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Application Express :: Configuration - Error In Login Page?

Sep 14, 2012

I have completed the installation of APEX and HTTP server on an instance. But while configuring , I got the following error in the login page.

Service Temporarily Unavailable. The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server Server at y0319t345 Port 7777 Access log has the following error: - APEX_PUBLIC_USER [14/Sep/2012:14:41:22 -0700] "GET /pls/apex/apex_admin HTTP/1.1" 503 442 - APEX_PUBLIC_USER [14/Sep/2012:14:42:07 -0700] "GET /pls/apex/apex_admin HTTP/1.1" 503 442 - APEX_PUBLIC_USER [14/Sep/2012:14:42:10 -0700] "GET /pls/apex/apex_admin HTTP/1.1" 503 442 - APEX_PUBLIC_USER [14/Sep/2012:15:02:17 -0700] "GET /pls/apex/INTERNAL HTTP/1.1" 503 442

The database was on Solaris recently we upgraded to and migrated it to Linux. I have tried [URL]... and the metalink note 1289136.1 with no success.

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Application Express :: 4.2 Front Page Login Area Alignments

Dec 2, 2012

I am running Apex 4.2 on Oracle Express Edition (Linux). Sometimes my login page has the alignments of the Workspace/username/password login area below the Apex image as below: [URL] ........

This is with using Firefox. The font page renders ok with other browsers like IE or Chrome.

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Application Express :: Displaying Custom Messages On Login Page

Oct 23, 2012

I am using custom authentication with APEX 4.1.1 and I want to display custom error messages on the login page if authentication fails. In my authentication function I'm using apex_util.set_authenication_result to set a result code (code below).

I've tried to use the apex_util.get_authentication_result on the login page to hide and show custom messages but it's not working. I don't believe the apex_util.get_authentication_result is actually obtaining the result?

FUNCTION verify_user(
p_username VARCHAR2,
p_password VARCHAR2
v_ctr      NUMBER;

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Application Express :: Cannot Open Login Page - Not Able To Get Parameters Values

Nov 20, 2012

Not able to open login page 101 in my internal application. I am getting below error

ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
Error Not able to get parameters values

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Oracle Error Message - Click On (Administration) Login Page Is Opening?

Feb 22, 2013

i have successfully installed Oracle 10g in Windows 7 ultimate but there is one problem after installation of Oracle 10g an Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g have opened immediately after installation.

when i have sign in with
username: sys
passwd: oracle
connect as: SYSDBA

iam getting this error message      
java.lang.Exception: Exception in sending Request :: null"

& then when i click on "Administration" again the login page is opening.i have tried installing Oracle 10g 4 times this is 5th time .

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Application Express :: Updating Record As Apex_public_user instead Of Login User?

Sep 9, 2013

I have created an application as database authentication.In the application, I  have developed a screen based on a tabular form,when I try to update a  record ,the record is updated with apex_public_user insted of the database login. 

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Pulling One Record For Each Page?

Dec 1, 2009

I have an alerts system for a web site built in an Oracle DB. There are multiple alerts that can be assigned per page, but I want to display only the most recent. I have 5 pages but each page can have different alerts.

I have a parent table of all the alerts and a child table with the page assignments. I want to pull one record (the newest) for each page assignment. The pages can increase so I can't hardcode this.

I keep thinking I need to do something like:

SELECTalertID, headline

But it's obviously not quite what I need and not the correct syntax.

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Forms :: Concatenate Or Copy Value On Enter Or WVI

May 27, 2013

I have three database fields on my form , field_1 , field_2 and field_3 , user will enter the data in field_1 , and sometime he may not enter in field_2 ,

I want to bring the value of field_1 as it is into field_3 if he does not enter anything in field_2, if he enters the data in field_2 , then field_1 will get concatenated with field_2 and gets copied into field_3.Is there a way to do this automatically at form level using a trigger when-validate-item.In short this should be done after user presses the enter key on field_2.

create table ot_Sale_code_head ( sale_code varchar2(12),code1 varchar2(6),code2 varchar(6),code3 varchar2(12));
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('A','01.01',NULL,NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'A','01.01',NULL,'01.01'
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('B','01.01','PS-P',NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'B','01.01','PS-P','01.01.PS-P'

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Forms :: How To Detect When ENTER Key Pressed

Mar 5, 2010

I have 2 text fields as search criteria and a push button to search. When the user enter any on first field (or in any text field) and press ENTER key, I want to execute the search.

I tried the key-next-item trigger, but it's firing when I press TAB key.

How can I detect ENTER key?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Record Doesn't Contain Page Then Need To Update As Null

Jun 13, 2013

frame a query for the below values .I have few records in a below format.

1) 'CODE#ATC#YEAR#1980#NUM#4229#VOL#80##'
2) 'CODE#NSWLR#YEAR#1985#PAGE#158#VOL#4##'
3) 'CODE#WASC#YEAR#1981#MONTH#07#DAY#24#'
4) 'CODE#RPC#YEAR#1919#PAGE#296#VOL#36#'

I need only the Page from the above records.For example if i take this record

'CODE#NSWLR#YEAR#1985#PAGE#158#VOL#4##' -- I need to extract only the Page from this like 158.

If the record doesn't contain Page then i need to update as null.

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Forms :: How To Cancel Enter-Query Mode

Aug 31, 2011

When i entered for modification/deletion process initially i prefer to entry-query mode then execute the query.

Suppose when i am in entry-query mode but i want to cancel(abort) the mode ie. entry query. How to achieve this.

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Forms :: Enter Data In Mandatory Fields

Mar 29, 2011

I developed a custom Form using Form Builder 6i. This Form has selection criteria (data to be entered in a couple of fields) and a "Find" Button, which queries the data (based on the selection criteria) and populates all fields on the Form.

This Form has a couple of "Required" fields in its search criteria section. When data is not populated in any of the Required fields and "Find" button is clicked upon, Form raises an exception and pops up a message indicating the user 'to enter data in mandatory fields'. However, this message keeps popping up and would not stop.

So, I'm not able to proceed with querying data on my custom Form. I had to kill the session and reconnect to front end to overcome this issue.

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass Table Of Record As Parameter To Server Page

Apr 20, 2013

Is there any way to pass table of record as parameter to the plsql server page? For instance, I can define a new type in package specification:

create or replace package tst_type
type tab_expr_sec is table of varchar2(50) index by pls_integer;

type rec_expr is record (
prim_expr varchar2(50),
expr tab_expr_sec

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Forms :: Disabling LOVs When Not In Enter Query Mode

Nov 5, 2010

I currently have a form in which a master block populates a detail block. when the master is populated the cursor automatically goes to the detail block and sets it to enter query mode (due to the face that there are multiple details but the user may only view one at a time). To select the appropriate detail the user may select the detail from a LOV which is activated by clicking a button. once the detail has been selected and the query executed there is no real need for the LOV as the user can now edit/delete the detail. Also when adding a new detail there would be no need for the LOV as the presence of it would only confuse users. So basically the only time the LOV is usefull is during query mode to query the detail the user wants to edit/delete.

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Forms :: How To Use When-validate-item In Enter-query Mode

Oct 14, 2012

I have to create a form and i have to use trigger when-validate-item in enter-query mode . I have read trigger when-validate-item can not use Enter Query Mode . Is there any way to do this when i enter-query?

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Forms :: Clear A Block For Enter Query Mode?

Jan 16, 2012

I am using Forms 6i,Oracle 10g. In a form I created, I have 3 blocks, first is a toolbar type with buttons to save, exit etc., other two are one master and detail data block.

how to get the default Oracle toolbar with the buttons, save, delete etc. I dont get in my form.

When the cursor is inside the detail block and then I click on an EnterQuery button in the first block, how do I clear the detail block, using the on btn press code.

What happens when I click the Enter Query button, is that the cursor and current block becomes the button block and when I run the command ENTER_QUERY, no use.

I need to set the block in which the cursor is to be cleared for query, whether it is master or detail, by pressing the button on the first block.

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Forms :: Enter Arabic In English Text Field

Apr 24, 2013

I have a problem in Oracle Forms 10g. For any field that should be by default right-to-left (arabic), the reading order is changed when entering the field, but the keyboard is not changed to Arabic automatically. The user has to type ALT+ Shift to manually modify the language.

I worked before with Forms 2000 and Forms 6i (in client/server mode only), it was working fine. Is it impossible on Web Forms? Must I use a Java Bean? If yes, is there something existing to perform what I need?

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Forms :: Radio Buttons Don't Work In ENTER-QUERY

Mar 11, 2010

I have a query form where I am attempting to add radio buttons for the user to specify if they want to see Active, Expired, or Both vendors. The existing form is a multirow database block and a single-row detail database block. Users query in the multirow block. I created a QRY_CONTROL non-database block with the radio group and a couple other variables. When they select a radio button, the WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED changes the default block's where clause.

My problem is that the radio buttons cannot be changed in ENTER-QUERY mode. If they cancel the query, the buttons work as expected. I put in a couple messages and the trigger isn't even firing, so I ruled out a code problem I think.I checked to make sure that the group properties are Enabled=true, mouse_navigable=true, query_allowed=true.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Master Detail Record Show One Page

Jun 30, 2011

When i create report in master detail. When detail record end on the page, the second record show on same page. Problem is that detail show on other page. I want that if record is completed on that page then ok. Otherwise it show on next page.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Show 1 Record Per Page In Matrix Report?

Nov 11, 2010

I want to show 1 record per page in matrix report. I set Main section orientation as landscape and width is 14. but it show multiple records on single page.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Displaying One Record Per Page For All Retrieved Records

Jul 26, 2011

I developed a report in 10g which displays more than 100 records.The requirement is to display each record on single page.Does Oracle Reports have the option to display each on single page?

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